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QEGS Careers

Finding out the

Getting help
None of us know the answers to every question, at some point we all need to
seek out help and information. Choosing what options to take for your GCSEs is
one thing where this is really important. Choosing the correct sources of
information is crucial. Today we’re going to look at what sources of information
are available and how we would choose them.

Finding out information

There are lots of things (or places) which we either want or need to find
information about.

Task 1​. On the table below I would like you to list sort of things can you think of
in your life where you need to find out more information.

Task 2​. Following the class discussion I want you to consider if there are any
links or similarities between the things on your list.

Task 3​. In the final column I would like you to suggest where you might find out
information about each thing.

Thing I need to find more information about Where would I find information about
I can find it here.
There are lots of places where you can go, and sources that you can use, to find
Task 4.​ Check out what you know about each place or source by linking them
with the information you can find by using them.
Hint! You can use the suggestions in ‘I can find it here’ as often as you
Making choices about your career.

Below are four categories to think about when you’re preparing for your career journey:

● The​ ​choices you will need to make,

● The people who can help you
● Sources of information and advice
● Things you can do to prepare
• Use these ideas to begin completing your career timeline

• Select options you would consider for each list, and add ideas of your own

• How can other people help you plan your journey?

Possible choices
● Subject choice at 14-16
● Subject choice at 16-18
● Further education
● Higher education
● Employment at 18
● Apprenticeship

The people who can help you

● Careers adviser
● Teachers
● Friends
● Parents
● Family members
● Family friends
● Other adults - who?

Sources of information and advice

● Web searches
● Job websites
● Local newspapers
● Careers fair
● Careers department at school
● Local college
● UCAS university course search

Things you can do to prepare

● Study hard
● Develop skills
● Enterprise activities
● Take part in sports
● Take part in clubs
● Find your own leisure time activities
● Part time job
● Holiday job
● Work experience
● Charity work
● Summer course
● Volunteering
Sources of careers information.
● The National Careers Service: ​The National Careers Service can help you with your
career, learning and training choices: ​
● Target Careers: ​One stop shop for help and advice with all those study and careers
questions: ​
● UCAS: ​Uni course information and application gateway:​ ​
● Not going to uni:​ information and advice on apprenticeships:
● Apprenticeships: ​finding opportunities: ​​
● UCAS Careersfinder:​ graduate jobs, apprenticeships and
internships: ​
● Prospects: ​Graduate jobs, work experience and
apprenticeships: ​

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