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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Gilly
Subj: Digitize the entire center's restaurant

Hello Gilly,

I want to thank you for attending today's meeting, it has been very interesting to brainstorm
and discuss proposals on how to carry out the expansion of the area in our restaurants in
different locations the use of tablets. As Omar has told us, he is looking to do it as quickly as
possible to maximize profits.

After analyzing the different ideas, I have come to the conclusion that it would be a good idea
to put our points in common, your large scale experience with other restaurants reflects much
of your success, and I consider it appropriate to include you in a joint proposal to carry out this
expansion. For now, I think it would be interesting to have a parallel meeting where we can
establish these points and see which way we could move forward.

You have a great passion for the restaurant industry, and you have raised the income year
after year, to count on you for this proposal would be a privilege for me, because it would also
allow me to continue learning from professionals like you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Email #2

From: Peta
To: Carter
Subj: Proposed extension of tablets to the entire restaurant

Hi Carter,

I want to thank you for joining the meeting we had today. Being able to listen to ideas and
discuss proposals is very enriching and your input has been very enlightening to know what
direction to take from now on. As Omar has asked us, we are looking for ways to carry out the
expansion of digital tablets to the whole restaurant area, I would like to discuss with you a
proposal I have in mind.

During the meeting, I have observed your concern about the hiring of more staff and the
possible saturation that may occur due to the expansion of the use of digital tablets
throughout the restaurant. I think it would be convenient to elaborate a joint plan to be able to
balance Omar's idea with yours, so that we can have a common understanding and move
forward with the initial proposal.

For all this I have contacted Gilly, who has extensive experience in the restaurant industry,
and together, we can develop such a proposal. I consider your input to be essential as you
reflect the day to day work on the front line, and it is important to cover all areas before
making a decision.

I look forward to hearing from you, as well as answering any questions you may have.

Best regards,


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