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You are on page 1of 26 hin Oyelerine hediyesidir Satilamaz | iciNDEKILER TENSES 1-16 PASSIVE VOICE 1-4 CONDITIONALS 1-3 CCONDITIONALS SENTENCE COMPLETION 1-4 KARISIK TEST-2 DETERMINER-1-2 ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS-1-5 NOUN CLAUSE 4-2 NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION 1-5 RELATIVE CLAUSE 1-4 RELATIVE CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION 1-5 ‘CONJUNCTIONS 4-15 CONIUNCTIONS SENTENCE COMPLETION 1-17 GERUND & INFINITIVE & PARTICIPLE 1-4 SPECIAL STRUCTURES 1-9 PRONOUNS: PREPOSITION 1-13, cloze Test 1-5 PARAGRAF 1-16 DIALOG 1-5 PARAGRAF TAMAMLAMA 1-4 IRREVALANT 1-4 1432 133-40 41-46 47-55 56-57 158-60 61-70 77 75-87 188-95 96-108 110-138 1139-188 199-195 196-212 213-214 1215-239 1240-244 248-313, 1313-333 334-350 1351-366 TENSES-1 4, Maram ——- an important In ritain even though here: 18) would never have been / was taking 8) had never been / would take (©) never was / es taken 1) would never be / would have taken ) has never been / took 2. The history of Venetian Republi an end n 1797 when Venice Te Austra by Napoleon. A) was coming / would have been handed 3) had come / ns been nanced (©) has come / was anded 2 1) came / was handed : ) would come / was being handed 3. More than half ofthe 850 asylum seekers currently, detained In Gritain - Sin prison with no right of apes, ven though the vast majority ‘with any offence, let slone convicted, 2) ware ald / oe not charged 8) are being halé/ nave not been charged (©) have been held / woul nt be charged 1) ha been hed / had not been cherged £) il be hee / were not beng charged 4. Over the past two decades, the Corsicans == ther Tayi island, hich was wrested by France frm the Genoese in 1768, -~ into terrorism, Corruption and economic decline, 2) have seen / snk 8) had seen / sank ©) saw sinking ) woulé nave seen / nad sunk ©) would see / had been sinking s. 2) would have Been encountered / ht 8) are encountered would ME ©) nave been encountered /had ht 1) had been encountered / was being hit wil be encountered / nite ‘Thore have bean some artcritics who = "in depreciation of Van Gogh that he <3 Groughtemen all he ife, 1) had maintained / nas remained 3) have maintained / remains ©) were maintaining /remaired ) maintained / would have maintained wl malnain /remaine At the Brussels mecting over the last Madeleine Albright the her ‘wesker ‘American Secretary of State ies that future NATO missions them further a lel, but not al over the world A) assures / staking 8) has assured / Wil hve taken (©) assured / would tke 1) hed assured / took ) was assuring / has token 3. With the help of satelite Images, the Indonesian government -~- that ts the timber companies which == the ‘mass destruction of ther rainforests 1 is showing / would have caused 8) would have shown / hod caused ©) had shown / were causing ) shows / naa been causing ) has shown / are causing, Buh TENSES-2 vyiisenglishtv 4. The raicue that —- upon him by 5. The singer's passionate belief that lending scentists of the day ~~ to the traditional societies around the world novelty of his thinking. Sfgninst te modern onslaught 1) i being heaped / woul testy fiores etc, 1) wil be heaped / tasted 2) had een protected will tract (©) had heaped / has tested 8) have been protected / had attracted 1) as heaping / ha tested ©) ore being protectd / was attracting ©) was heaped / testes ) ough tobe protected / hos atreted 5) ould have been protected / would iret 2. Teent an e-mall to everyone inthe Sena ee ug 6 All the reports ~~ handedin last Spedariesue but theres been,” week, Dut some of them all —- me, roresponse, 1) sould pave bee / haven reaches 4) solong 8) would be / on reseh 8) atte ©) ave been / watch © tnt then had been / dt reach ©) eve ater 5) would have been ao raen 8) sofer 3. Over the last few years, consumer Interest in organic agriculture ==" up 7. When the occupying forces ——many {eemingly Innocent people were’ ‘cused of ‘wor ydsengiishav turn caatwerds in ‘he hunt for expansion opportunities. A) 5 ° >) 5 2m) thanked his wife him while he » 8) ° Dy 5 ‘arom / are bing forces Wil grow / would have been forced are growing / woud be forces have grown /nad been forced ‘grew / nave been freed his acknowledgement, the writer the support she = the book, had given / was wring seve /'s wrting ‘ves /has bean wrting has gen / will be wring was aving / had writen 3. Health Wateh, which, intaly atleast, a 8) 9 > 5 ‘by pharmaceutics! companies, = s9pfensive campsign against urs! medicines. ‘wes financed / Ie waging ad nanced / was waging hasbeen fnnced / nad waged as being financed / nas been waning wll be financed / would wage 44. From time to time, many diffrent heories of heredity = only some of » 8) o ») 5 had been advance / hod been were oavanced / would be fre advanced / wore have been advanced / ace il be advanced / would be wun ydsanglishsv “The students who Pharmacaiogy were edmitied to post- sraduate studies. 1) ave received 8) had receives ©) receive 1) wil ecenve ©) arereceuing . Adhesives are now frequently being ted where previously mechanical methods of fastening ~~ essential. 1) would be consiserea 3B) have been considered ©) are bain considered ) were tobe cxnsiaered 5) were considered Forfour decades, researchers —~ the heavens for radio signals that an Sévanced culization = Into the ‘Yastness of the galexy 2) have been scanning / mer have omnes 18) scanned / wil nave emited 1) ha Scanned / could have been emitted 1) scan would have emitted are being scanned / cou have emitted 1) had shown / ha Been bashed 8) showed / nas bathed (© miso / would nave bathed ©) have shown / bathed 5) would show / would be bathed - Currently, a great dea! of attention —- _13.Son with ail these advances in tothe phenomenon known as cid rain" technolugy, patents eh area hearts the incdenes of which appears to be <<'trom the comfort of ther Own ‘growing in developed countries inomes 1A) haa been pois 2) wil ave been montored 3B) was pala 8) ere being monitoree, ©) is being paid . ©) wl be motores 1) has been pid 1) would be monitores 5) wi be pa ) have been monitored 40.0 far they == enough bombs —--at__14, We read continually about global ‘ny clear understanding of the rituals warming =~ to virtually every [nd lives of these ancient people, {lgniicant weather evens that —- 2) had not excavated / to ave these dos. 8) have not excavated / to have arved 2) hing ben inked / fs curring ©) could not heve excavated /having 8) being Inked / occurs Sree ZC) tobe inka / occurred ) would not excavate /arving & > ting / woute occur 5) arenot excavating /tohavearved to have been ned / had scoured zB ‘AL.when Charles 11 —- king in 1660, the 15.0ften the need to clean up the theatres, which — by Cromwell, were 3 "atmosphere -=- through major ‘pened again and new dramatists ‘environmental disasters of which the speared. London smog of 1982 stil a prime 1A) would become / had closed ‘cxample Dy edneseet ed senciaes) 1) wos realized / remains leans sae 3B) has been resized / remained 1) es becoming would nave been ©) would be resizes / woul remain eee 1) as being realizes / wil rensin ©) ou nave become / coud have been ) had been realized / hs remained 12.In parts of Nepal, hikers and campers 16,ouring the past 40 years, hyde phonic down se many treasfor Himalayan farming conalasrabhy Inanerntes ‘camps thatthe area === of areas whore temperatures are too Setorested. ‘extreme for ordinary agriculture 18) would et / became 1) hae progressed 8) he cut / becomes 8) nas progressed (©) ware ating / nad become ©) progresses ) have cuts becoming ) would nave progresses 5) cut/ woule become ©) is progressing TENSES-5 yiisenglish.av 1. professional tennis, which got its star 5, Since there —-- nothing Inthe way of fn 3926 wien the French player Day rises or bonuses fortwo to three 0.000 Us ‘Years, the new taxes =~ a great deal ya tour, only == fll oF stress, 1A) nad been / caused 1) had been pei as eceved 8) hasbeen / had caused 18) was pld/receves ©) wil / would have caused (hasbeen pid / woud receve 1) would have Been / are gong to cause 1) i pla recaves ) will nove bean / ae causing ) would be paid / ho received 6. Over the past tree years, the US ‘once the director =~ just how much ‘Sconomy "= badly hurt by unforeseen Sas at stake, he ~~ Immediate steps ‘Svents, but housing “= tomove up to to deat withthe aispute ‘fet ates records In both 200% 31 2) realizes / wil ake 3002 arrest ied 1) would be / would have continued 8) hed been /has continued ©) has been / continued 1) was / continues ©) & being / would continue (©) had realized / took 1) realized / takes ) would realize /nas taken from dinosaurs: ‘Soonger since paleontologists rst 7. Presumably, the main concern ofthe ‘Harted taking fe reriouslys couple of {e'avoid — for any large-sal ‘Gecades ago finaneal collapse. 1A) descended has grown 1) wal be / having blamed 2) have descended / ge 8) has been / having been bamed ©) ad descended / had grown ©) was tobe blames 1) descended 5 groming 1) is/ being biomed are dascaning / was srowing ) would be / to have been bared “Throughout his term In office, 8, since Taiwan -— its recession the Teopehier ten | | Seas oa li eer ae eee ea as ear a eras reece fer ae eas Paina es esy oe ©) would enter nas done 1) nae entering / wl be eos entered / nas been doing ‘1s dogged / are involved 3B) had been dogged / were involved ©) was dogged / had been involved a 1) hasbeen dogged /nave been involved £6) ne og congas / may nave been -—— Bas - The robot has just the sort of features order to establish the date of these that “=~ to Japanese consumers wien ‘ootprints he ~~ 9 technique that == es" on sale there later tie year, when the sand graine were last 1A) would appeat / went exposed to light 3) wil appt / goes 2) uses / measured ©) have apesied / went 2) wil us / has measured ) appeal / wil go ©) as used / wil measure are appealing / i going ) ad used / would measure 5) used / measures caseneae eter 44. He assures me thatthe Dezartment of a Marine Biogeochemistry, which up Import under the eil-tor-food program In the 19705 ~~" ever since oPmltary ures. 2) nas et / hasbeen expanding 2) argued / cout have nas 8) had been se / was expanding 8) has argues / wil ave had ©) had argued / would nave hed ©) was arguing / ean nave hag ©) would argue / can have been having ©) would beset will expand ) has been set is expanding ) would have beens / il expanding 41.The X-ray showed thatthe femur 15.To protect yourself rom computer Inthe socket but up towards the ‘vinises, stare by net opening ‘outer cage {Hinehmnnts you" nd 2) cant be centered / woud sip Susplelous mail immediately, 8) ist contrea/ wil sp AY havent expected /to delete ©) masnt centres / ad spned 3B) are not expecting / deleting ae ee (© ware nt expecting / tobe deleted Slopes ©) didnt expec / having deen ©) could be contre / has sipped ) wont expect / to nave deleted 1n 1973 Le Due Tho —- to sccapt the 12,Although allergic disease itself — ‘Nobel Prize for peace, insisting that ‘Ground threuphout hierye a peace —- in South Vietnam and didn't ‘sdvances in treating It=-~ along unt seem likely to be so, the fate 19th century A) refused / naa not been estebished 1) Is being / arent coming 3) refuses / vas not estabished 8) is/ eon come ©) was refusing / nas not beer established ©) as / worent coming 1) would have refused / wil tbe ) had been / wouldn come exabished ties eet anes ) ha refused / woud not be established TENSES-6 vyilsenglish.av 4. Later on in the article he points out 5S. Recent claims thatthe African thatthe creation ofthe single currency fephant ie actualy two species ‘out the competitive advantage that but te debate stil —~ {German companies == enjoy over 2) were contradicts / was continuing their European neighbors, 1) have bean conacicted/ continues 1) wipes / were wed to (0) would have been contracted /'e 8) has wiped / used to Sontag (©) ad wiped / had used to ©) wal be contradicted / wil be continuing ) would wipe / are used to 5) ace being contradicted / has conunues 5) 1 wiping / have been used to Tregetencor in 455 by Rutoh 6, Te tet the great tel Virenow, who stated that new cells ire 1) designe / tobe spanning 8) had been cesgned / spaning (©) nas bean designed /hovirg spanned 1) was designed /t span £) wos being designed / to have spanned 2) nas pt forwerd / are formed 1) would be pu forward / were formed (hasbeen put forward / had been formed 1) is pu formar foe wae being pt forars/ formed 7. Hei hoping that, by the time he — 2. although the cone forthe grant, is book on Egyptian by philosophers of evolution — ‘naturalists sur Ghrough the ages, Ie was Charles pire Darwin who first the theory of ‘Ay has to apply / wll have been publishes evolution to the notice ofthe general 8) had applied / nad been pubished public 1) was to appt nas been publishes 2) wae discussed / had brought 1) willbe appving / would have been 18) had been eiscussed / Proust buble (©) nas beng discussed / has Brought 1) would have apse / wil be pubished 1) hasbeen eseussed / bongs 5) might be discussed / had to bring Recently DNA molecules to solves 8, perticuler problem in computing, weeks when the government Feaing to speculation hat one day Introduce plan to include drug DNA-besed computers (overage in Medicare. A) are used / are ceveloped 2A) i coming / wil be expect 18) Were used / are baing developed 8) comes / was expected ©) are baing used / could have been (©) has come fis expecting devalopee 1) wil come /s expected ©) baer ued / may ve ben ©) ould come / would be expected ) have been uses / may be developed ‘9. They hope that by surrounding city enters and likely terrrit targets, ‘with "soft wall” they ——=Ie Impossible for hijacked planes ~~ "nywhere near them, A) al make / to get 3B) would make / having got ©) make /to have got 1) have made / tobe got ) are making / getting 10,Socrates ——- that we -~- with the Improvement of our soule |) must nave sai / would be concerned 8) had sed / had t be eoncernes (©) was saying / should have een 1) nas said / had been concerned said shoula be concerned 11.Unfortunately, there -~ as yet no evidence to suggest that a surge of ‘growth nthe US economy more fobs 9) ists creating 8) was /has crested ©) has been / wil have created 1) wil be / creates ©) haa been / was creating 1) having to track / was 3) having tracked / would be ©) to rack nes been 1) to have tracked / ) cracking / wil be at “ Tradition generally the Introduction of chocolate to France to Jewish chocolate-makers wha -=In Bayonne in 1609, heving teen hounded out of fiest Spain and then Portugal 2) atebutes /setes 2B) has ettrbuted / nad set (© attrbuted/ have settled 1) would ateute / were sting ©) is attrbutng / naa been sting Betty recovered easiy fron the ‘anesthetic ab children wrully =~, 2) ave done 8) aa © do ) are doing 5) wit do By the time Halsted died in 1922 Surgeons Johns Hopkins his fdeas and techniques right across the country A) as training / would be deseminatng 3) has trained /asseminated ©) trained / have disseminated 1) had waned / were dseminatng ) would have waned / wil deseminate In calculators calculations entirely with integers yield exact Fesults as long asthe numbers big forthe space alloted. A) ong were not 8) having done / nave not been ©) tohave been done / would not have been ) done are not ©) toe done / wit nt be TENSES-7 1. Twenty years age the study of aging = somewhat misdirected, Dut now ig “into an important science. 1) was regarded / has developed 18) ad been ragarced / would develop ©) hasbeen regarded / would be developing ‘would have been regarded / ned Seveloped as being regarded /nas been Seveloping 5 3. The first stage of the new factory project ~~ last year, and work on the ‘Second phase ~~ well now 1) ad been completed / would progress 28) was completed / progressing (©) sould ave been completed / was propressing has been completed / wit progress wos being completed / nas progressed > 5 While the battle —-- out in the open, the technological capability ofthe ‘coalition forces ~~ hem the lea, 1) had been fought / was ging 2) was fought / would ave (©) was being fought / gave ) would nave been fought il ave ) Jsbeing fought / has even have nad had been able should have / beable ‘must hve / ware able ‘alt nave nad hod ‘ould have / have nad wwe ydsonglishtv 12 ‘5, O14 Danish, one ofthe languages of Strong influence on the development oreng 1) have settled / had had 8) hed sated / woul nave ©) settle nas 1) setid /nad ©) woul stl / wi have - China, which ~~ much of Hongo from the ond of the seventeenth ‘conto unt the early twentieth century, sul == thea coal, uranium, Sa empty grasslands of ts former 2) was rung / has coveted 18) had ruled / may nave covetes ©) nas ruled /covetes 1) ruled covets ©) rues / fs caveting The choices we make and the tives we Teed by the values we — |) would be infenced / arehoing 5) are intuenced / hold ©) had been nfuenced / ware Hoang 1) must have infuenced / ned hele ) have bean infenced / were holding ‘itain — French and German ‘demands that the €U=-—-to plan and fn ts own miltary operations. 2) is accepting / wil have bean able 5) accepts / had bean abe (Chas accepted / shouldbe able ) accepted nas been able ) had accapted / was able 3F most people exchange rates —- how much they = when they 90 09 heltday sbroad. 1) determine / can spend 8) determined / hoe spent ©) have cetermined / wil have sent 1) had determined / spent ) ould eetermin / could have spent 10.Kaliningradis the Russian Baltic port where Immanuel Kant ~~ most of his Ite, but a tat ima it — 2 Kenigsbers, 1) has spent s known 8) ha spent /has bean known ©) spent / was known ) as spending / woul be known ©) nad been spending / mast have been known 11. Diet therapy —~ a major rol treatment, but leno tanger A) would have played /e doing 3) has playa / has done (©) was playing / has been ding ) had played / a 5) used te piay/ does 82.Many neuroscientists shere the hope ‘that the new understanding of brain ‘organization which =~ possible by brain-imaging techniques =~ ight on hildren's eduestional difcutie, |) would be made / throws '8) had zen made / nas thrown ©) hasbeen made / wt throw 1) wi be mace / wl nave thrown ) as made/ was throwing 13 ‘considerably more etention and finding, 1) ware / received 3) used to be/ were receiving ©) have Been / would receive ) had been / ae receiving 5) are has receved One hundred years ago, 30% ofthe ‘energy used In farm ana factory work = ‘SS'trom muscle power today only 436 2) fed come / ci 8) was coring / nas done ©) would have come / doing 1) came / does ) would come / wi do [Astronomers —- that huge star ‘explosion could create carton, oxygen land other clement; then ~-- therm into nearby interstellar space. 4) are theozng / are electing 3B) have theorized / eject © theorize / wil eect 1) theorz / would have eeced ) wl hoor / ejected according to statistics ~~ by the UN ‘Food and Agriculture Organization, lobal banana production =~ steadily ‘ver the past 40 years. AN) having been publ / wis rising 3) to be published / would re (©) pushed / hasbeen rising 1) to publish / rose ©) being published / had been ring TENSES-8 ydsenglish.av 5. razon scientists —- the ganetic ‘ode of a parasite that = Calfornia's vineyards 2) crackes / has menaced 2) dismissed / would be 8) wl crack / menaced 18) has cimissea/ are (©) ave cracked /'s menacing (©) a aismisea / have been ) woul crack / used to menace 1) woule mis / were 1) he cracked / would menace ©) was dismissing / were bang 2. Ona broader scientific level, undersea, Some biologists stil --- something of ‘mapping ~~ fundamental knowledge this nature “valuable as an adative ‘thou the geological forces that = {he ocean floor 2) wl provide / would shape to toothpaste. 2) believed / will rove 8) believe / might prove (©) had aleve / would prove 1) nave beloved / would hve proves ©) wil believe / proves 38) had provides /had shapes (©) would prove / wil shape 1) & providing /snape 5) provides / would have shaped 7. Vitamin & deficiency ~~ 3 major * cause of childhood blindness, but this - sSiteebrans wy hts in ‘meson neo ees 0) here an nn 8 undoes 0) Saran 6) tae ©) ed an 8 sob 2 ee aala om eee * Taemmeattcstttiet — aatne staat ret iisercemvemmneet nc |A) Is being excavated / would show A) Sofer 3 sore ott erat nen 1D) Only recenty ©) shold be exenatd / would nave Mees ©) Twthen 1) mas been excavated / shows 14 Cross-border shopping fundamental right under ED law and. he. form of tax evasion. |) must not have been regoded 18) had not been regardea ©) should not be regarded 1) would not have Been regerded ) was nt being regarded 10.The 19808 ~~~» surge of new interest <== the definition of intligence 1) have bought / tobe expanding 8) had brought / having expanded (© were bringing to have expanded 1) Brouehe / in expanding ) would have Brought / to expand 411.Many parts of rural America ——~ to {eflect the values and traditions of the European imenigrants who rineteenth century. 1) conned / have aeived 18) ave continued / would have arrived ©) continue / arrived 1) would have continued / were arriving ) wil contrue / would arive {2.nith few exceptions, most totalitarian ernments ~-- more liberal since 9 when the Berlin Wall = 1) became /t 8) are becoming / woul ol (©) were becoming / has fen 1) had become / was fling 5) ave become / tl 413.0F all the art t-—- to classical music ‘that Germany “~~ the greatest ontibation, 2) ad been / mage ©) is /has mage ©) has been / had maae ) was/ wil have mace ) might be / would hove made 44, Some mtalien hlm-makers believe that 1) would start / ad Nourished 28) ave started / wil hav feurished ©) wi stare / ae Nourishing ) sa wi four started / would founsh wun ydsenglishty 45.The US presidential election of 1800 — notorious on account of the Unforeseen constitutional prablems. an 2) 16 hs presentes 8) hasbeen / presented ©) ould be / presents 1) had been / would presant ) was/ presentes 16.Foot massages —~ those wo —~ balance problems 1A) may have helped / are having 8) wil hep / haa ©) could help / nave 1D) ave heed / would nave ) would have helped / may have TENSES-9 recently, no one ~~ the 1y germ that causes anthrax outsides ving host 1) had thought / would have thrived 8) thinks /15thrwing ) na thovsht / wil rive 1) sould tink / nad theved 5) thought / could tive 3. Fora long time now, biologists — ‘hat bits of tissue placed next to ‘other 28) had known f may se 8) have known / ean se ©) new / naa fused 1) would have known / have fused 1) know / would have used that Brazil's new surveillance ‘uroful tool inthe 18) may be hoped / would have proved 5) was hoped / had proved ©) hasbeen hoped / would prove 1) could be hoped / might have proves 5) 1s hoped / wil prove - Over the past elght years, the TES Inotrument => that Martian rocks and {ends ~~ almost entirely of volcanic 1) would cover / haa been composed 18) has discovered / are composed ©) would escover / were composed 1) had covered / had been composed ) was discovering / would be composed i : i 16 ‘cont, respectively, since 1 2) may be / would increase 18) hasbeen / had increases ©) was reread 1) could be / would have increased 5) 5 /have neessed In Mozambique, the 1992 peace accord A) has ended / had mandated 8) had enced / wouls have mandated ©) ended / mandated ) ends / wi manaate ) could have ended / has mandated 1. Many observers predict that as China 20 open itself state cortrol |) hae continued / naa eased 8) continues / wil ease (©) continve / could nave eased ) wil eonunue / has eased had continse / moy have eased IMigraine-patients who gountreated {fortoo long "~~ structural changes In their braing, 20 they“ proper, therapy. 1) are incurring / Insist or 28) Incrred / would insist on ©) incr fused to insist on 1D) must neu / woul Nove sisted on ) may incur shoud insist on Quen 43.tndlviduats who ~~ that animals —- 9. Various agencies ~~ to keep pesticl tse within safe limits, and most ‘eelings are usualy accused ‘consumers feel they ~~" on them, ‘anthropomorphism, or ase ifeseate aerial human tralte to nonhuman beings 8) have been setup / can depend 1) had ceimed / haa ©) would be set up / were depancing 8) claimed / wil have ) are being setup / must have depended ©) are Csming / would have ) would have Been setup / must depend 2) caim j neve ) woul clam / must have tad 10,octors we had been studying 14.Training schemes in the United gngevty “an assortment of genes Kingdom =~ by the government 2s lifespan in aiferent ‘Unemployment ==, onsen 1) wil derby / had ionvences 28) have lentes wil be intuencing ©) enti / wt have infuenced ) had dented ould ntuence identi / could have nuenced A) were encouraged will have woresnedt 8) would be encouraged /had been worsened (© have been encouraged / mas worsened 1) had been encourage / may worsen are encouraged / would heve worsned wwwvdsenglch.ev 45. Aftor the Germanic invasios, Citic ‘Cultures, whieh in pre-Roman times 11. According to Vietnamese researchers, Ee ee nan ee ‘the bird fla virus may have affected hhundreds of people, who have not atively to the British Isles, Bean diagnosed 1A) had covered / were confined 2) also 3) have been overing/ have been aie Confines ae (©) had been covering / would be conined ae 1) have covered / could have een he confine £) were covering / had been confines 12.The Proctor Prize —- annually since 41950 to an outstanding sclentist who ~ known for effective communication of complex ideas. ‘2s beng presented /s beng 8) as presente / hae been (©) would be presented / wil be 1) had been presented / hasbeen ) hasbeen presented /s 36. Investigations by modern doctors that Catherine the Great of tussle ‘rom syphilis 1) hove suggested / has sured 8) suggest / sures ©) had suggestes / was suring ) may have suggested / woul have sifered 2) suagested / sters - 17, Qustini TENSES-10 A. The United states {olutions tothe problem of land-mine high-tech ‘losrance, but simple more preferable. 2) should pursue / were 8) pursues hed been (©) pursues / wt nave bean 1) would pursue / would have been 5) has pursued / may be ‘methods Most physic tmedern hurman abilities Since the emergence of Homo 5 10,000-100,000 years ag0. 2) il 2p / would be 8) could agree / are ©) have agreed / were ) agree /have been 6) hed aareed must be vw. ydzenglsh.ev 3. Me unt the 17 contury that rlitary leaders began to reaize that ‘Tress on aoldlere ==" a profound iniuenes on the succers of itary Sperations, 1) nad not been / shaving 8) s not /nas ©) nas nt could nave 1) has not been / had ©) may not be / must have Ever since James. Fyn =~ his ‘Starling results, psychologists and ‘Getting wether people are getting AY has published / nae struggle’ 8) published / have seugaled (©) had published / wl stusce 1) was publhing/ had been strugting ) publlenes/ are srueging 5, Ina study carried out over period of {than naemachromatosis: 1) have found / had caused 8) hed fund nas caused ©) found / caused find / cous hve caused would nave found / causes ‘Ateohl --- every organ ofthe body, But the most dramate evidence of ts ‘isruptive Behavior ~~ in the liver 2) affected / nas appeared 18) affects / appears (©) i affecting /oppeared ) hed affected / would appear as affected / had appeared 2. Although constipation usually Iteatyle habit, In some cases Ie may bea tide eect of medication or may ‘efloct a medics! problem such a= Rumors that === the passaze of waste, 2) had refactes obstruct 8) hes reflected /obstructoe ©) reacted / nad obstructes 1) wil reflec / have abstuced reflects / are obstructing (f every 10,000 children born inthe US" almost 7 from health problems because thelr mothers =~ alcohol during pregnancy. 2) exter / have consumed 18) were suring / consume (©) had suflered / were consuming 1) mil Rave sured / wl onsume £) Suter / consumes ydsenglish.ty Until recently, some scentists —- that 13.The first evidence that there are ‘many individuats of the same species- genetic factors in smoking re Specie tasks better than the same. $9508 rom studies which ‘numberof Individuals fom afferent Species. Tn thelr choles to smoke or not 2) il tink / are performing than di fraternal twins. Eee aria eae 2 could appear / would nakate ©) think ought to perform 8) hes eppeared / had indicted 1) haa thought / woula be performing (©) had eppeared / nave indated Nese case 1) would appear / were indetng ©) appeared nccated 10.10 1872, two collective burials: 44.10 an article published in 1990, tear ore racer Scientists ofthe National Institute of Qllakitsoq, @ small Inuit settlement on the West coast of Greenland == to bout AD. 1475, for senescence the programive sna Se ee ‘eneral deterioration that eaves eam Sea eae ) have been ciscovered / having dated eee es ee 3B) have reviewed / should abet ) hac en d having been ©) reviewed / hac attemptes ) were balngeiscavere / having to be ee ra meena ae ©) may have reviewed / etter wewrydzengish.ty 41.In 1989, Jennifer Johnson of Sanford, 15: Earthquake rupture ~~~ to eceur by Florida, ~~ the rst woman oF ‘enlargement ofa crack, but more {ransferring cocaine to her Unborn ‘ecent observations =~" a “pulae-ike” Baby through the umbilical cord ‘ode of rupture enlargement. '8) was becoming / having been convicted 1A) had been thous / would ve indicated 3) has become / to convict B) can be thought / had indeed cMGaisene asec ©) as thought wil ave indicated beeen eee ) has been thought inceate ese eee eae ) must be thought / may have indicated 42.Smoking ——-in almost all segments of |__16.From the year1665,when Robert ‘te American populstion, ao tat in ook = els, unl the mae ofthe ‘vio poly Ota GoW cf americans fwenith camry, Boloies on eee light microscope for wicwing cae payiicinee marie ae 1) used to ascover / could have hod erro 8) hod ascovered would have ©) had decined / would be ©) discovered had ) could nave decined / wil be 1) has dscovered / have nad esfascaaat fest 5) couls aecover have 19 Bastiat ust TENSES-11 yusonglishav 4, The rung of ancient Troy {aking as those of peas Aphrodisia, but, ver read Homer" breathe 5, In the US, the percentage of obese people over the past two decades, hat present, 35% ofthe population overweight. 1) could have coubed would be 8) had doubled / was ©) has doubled is 1) would double wi be £) oubled /has been 1A) nave not been / hoped to have motores 18) had not bean / would hope to match (©) may nt be / can hope to rateh 1) are not hope to maten ) could nat have been / hope to match 6. The Pyramid of the Sun stages: the second and third centues A.D. Sha" about 200 feet high and 760 fect in ange. 2A) was ule / menses 8) had been but may measure ©) could have been bul / was measured 1) hasbeen uit / would measure ©) could be bul / had measired Brussels sprouts, common cabbage, ‘Sprouting broceol, and koh |) migneave been cuivated / nave Includes 18) had-been culated / incuded ©) would be eutvated / ued to include 1) would have been euvated / can Tete 5) was cuthated / include 3. 11 The price of crude oll =~ by 40% 7. Sub-Saharan Africa ~~ at relatively this year due tothe continuing risk of Stable rate since the mid-1990s, and isruption n the Mia East, which ite growth =n the following Years. for one-third of global production. ra\nar en ome 1) surges / accounted 18) hasbeen growing / should continue 8) wl surge /eould have accounted (© has grown should have consrues ©) had surged has accounted ) grew / has continued ) has surged / accounts ) i growing / il hove consmued surged / nad accounted are lager aeaapeemen gs & peamntuniten ay eaten, mregnanmangeeat snomeene re eine peso serene ) tained / wl show Psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists == for years over how ‘much of our behavior "= driven by ‘ur genes versus the environment in ‘whieh we grow up and lve. Ay had argued hed been 3B) used to argue / would be (©) have argues /is 1) argue / would have been ©) argued / wi be A0.Epidemiology, which ~—- a8 science tut the 19" cantury, ia branch of| Iodine that investigates factors {to Improved health, of the occurrence ‘of aisease in persicular population, 1) could not have evlved J having eontnbates 2B) had not evolved / to contribute ©) has not evolve / to have contrbuted ) ad nat eveve / contributing could not evolve / to be contbuting 1. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people ~~ some form of excescive ‘mood aisturbanee during their htetime, ‘nly about 10 per cent dirorder Severe enough to require medical sttention. A) would experience / have had 3) experienced / wl have hed (©) had experienced / had hd 1) il hove experenced/ would nave ) experience / nave 2.1m April 1953, Watson and Crick — ‘the sclentie world with a succinc Daper == their model for ONA, ‘A) were shakng / explain 8) had been shaking / to nave explanes (©) have shaken / to be expaning 1) shook /expiaining ) had shaken I having explained 2a 433. common fungicides ~~ forthe ‘puzzling high levels of DDY st found in some sols, even hn regions whore this patent insecticide Secades 290. 2) ere blamed / woulé have been banned 2) could be to blame / ae banned ©) were blames / must be banned 1) might be blamed / would be banned ) areto blame / hasbeen binned 14. Geology and biology ~~ shee ite —, ') ore intertwined hes begun 8) were intertwined / had begun () have been intertwined / began 1) would be interned / bess ©) could be itertwine / willbesin ww. ydsenglsh.ev 45,since 1985, Bolivia ~~ economic ‘changes that =-= phenomenally 2) implemented / hed been 8) has implemented / nave been ©) was implementing / were ) implements / are had implemented / wil be 46.For along time, psychologists — that ‘major personality makeovers —- Impossibie A) have baleved / ae 3) believe / ae gang to be ©) believes / wil be ) would nave believed / have been 5) had believed / naa been Gum TENSES-12 yilsenglish.ty ‘when Germany ~~ Yugoslavia in 5. 19 1996, 16 percent ofthe world Tout, Sosnia tnd Herzegovina “= part "coral reefs r= by bleaching caused by Of the Nowi-controlied Croatia EINino, but half of those reefs =~ 1} has ade ad boon made Signs ef recovery, especialy ©) tad eed / wou ve een ade aa ©) invaded / were made 1A) have been kiled/ showed ©) Invaes / nave been made 8) were led / are showing 1) wast ivade / could have been made Pi hierlenetoer dt ) have been killed / show could be kl / had shown tion which from to heat, In which &| person -—- enough to lower body temper 1) had resulted / doesnot sweat 8) resuted / wont sweat (©) has resulted would not sweat ) results / cannot sweat wiles / ld not sweat With its superior firepower, NATO —~ ny battle, but t= the war in ‘Afghanistan. 2) nad won / loses 8) can win 1 sing (©) has wen / fost 1) would have won ha os is wining / was losing 23, Scientists predict that should the Current rate of deforestation In the www ydsenglish.ty 7, There — varlousingications that the renee ee ore Current financial crisis ~~ damaging a see oe ttfect on technology companies. By the tur ofthe 22" century 2) are/ iehaving 2) continue / wil hove asappeares 8) were / wil have 8) continued / wil lsappear (©) ad bon / has had (©) was contrived / would sisappear ) have been / would have had ©) tascam were ) would nave been / had hed il continue / would have eseppeares 44. Since 1987, when the spacecraft "The g, Russia —~ earlier this week that It. Mars Globei Surveyor” ~~ over the Bilits troops out of Georala- Surface of Mars Yor the frst time, raise oeatocet 7 a Scientists ~~ by the consigerable v ‘magnetic anomalies identified onthe 18) announces / would have piles planet (© announces / ha putes 1) ha flown / are iniued 1) i announcing / nas pulled 8) fies / were nvigued 5) nas announces / was pultng ) na own / nad ben neque ©) was fing / may have been Inigued £) few /have been intrigued 2 &, saint, Fo aa Recent excavations in Algeria Homo erectus =~ there between 500,000 and 750,000 years 2) have inicted / resided 8) ad inicaced/ has resides ©) neated / would reside ) could have inccated / had been residing ©) Indes / nad resicad that Although she --~ property yet, the Feciplent of the workds first fsee ansplant --- well, according tothe first eclontific report of the operation, 1) act smiled / would have done 3) dint sme wi do ©) doesnt smile / may have done ) couldet have smiled / does ©) cont smile is doing wurw.ydsenalih.ty ‘Although alcohol consumption per ‘apita =~ peak inthe United States during the fst three decades of the 419% century, now it~ down in all age oroups. 1) reached 8 gong 8) has reached / goes ©) wi reach / wl go ) was esching / want ) ould reach / nos gone For along time now, Asia's emerging {economies w= the world's most ‘dynamic, with GDP "=" stan annual rate of 75%. 2) ere / to have grown 8) would have Been / heving grown ©) have been / growing ) mould be / tobe growing ©) are /to grom A3.1mhotep, god of medicine, a8 2 ‘mythologies! figure in the minds’ any scholars until the end ofthe, 35th cantury, when ft=-— thet he was {real historea! personage. 1) existed / was establishes 2B) has easted/ has baenesablished ©) a existed / was being eetablished ) wil xs wit have been astablshed 5) ents /nad been exacted 14.People who -—~ it hard to give up smoking often —~ outsidesssistance. A) are nang / are sought 8) hac found / ae ssking ©) could have ound wl eek 0) tna / sec would have found had been sought 415.During the past 40 years, research ~ ‘to support the hypothesis hat Dhysteal activity == with both ‘Cardiovascular Neaith and improved Dsychologiea functioning 1) Is accumulating / has been associated 8) cumulates / wil be associates (©) accurulated / nad been associated 1) has been accumulating / would be ) as accumulated is essocated 416.when governments finaly ‘ensures to control the spread of Severe “Acute Respiratory Syndrome (EARS) in March 2003, the infection == “more than 580 lives in 29 countries, 1) ad taken / nas already cos, 8) had taken / were already esting ©) were taking / ae already costing ) tock had ead cost £) were taken / already cost 5. Scientists are wor TENSES-13 1oped thatthe construction ofthe alias residentia building, the Chicago Spire, when =~ atthe end of last year, == by late 2010. 2) as commenced / wil have been Completed commences / wll compete hasbeen commenced / would be completod hs commenced hasbeen completes had commenced / 1s tobe completed » 9 » 5 2. Humanity {food surplus Revolution 1) enjoyed / was beginning 8) was enoying / nad begun (©) has enjoyed / began 1) nas been enjoying / has begun ©) is enjoying / would begin ‘an unusual period of 3 Biofuels instead of fossil ‘reduce carbon emissions, although ‘his ~~ a widespread aseurption unt fuite recently. 2) do / ibe 18) wi do / was ©) had done / nas been 1) mi nave done / naa been ©) ould nave done / would be Janet Malcolm, who isan admired her and resaince "1960s, gener ‘Summers protoorepiing people and places In Africa, 1) took has beta spending 18) had bean taking / wil spend (©) hasbeen taking / spends 1) takes / nas spent =) ad taken / woul spend - 24 2) wl have doubled tobe used 8) doubied / to nave used (©) has doubled 10 ave been used 1) doubies/ being used 2) had doubled / to use Without television cameras, the {famine now ravaging Ethiopia = the trenton ofthe wallfed world that —~ ith fers of money andother forms 1) wontthave cava wl espond 18) di not cateh/ responded ©) mit nt catch / had responded 1) would not nave eaught / as responded ©) not eating 1s responting ‘Our sense of self —- by the roles and ‘unio tour pert a teachers 1) was formed / have assigned 8) formed / assign ©) being formed wil be assigning 1) nad been formed /assignea ©) ll have bees ferme / woul assign For a tong time scientists Fact tha the Froneh ov te eat fa iste rich in red meat but olive a2 {ong ae those on lean and vegetarian ‘iets 1) hed been ntrgued/ are tending 1) were ited / would have tended (©) ould be intrigued / have been tending 1) wil have bean intrigued / would tend have boon intrigued / tend

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