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live/liv/= a trăi, a locui

nice/nais/= drăguț/ drăguță

cook/cuk/= a găti
read/rid/= a citi
books/buk/= cărți
do/du/= a face
My pet is a cat. Her name is Elsa. She is white and she is
three years old. She stays in the house with me. She likes to
sleep and to play with her toys. I like to play with her and I
feed her every day.
My pet is a nymph parrot. His name is Paco. He is yellow
and grey and he is two months old. He stays in a bird cage. He
likes to eat parrots food and he drinks water. I talk with him
and I clean his bird cage.
buy/bai/= a cumpăra
bought/bots/= a cumpărat
sleepy/slipi/= somnoros
now/nau/= acum
me/mi/= mie, pe mine
He helps me. = El mă ajută pe mine.
keep/kip/= a ține
clean/clin/= curat
him/him/= lui, pe el
come/cam/= a veni
grow/grău/= a crește
quickly/cuikli/= rapid
1. My new pet is a little dog.
2. He is sleepy because he is little now.
3. My dad and mom help me to keep the dog clean.
4. My pet stay in a doghouse.

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