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There are two versions of the module – regular one and a detailed one. Both versions were reviewed
but anyway comments related to the detailed version correspond also to the shortened version since in
the detailed version additional paragraphs are added.

Missing references in the text. Most of the text is taken directly from various sources. In few places, it is
paraphrased using synonyms or in the best case – rewritten a bit more (a simple summary of the same
source is done). Some sections have few sources mentioned, but they just come from original source
and are not identified at the end of the module’s decription.

Topic 4 is actually taken from one study and contains parts that are relevant to the study described in
the main publication but here for the Module’s content several sentences are out of context (i.e., about
what countries there are talked; why this study is important in the context of the module, etc.):

 Across these five countries, as was the case elsewhere, children and young people were at risk
of suffering anxiety, stress, depression, confusion, and other maladaptive psychosocial impacts
of the crisis conditions.
 During the period March to June 2020, MoEs across all nine countries moved assiduously to
mitigate educational impacts and bridge the digital divide by providing hardware like electronic
devices to facilitate participation in e-learning.

Actually, the first part “The Role of MHPSS Professionals in Shaping the Pandemic Response” is not even
related to the Topic about resources and it is not clear how it fits in this Topic.

Overall, the whole text should be rewritten so that it was like a summary of literature sources but not a
copy of original text. So, serious revisions should be done with the module.

Introduction of the module also should be your text, not taken from some source. In the Introduction
part, the goal of the module is also missing. Why also learning outcomes are copied from some source?

Concluding remarks should be like a summary of the whole module not each topic. And also, this part
should be your involvement but not a copy of some other author’s conclusions.

Visual content is almost missing, only one figure in the Topic 1 (without the number). The figure is also
copied and not described in the text without any reference at the end of the module. More visual
information should be added and if possible structured as bullet points or in form of tables, not directly
copied from the original sources. Numbering of figures and tables should be done within each Topic
restarting from 1 again, e.g., in Topic 1 – Fig.1., Fig. 2…., then within Topic 2 again Fig.1., Fig. 2…, etc. The
same for tables. Also, titles should be added for figures and tables. Figures should be available as
separate files as well for the insertion in the e-course.

The pre/post test should include only 7 questions (preferably multiple choice or true/false) at the end of
the module.

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