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Colombia has commi ed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030, while
another 10% cut could be achieved with interna onal support. According to the ministry
Colombia, we as a country whose reliance toward fossil fuel is s ll strong, par cularly
coal, and as the largest coal producer in La n America and the 10th largest in the world,
the cost we have to prepare is high, but Colombia also realized that the incurred cost for
switching the non-green fuel to the environmentally friendly energy or green energy is
equitable and necessary especially to reduce the e ect of global war.

Although Colombia represents only around 0.4% of global emissions, NDC is one of the
most ambi ous in the La n America and Caribbean region and is much more closely
aligned with the country's objec ve of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

In Colombia, GHG emissions have increased in the past two decades. Agriculture,
silviculture and other related land uses are the highest contributors to GHG emissions,
which are caused mainly by an increase of livestock and the use of fer lizers.

Colombia is at high risk from climate change impacts. The majority of the
population lives in the elevated Andes, where water shortages and land
instability are already a reality, and on the coast, where the increase in sea level
and oods can a ect key human settlements and economic activities we expect
help from France,New Zealand and Denmark.Denmark was ranked as the
country with the highest achievement in climate protection, followed by Sweden.
Sweden has established a goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2045




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