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=, | Comfort and Protection ESSSESSEE Scientitic management in a controtied manner f ie Easy, convenient and economic operations { ~Fhae___ | Reduces the total cost of production J a Meximizes tock performance er} Ensuring better health and welfare — =. | Proper micro-climatic conditions Eas Increased stocking density =| Optimum and uniform growth rate Type of poultry housing Systems Jt Slatcumitter| _slattedfloor | Deen Litter ba Stair-step/ Battery/ Individual California Vertical Free Range System Oldest system and adopted only when adequate land is available > Rearing of poultry by letting them loose on ground (Field) called as range > Arrange should provide shelter, greens, feed, water, shade ete > Foraging is major source of feeding for birds > Shelter is usually provided by temporary roofing supported by ordinary poles } Stocking density: 300-400 birds per hectare > At present, almost outdated > Commonly used by smaliseale producers > Birds are half way reared in houses and half way on ground or range > Birds are confined to houses in night or as per the need, tcy are also given secess 10 > Houses may be simple house, thatched roof, littered carthfloor or slatted > Provides protection from inclement weather predators and shade > Stocking density: 4-5 birds m.sq. in houses Fold Unit System House and run combined, part of which is covered with chicken wire and the remainder with solid walls A unit 6 metres by 1.5 metres for 6-18 birds Floor space 2 square metres per bird Moved each day over an area of grassland Similar to the deep-liter system, but requires more space, a considerable amount of litter for the yard, and the fresh green food for the birds ‘More expensive and less durable Deep Litter System } Poultry birds are kept in large pens on floor, mainly for broilers > Floor is covered with litters , such as straw, saw dust or leaves up to depth of 2-3 inches > Bird density: 5-7 birds per square meter } Easy assess for feed, water, egg collection, provide good protection > Disadvantage: Require high quality liter and litter born diseases Slatted or wire-floor system > Small houses with a slatted or wire mesh. floor Slats- wooden pieces of 2.5-5 em wide placed 2.5 cm apart, running through the Tength of house » Slats placed 3 ft above the ground floor to allow accumulation of dropping > Bird density can be 6-8 per square metre > Feeding, watering & egg collection handled from outside the house > Cooler houses but expensive & suitable for adult bird only Combination of slatted floor and deep litter > 60% slat area and 40% Titter area >Slats on cither side of house against each side wall leaving central portion for liter floor >The area is raised aboye the concrete floor by 0.5 metres or more accumulate manure below the. slatted > Waterers and feeders are placed on the slatted area >Bird density upto 5-7 per sqaure meter > Expensive & complicated management Aviaries > Multi-tiered buildings for cage-free housing > Several levels of flooring > Use of vertical space (perches and platforms) — allow birds to jump to different levels > High density of birds upto- 25 birds per sqaure meter VoevwyYYyYVyY = Rearing of poultry on ri © floor in smaller compartments, -alled cages Initially introduce for individual egg & pedigree record ‘of poor layers At present, 75% of commercial layers in the world are kept in cages 1 der Suitable for keeping ty of birds, when space is Scientific managemental practices can be followed. veders a1 waterers are attached (o cages from outside, except nipple waterers, for which pipeline is installed through or above cages Auto-operated feeding olleys and egg collection belts can also be used ‘The droppings are either collected in uays underneath cages, on belts or on floor or deep pit under the cages Recommended Floor space Chick (0 to 8 weeks) 0.3 Saft Grower (9 to 16 weeks) = 0.5 Sqft Layer (Above 17 weeks) = 0.6 Floor slope: 1.5 inch per running 12 Based on the bird density Based on arrangement of cages * Single or individual bird cage ‘Battery cages (Vertical eages) (Only one bird in a cage) Multiple bird cage Stair-step cages (From 2 to 10 birds) a) M-type cages * Colony cages b) L-type cages (More than 11 birds per cage) Based on the number of rows Based on the type of bird reared Single-deck Brooder / chick cages “ Double-deck “> Grower cages “ Triple-deck > Layer cages & Four-deck Breeder cages jattery cages Housing (High Rise/ Elevated cage house) > This type of houses provides sullicienl ventilation & waste management in tropical { kL. ‘countries > The height of the shed is raised by 7-8 feet from ground level using concrete pillars > The distance between two pillars is 10 feet % Two feet wide concrete platforms are made ‘over the pillars > For 3 °M’ type cages are arranged 4 platforms sare needed. > The interplatiorm distance is 5-8 feel depending upon the type of the cages used > The total height of the house is 20-25 feet and the width is 30-33 feet en Cres Modern Housing System > In recent years, most poultry operation are intensive type houses with Environment Controlled house, in which inside conditions are maintained as near as to the bird’s optimum requirements > Temperature: 24°C Relative Humidity- 50 to 60% } A closed building with no windows, longitudinal preferably east to west, with big exhaust fans on west side while cvaporative cooling pads on east side along with automatic feeding and drinking systems inside > Fully system controlled with no manual controls, feeding system, watering system, manure collection system, egg collection system are all mechanized and automatic > ECH helps to achieve better FCR, improving production, care of birds, control diseases and meet other safe breeding conditions > One extra batch (or cycle) per year per shed Environmentally Controlled House Principles of Housing Selection of ——— | Housing Design as Housing Equipment's Housing Space (BEE Biosecurity ) 1. Selection of site Located away from residential and industrial area Soil and drainage Basic amenities like water and electricity Shade and protection Relation to other buil Proper ventilation Availability of farm labourers at relatively cheaper wages Market Proper road facilities VY VYVYYYVY 2. Housing Design ance between sheds > Preferably locate chicks, growers & layers in different localities for better biosecurity > Distance between sheds = 0.4 x H VL ‘House Orientation (Direction) N s Ss Hot& cold climate enh esha Hot climate Foundation > Solid & Concrete, concrete blocks & bricks with 1 to 1.5 feet below the surface and 1 to 1.5 feet above the | ground level Length > Can be of any extent Width } Not more than 30 feet % If the width of the shed is more than 30 feet, ridge ventilation at the middle line of the roof top with proper overhang is must > Can be of any width in EC houses upto 40 ft Height > Height of the sides from foundation to the roof line should be 8-10 feet (caves height) and at the centre 10-12 feet > In case of cage houses, the height is decided by the (ype of case arrangements, G tier or 4 ten) Side walls > Protects the bird from adverse climate and provides sufficient ventilation > Usually half to two-thirds area will be kept open and fitted with wire mesh in floor houses > Incage houses, avoid side wall > EC houses should have solid side walls Types of Roofs Soman mou aresees > Sueticienv overhang > Insulation values of R-4 and R-2 for cei wallls, respectively in hot climate ing and > Painted with a reflecting type of paint such as, aluminum paint or polyurethane insulation under the roof or above the c > Dropped ceilings + Madern houses are well insulated with blown in cellulose or glass fiber batt + Protect the trusses and ceiling insulation by \g a8. vapor barrier Wg surface area and reduce heat gain during hot weather and heat loss di cold weather Gable roof/double-pitch span roof Shed Type Monitor style Half-monitor style ‘Roof white washed Types of Floors > Concreie with rat proof device and free from dampness Extended 1.5 fect outside the walll on all sides to prevent rat and snake problems > Consist of well-drained soil or gravel or concrete which is more desirable, it is easy to clean, durable and more rat proof >A concrete floor should be 80-100 mm thick and be made of a stiff’ 1:2:4 or 1:3:5 mix, laid on a firm base at least 150 mm above ground level, and given a smooth finish with a steel] trowel Doors +The door must be open outside mostly in deep- liter poultry houses, >The size of door is preferably 6 x 2.5 feet At the entry, a foot bath should be constructed to fill with a disinfectant 3. Housing Environment Not possible Microenvironmer Ar awaily nim manipulate ontrol over micro-environment can be achieved b By completely | By completely eliminating | enclosed from macro outside environment incliment contact with weather the house conditions Ventilation/ Air Movement Natural Ventilation Natural outside air can easily flow into and out of the house Ventilated shelter must be expose to the wind Windbreaks reduce natural air movement, keep them 100 ft away Increased air-exchange rates. by installing fans Proper building design & construction major factors which affect ventilation Warm Weather SI ‘Cold Weather Mechanical/ Forced Ventilation systems > All air movement is produced by fans and controlled = by —_ automatic environmental control mechanisms in the building > Positive pressure systems use fans to blow fresh air into the building, creating a slightly higher pressure inside the + house Positive > Pressure difference moves the stale air to escape through strategically placed exhaust vents or outlets y. Negative-pressure ventilation: Exhaust fans expel air from the building & creales & partial yacuurn insicle that pulls air into the house evenly through all inlets, creating more uniform conditions in the house Inlets are distributed around the periphery of the building Having a tightly sealed house is critical for successful control of in-house conditions in negative-pressure ventilation LILI | M1 Tunnel ventilation > Most effective in tropical climate due to higher air exchange rate & faster air movement @ 2.5-3 m/sec > Fresh air enters the house at one end and pulled through the house in longitudinal direction by means of high-performance fans ~~ Tunnel venation } Cross ventilation (fans on one side of the house and inlets on the other side works best in houses of less than 10 m wide) > Sidewall ventilation: fans and inlets on same sidewalls } Attic inlet ventilation: fans are distributed al the side-walls, inlets are in the roof anemia Ph teentacees aa (ate veinon Components of Mechanical > Fans and openings: Control the amount of air exchange Effect air distribution and mixing > Heaters: provide supplemental heat during cold weather and brooding > Controls: to adjust ventilating rates (fan controls), supplemental heating, rates, and the air velocity rates (fan controls), supplemental heating rates, and the air velocity through openings as weather, bird age and size change Ventilation systems Exhaust fem \- houses the ground > Use 1x 620 mm rpm fan/1,000 layers > In EC houses determine the no: of fans required house x required speed desired > Aminimum of | m2 inlet area per 14 m3/h exhaust fan capacity is recommended > Placed on the windward direction of the > Install slow speed, industrial fans 1m above Important to determine how much air flow through the building which > Air flow rate = cross sectional area of the Openings Air inlets: to provide fre airflow, and maintain sufficient inlet air velocity g, control direction of Inlets for negative-pressure ventilation systems: continuous slots and discrete box or area inlets Continuous slot inlets have a rigid movable baffle for controlling the size of the opening, Bottom-hinged baffles are preferred. Continuous inlets may be positioned along both caves ‘Tunnel ventilation requires a separate set of inlets Unplanned inlets includes large openings such as doors, windows, and fans without shutters, which are not originally designed to be part of the ventilation system, Heaters Supplemental heat is needed in natural & powered ventilated houses to maintain desired indoor temperatures during cold weather & brooding Different types of heaters are used for supplemental heating in poultry houses including radiant, space and make-up air heaters Radiant Brooder To maintain the indoor temperature and provide air exchange as weather changes hourly and seasonally Regulate the supplemental heating rate Sold state controllers and computer systems capable of controlling the inlet and outlet. opening and supplemental heaters +A well-insulated building is needed for EC houses > It prevent condensation on the inside surfaces, reduce heat loss in cold weather, and reduce solar heat gain in warm weather PAD systems Naturally ree Power- ventilated ventilated ventilated housing, housing house Gully the Hines sere tlng Unc yet rations FOGGER SYSTEM Low pressure fogging + Inject fine water particles + Low cost fogging system + High quality and durable PVC Pipes are used ‘High pressure fogging + Micro mist fog size (10-151) + Fogger in wue sense discharges fog not water Operated intermittently or designed to avoid excessive water + High pressure and durable Stainless Steel Pipes are used Evaporative cooling pads Operate on the same Cooling principle as foggers }Cooled air entered the house, when it passes through the wet pads above which water runs through perforated pipes. >This method av: s the problem of wet litter *Cor rete coated bagasse pad, Aspen fiber rubberised hogshair pad and corrugated cellulose or fluted cardboard pads materials widely used as cooling pads Feeding > Automatic feeders have one loop of feeder chain and wough capable of feeding a given number of birds > A feeding control system to turn the feeders on and off > Feed monitoring systems are available to measure the amount of feed consumed by bird > Itis important that, same amount of feed to be available at all locations along the feeder pans Feed goes through the auger lines & drops into each feed pan for the chickens to eat book of Applied Broiler Production ssed mover |_| |) . co Fig, 718: Components and communication system in acomputer wed bl Lighting + EC houses should be light proof, use of light trap at fan openings + Amonitoring and control system for scheduling of lights + Asystem than can pre-program lighting schedules over the life of the flock is very useful for management + Itis also important to provide the desired intensity of light + Lighting is provided by incandescent lights with dimmer switches Biosecurity

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