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T-TESS Walkthrough

User Information
Building: KEEBLE EC/PK/K Department: None
Grade: None Evaluation Type: T-TESS (v1)
Assigned Administrator: JESSIE, KORY Evaluation Cycle: 08/15/2022 - 06/15/2023
Submitted By: JESSIE, KORY Date Submitted: 12/05/2022 1:34 pm CST
Acknowledged By: FOSTER, NAKEISHIA Date Acknowledged: 12/08/2022 12:27 pm CST
Finalized By: JESSIE, KORY Date Finalized : 12/08/2022 12:29 pm CST

Date of Observation: 12/5/2022

Time of lesson observed:

Beginning of the lesson

​Domain 2: Instruction
TESS Instruction Dimension 2.1 Achieving Expectations  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

2.1 Achieving The Teacher   ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher
The teacher supports all Provides opportunities for Provides opportunities for Sets academic Sets academic Sets expectations that
learners in their pursuit of students to establish high students to establish high expectations that expectations that challenge few students.
high levels of academic academic and social- academic and social- challenge all students. challenge most students. Concludes the lesson
and social-emotional emotional expectations for emotional expectations for Persists with the lesson Persists with the lesson even though there is
success. themselves. themselves. until there is evidence that until there is evidence that evidence that few students
Persists with the lesson Persists with the lesson most students some students demonstrate mastery of the
until there is evidence that until there is evidence that demonstrate mastery of demonstrate mastery of objective.
all students demonstrate most students demonstrate the objective. the objective. Allows student mistakes
mastery of the objective. mastery of the objective. Addresses student Sometimes addresses to go unaddressed or
Provides opportunities for Anticipates student mistakes and follows student mistakes. confronts student errors in a
students to self-monitor and mistakes and encourages through to ensure student Sometimes provides way that discourages further
self-correct mistakes. students to avoid common mastery. opportunities for students effort. 
Systematically enables learning pitfalls. Provides students to take initiative of their Rarely provides
students to set goals for Establishes systems opportunities to take own learning. opportunities for students to
themselves and monitor their where students take initiative of their own   take initiative of their own
progress over time. initiative of their own learning. learning.
  learning and self-monitor.    
12/05/2022 08:57 am: Go ahead and start talking with your partner and use your sentence stem. Student asking another how do you be safe?
Rubric Score: 4/5

TESS Instruction Dimension 2.2 Content Knowledge and Expertise  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

2.2 Content The Teacher   ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher
Knowledge and
Expertise  Displays extensive content Conveys a depth of Conveys accurate Conveys accurate content Conveys inaccurate
The teacher uses knowledge of all the subjects content knowledge that content knowledge in knowledge. content knowledge that
content and she or he teaches and closely allows for differentiated multiple contexts.  Sometimes integrates leads to student confusion. 
pedagogical expertise related subjects.  explanations.  Integrates learning learning objectives with Rarely integrates
to design and execute Integrates learning Integrates learning objectives with other other disciplines. learning objectives with
lessons aligned with objectives with other objectives with other disciplines. Sometimes anticipates other disciplines.
state standards, disciplines, content areas and disciplines and real-world Anticipates possible possible student Does not anticipate
related content and real-world experience. experiences. student misunderstandings. misunderstandings. possible student
student needs. Consistently anticipates Anticipates possible Provides opportunities Sometimes provides misunderstandings.
possible student student misunderstandings for students to use different opportunities for students to Provides few
misunderstandings and and proactively develops types of thinking (e.g., use different types of opportunities for students to
proactively develops teaching teaching techniques to analytical, practical, thinking (e.g., analytical, use different types of
techniques to mitigate mitigate concerns. creative and research- practical, creative and thinking (e.g., analytical,
concerns. Regularly provides based). research-based). practical, creative and
Consistently provides opportunities for students to Accurately reflects how   research-based).
opportunities for students to use different types of the lesson fits within the  
use different types of thinking thinking (e.g., analytical, structure of the discipline
(e.g., analytical, practical, practical, creative and and the state standards.
creative and research-based). research-based).  
Sequences instruction that Sequences instruction
allows students to understand that allows students to
how the lesson fits within the understand how the lesson
structure of the discipline, the fits within the structure of
state standards, related content the discipline and the state
and within real-world scenarios. standards.
12/05/2022 09:09 am: Have you guys ever been outside and it was super hot? S says and then we start to sweat and our faces turn red. What can you use to
hep you cool off? S says sunscreen and water. 5-4-3-2-1 when students get a li ttle chatty.
Rubric Score: 4/5

TESS Instruction Dimension 2.3 Communication  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement
2.3 Communication ​The Teacher   ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher
The teacher clearly and
accurately communicates Establishes classroom Establishes classroom Establishes classroom Leads lessons with Directs lessons with little
to support persistence, practices that encourage all practices that encourage all practices that provide some opportunity for opportunity for dialogue,
deeper learning and students to communicate students to communicate opportunities for most dialogue, clarification or clarification or elaboration.
effective effort. safely and effectively using a effectively, including the use students to communicate elaboration.  Is sometimes unaware of
variety of tools and methods of visual tools and effectively with the teacher Recognizes student or unresponsive to student
with the teacher and their technology, with the teacher and their peers. misunderstandings but misunderstandings. 
peers. and their peers. Recognizes student has a limited ability to Uses verbal
Uses possible student Anticipates possible misunderstandings and respond. communication that is
misunderstandings at student misunderstandings responds with an array of Uses verbal and characterized by inaccurate
strategic points in lessons to and proactively develops teaching techniques to written communication grammar; written
highlight misconceptions and techniques to address clarify concepts. that is generally clear communication that has
inspire exploration and obstacles to learning. Provides explanations with minor errors of inaccurate spelling, grammar,
discovery. Provides explanations that that are clear and uses grammar. punctuation or structure.
Provides explanations are clear and coherent and verbal and written Asks remember and Rarely asks questions, or
that are clear and coherent uses verbal and written communication that is understand level asks questions that do not
and uses verbal and written communication that is clear clear and correct.  questions that focus on amplify discussion or align to
communication that is clear and correct. Asks remember, the objective of the the objective of the lesson.
and correct. Asks questions at the understand and apply level lesson but do little to  
Asks questions at the creative, evaluative and/or questions that focus on the amplify discussion.
creative, evaluative and/or analysis levels that focus on objective of the lesson and  
analysis levels that require a the objective of the lesson provoke discussion.
deeper learning and broader and provoke thought and Uses probing questions
understanding of the discussion. to clarify and elaborate
objective of the lesson. Skillfully uses probing learning.
Skillfully balances wait questions to clarify, elaborate  
time, questioning techniques and extend learning.
and integration of student Provides wait time when
responses to support questioning students.
student-directed learning.  
Skillfully provokes and
guides discussion to pique
curiosity and inspire student-
led learning of meaningful
and challenging content.
12/05/2022 08:55 am: How can we protect ourselves? Think about it, when you have your answers give me a thumbs up.
12/05/2022 09:01 am: I heard some really good answers, Joseph can you share, she reminds him to use his sentence stem. Joseph said to protect myself I
use the seatbelt in my car. What does your seatbelt protect you from? S says a car accident.
12/05/2022 09:02 am: We are going to see how some animals protect themselves. Remember we talked about our basic needs. What are some of our
needs? S say shelter, water and food.
12/05/2022 09:04 am: T reviews vocabulary. Oily- gives example, Pants- gives example and students repeat the word. Camoflauge-Student said he's
camouflaging so he doesn't get harmed.
12/05/2022 09:08 am: Student says the bird feathers are oily and protects them. 21 students all engaged. Student says what if its hot? T says well its not
hot in the winter, well maybe here in Houston.
12/05/2022 09:11 am: WHat do you think is chasing this deer? S says a hunter, a lion, a panda. T says I don't know about a panda. What emotion is this
skunk showing? S says he is scared.
Rubric Score: 4/5

TESS Instruction Dimension 2.4 Differentiation  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

2.4 Differentiation ​The Teacher   ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher ​The Teacher
The teacher
differentiates Adapts lessons with a Adapts lessons to Adapts lessons to Adapts lessons to address Provides one-size-fits-all
instruction, aligning wide variety of instructional address individual needs of address individual needs of some student needs. lessons without meaningful
methods and strategies to address all students.  all students. Sometimes monitors the differentiation.
techniques to diverse individual needs of all Regularly monitors the Regularly monitors the quality of student Rarely monitors the
student needs.  students. quality of student quality of student participation and quality of student
Consistently monitors participation and participation and performance. participation and
the quality of student performance. performance. Sometimes provides performance. 
participation and Regularly provides Provides differentiated differentiated instructional Rarely provides
performance.  differentiated instructional instructional methods and methods and content.  differentiated instructional
Always provides methods and content to content to ensure students Sometimes recognizes methods and content.
differentiated instructional ensure students have the have the opportunity to when students become Does not recognize when
methods and content to opportunity to master what master what is being confused or disengaged and students become confused
ensure students have the is being taught. taught. minimally responds to or disengaged, or does not
opportunity to master what Proactively minimizes Recognizes when student learning or respond appropriately to
is being taught. student confusion or students become confused social/emotional needs. student learning or social/
Consistently prevents disengagement by or disengaged and responds   emotional needs.
student confusion or addressing learning and/or to student learning or  
disengagement by social/ emotional needs of social/emotional needs.
addressing learning and/or all students.  
social/ emotional needs of  
all students.

Rubric Score: 3/5

TESS Instruction Dimension 2.5 Monitor and Adjust  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

2.5 Monitor and Adjust The Teacher  The Teacher ​The Teacher The Teacher ​The Teacher
The teacher formally and
informally collects, Systematically gathers input Utilizes input from Consistently invites Sometimes utilizes input Rarely utilizes input
analyzes and uses student from students in order to students in order to monitor input from students in from students in order to from students in order to
progress data and makes monitor and adjust instruction, and adjust instruction, order to monitor and monitor and adjust monitor and adjust
needed lesson activities or pacing to respond activities and pacing to adjust instruction and instruction and activities.  instruction and activities.
adjustments. to differences in student respond to differences in activities.  Adjusts some instruction Persists with
needs. student needs. Adjusts instruction within a limited range. instruction or activities
Adjusts instruction and Adjusts instruction and and activities to maintain Sees student behavior that do not engage
activities to maintain student activities to maintain student student engagement. but misses some signs of students.
engagement. engagement. Monitors student disengagement.  Generally does not link
Uses discreet and explicit Continually checks for behavior and responses Is aware of most student student behavior and
checks for understanding understanding through for engagement and responses but misses some responses with student
through questioning and purposeful questioning and understanding. clues of misunderstanding. engagement and
academic feedback. academic feedback.     understanding.
    Makes no attempts to
engage students who
appear disengaged or
12/05/2022 08:59 am: T walks around checking in. What do you use to keep yourself safe? S tells teacher the house. How does it keep you safe. It's my
Rubric Score: 4/5

​Domain 3: Learning Environment

TESS Learning Environment Dimension 3.1 Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

3.1 Classroom Establishes and uses effective Establishes and uses All procedures, Most procedures, Few procedures and routines
Environment, routines, transitions and effective routines, routines and transitions routines and transitions guide student behavior and
Routines and procedures that primarily rely on transitions and procedures are clear and efficient.  provide clear direction but maximize learning. Transitions
Procedures student leadership and that she or he implements Students actively others are unclear and are characterized by confusion
The teacher responsibility.  effortlessly.  participate in groups, inefficient.  and inefficiency. 
organizes a safe, Students take primary Students take some manage supplies and Students depend on Students often do not
accessible and leadership and responsibility for responsibility for managing equipment with very the teacher to direct them understand what is expected of
efficient classroom. managing student groups, student groups, supplies limited teacher direction. in managing student them. 
supplies, and/or equipment. and/or equipment.  The classroom is safe groups, supplies and/or The classroom is unsafe,
The classroom is safe and The classroom is safe, and organized to support equipment.  disorganized and uncomfortable.
thoughtfully designed to engage, inviting and organized to learning objectives and is The classroom is safe Some students are not able
challenge and inspire students to support learning objectives accessible to most and accessible to most to access materials.
participate in high-level learning and is accessible to all students. students, but is  
beyond the learning objectives. students.   disorganized and
12/05/2022 08:56 am: Here is your sentence stem....To protect yourself I use.....You will tell your partner. Remember to speak quietly with your partner. T tells
kids who their partners are.
12/05/2022 09:05 am: Students looking a pictures as the T reads. What do we use when it's raining outside. How is the insect protecting itself. Student says he
uses the leaf. Student gets up to use the RR without interruption.
Rubric Score: 3/5

TESS Learning Environment Dimension 3.2 Managing Student Behavior  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

3.2 Managing Student Consistently monitors Consistently encourages Consistently Inconsistently Rarely or unfairly
Behavior  behavior subtly, reinforces and monitors student implements the campus implements the campus enforces campus or
The teacher establishes, positive behaviors appropriately behavior subtly and responds and/or classroom and/or classroom behavior classroom behavior
communicates and and intercepts misbehavior to misbehavior swiftly. behavior system system. standards. 
maintains clear expectations fluidly.  Most students know, proficiently. Student failure to meet Student behavior
for student behavior. Students and the teacher understand and respect Most students meet expected classroom impedes learning in the
create, adopt and maintain classroom behavior expected classroom behavior standards classroom.
classroom behavior standards. standards. behavior standards. interrupts learning.  
12/05/2022 08:56 am: Here is your sentence stem....To protect yourself I use.....You will tell your partner. Remember to speak quietly with your partner.
T tells kids who their partners are.
12/05/2022 09:09 am: Have you guys ever been outside and it was super hot? S says and then we start to sweat and our faces turn red. What can you
use to hep you cool off? S says sunscreen and water. 5-4-3-2-1 when students get a li ttle chatty.
Rubric Score: 4/5

TESS Learning Environment Dimension 3.3 Classroom Culture  

Dimension Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Needs Improvement

3.3 Classroom Culture Consistently engages all students Engages all students with Engages all Establishes a learning Establishes a learning
The teacher leads a with relevant, meaningful learning relevant, meaningful learning, students in environment where most environment where few
mutually respectful and based on their interests and abilities sometimes adjusting lessons relevant, students are engaged in students are engaged in
collaborative class of to create a positive rapport amongst based on student interests and meaningful the curriculum. the curriculum.
actively engaged students. abilities.  learning.  Students are Students are
learners. Students collaborate positively Students collaborate Students work sometimes disrespectful disrespectful of each
and encourage each other's efforts positively with each other and respectfully of each other. other and of the teacher.
and achievements. the teacher. individually and in    
12/05/2022 08:55 am: How can we protect ourselves? Think about it, when you have your answers give me a thumbs up.
12/05/2022 08:57 am: Go ahead and start talking with your partner and use your sentence stem. Student asking another how do you be safe?
12/05/2022 08:59 am: T walks around checking in. What do you use to keep yourself safe? S tells teacher the house. How does it keep you safe. It's my
12/05/2022 09:01 am: I heard some really good answers, Joseph can you share, she reminds him to use his sentence stem. Joseph said to protect myself I
use the seatbelt in my car. What does your seatbelt protect you from? S says a car accident.
12/05/2022 09:02 am: We are going to see how some animals protect themselves. Remember we talked about our basic needs. What are some of our
needs? S say shelter, water and food.
12/05/2022 09:04 am: T reviews vocabulary. Oily- gives example, Pants- gives example and students repeat the word. Camoflauge-Student said he's
camouflaging so he doesn't get harmed.
12/05/2022 09:05 am: Students looking a pictures as the T reads. What do we use when it's raining outside. How is the insect protecting itself. Student
says he uses the leaf. Student gets up to use the RR without interruption.
12/05/2022 09:08 am: Student says the bird feathers are oily and protects them. 21 students all engaged. Student says what if its hot? T says well its not
hot in the winter, well maybe here in Houston.
12/05/2022 09:09 am: Have you guys ever been outside and it was super hot? S says and then we start to sweat and our faces turn red. What can you use
to hep you cool off? S says sunscreen and water. 5-4-3-2-1 when students get a li ttle chatty.
12/05/2022 09:11 am: WHat do you think is chasing this deer? S says a hunter, a lion, a panda. T says I don't know about a panda. What emotion is this
skunk showing? S says he is scared.
Rubric Score: 4/5

​Procedures- Partner up and make sure which student knows when to talk and when to listen.  

​Student engagement was high.  Good job with questioning and providing think time.  Real world connections were evident. 


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