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Today, atom porsect es SAE. MTT Ectnn | om Ewe | Senonaieaertgon cay | ST Es) Seer 7 = —- Famine natn ae Srremome "Hae eaS tame | | me Md cry, nar eee eaten A) Have you heard hat fey wil be doubting Sree |g vewemaeremsennm Sozzutman zeae Means, ane s Seem |g moeeee saan rearapee | ©) They have shor stick in thelr hands that poorrtahlaqainal dace abe wandormod easy no a cosy © le fo wt nt an own Sane 0) Tra weapon nes a mystrs eo ot Oran eet ire a sam Fgh © hast fete mata rveat Fhe sm arcs om pace Entra pt. 2) Wyo you wor about at isan ‘Mord pee wey art © Inge wont py te atan 2 orden ged prey ore covayn ‘Soe arial ae spas an abi reach high pees fr tho but Otis are tae Frnt tsar mara ata spre oe ‘ima Ten hare the pongo Nery ‘Ameten enon enon ans oo the ‘hon ne ety on tata mc a ‘Siler pr hour rain das oat en ‘Gest mataring sped wl covet ong ‘Stas. Sn. Lath Hose zone ‘ray og nd srl cages ‘Sos wo pyr, on ele esp, ‘anes tonn ons ves te tence eter hem andar ama hy oan ‘Send mor segen he muses Unde ‘solange ane 2 much eye freratom may have delpe he by oun feng and tt escape eres, sch os ‘yets an wes, one nope pres ot ‘re ieat hare err pace eRe 20, According tothe passage, the pronghom Noth Amares 1) sare ne speroach offs ey ‘troup tenor me es? 3) aks he oy oto tae pens ‘Sey weg ©} aston ay om he ceca whch ‘sts peoar 2) is roving scare due detrestaton ibe wae © was re ett of acy cao uty ‘Sant unas YDS Haz a a state in te pustage tat rent of is bay make-p the prnghorn — 1 einai tncon 1 nde ae esy 0 aeptisa 0 tivcreres charges © teagan spaces mating he poops Narh Aer 1) hat rma tra eta at 8 ecient et coy ‘According tothe passage, wha! makar ne ‘ronghor so pec a spite is 1) Sta Laos who managed ts rede te gerateahy 8) tho longcstares beter ange trams ©) he igh amount ot nasa mise rete 1) tay Wein an ndronant oe om eda 5 havea on wich thay ang it ‘sig ‘A ery ats in to possoge, {he wide-open pause Wet —, 9 no pc ce ett ©) preset avout condos room © war coed corn resco arene othe pronghem © erable pronghomto fn ang po eaiy Checkpoint - 1 KeyWords Eee Een eer 4. Sau Arabia wae a relate poor aon bor the —- and explore eb ‘Shc the ioe neome fom ol has made trecoury west 1 decay 5) mas © cation ) aret 5 retbey 1) simitaresuty 8) overly © testy 9) unease 5 common YS Hazrk Because taba arta dependent on ‘ha perns, te cevlopmen ot ‘tachment Between he names ter Inara te stv ‘5 One popular explamton fo the ung is that allows poop to too much ‘hon don inte yam and Inerenee er one ep. 1 eitdownen 8} comeupto ava lek ever 5 teeoup wih = aoa cal equed ar conty 0 ial he sly hy prac ae Serie 1 patoon BA Ones Dee 5 ms ‘The hemody siete mor than Sa peop meaty, ed a rect ot {hehigh ean ene suroaning Bho va 98000 people — 1 stones 3 col bo evacian ©) may bo ecu D) were aacite 5) fad bo ovate 1 eviews 8) oui ©) saree 0 tte cpl, velo soy aun patie Pa "amariayan fey ‘sinha ain to growing 4 Despite he fat that woman aen make ‘alle contrtone ey baer een {Shoto "be same soll na sconomie 9 ararae, 3 eroly © ree 0) tain © esse W Devoorage fhe wes people =~ 1 te demar fo prccrg o eresed Sey port te 9) pos Sor sro ot ing ©) socom ae kong fr em wore 1 vas igh ee a tamara been prsusded een rade 5 ogee mae feu seep re agence Checkpoint - 2 8 ~, (Soot a ‘today rtlected in racism, voleace, a! Bn Om ON By Sa Sa = oo SSSK mamomrcene | =o Sa pea ‘ne ina tent of caravan, so they never Sao “Mince See ine See | opememtorscrarcry, Sawa, vie aa ze 1) uae tra te prec! Se eee = SERS” 1 aoeeeeeen — a ©) For some European citizens, gypsies z= eee se. | hamster oe a Ea caneeteinenens Bags ‘es sven Teme aye = Don't wory about that. Everything wil sa Senza Sree nat we wre tae pny? See {sen ort was age ne = wae || Fear [Bogan eiiay baru. a. anys cina a = ea ener Sears "geeccomsum., |» lmonnreme cam mepcons “of Western societies. (Il) Even i we only look “there will Be some desperate moments F ‘eel ee ree at Western countries, we find that suicide = Se | ee | a emmemumedese Se Scammers | osngramesen: Sa esate = Hee | Rmripawcnmtes, | ye omnan es ase Sey eherecorem Smenmeerea, ser | Sikes. | f Be Ses es =| oreo nee ore eee tat 88 om DN BV ‘possibly make. wo 20.28 sondan aad prea gow conta Tomas Hardy was ba at Higher Bostbangon, teste Dhan Doet on ire 2,180 He ‘ar wee amar mason stung. fens: Haas mate” wos ae cos tat ports an Fen romans, proses or ‘seca Ata soos h Dacha, Her) was apretce oa rec. He word Innate, ahs spocaans nts rentoaten urcos Ath geo 22 ary move 0 {Geo anasto wpa i ‘ales nn lif, 1057 Hag candon {eit aml home n Dre ena esd wok bey wh tise h Oars Ursin ui poe, Hy trad ete, Hs Fro, The Par Man Ad The Lay a iter 867, bat book wes ce By Imanypulehus nds aeooyed Imantacie set book at gare nc, wae ‘Faro Ie Macing owe (18). art ees Hay dees moat ey rg tha posed aa of ove ong a The et f Yo Nao (187) ar ‘he ser Canary (88) 21, The mun concer of he paren le 1) emacs ot Hardy moder on He ra se wy Themas Hayle jo in Doras © bowapy a Tamas ay an is what cae Tore Had owt The tum ee aie 1 what Tomas Hay bec wat Dose vos a Checkpoint - 8 2% tis imple in te pasage The Poor | nae Ln (Sane 1 anesctwitn carla nih nee ©) expen neces ents ty eg cane el 6 naronty emai whoo SSS ee OF wa pind om mal vs orc. 8 cd clen atti mn an auqeee Sea is entra roc. Sapam mane (esata 2 teendngotiepenmgs nasi Strata ‘erro thonas a= =. 2) latin ory sos 1) became a publisher fis rvs = 6) warn FE snes D) wrote critiques about fition (coer okie enn, 5 eared notre fisted ering eS carat ce re [Se ae = ‘ne cn eat conc rom te pasege 1) Faro The Mang Cow Thomse Farye trove 8) Thomas Hay wots may about te ont oh nh 1) Lat poet an rnc was wee at ‘onion ray ) ang an attet wa Thames Hays 1 he pon of amas hay wae et ‘ed by ear 9 Checkpoint The tet ean te sare ne oxi dnb bain ew tron hae sas 7 pen ty ng Bar ‘Sono peop eaueg serene — ‘emungessioang os see 1. aa Pao oe) — pans on ‘eat Gon ove Stange ane dared ne nd res. 9 ewedten ——®) rca = > a © wc 0) esasbe © dtr iad | 6 Democracy scien ot sate Srrecoe cee i ane tnpone upon i oop espns Irn power 22 ow tate nosy — by wat one 1 Ormond) homes Seemed ert pone Oto Taiate © 19 age 9 teres © corned 0) peered 1 cores z 1. tow grornet hale—tat war § LUssehannar nin ate we 2 Feedtmmnia ot doting se By waite vod cite 0) tne etna ead 1 Onnot te noel — read nenmpapt in © woud eine aes {Beis Guarda wo oe ©) inane ced ‘one milion copie a dy. 1) wee erated cesing 1 tay 9) sete 9 ty 87 0 rity telat ws iof og a “brani Sl mary ano ea ordery wae 4. Trerseuch — bye cert 19 Tt tt pr ret ae iver erty aca at ee ‘oreaing as ben seas ton 2 ara, iy eee ©) Shoe many deen should have been built Wy stot 8 pnesen Soe ©) appt ©) holdup ° Nepean en 8 caret ot 1 Bonet nly tne 8. — newts, ean buyers tod to spend ‘more money wen they xp pres Sythe came 1) Some people ot th Commanvaah ‘Sines teint 0a” £8) The nation ct mary people aad ‘to purhass eer Fe soe © Consume Une Sts wt uy re whan pos ote 1) The economic power a person ‘ener he acy 1 Tretniser f Emami shu go someting ey row fo 0 ‘od cote bw ehargerane 70. sotta, ver glans mine sxtamen enka Tog cio baa 10 The European governors have known how oma he eso people ‘lens by presen thee tedons and ‘Sariting warm ony retorshipe 1) Galanin Koran vo ek ae {iter eae an Aral cater tals yearn hl gery iio 5) Aupat hike, ast haya ‘anos ha gate itor Yair scat al ible az a barn airs ©) Haat nog hal eter hair, ‘ett krurayive sk ale deer {Broa Amiel ncner eye ‘do binmore 1) Arup ximate geass: ‘ae ak afer ee rae aang mata Ts a neue Word (1) boca oe "aes abt Fra. Pound oped, wes ‘onge ana (12)— woes seating ‘Saat owaos tang the acre (19) — fo wtorg hat tcan wan sess Dobe tan (1) hide ofconstucon Wes (05) <= ites 40 tvs br har oe {70tines tater hn stra oo ace pans masarey hve show a wood fee ‘Stan ony on ge * py ett 8 untoasy © trey 2) comple 5 verse 2 1 Sota ©) When 5) wrwaae Das 1) masbecone 8) became ©) became 1D) woul bozo 1 te bocaing 1 tho ones 5 ome 0) exh ater on 5 tacne "a © ost 8) aloo 2} 8 oy w Checkpoint: - 9 reyes So Sees aoe f i # ij if 8 f i iy th Be Hy | TEE: Mi nee nul gle i 4 i i =o Checkpoint - 9 Keywords 16 sora varie Ta nis {i such, ciara hanioa so ca ot arianca enya rae come au ron ne ii sn ri SRctimt_—_18 20 yin conund, Neon Mandan & yest bu spn yak 18. () Onn ct corn Nay vole apr “rrmesija arg mazaslaseu ope ‘npn tht we raaue rea bw oth cert vege ayer ‘tnonyou sen than so pecs CI eur ‘Sr lark ze carpal ‘je produce are oss yo ‘roan wath or ashe choca Pre 2) Daring te 20 cary, Noon Mandel {hoy ate! you je Tare eae ‘eight agnet al seeinneon ‘tear boy sua ho tere ceronsatng urpaaie ptia! ‘ea vay. (Th are at ye ura end pena gy Protos ‘Soi your eer taming when chong we ‘hens For ear, mearng gases, 1) Atta enc ot te 2 ceri ih of rowng pny lle your one Noor Nena sans oto ore tute sera tem. ‘npr polo eugene 7 Dacor ayes gaa his at an om OW By etry ra nn ascrmnaton Thea corny has wines ne pares pocalSrage en bersnal igaty ne ft aga ia Sioa etal decimation ne ecause Neon Mena | 1) Noten cal’ wb een a8 Sng funparatndpto courage ‘sd pesonal dant nite stooge Spare erase daca a ie cry when te 20 cay sve 8 Ate wdatbezmcanuy. Naor 2 [Ta aaa inn apann bo bakoh Manca bicaraoteeaietrti” = | "un anys fey ea comivecpncdcangems seromsgrarnnatwrtonsosnt © gy ‘cena ace oom es 8 oo ra wind ‘Soak whnyose ony eae ae “7 sa bg akan ' ay poveccumtiapadetonacen | | hy osama amr cert iy Shae bar Sie 17 Mayers prin sapirghoumee |” Tow bit wenn a pie ree Semae |” mouse ne wend na wegen naan na ‘oma nt re aan = EEchauatstnrioas Silage tom eeregento sat. | TA = ty onan sn Mason a Tiree cameron penn | A = ‘Sure ues oa tae onnwd {ened aig tough gue ad —— Sess wemt we ater ca ‘top eur cop wag ont ElEBwinm Soups tre mre open eon, Siete goer ea a A) Temperature plays an important part a8 wall ‘Ay Have you got ary previous experience i 1B) Where no rain falls, houses usually hae ener tame | eT ©) fate erry saath Seeger (©) Econo and technologies, o, Seteg te sure = evenaee © oven myer ss TESST oy patna al ctore oy mes ©) ite yp at att =n 1) Tug Yoncanay tahoe wee | © Lenkinapray peopl har lan at Er Tondo inwen eece n Ww 2-28 soon aca eR Ge ‘capayne. ‘A group ct esoarcars has demonstted tat ‘Bese an poste sts mde fe {2x ral Throw renee ope ths not ny mor power lo Pas no ‘Se tects Cal toe cam re eco ‘cigs tat ve tog an an ay ‘much a 1 yous to Your heath. Thats wy toa Geog red Jin go Reson (Sbot Yh meat Mone, wich Sacred (ago. De se, a art cored to pare {te wook ho dd at age Te book nla: ‘Sore soe bla a eae oe cerry te se corersee medal [Poems hs shore fe Accorang oa sy ere eon, ate oer 6 oom 8 ‘reat leo pig, seal Younger corso ting tom aon ‘reer rating to Bo ss persd by sme ch reel ow acy 120. e imped inthe passoge tat ohn De 7) puso away we ne was ping ie ‘Sapewre 8) ase eta oft bok The vce che © gusta he es of Aston! Geogr bore ta os ©) proves atl Gsonaphic an [heat efecto wo on people tieduaon cones lng hi sting a god oO 21, As The ere Hachine sugges, ‘ime sorts blo ht rebemete ‘ear ese 1 eter ce heath consirty 8) rakes lng han they hat ed working © tees oreo now hei 1) canoe ey sare eo erable pose have mer spare tne According tthe passe, king a hetby {pater or dr erent => 1) makes peopl heath woe nore eo © leat may 0 argu ee Hasan Il lain th passage that, cording [hefieeletencaronened” anaee 1 thle no need a rte sae 18) tery hao sity olor ‘uty an ny a bw yurgoere ©} peor want have any mel sions {They ra at ane op8 > epi oen a pays © reg tom pu te ete very (eotufere open, OR reeds Keywords 77 sora cdo boy batan yews | | & Wea dation wich the sons ce re Tobe of warns went te bey 1 Invegohet 5) keiup Simetpat ncn ora | 1. Japan, worsted indus ore thas “va otro geen wth = core all countries in order to sell ts products. ee oe ee 1» purcrase 5) rain © oxtem 9) eopose © persue Moran ares yng of ree cance in paling numbers "the eanest ‘etabishments reat ilsone 6 golare ina resere forename Nines 8) dete 2. The Boh nny was —of he mao © empe oe marine ung the ea years of Word 5 ie Wart Bt that atu overs tis rew \weon costs of mae Ives 1 soaps 1 tose 7. The eaee weiter Tue foisles — in ee mee Noveas Tre et ber. Ths book a ‘hough to be wren 178 by M ign 3 muons Mente ncn ae = Fy meta /taaed 8B weet ang am 6) fon ss eeee Gamay lan ot many conta 2} wre = Site wr feontes ch ee vt we ret different sections as the wild Bavarian eee Eisienses™™ ——_Apeannne pons acl ae =o A eeay 8 aay Se = 09 onic wie cn pnw Eee oom or = ©) rt = {Fo acon Fang Ze Shampoo nn ete car = Seton ae 1 Dra ten hacen oman 4a wy ard oss — 9) fa moan man wot tn © fragrance ‘Mictip ome ce apes 1 play) edt 1 Coach carey mae ©) tound out D) died out ee | © Wat ran tn sora © tue Wianeenacey w Mec’ former capt ands ts most Inport, = 1 Lage i ato one te wots crest ets rong ce 8) now shsorae’sconsrcton we erpnd ao dye © frost oth esis in Lagon ae ‘rvplaing about congasson D) the prone tas atari ig tos ras owaye bars sous psi © temaorseponsbeforal 6 ddseu thecy 76. varen cay arise sak ln cine Bara 0 Few developing counties have managed ‘Slaten tevorble parc or ‘managing and ening heath Cgunzntons 1) Toate hay any courier Gevcorng he wae ora og ‘Strona a sno a he ‘retort mace, 15) Was opciones ow Sewn curren Pat ay on hve ety ate re nening imegeal rgnaters © Lig downto rot apron tra proven cf money tr be haan ‘pursnons ha ea lng proceso ‘Sretping come ©) Ales fe of intr to {neo ne hath eer ‘cenomcalyaceonpisbed rong ‘any sveopre cou. 5 No cour, ven th dvr Ses, is nop argue yet ing rc asnnnarn ne ogaraaton ot rece posety os Haz Checkpoint - 10 .— sould, aban paras ruraral yr fun ee sek yada aoe tun ‘Th Ga War bean tec of pot an conan eas the moe mp espe ‘ort wa as caver Sak Sey Dogan inte USA nth 600 when fon ansonrers rue Back peop fom Ae a USA (1) = 00 ‘The Bc sare woe (12) sare ot lp as, cate parson. Thay wee nat ee, Sa ‘ey wert (9) = fe rer nomar. ‘ie Soth mary pope bleed at vay os acess fs econ because Saves sa It werk The plataons coud retest what a aes (14) (18) any pope lave attr ws wong hee peng, falc abot, wad oor able, Savy * oy beneat 8) ow oy fom Ben 2 te ae © sitar a 8 eter 1 orpeny 8 tion © rvs cabo © rot “ 1 hing been wong 8) 10 be were 9 tower be wong © week ams 8) erent 9) Aaah However 5 inca

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