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: MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :01 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family I listen and do Language Learning

Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson ,my learners will be able to name family members .

Target Competencies :interact – interpret– produce.

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· Who / What is questions ?

· This is …….
· He / she

Materials: Family members flashcards / Family song / Ls Bk. 

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

1. Intellectual competency: Can interpret verbal message to get and · Valuing and respecting
give information , family members
· .Being proud of his / her
2- Comm. Comp: Can show confidence when producing examples in post family.
2. Method. Comp.: Can work in pairs.
4- Social Comp: Can use strategies for listening and interpreting oral
Time Frame Procedure Focus Objectives Materials VAKT
/M .I
10 m   Warm up:  T .Ls Activating my Ls  Ls memory  V
attention through
    · T asks Ls to sing the song P46 :  L/L a song .  

 10 m  Initial      
situation T writes on the board:



T shows a cards representing a family , and asks Ls : What
is this ?   Presenting the  
sequence project
as anintial


the new lexis
about family,
  Ls BK

T shows the following card : Do you know what’s this ?


L /T Flashcards

Presenting the
family tree as the
project of Seq.2

T explains what’s this, and that at the end of this

sequence they will realize their family tree and stick it on
their Cbks.
T asks Ls to open their Bks P48 A
 Pre- T /L
listening What do you see? It’s a …………picture/ photo.

How many people are in this photo?

Present the new
How many girls/boys?

Can you identify some of them?

Ok , go to P49:

Identify the picture: a sofa, 2 boys , table, juice, tablet

T presents the picture as it’s written :

This is Omar.

This is Peter , a British guest / friend of Omar.

T asks :

· Is Omar British? No , he is Algerian.

· T : Omar is Algerian.
· Peter is British M

L s repeat
During T asks Ls to close the Cbk, and listen to her:
T acts out the dialogue holding the picture of omar’s
family and points the members :

Task one: Who is who?

Listen to get

Loulou grandmother sister

T sticks the following pictures on the board and asks Ls to


Discover family
members though
a listen and
watch activity
T names the family members , and Ls repeat Flashcards

Task two :
I can place the following pictures in the chart:


T adds more pictures and presents them:

· This is my aunt Karima

· This is my uncle Hocine
· This is my cousin Ahmed Using This to T ‘s activity
· This is my cousin Nadia point out Family
10m members
L s repeat : aunt- uncle – cousin


Task three :

I can reorder the letters to form coherent names:

Naming family T ‘s activity

· T – H – F- R- E – A ………………… members
· E- T- S-R-I-S …………………. through a re-
ordering activity.
· H-E-T-R-B-O-R …………………
· R- M- T-E-H-O ……………….

T invites Ls to listen to the song of : Finger family

T sings with Ls , and then asks them to try and sing


N .B : time here is not really measurable

So , take your time to teach Family vocabulary .
Teacher’s comment :

What worked What hindred Action point

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :02 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family Members I can name jobs Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson ,my learners will be able to name different jobs and their places.

Target Competencies :interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· Jobs vocabulary
· Personal pronouns ( He / She)
· Possessive adjectives.( His / Her)
· Articles(a, an , the)

Materials: jobs flashcards / jobs song / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

Intellectual competency:The learner can interpret verbal · Valuing and respecting work and jobs .
messages to get information. · Being proud of parents jobs .

Comm. Comp: He can show creativity when producing his/ her · Accepting all kinds of jobs.
own examples in post listening.

Method.Competency:-The learner can work in pairs.

Social Comp: He names different

occupation .
Tim Frame Procedure Focu Lear. Mat. VAKT/M 
e s Objectives .I
10  Warm T asks Ls to sing the Finger Family song  T .Ls Activating  Ls’  
m my Ls memor
up  L/L attention y  
  through a
song .
   Intial · T says : I am a teacher .    
  situate. · What ‘s your occupation? T sticks different job pictures ,
among them , learner’s one, and asks them to find their  
10 occupation.
m · So , you are a learner, a pupil   T ‘s  
· T points to herself, Iam a ……………Teacher. intial
on  Presentin
The teacher draws the following chart on the board g
m Picture Place of work the new
lexis about
Occupation L/L jobs ,  
A teacher Flash
A doctor

An architect

An astronaut


A postman

T sticks different cards representing jobs , and asks learners if they

can name them, even in French .
T writes : Post office – School – NASA – Office – Hospital this and I
And asks Ls to place them the correct place:

· The teacher works in ………… T’s

· The doctor works in ………. act.
Practice · The postmen works in ……………. V
· The architect works in……… Flash
the new
Task two :
I can match : Cards

T sticks more cards :

T names the jobs and Ls repeat .

Task three :
Use I
T asks Ls to observe :

T writes and sticks cards next to each sentence.

T highlights a / an , and the 1st letter oif each occupation.

and Using
a / an to
coherent T’s
sentences. act.

· My cousin is a surgeon
· My nephew is an electrician
· My nephew Khaled is a dustman
· My aunt is an engineer .

T reads the examples and asks some Ls to read

T draws the following chart and uses colours to clarify the rule within
giving it directly :

act. A
Article Vowels Article
s /d A e/ a an
Produce Task : I can put in : a / an

· She is ……… .
· He is ……..painter.
· She is ……..dancer.
· He is …….boxer.
· She is ………cook
· He is ………..artist.
T’s M
Reinforce act.
T shows other cards and asks : a / an , then
ment and
She uses the to point out different jobs: consolidati

The artist – the waiter – the clown – the scientist.

Home work :
To be added to the folder or to the portfolio .

P .50 : To be drawn and coloured.

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :03 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family I can name jobs Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson , my learners will be able to count from 15 to 100, to use the ordinal
numbers correctly , and to give and ask about age .

Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· Cardinal and ordinal numbers .

· Family and Jobs vocabulary
· Personal pronouns ( He / She)
· Articles(a, an , the)

Materials: jobs flashcards / jobs song / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

Intel. Comp.:The learner can interpret verbal messages to get · Be confident .

information. · Being proud of his / her progress .

Comm. Comp: He can show creativity when producing his/ her

own examples .

Method compet:-The learner can work in pairs.

Social Comp: He can use cardinal and

ordinal numbers to count, give age, and
classify or order .
Time Frame Procedures Foc LEAR.OBJECT MAT VA
Work KT/MI
10 Warm · T asks Ls to count from 1 to 15 T/ Revision
m Up · T asks some Ls to come to the board to write some L And
numbers in full. motivation
· T asks Ls to correct their friends if they make mistake .

· T : Can you help me to count Learners in your class:

10 Initial situat · How many learners are there in your class: Preparation
m ion · Let’s count: and
· There are ……….. T/ introduction
· T accepts answers in French L

· Teachers sticks the following pictures :

30 m 1 Presentation
Through cards


· T asks Ls if they can count without help:

· T corrects Ls’ counting .

· Collective and individual repetition

· T draws the following chart and writes numbers, and

asks Ls if they can count
20 30 40 50 60 T/
Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty L
70 80 90 100
Seventy Eighty Ninety One
Use and
T says the numbers and Ls repeat practice of
Practice 1 T draws the following chart and asks Ls to write in full : numbers
94 T/
99 L

T corrects the activity with the learners.

T asks Ls to read and she corrects them
Produce 1 Reinforcement
T asks : How old are you? and production
· I am 12 years old . L /L
· How old is your father, mother , sister …….?
· She is……………years old .
· He is…………………. Years old.
· My sister is …………..years old.
· My grandmother is …………..years old.

Step two :
T sticks the following picture: T/



T says the ordinal numbers and asks Ls to repeat with her:

Practice 2 T asks Ls to open their Bks p 53:
Do task 8 :

T place the cards of ordinal numbers from the first to the fifth .

· T says the ordinal numbers and learners repeat

· T draws a chart of averages , and sticks cards
representing the ordinal numbers from first to tenth in
disorder and asks Ls to place them :

Pupil Average Order

Nassim 19.88
Produce 2 Rania 19.70
Mohamed 19.50
Amina 19 T/
Karim 18.99 L
Nazim 18.90
Aymen 18.88

T explains the way ordinal numbers are written in short form with

21st , 22nd ,23rd , 31st , 32nd , 33rd

T asks Ls if they can give some examples.

L /L
T asks Ls to copy the chart down .
Home works :
P .53
Ls copy down the chart p 52 and p 53 .



Teacher’s comments :

What worked What hindered Action points

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :04 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family I can pronounce Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to recognize the different sounds of / th / :
/ð/ , /θ / ,and to discriminate between the different vowel sounds /e / and /ɪ:/

Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· /ð /, /θ /
· / i: /
· /e /

Materials: flashcards / / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

Intel comp: learner can interpret verbal messages to get · Ce confident .

information. · Being proud of his / her progress .

Comm. Comp: L can show creativity when producing his/ her own · Openess to English prononciation
examples .

Method. Compet:-The learner can work in pairs.

Social Comp: He can pronounce correctly

without fear .

Time Frame Procedures Focus LEAR.OBJECTIVES MAT VAKT/MI

Teachers ‘ comment :

What worked What hindered Action points

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :05 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family My grammar tools Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able :

· to introduce someone using “This”,

· to use the personal pronouns “He, She”,

· to use the possessive adjectives “ His , Her”,

· to ask about a job using “ What” and to ask about relatives using “Who”,

· to indicate possession using “ Have , has”,

· to use the three forms : affirmative , negative and interrogative forms,

· to speak about likes using the verbs: “Like , love”

Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· This
· He / She
· His / Her
· What / Who
· Have / Has
· Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms
· Likes

Materials: jobs flashcards / jobs song / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values .

· Intellectual competency:L can interpret verbal · Being proud of progress.

messages to get information.
· Comm. Comp: He can show creativity when producing · Openness and flexibility when using
his/ her own examples . English language. .
· Method Comp:L can work in pairs.

· Social.Comp: He can use correct

English when communicating with

Time Frame Procedures Focus LEAR.OBJ. MAT. VA

Work KT/
10 Warm T asks Ls to do the following task :
Ms Up I can put a / an / or the :
· My mother is ……teacher.
· My father is ………architect
· ……. doctor works in ……hospital.
· ……..teacher works ………
10 Initial Correction
Ms situatio · Task two : I can use : I / He , She to complete :
n · My cousin is an artist …… in a theater .
· …….’m a cook …… in a restaurant.
· Kamel is my uncle…………….is an engineer.
Correction .
T writes the following text on the board:
T explains that Ikram is introducing her family members to her British e-
30 m ation
pal Elizabeth:
Hi Elizabeth ,
How are you? I am happy to introduce my family.
My father is a dentist. He is 45 years old. His name is Omar. My mother
is a surgeon . She is 40.Her name is Yasmine. I have one brother. His
name is Amine. He is 10. I have also one sister. Her name is Khadidja .
She is 12.She is a pupil at Madani Boualem Middle school, year
3 .Amine likes football and Karaté . Amina loves swimming and playing
How about you?

T reads the e-mail :

T asks Ls to find :
The sender ‘s name :………………..
The reciever’s name:………………
T asks the following questions :
· Who is Omar? ………Ikram’s ………….
· Who is Yasmine?.............Ikram’s ……..
· Who is Khadidja?.................
· Who is Amine?.......................
· What is Omar job?.........
· What is Meriem Job?..............
· What’s Khadidja occupation?............
· Is Omar a taxi driver?.................
· Is Meriem a surgeon?......................
· I s Khadidja a pupil?................

T reads the texts again and asks Ls to observe the highlighted words.
T deletes them and asks Ls to find them

T corrects the e-mail with Ls

T deletes the words again and replace them with wrong words , and
asks Ls to correct the mistakes.

T writes the following sentences and introduces “ This “: use ( he, she/
his / her to complete)

· This is my brother ………is 15 name is Aymen ………… a

student in high school.
· This is my cousin………… is a baker………name is Malika …….
likes cakes.
· This is my aunt………….. is a cook …… is Nawel
……..cooks delicious food.
· This is my nephew ………… a footballer…….name
…………….football team is MCA.

T shows photos of the persons in the task , and point with her finger
using This to draw the Ls attention .
T asks Ls to open their Bks P.57 and to do task 1 in pairs
Correction with simple explanation.
T asks Ls to read the e-mail , and asks the following questions :
· Who is Ahmed? ……….is Omar’s…………….
· Who is Meriem ? Omar’s ………..
· Who is Akram?.................Omar’s ……………
T writes the following questions:
· Is Ahmed a carpenter? Yes, he is .
· Is Meriem a doctor ? No , she is not ( isn’t )
· Is Ahmed 47 ? ..........................
· Is Meriem 42? ....................
· Is Akram a pupil? ...........................
T .asks Ls personal information:
· Is your father a doctor ?..........
· Is your mother a dentist ?...............
· Are you a pupil?.................
· Are you a teacher?....................
T writes the following examples on the board :
· I have one sister . She has a black and white dog.
· I have one brother . He has a red fish.
T asks Ls to choose the correct answer :
· I have /has a cousin .He have / has two hamsters.
· I have / has a friend. She have / has a brown cat.

T asks Ls to correct:
I has a friend . He have two birds.
I has a cousin . She have a beautiful white rabbit.
T. asks Ls to complete :
· I like …………….
· I love …………
· Akram likes …………..
· Nadia likes …………….
· My father / mother likes ………..
· My sister loves………..
T, here, uses pictures to help Ls find answers

Teacher’s comments :

What worked What hindered Action points

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :06 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family I read and do Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to understand a short written message ( a
profile ) and to deal with its activities of comprehension

Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

Materials: jobs flashcards / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

· Intellectual competency:The learner can interpret verbal · Being proud .

messages to get information.
· Being polite
· Comm. Comp : He can show creativity when producing · Openness .
his/ her own examples in post reading .
· Method comp: learner can work in pairs.

· He can use non verbal forms and

transform them to verb ones .

Time Frame Procedures Focus LEAR.OBJ. MAT. VA

Work KT/MI
10 Warm T asks Ls to match the following flags to the countries :
Ms Up Algeria

T draws the following chart:

T asks Ls to place the above countries in the chart :
Continent Country
m Pre
T asks Ls :
· Where is Algeria ? It’s in…………….
· Where is England ? It’s in……………
· Where is China? It’s in ……………………
· Where is France ? It’s in …………….
· Where is Australia? It ‘s in ……………..
T asks Ls to open their bks P59:
During Can you identify this text: is it a letter or an e-mail? why?
Reading T asks learners to read it quickly :
Task one : P.59
Task two :
Read the text again and say : true / false with correction:
· Jack’s mother is from Canada……………….
· Jack’s hamster name is Scruff………………..
T asks Ls to go to P60:
T asks Ls to read the email quickly:

T asks Ls to fill in the following form:

· Sender’s name:………
· Receiver’s names:……………
· Subject :…………….

T asks Ls to read again , and to do task two P.60


Reading three :

Choose the correct answer:

· Adaku is from : Niger – Nigeria – Libya.

· Adaku likes : boxing – swimming – jogging .
· Adaku loves: rice and beans – rice and meat - rice and
· Adaku ‘s pet name’s is : Felix – Max – Rex.

Post reading :
Now , it’s your turn to answer Adaku’s email.

Step one : Go to P.59

Use Jack’s form , and fill it with your information
T checks Ls’s forms

Step two :
v Use the information in the form to respond to Adaku ‘s
v T monitors Ls
v T checks Ls’s emails.
v T asks Ls to swap their emails and exchange them.
v T writes the email as a task of missing words , and asks Ls
to fill in it with their personal information:

Hi! ……… ,
My name is………………………..I am …….years old . I am from
………………I speak French , Arabic and ………………I like ……………………I
like ……………….......and………………………My favourite food is
……………………..and……………….I have a pet ……………..called……………..

T checks Ls works.
T invites some Ls to read their emails.

Teacher’s comments :

What worked What hindered Action points

Leve : MS1
Sequence :02 Lesson :07 Learning Focus :
Me And My Family I learn to integrate Language Learning
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to realize his / her family tree, and to send it
as an attached document to a an e-pal .

Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written - Both

Target Structures:

· Family members vocabulary

Materials: Family flashcards / Family song / Ls Bk.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :

Intellect compet: L can show creativity when designing . · Valuing and respecting family .
· Being proud to belong to a family.
Comm. .Comp: L can show creativity when realizing his/ her r
family tree. · Valuing family life.
· Being polite.
Metho compet: L can work in pairs or in a group.

Social Comp: L can use strategies to realie

his / her Family tree.
Time Frame Procedures Focus LEAR.OBJ. MAT. VA
Work KT/MI

10 Warm T asks Ls to sing “ Finger Family song”

Ms Up

Initial T draws the following circle:

10 situation
Ms Facebook – Gmail- Yahoo-
Instagram – Twitter – Blog

T asks Ls: Who can read these words ?

T cleans words by word and asks Ls to find them.

T asks Ls to do the following task:

I can find the odd word out:
v Father – mother – brother – mechanic.
v Teacher – doctor – sister – dentist.
v I – he – she - family
v Am – is – I – are
T sticks the following flash card :

T asks a learner to come to the board and read what’s written

This card represent :
A teacher’s tree
A family tree .

· Can you realize one like that?

· T asks Ls to open their bks P 61:
· Can you identify this text: is it a letter or an e-mail?

T asks learners to read it quickly :

Sender’s name:……………
Receiver’s name :…………..

Task two :
T draws the following circle and asks Ls to fill it with their family
Father : …. Mother : ……..
Brother : …… Sister :…………
Grandfather : ….. Grandmother :……
Uncle : ……… Aunt:………
Cousin :…………….

T sticks on the board family tree models :

T asks Ls to choose one model and try to work on it

Publish : Send it as an attachment
T explains what’s an attachment using an internet connection if
Hi , Margaret,
How are you ?
Here is my Family tree as you asked for
Omar ( Ls’ name)

Here Ls will swap their family tree . or send it as an attachment via

Internet if possible.
Teacher’s comments :

What worked What hindered Action points

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