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ydsenglish.ty 9. The origin of sex ie much of 13. Women are ~~ kely ——- men to puzzle = its prevalence discuss mental health problems with A) to0 for thelr general practice physician. ea} A) s0/ much ©) as/as 8) aso fas ) ehat/ suchas ©) more than 5) very / more lke ) too / for ©) as/ that 10.0ver this period, according to a report 14-The harder a materials, —~ ductile or Sey Seer Se tan Sees“ wonabe anasto be Cee teraaie des neem ret pa a og See ome, gD cose meer ens meg from foreign oil sales. 2d) more ne toms 2) bstas : Oo wete j oss 3 E) es for as, i 15. Acute natural disturbances can ‘sctually help to maintain diversity on Coral reefs by knocking back dominant ‘Species and allowing =~ cempetitive ‘Species to re-establish thereelve 1A) Not aly / but also Rime 3 nao mu 8 helen am 8 tne) emere 2 anette eee sameneiettnatanyonecon amie to“ Bergned rao andra or meee pe ateracn rent seen em ernae see Sonal ome ae ee ara aia Sige 8 omer Oka ©) another ) so ong as eee oie eases ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS-5 2, Any injury forceful ~~ to facture the Jaw may also injure the cervical Vortebrae Ase 8) as O ast ) wo ©) enough 2. I yawning contagious and, If so, are 2) mere / than £8) nat ony / but also ©) ether or ) so/ that ©) both ana 3. The book adheres —~- closely toa ‘Randard chemistry curiculum. 4) seldom 3) such © as ©) tatry ©) encush 4, Around 40 to 50 percent of dreams iso contain sounds, while touch, Stoel taste and palh are present lr percentage of dreams. 69 - Your qualifications should help you to Compete that much better again hose = qualified fora particular Job. A) as much 5) lass ©) east 0) the same 5) tower France is a large country and, thous {has over S6 millon inhabitants, fe densely populated -—- most ofits ‘western European neighbors. B) 50 / that 8) more /as ©) ess than ) ether /or 5) not only / but [At umes during the ast es Age the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (was ~~ weaker than Tels today. 2) pleasantiy 8) rarely ©) considerably ) directiy ©) fly Obtaining nutrients is of ~ Importance. 48) more / than 8) such /that ©) sofas 1) much ke 5) ether or 9. Butterflies hi lnderstend 2) easier / than 1) the eases / 25 ©) as easy / 20 ) so easy / that ) easiest / ike ome characteristics Sslonal scientists, amateur enthusiasts, Coal produces —- C02 per energy unit ‘any other forall fuel, 2) also as 3) more / nan (©) such / that 1) either/or ©) so/as fgengish.tv 41.The planes should become fast enough 1 for thelr effective speed tobe atleast three times =~ great ns that of care ‘onthe highway A a8 2) such ©) much D) 0 ©) more 412,Made out of metal so that it conducts nearest object tole A) sofas 8) as/as ©) ore than ) bath ana not only / bt also ; 70 ‘the coastline give Norway an overal ‘oceanfront of ~~ 12,000 alos. 2) mere tan 8) just as ©) tresameas D) sotores ) as wellas Probably every iterate person ie ‘amir with the famous reltivity ‘Squation: E= me%in fact ile {formula in modern physics, 'A) more famous than 2) the mest famous ©) est famous 1) mere famous 5) famous 8) both / and (©) ot aly / but also ) so/ that ©) suchas “The solar calendar the Egystians “developed was ~~ accurate and {Sophistiested than the Mesopotamian Tonar eatendar. A) the mast 8) mest ©) the more ) more 5) as NOUN CLAUSE-1 suggest / be returned suggested /to be reures would suggest /to nave been returned had suggested / are being returnes would have suggested / return Perhaps these people are ~~. gnorant {oreaiize —~ serious sshrest these fertilizers are to their heath 18) more/ than, 8) suen/ why (©) as much /as ) too /justhow ) not only / but also 3. More importantly, Dobson's book i. Feminder of == powerful and rach ‘green thinking can be. A) why ever 8) however ©) wherever 1) men more £) just now - When photography first appeared, some people predicted that == 2) wl have caused 8) wil cause (©) would ave caused ) caused ©) would couse awe 5. Inthe end he admitted that he ~~ the fires at such a speed, 1) aan expectd /o spread 8) cid expect / to have spread ©) wasnt expecting / soreadng 1) hadn't been expecting / having sores 5) wouldnt expect tbe spreading thermal the average temperature ofthe earth 2) were warning / hes used 18) hove Been warning / was using (©) nave warned / may cause 0) hed warned / causes 5) warn / wil ave caused - He insisted that mountaineering —~ = Sport for him but a passion that — ie wile fe. Ay hadn't been / would dominate 3) isnt / has dominated 1) hasnt been /s dominates 1) woulde be is dominating 5) wasnt / had dominated Indeed, the situation is such thatthe ‘haleman has finally promised to Implement ‘te committe recommends. 2) Whoever 5) however © Hever D) as ever 5) whatever D g 8. Scientists wondered -- Dolly, th cloned sheep, would live a normal fe Spon ~~ simply live out the remaining Years ofthe sheep from which she hed Deen cloned. A) mere than 5) so/that (© whether / or ) nether / nor 5) yust/ as 10. The etfects of hypothermia depend on there Is whale body exposure =" ‘Sxposure only of parts 2A) both en 3) whether / or ©) yt D) sofas ) even/s0 11.--=- what is generally assumed the ‘number of animals remaining ins threatened species may actualy rise ‘n't approaches the bri of A) Inview of 8) Contrary to (©) Surprisingly enough ©) Nooslese to <9y ©) Due to 1m the past it was not cle Proteins might be Besoin with 2) even 8) how ©) incase 1) whereoy ©) whe 72 ydsenglish.v a3. what was once believes itis now ‘generally agreed that mariisana use ls fertrom benign. A) Incase of 8) According to ©) Centar to ) ue to 5) Astaras 14. Hein a line of work that was. ‘dependent solely om his ability to win the trust of ethers, and one In whieh Very close relationships "= necessary. 2) was engaged / wore 8) would have been engaged ail be ©) willbe engaged / could be 1) had been engaged / ae ) is engaged / would be wrwwrydsengish.ty 15,she needs change; she should take 2 ne ©) whereas D) asever ©) thats 16.He certainly —- party members last ‘Weekend whan he announced thet he = to regain his party chairmanship. A) has shocked / had not scusht 1) would have shakes / wil ot seek ©) had shocks woud not have sought ) waste shock / snot seeking 5) shockes / would not seek NOUN CLAUSE-2 u ytsenglistiav 1. A corporation's formulation ofits ‘5. The World Wateh Institute reported International strategy will graatly (determine == it wil benefit more from protectionism or from some other "a restaurants that opened Tae ecco coon Se eae! eras = ae ae ae Be ©) tes 8 wile D) wreer aa 3 ony rae 2s ae aes coe |, cee eter tere Ses acerca fe ee peers oe Te escetaiayss fg Saber anes es ese Sener ence naam err 5 bese $5) solongas te = Ome a . oe Be res ee, PS eh abercasea sees ees op eretettiens 5) tu fete nobed wn C) say / had helped ae op hres ena hb ©) na he i/o 3 mene 2 we 4 ts morning in me news nat He mus ind out he pat Wee Sc scedePearset oy" Intndah oso under eating Meese nce ign —— Sreumatances 1) no been etd os iow 3 mre soul an 8 wnch pause ae 8 wm 0) wan moe ft et 3) wat @ pacteapotea/euidhewedea | 6) whore 2 Ques a. Most patients want to know even bed prognoses, but ~~ physicion tells = ‘lven patent should be determined Primary by the patent, not the Physician. 2) how fone 8) how many (©) how often ) howe much ow tow {In his report he ~~ thatthe scanning ‘technology "with novel textile manufacturing techniques. 1) may ecommens hs been combines 8) recommends / was combines () hae recommended / naa been ombined ) recommended / shouldbe combined ) had recommended / would have been Combined ‘They believe -~ certain familia ‘phenomena, such ab the day-night Eycte and the seasons, depend on the ‘movements and relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. 2) inthat 8) as ©) those ) since 5) that wow ydsonglish.tv ‘rogram should emphasize the va Sspects ofthe cultural and historical A) whereby 2) since © as ) mat 5 nase - 74 vytlsenglish.tv In the developing worl, the public- fypleally overwhelmed, wheh fs not Strorisin considering -~- national Sovernmente spend on heath Share of national income. 2) how ite 8) row ©) so much 1) just as men ©) how many “The remarkable feature of gases i —~ they appear to have no stracture at al, ait 5) at ©) when ) why 5) whether ‘betaieia to overcome. A) how 8) whet ©) whatever D) when 5) whichever One of the challenging decisions that hospitals are to make when purchasing a technology-based system fe they want to focus rare on the ‘doctor ~~" the patient 1) etter / nor 5) whether / or ©) rater than ) as wo 25 ) bath ana B a NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-1 that treatment policies suitable for roup may not be justified In 2) Aconvoversy immeiatly arose {The arise hes considerable orainaty ©) Arecet study into ceestera lve suggests, 1) They ad already convinces ©) The implications were nat at fest how immediately ari tastingly blacks had affected American Ife throughout history. 1) Thomas Jefferson, one ofthe leaders of the American Revelinon, hed opposes ) In is paper on stavery In Ameriea he ‘lmnonstreted wath impeccable schoarshp © Wes in America have always objected ) In colonial America, Virginia was the Largest and most populus clony ) The American staves, sometimes Sbject to artrary punishment, ‘Garmed to be hypersensiove ing misleading srovmenss nd fecapive statitles fo support his case for reform. 2) He was being interviowed by 8 group of 1) Many expert ané policymakers beteve ©) Tiss an extremely racal proposal ) Under the presen reumstances most people ae encouraged The report ignored the leading question wwwrydsenglish.tv 75 - People sometimes wonder that the frst women’s college was inded in England as ear as 1843, [wouter nave been at al impresses (©) Ie was owing to te ceaseless ert of Hrs Ro ‘ieoria nas bean queen fe twelve years He showed ite interest 5 that his play “The Crucible" was a Gry of protest apainst the at Communist zealotry of the Mecarthy 2) Arthur ilar he been svieusly ‘misunderstood 18) Among the madern Amercan ‘tomate had been Arar Miler ©) Arthur ler meet aivavs maintained 1) Arthur ler hasbeen wzely ress ©) Asfar as Arthur Miler I concerned A) since the richest Sources ef amin & Bre foods of animal engin such as er, fan ol, ik and egg 8) in ease a shortage of vitamin A was not the main protien ©) that inthe type! Westen de, about hai ofthe wtemin ines i om ogetabes nuts 1) Wee eating a ver to fequentiy ean (cause vitamin A toxely ) just as mor food with vain & ativty obra colored, often yellow yilsenglish.tv '8) Multintonal companies often hove hegative envronmenta ects 8) The great increas, in recent years, of forparate profs never taken nto (©) Over the years, mayanines ke The _Zeonomist have promotes the aes Globalization snd fre trade have Srucura ofthe nohinautolzed 5) Sltineret fs ot the ony value or Global economic actibes °) that active people need more protein than do sedentary people 1 they gore te ese of the 8) the evidence we have gathered through tur resereh suggest ©) longdstance runners are excestional 1) the reference isto ahltes in training 5) atvines of al kinds are encouraged wow.ydsenglish.ty NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-2 yilsenglish.av that i wil cut emissions of 4 The collapse ofa British company ‘greenhouse gases by about 65 milion Goveloping genetically engineered fone por year over the next ive years. vaccines in parts has raised fears 1). Scents are engaged in research ‘wy th pubic has shown so much ey aie Sees cee ae eat fo geneity meted plants announces 8) that mecca! botechnolegy may ls be ©) Agroup of scans atthe conference saversely affected argued ©) industry analysis nae ben Hine Cate om Koen Intimate by rl companies Protections a8 1) unles al such plants are arown in 5) The goverment had objected ‘jase houses ano not open fess 1) though ted to raise acequate nds tornance te next stage of Rs vaccine development program 2. s--that basic evolutionary processes Inthe future wil afer supeeantilly from those n the past 1) The breaking up of habitats wil create populations 18) Nobody had thought to ask themseves (©) They are carrying out a study of land Archaeological excavations Aiseshoyai neve shown =~ 2) but, Infact, Kultepe, near Kayseri, has large colony of Assyrian merchants 2) that the people ofthat pat of CCappadoct reached hig level of ‘zation athe eed milan B.C. www ydsenglsh.ty Biogeography ©) hather te Hittes musthave 1) Ther leno reason whatsoever to remained» conssersle sement in the sume Populacon of Anatole 8 ‘The argument was further supported ) eventhough the downfall the mite Empire was sudden and volent 1) a vary Iie is known of tie relision ‘3. Im is annual report, the accountant ‘ied ry he bonton one 6 <= tua rom the cary Mile Ages to Sian ‘Se bononnar oe teat ‘anager ad bes css ot mur ern erature Sess ‘ecole ot eracae 1B) whether the budget really is unrealistic Soe ee 'A) Mast German writers lack the universal ey © wate gatos aspecs were bans) Th nen sass E) which items in particular are being (©) Another aspect of Renaissance culture ‘mae iar ae ) The spread of mania 1 Germany in {the 15" century encoureged An important controtionof the Romantic age was 2 7 Busts ydsenglish.tv whether the company would find _10.--~- why genes influence heman ‘Snough fresh talent to survive. ‘behaviour ‘A) Throughout the 1990s skeptics ‘A) The book gves an extremely tis srondered accourtof '8) Even before their ged choreographer ) Evolutionary psychology isindead a ied antroversia ela ©) The executive committe wil express There's aso a survey ofthe most Noeaneern Interesting research Cared aut the 1) This haa naturally answered the fata question of 1) Such knomiege ie now made ) Thus a revitalized sont emerged scczse othe average eligent ) together the book has aretreshingy balanced perspective 18. The central concept of Freud's theory inthe Interpretation of Dreams s——- 44 that anticpation and expectation 1A) that dreams reveal a censorec ‘might be linked to genuine health representation of ur mer feengs ana ight be rene z 2) were pander Speen an ng rcv tam many peeaaes taminn takes pace eniy = B®) Mood changes ae linked to stress ©) because dmaming tar pce ony B®) ‘Mondcanees eee. © There ts considerable evidence te ©) theft nat marmite |B Tas wee to Shrenedinhumen 1) Plssurable experiences cen In thomscves be bens © nator art of oman activity is seen 1) The atsence of hope sans nthe way oFrecovery 12.According tothe newspapers, the “nvestigators, who visited Ukraine ‘over the sales of radar-detection ‘Squlpment to traq, complained 1) uni considerable ineiminating ‘Sidence nan been cscovred| '8) though some omcals have admittedly |) how many of thm have been unable to {Rend te local cle 8) whether they are benefiting trom the Series of heath professionals a Ses ae) . ©) whether other countries ought to come Snver ther seni ©) though afetive ation would have been forteoming| Sporecated 5) why they naa ven up breasteesing ydsenglish.tv 43,1thas only recently been accepted —~. _16.Over the past decade, doctors have i oa para ‘Become Increasingly Concerned about Getecave protein ls bam cls ') why the nerve cells of the ad humen A) eventhough natural sources pump 10 eS eer {ines a5 much parculatemattr ito Specialized to regenerate te atmesphere as humers do (©) because now appears thatthe bran '8) that people wth lng andheart alsease ‘sn geatly increase prosucsen nan are the most vulnerable Hempt to reparcomage (© whether hear aisease an arborne 1) incase the dscovery rales the Doluten would have been doadiy Dossy of aeveloging drugs to enemies ‘courage cel Yo regenerate faster ) how the tnest parties r the air na sooner Seversey afer heath that adult naman brain can generate 1 hospital admissions for asthma and new eas hear condtlons start to go 14.— that this is one ofthe most ever heartbreaking fms about an ‘American family. '8) The flm demonstrates the audecty and Seuctural power e ts decor 1) The fm centers round a family of fe ©) The subject matter is indeed ‘Eneational 1) Some tis are ofthe opinion ) Inti fim the fori eared as {he most power subject or arest| wmw.ydsenglish.tv 15.Fora long time no one was able to ‘explain = 1) though none of their deas were '8) iso many academics had opposed the eeam her ©) hile ne ha a better understanding of peasant societies 1) wy the Vietnamese peasants int Wan tobe tberates ©) wether his formal economy souls have been taken seiusty NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-3 ydsenglish.v Following the success ofthis method 5, ~~ how genes make it possible to ‘of removing vascular blood cats inthe rack animals: movementeand fea, surgeons began to wonder =~ ‘breeding patterns 2) I less traumate techigues could be 1) Asa new fd of study, betectnolosy veloped for other prcadures too has eorribted 9 great es) 18) thatakee-torpelis incision was rarely 8) Genatie studies arouse the publc rocessary Inerest. ©) since this was realy the beginning of ©) Aste book makes t day, genetics is iets invasive surgery, Gancernee 1) enata Slender catnter could be 1) Genet ato foes on conservation Inserted up the vessel ) A reconty-publahed book, entitled 5) asitpaents were bing sect to Inrodcton fo Conservation Genetics, that delaying vaccines very often ‘results in incomplete inoculation. 16. — that much ofthe coal that fs mined 2) rug companies are working to today is of botoglal origin _minae hirersa fem vacines |) In ust a few paragraphs the author 8) Some people stil claim that thomarsoi_p manages to diet readers In vaccines has not proved hermvul 2) The purpose ofthe article unlear ©) Ithas been convincingly estabished — 6) Foaat tis overanetmingy occur in 0) the cde sebeslecan bemoaned ‘eave yung sts ©) The pow vaccines radvaly becoming $ 0) Eventing pots to the at avaiable everyunoe E His insight into the probler k= + —iteradtrneatsemcoes, Sisieaen ie eee eee ements Rigel acca Lene ease aes o) Testes canes nay Seance eae ieee 0 isan 4 ee wee eed eens aioe peeRaeee 2 nemecnal © itor onnee 4 stars var oun Sts poe aes Teaioeias) | cere ‘costs as rapidly as possible: 7 ‘existence aeeragmereemace | 2 rcmmeane ee eenece beer er ov egmercorgmiervuontebe py cranes ae poached a 9 econ ern ope eestor —s Dost yllsenglish.tv 19, —-- that New York City if Being bedly _25.Unfortunataly, alot of parents fall to ‘un snd desperately needs to be ‘anticipate = reorganized A) how risks change as teirchile grows 1A) None of them nae admitted sie 8) Everybody acknowidges 18) that so many injures to hilren were (©) Many Americans were ashing the prevertatte thors ©) even when they ae in familar 1) Letters of protest had been written to Sirouncings the Mayors offer ©) since Injuries area leading cause of £2) Many jouraits would recommend {est among nants uncer one yor of ae £5) wether media help was actually 20.well before 11 September, people began to fear ~ A) Hfthey had acicved tht plc ends 5B) that teronits would stato use ‘emia, bogie ad nucear ©) so that Americans ean confront the ‘wort treat Before they emerge 1) in case America wil have to consider ‘eating 2 domestic neligence agency ) hen the United States toppled the ‘Tepe thot gove o-Goeaa ts Aghan taled for 44. his conductor offers an orchestral Balance qulteunitke =~. 1) ae some sing sssne amos ot 18) as you simply do ot hear the viens 35 the!main ne of tre muse ©) what we are used to 1) that he adds something otis own 5) since the works hardly recognizable wrydsenglsh.tv - that US tax policy discrimintes_15,,s with many long-term projects, no ‘against renewable-energy companies. Soran 1) Throughout the country, paople are 1) whether had expe er not ipconpae tne eee So erase 8) that te Apollo program, starting fom eneray erat, cost hundred ilon US 8) Inthe UK there isa "Climate Change rer fee ©) tit had tuned out 0 be even more ©) Some green-energy advocates argue expensive 1) The treats poses by greenhouse g98e8 _p) why we could have afforded it 5) The ture of enewabe energy nas ) what the ral costs ltr out to be ‘hue een arsured 12,Some people feel strongly -~- ~ that Mars has experienced 2 'A) snc thls would certainly have been 2 ‘riking diversity of processes Step i the wrong drecton Shroughout is story. ) whether he actually ithe words east) tn fat nobody sungested own bienare ©) hater such Books should even be published 1) that the Bush administration has fvploted the terrorist ata ) that trequentpress-coverage will have ‘ean detent to hime 8) Tels now apparent (©) The discussion i tkely to continue 1) Majonty opinions ae not necessary ) The evidence they proserted NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-4. 4. <= that Hispanles had become the rgest minerity group In the US, Surpassing African Americans, 1) Teas those ees and darts vivre they, ad Been the most Righty 5) Th demoorapl atts were being ©) As far ast know 1) The most striking outcome ofthe 2000 Most demaraphers wil have been Slarmed bythe fact often asked in 2. The question of — pottea ere 1A) that his translation was a fault B) whether the means jusey the ende ©) at ne improvement of oct ithe hich workers" unions have demanded tore ght and higher wages ) that personal freedom nad tobe lied wwrydonaish.ty 3. — that the major cancer killer, ng ancer, is strongly influenced by det AA) The late stata evidence 1) However cbvious it ry se (©) There ls men evigence to suggest ) As emotes ove to pointcut ©) The consumption of fut ana segetabies enero ; Now heny laments produced Satecen gotaxen 1) Teeeemed more than unkely 8) Astronomers have long wondered (©) The argument i arly convincing 10) The explanation nes yet to be tested ) The reason tuned ut to be simple 82 ‘5. The distinctive decoration of scrol ydsenglish.tv birds and flowers on tis Chinese vase Indicates 1) why it had been comparatvely rare 8) whether or not was actualy Caton ©) ena was mace especialy forthe European martet, ) but apparety it snot athe very best. ual since the sve stil pop today 5 It there is something wrong with the Blood clotting elements. 'A) Women are mere prone tot than men 8) The older ones were foun to bre more easy ©) The fat under the skin als protect. from injury 1) Easy busing doesnot rnin feiles| lone tests can determine wo wll become sehizophrenic 1) There seems tobe genete predspestion 18) eure le nowhere in sight (©) Nate cocars nor sents can Becuratlyprecee 1) They conf te eal and the ‘Treatment ofthe ceorder improving 5 hat engineers do not restrict ‘Hemselves to technical matters, 1A) The engineering curceukm has long required 8) Many potential leaders wet ofthe pinion (©) The courses imalved subsontiat Feacing and wring sstignments 9) The in was to aoc wer He acquired a sophisticated knowledge of sent and tecnnea maters 8 a Sut yisenglish.ty -—-__ that It produces national 12. that the Celts once dominated the ‘Cohesion in the target countries ‘breadth of Europe from the Black Sea 2) The shale most important effect of tothe Atlantic. terrorem i 2) They wil consul tle know historians 28) The bombing of resorts ta recent 8) Some erenaeciogial cus had been (evelopment Sioewvered ©) Ina giobalzes word smelt groups of ©) The whole question may Yave sparked Deople con cause big rouble nceseme sxbete ) Terrorists are at an inherent ) Most of us ae unaware ofthe fact snaventage 5) Most netoriane wil ave denies 5) Sucde-bomb attacks against ordinary ‘tons flies 32,The UN Insists —- ') even though China's economic growth ‘must have had perverse eed on 1) because China had undernvested a rucal socal servces, especialy ‘soventon and public heath ‘that the proportion ofa ‘eurons increases greatly ‘move up the evolutionary ladder. 2) Comparisons of brain reveal 18) Ths hypothesis nas sil tobe tested (©) Nevroscienti re pursuing the raw yasengiish.ey cenauiry (© that Chinas under an urcentional 1) The eapacty for learning Is being ‘bigatan to peohbetrare and I Investigated treatment ©) The problem has not been adequately ) as Korea's pote! sytem is more researches aly to experience decay tan democracy aw ee eer sine ev wars have dvastates African coe a ‘conomie leaving rons Sends |) Routine rine analysis includes eee ‘emia analysis to detect protein, Sugar and Ketones 14.— that seemingly obsolere methods 28) Proteinuria susually sign o kidney ‘an el ear wal esse 2) The decovery deighte them ©) ed nthe urine etc by 18) The procedures ae usd ‘or fabricating 1) The doctor performs a rectal (©) The problem with copper was {examination n a man to Feet 1) The lesson tobe earned om tis ) Pain inthe blader is mast often postive resus {nian by 2 eter infection £5) An ingenious Slution tothe protien ‘emerged yllsenglish.tv 15. that the reasons for introducing ‘he new-design dollar bills were the persistent reports of high quailty. ounterfelts circulating in the Mice Ene. 2) Following a US Secret Service prove, {the US Federal Reserve as wander 8) Enormous quantities of dlr bl re oid In reser n he US and oversens ©) All of them are ala algatons made by {he US Federal Reserve ) The US government's curreney poley has Been sharply ertcizes 5) 1thas been clam, but never Confered by the US Federal Reserve 416.1n the US in 1882, Peter 3. Mecuire, ‘who ts generally given credit fr te dea of Labor Day, suggested to the ‘Central Labor Union of New York 'N ieee was any parteular signicance forthe date 2B) that thare shouldbe holiday honoring : sydsenglish.ty bmerican workers ©) whether the sgnitcance of Labor Oy Ine US hag changes ) whereas, in many eter counties, May Day series 2 smar purpose ) when te frst Monday n September 135 tobe known ae Labor Day i Br NOUN CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-5 ydsenglist.tv Everyone knows 4. The Mariner 10 space probe 1) thatthe polities folie crucial to fein = kermined the dele Eas 2) se planetary sets hove By whether to te Arabs oll means the speculates about Hercurys magnetic ost ptrlaum eserves yng under field the desert sande 8) that Mercury, unite Venus and Mars, ©) inthe Masia East ol is a precious hos significant ogra ld cure of wealth and al too often © ©) wil there sno way to sudge whetner aise for war Von on Mercury sais eras 1) since noh-OPEC el producars curently ) untl the nen project uses racer [ctount for Se of total production Fefetions to determine sutle 5) a 1a cruge ol exports in 2007 were ‘sclations in Mercury's eaten rate ‘more than $8 loner than In 2006 5) which presumably creates strong ‘magnet Pela that the US is trying hard to increase the share offs of imports trom sub-Saharan Afrien. 1) There ito oreo deal of ctroversy 5) 1 wt be meresting (©) tthe been revesid na recen eport 1) There hasbeen much debate Most atc states nave been Sppreached 1) whether crug protools used in [Americn etal injections produce ‘eoth without pa '5) that some people used to baleve «pla punishment was wrod (©) whieh etal injections replaced deat br nosing ) because is obliged to execute as huranely as can ) when the te hs come for renewed Consdertion of the death penalty won vdsonatishy ze was not until the middie of the 19° 6 The more fundamental question Is ~~ concury 1A) because the government has put to = ‘ect new poles in agraiture 1A) hile some gectolss were studying 18) thet most EU coutres aren favour of the Srtineation a ocke ‘edlal reforms nthe economy 1) hen there were signeant ©) whether such biases foram poticy [oneverents nthe newly developing {an serve the interests fe country Sones of geology 1) incase there may be 2 cal from the ©) inwhich these guidelines were to be ‘overnmant for an earty elton the bass of archaeolglal excavations Sate ee eee eT 1) thatthe ascipline of archaeology Plans to change working conditions, Became Wuly established 1) before the term “prehistory” Itself ame Into general use 7. One of the many eritciams made of fhe British media te = |) why Stain nae been te nal festnatin for legl immigrants from the dc eas how it can best engage ts own Budienc n publ aftars end Intemational probieme nether the potcans opposed to the Government’ monetary poly are ight that isnot intrest inthe everyoy Interest of ts own teers and ) because thas mostly been infferent {0 the problem of rsh unemployment o ‘Salinated water of the Gulf Stream, 2) regard tothe new dat, ithas Bean questioned [team of ecolagits rom Norway have tronderes An increasing number of slants trom Srouna the word beleve In view of new evidence, one's puzzled Despite 2 aeat cea freaie ‘eidence, most envianmentais wil 8) ° > 5) Future computers will beable to tellus A) even f the universe consists mast of ‘have matter ang dark emery 8) unless we procuce more work fr less hort (©) so faras human beings can Find new ‘sources of food ©) white ndings In war zones wil be ) how we can improve our performance stork 3 : ydsenglish.tv thatthe basic principle of ‘collective ownership of ral ‘remain unchanged 2) Inte pass many pepe n Cina ‘he Coes covenant had akendy Some polis a Ching ook part in 2 senate ‘The Chinese Prime Minter nas stated Chinese peasants nea protest, eating ast Sunday » ° > 5 that bats use ultrasonic beams to {oliow insects through the dare 1) Agtoup of students are experimenting 3) Scientists had wondered ©) Aageat deal of evidence needs to be Gathered ) Tes tong been known ) ver the years, no scents has ‘uestoned 12.New radiocarbon dating of fos 86 ‘suggests 1) that mass extinctions of mammatns and wi horses 10,000 years 290 Were fused by saturl ciate ete ‘hether humans ware to ame for {extensive destruction nthe natural ‘arid and al forte platon the how stentists began to understand ‘enriy what dinosaurs ate end Why they ceappeared fem the face othe ar o ) ance branch buried for thousands ‘ot years invleane ach could nave Fevealed the ate of the grat inoan zation en the Geek sind of Tara luhen twas stentfcaly established {hat wheseurs belonged tea arse {r0up of reptiles called archosauria 5 413.1 the early years of the global ‘warming debate, there was great 2) hile China hasbeen bimed forthe ‘Shmets ers today 18) but sents nave concluded that this ‘arming i danpercus (6) since the deta of future forecasts on 1) that warming would bea significant problem inte ature nether the planet was indeed 4.1m the late 19206, many politicians ‘Were cautiously optimistic =~. 1) ifthe Nazis ied to eliminate the Infvences of marian culture, which they regersed asa cultural depenerecy ) incase the Nazs hc uses mass meds {ean efficient means of ndocrnation nd convel ©) that te economic roubles and potical formal, wick had been caused by ‘Wore Werl, could essy be overcome Just as one powerful infuence onthe Erte an italics of he me was ‘nether socal nor pots, but sent ©) so that arts might continue to focus ‘on subjective experiences, mutipilees ‘St meaning, an personal expresion wor ydsenglishtv 15.-— that space and motion are relative ‘o each other instead of bang Sbsolute, 1) Einstein become convinced of the tauvalonce of mass and eneray 8) Einstein's most fameus thery, he principle of lati, states Einstein had proposed entice new wvaye of thinkong about matter, me, and orvty Einstein's theories paved the way for evolutionary develapments im pRSles Einstein devoted he fete promoting peace and socal Justice >) 16.-— whether its a work othigh quality ‘or just s worthless plece of writing 2) Today in Europe and America, tere i 2 tremendous outpouring of pret books from the publishers, 8) The apprecatio of iteratre Is Concerned wth judgment f complete ©) The matonty of works of erature are Tengthy novels lay, and poems ) experienced ierary crs can tel with some cotanty from st be fst. paregraph of = nove ‘The English anguage nas esources Which eneble us to expres tought 5 RELATIVE CLAUSE-1 4, IRs almost Impossible to find two ions on ths matter are 8) who © that 5) whose ©) hat 2, Communication i perhaps the most Important of the numerous tasks ‘engineers are responsible in time of 2) that 8) by which ©) nat 1) for whien ©) for whom ‘3. The brain isa part ofthe body ~- Ite Is known and even tse Ie ‘understood. 2) ies 8) from what ©) where D) of wnose about which 4. South Afican government has Committed a further sum of money to the southern African Large Telescope (SILT), ~~ enables the construction of this glant telescope to commence next 2) len 5) thus © by when 1) whose ©) for whom Slavery issue was 3. In Africa, the irresponsible sews ydsenglish.tv ©) whicn ©) whom “The members of the special ‘commission on crime, some of — were appointed by the mayer, stil mest on 2 regular basis A) that 8) whose © hom 5) whe ©) which ‘he northern and southern sat ‘ought against each other curing the 2) on the other hand / whieh 8) as such/ whereas ©) ony wy 1) mereover that 5) thus in that fof an exclusive hate ut an end tothe seafood Toca! village ‘epended Yor its tiveinood, >) thst 8) which ©) what D) where ©) whom ydsenglish.tv 9. Farmers depend on meteorologists —~- 13. Photosynthesis Is the process -~ ‘ecurnte forecasts assist in successful ‘green plants manufacture oricultural planning, ‘Carbohydrates, using the energy of ») we sunlight. 8) in wien 2) as when © that 8) onwhien ) what © where 5) whose ) by whien 5) since 10.Anemia lea condition — theres 2 the year 2050 tare wil be 9 bilion decency nthe quay of te blood. most fond = ea bilon mre ma 2 thantoday. 2) thet aie ©) which 8) what , there 2} itch i © sot Bt 11.An annual scientific mesting wil be ‘td so et foiltatscommancaton Simona surgeons = primary terest ——_‘ificuty In Breathing, ies ntheReld of oncology. 2) which 9) were ) when 8) af whom © sty © when 0) wheres 5) in whic 5) whether ©) whose 2.Any magnet, whether tis inthe shape 16.Laser beams, ~~ are useful In both of bar or @ horseshoe, has two ands, ‘medicine and industry, ware Mest Called poles, the magnetic effects _Bredicted in science fiction some Fifty Strongest years: 0 wien mien 2) wat 2) hae © hon ©) wratver 0) whee 0) where 5) he 5) nose - 89 Buses 4, The last company chairman, were ne ver identified, was shot Subsequentiy died in New York three 1) whose 8) who © tat 1) whier ) whom 2. The most devastating human impact g, con environments ean be seen om Islands ~~ settlers have introduced ‘ew plants A hich 8) whom ©) whet ) to wich 5) whom eur ydsonalishty 3. Greenhouses ware mass produced, —~ 7, ‘made them more affordable for orchid lovers of modest means, AY what 5) thus ©) wien ©) but 5s 4. The development of each organ ofthe body Is regulated by a number of ‘genes Interact im complex ways a) that 2) when as ©) so mat ) eventhough 2) ln whieh 8) in whose ©) where ) hove 5) what ‘Sclontists at the US Geological Survey {Center found that the Canstian auake, ‘measured 7.9 on the Rhter scale, triggered off several smaller ones 8 forse Nevada and Utah. A) in when 8) which ©) where D) what 5) who Anarrative essay isa nonfiction Composition == the writer explores the subject by talling story. 2) in whien 8) which ©) where D) whose 5) when Hormones are substances released by Cells into the bloodstream, ~~ they travel throughout the body and Influence the function of other cell A) were 8) which © that 1) wether ©) wherever 9. Nevis Europe's largest warm-water lake and visitors can swim there even In winter, === helps extend the tourist tus 8) whien ©) ner 1D) toe Qs 10.Researchers a the Centre for {Immigration Studies--~ found that fine congressional seats would have boon alloted to different states in 00, f nonciizens, including legal lens, had been excluded from the ‘counts Congrese uses: 1) nese ) which © what ) thus 5) whether wow vdsenalih.ty 1.10 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led Parks Canada ‘Son Juan, ~~ the archives said had funk in the harbour in 1565. 2») whose 8) when © nom ©) who ©) hich 32,Management must learn to determine ‘market conditions tn the countries itis doing business. A) where 3) what ©) astor ) of which 5) so that ‘Duburban weeklies and small dailies ‘re produced by offset Ithosraphy, 8 procedure ~~~ photographs can be Feproduced inexpensively. A) wy 8) that © which 1) whether ©) by wien 14.ts mother, was a devouty ‘elighous woman, gave Browning 2 {enderness and optimism 2») which 2) who © nese ) that 5) whom 45, Developing countries, —- nutritional ‘concerns override the risk of HIV {ramsmission, Breastfeeding may st 2) where 8) what © that ) whieh 5) wheter 16.Elastin and collagen are proteins —~ ‘orm the spongy material that lies Under our skin and gives Itbounce and Mex 2) in wien 8) which ©) whose 1) whicnever ©) whatever RELATIVE CLAUSE-3 4. Sounds occurring near a steeper —is already dreaming can be Incorporated ino the dream. 4) who 8) what © where ©) when ©) how Playing removes us from the anxieties of dally life, placing usin the curious world of selfeexprassion, =~ the linear Dassage of time seams to vanish 1) wherever 8) whic ©) were D) how ©) whom (One ofthe world's worst space flight flsesters occurred on 26 Sanuary 1085, = the shute challenger ‘exploded soon after take-of niling ‘he crew of seven, ait 8) sothat ©) even ) when ©) justas “Given the uncertainty of market {Sconomics, most governments have a Stocial safety net” Drovides or citizens who do not ‘Seccned in the market economy. 2) what 8) of which ©) when D) eat 5) wherever wow ydsenalioh.ty 92 ylsenglish.tv Water, indispensable and sbundant, ‘he environment =~ nearly te bodys interna scien ae A) in when 8) whose ©) wherever D) by what 5) however MRNA marks the end of the egg ~ the fs head will develop, and thus {efinas the fy's hoadto-tel ax, 2») no 8) what ©) nom ©) where ©) how Geometry Is usually divided into pure h roughly embraces the solid geometry dealt with By uci, and analytical or coordinate ‘problems are solved sigebraie methods. *) inthat 5) in when ©) by whom ) which 5) whichever Underwater archaeology is generally onsidared to =~ fe first major ‘encouragement during the winter of 2) be receiving / has id 2) be recaived / woul ay (©) have been recived / nad ©) receive / cous have lal ) have receved / aid b it ydsenglish.tv 8. The number of frauds Inthe US ~n- the 13,Since 1997, when the spacecraft “The ‘Siminol uses someone ee’ reat Nats Global Surveyor" over the ‘ara number, douviea to 163,000, {rface of Mars for te ira tim ‘Steen 2003 SSentsts bythe coneieraoie inhi ‘agnele anomalies conte onthe Bean 1 as own ae need ©) afwnien 0) whieh 8) Mies /werentqued Oe ©) hag own / ha ben true 1) was fying / may have been intigued 5) few / have bean intguee 14. Wetlands iter out excess nutrients ‘ant pollutants by trapping them in ‘roots end sol ~~~ plants end bacteria 40.The anemia of folate deficiency, —- ‘DNA synthesis sows and the body's ete tel aby toa, oe tnd tl ocean Sierctaiee ype, ire Src hem cown meezan state i monch z Dm 3 tran gm ee 1D) how 9} nia > ton 8 wy ; 15-The Caucasus i a strategically vital gion cEercould play 2 critical roe inthe 1.4m 2002, -~- australl's Great Barrier Rest wes hit hard by unseasonable ‘Warming, 95 per cent of ts coral was eeepc Eercpat Gls are ery A) so that ree ey 8) who tet Oa ©) solona as 1) whereby ©) mee 2 16. he probe's main isto gater detailed 12.The part of an animal ~~ gases are Images ofthe second lorgest planet in ‘exchanged withthe environment is ‘ur aoier aya he icy moons and aed the respiratory surface. Specinculer ngs, how SBepan almost 272,000 ilometres 2) whicr a) whatever ©) whatever 8) where ) what ©) whe ©) where ) wien 5) whereas nite 93 RELATIVE CLAUSE-4 ‘ceuped by France and later annexed A) whether 2) who ©) when ) that Bas chilgren live with an D) where 5) whom esthetic Tor several reasons, the ‘ost important of he relatively lations Including vlure. posstbie hear Ay that 8) whose ©) what ) whch je 4: Scientists recentiy competed the largect-ever astronomical survey of the shy, during =~ they retalned Images that are expected to help them Understand the origins of galaxies thee a ® ° > 5 Is the single-parent 94 ydsenglish.tv there is one thing that Is more astonishing than the ability of the Adult human to tall ite the process - pe learns todo fe 2) whichever 2) where © that ©) nowever ©) by when 6. Goometry, ~—- name ie derved from Greek words meaning "earn ‘measurement, is one of the oldest Branches of mathematics aa 8) whieh ©) tat ) whose 5 its Soll pollution is caused by the Dresence of toxic compounds, Ehemtealey sats, radioetive materials, or disease-causing agents ~~ enter the soll through Industrial waste and pesticides, Ay when 5) whereby ©) ust as ) wile ©) that 9, Acarleature is often a drawing oF Sanege 2 oes ah Geieentee seamen seal eineatrane caesar ane Sais cir fe Moco 1" are an ESET cate alec bony. 2) peso tome 8 tyrone how 5) nwtn © me 3 smc ©) nich ter ton cy eyticus comes ure Sitipes eter Mowe from ‘SSelicatln tound tet mong ‘soon ad those ~~. were seeking treatment for ‘buildings such as baths, Spies Serer 1 rank Sere Sa arom [ED Seon MOON Barwa 42) nme 8 oe 4 5) semen oe B © ofwhicn 6 te o> wn i 5 saw ; 15. anuara unary wan etnine in st.miesacoming mermaingty vges #1 lar ten as “and schools have since bcen ect up ‘within tthe first of = waste Faculty ofa. A as ym 8) to wnich 5) which ©) incase ©) those ©) of whom BCS 5) asi &) some 32.The heart isa hollow organ ~ Interior contains two muscular and 16. The social sclences are a range of ‘lscplines within the arts ana ranous tssue walls, one vertical humanities, ne horizontal the study of various 1) whenever 1 what B) which 8) wees ©) here ©) thot ) whose 5) how ) that ©) when 08 Qos yilsenglish.tv ‘mvusSUaspAMW RELATIVE CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-1 yisenglish.tv 4, The clarinet solo at the start of the which are invisible in ordinary ‘movement provides the theme =~ ‘elescopese 1) ite sense of anging were once more) Tele now poste to sig ana plan rough tote fore ‘iperimenta concen see 8) mat uns the whole work 28) Radio avonomers are able to sto the (©) once te sow tempo hse been re more dant parts of he iky Way ntbiahes ©) Since then hs been posible to 1) nt yer nether estate cimax was beers cesta odes on rade reseed sroveengts| Otero) 1) Flowing tis work on Cepheid toro eee ‘enabios ur nowiedse the ©) Concusive evidence hasbeen put 2. Hungary was founded by peoples of fonrd ebaut the Mk Yay Finno-Ugrian and Asiatc-Torksh origin 1) who had moved westward nthe early |) 5 Among the young architects of the idee Ages snd conquered the nate siahteen: Sa 1g,_‘merican Frank Lloya wright. 3) as they were tractionaly called "te 2) who decided on tis revoitionary ©) sothat ty coud have escaped «=D that they concentrated onthe inside of persecution by thar enemies 4 the hour, notte facade 1) even though ther leader Arpad united ©) 30 they opposed the demand for strict em Symmetry ) 20 ong as Arad's wariors nad been a 0) sine ney ere egnee.as wel as 6) while they wanted to meet the needs of te people 3. There ae sentons of plentiful water and others of searcty = 1) when water ast bo ves sparingly 6 Many ofthe creatures inthe 2) though gation sctees were senforeaa most © since these oes ae esgned os Spence a [espns of water automata oa 0) where toda] metheds of igaton | ©) nce is Nando photograph tham ere tions ‘thou dating em Ue exautedto atat ©) whch they eo er cnoutlane, © fon niga ee Incmanitn orton, wry you con fel hrm be even throes gute tick goves aos parle ad nv seen > i ydsenglish.tv 0 which adults are very sensitive, ables cyan average 4000 times before the age of two ') Crying isan alarm signa that atvects So parent Crying and laughing are actualy very ace a 9 ) The therapeutic benetts of eying annot be ignored ) Babes ery na pitch '. Japan has produced two hi-tech ‘stadiums 1 that has been designed to serve several 8) hic spay the sort of nnovaion- fortum treatment we expect from that country ©) peither of them is designed withthe fans in ming 1) whenever tere ie novelty forthe sake oF novels Eas there is provison fr novel waterprootng systems which are highty eave wroww.ydsenglish.ty RELATIVE CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-2, ytlsenglish.av 1. This bok wil be a source of 4. Marshal hasbeen runing the Tabectonand eight faraivers and“ Company since 3579 tare bogists and indeed for 1) ane age properton fhe shares Shyone ‘vintne ange prot onertee 1) wo genuinely loves te sea tess 2) hove hdd wil be sent bythe 2) le had cooperated wt is ne i treed of nvetor water they loved the 9 oF ot ©) whch was wel-oonn forks 1) that hey Ive ce tothe se0 Sores nawance polly Fee aieerae 0) beter ont such a stay wold ee prove viable 2. The Thatcher government in sritain when he became the rs manger ‘iceeoded in fmiting te power of Sipe ote unions = é 1) whch wuld have made ease for The Indu, > provides vial water Y ‘companies to sack striking workers ‘supplies to vast regions of desert. ©) water orc the were had resumed |) asthe water inte est er ‘2 tributaries has been assigned to India. ‘that had previously held the country to 8) that it flows through Kashmir and into oo eye gsm 1) ethoyhad been in potty sensitive) shee has ven leo pars of Dee eee eee i Is worth {Fomething inthe region of £700, 2) iftehad been given asa wedeing which was made by one ofthe wort’ ‘ost prestigious plano makers thatthe fem was making at east 2,500 uta plain upon one fe much ehesper so the eaorispareulary atractve ») ° > 5 He has focused on moving the Complenity of computing from the Seautop tothe network, » °) ‘here canbe managed mere easly ‘computers could communizate more onirnith one anther 2 It his improvements actualy caught the eve ofthe Pentagon ‘though became the most widely used ‘operating system of ts doy ‘nich would have been the greatest ‘halenge of is career o i I 5 10.The Bermuda Triangle, ~~ is noted {fora high incidence of unexplained Tosses of ships, small Boats and 1) that an entre squacron of planes Vanished shorty ater takeo™ be the cause since the sea heres partial fast when there san almast unique ‘sgn ect n compasses nhc eof the soutneaster Aint (oa of the US 2 ° > 5 102 ydsenglish.tv suthe ‘of woman the more “emotional” eax te he one = 2) that stl persists tay 8) as emotions are so unprecictable (©) but had been encouraged by he Stoce ‘unt overated by 20° cemury pyeneloay lnnch 2 more sophisticated mode of thinking i have denied > 5 22.Naanderthals were 9 recent fvalutionary human relative ~ A) who lve in Europe end bacame extinct 530,000" 40,000 years 990 23s researchers studying human oiins Aebated tis question for decades tehicn are muscular and robust, th Trin sar to ours in sz hile the relationship between humans Sand Neanderthals may Bes be Gescibed as stor specs despite the fact that they had hands as ‘imble as those of aeser-cay ‘Romans, wha thumb and Angers 2 o » 5 13,Road and rail connections in Tealy are ‘Generally better in the norh, == 2) because between the snowy peaks of the Alps andthe rugged stores of Sy Hes a whale series of regis, each with he etnctve cure 8) but there are many other attracsve histor towne and ees ©) but people speak of two talians: the Fehingustrat North and re poorer Soneniurl Sue 1) suse as the goverment has alocstes bra fond for rood reps ©) where Man, Bologna and Verona are the key wansport centers ydsenglish.tv 14-The most stunning recent museums, Sy'ore art objects themselves, 1) why they were designed by @ Jepanese revtect 5) of which the one nBbao must be the ©) setterateris rntecue’s apest 1) since there were smooth sass and Stuminum panels since space and proportion get Rawiess 15.10 biology Isolating particular sngymes ea tedious procsns of tat ‘A) though scons et the best cholce of 3) several hundred steps were involves (©) whieh involves many aterent experiments 1) unt ater protems could be ‘imine ) as ab experments may prove : i : 416. he engineers ~~~ took their know how to Japan and china in the late 418th and early 20th centuries. 1) that would Be the word largest damn '8) ne continue to travel around the ‘ord transfering tecnology iho nad ult riroads and dame 1) as enginserng problems can atract ‘rordwige interest £) though the spread of technooay isnot kay tbe ated © - ~103-—-— - RELATIVE CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-4 ydsenglish.tv 44. In Britain ast year, there were about et em ar ca Aiacrapeesat aisles |e ete pu beeaayes. maou Sess sarees mane Ssca ie re ee er euereeiere! eee eee paeereer See eer eanaens nena pease ie SECRETE 5 wets asonsaneatton sane peat sean ©) thatthe partipating nations must make lege and cost changes ther nergy systems ‘5. Imitation is a very Important means ~~ 2. Arica Reports @ weekly TV program ~ 1) that he miror neuron astem serves bra bage mths process 15) though Lacobon and his croup used funesoral magne raserance maging to observe te brane othimen 1) ‘unless showcases the very best in ‘ines 15) that focuses on business and Investment in nea suru ydsonglishty (© though i covers everything from obec economic efor to rewarding in hich bot aces tgeres the ivan pon © anor ona! gy tba ©) sos 250 on ewes natn op fat shach SOMES can Boies fvidanca abovt gene uncion by which we lear and wanset sil, language and culture as tis brought to you by the moras Teasing business chanve! a 6. A person with leukemia has an ‘Gnususlly high number of ieukocytes, = A) soe uses e poesing sant 2 5) Wempoyers wensorm pemerertebs 8) 2) sine ee usualy fatal unless treated although cancerous cells ron (© whch had been ouside the conto meres a encaber ert becca (C) most of which do not function normally toes ) that, cancer ofthe wt lod xe 1) astang as the goverment cortnues to whereas, in some cases ey donot > Sippat tne nes protced Nah reapond tothe standard Vestments iste workers ©) hin he coninved for mere han two Ureades aa —104——— Buse, — A) that anew technology could be developed 8) whose abity to understand the brain wine accelerating (© Just as hypertension n animals is ° Intatnanopartses cen itch onto hich sient have only receniy begun to understand In 1983, the philanthropist Henry Buhl Bought a rare gelatin-siver print of @ Stieglitz photograph of Georgia, O'keetfe’ hands, A) hich was the begining ofa colection 3 hevcononued to amaze over the yours” 5) ithe woulé Rave had over» thousend mages of hands z (©) the Guggenneim is exibting more ‘han'a hundred and Seventy ofthem BA. ) when is an interesting way to ‘antemplate the History of photograohy, among other things 1) and they include a shot by Robert Capa Sind a portal of Nusch Earby Dore ur eyes can detect photons, the ‘Smallest quantum unit of ‘loctromegnetic wave, 2) whose frequencies le inthe narow ‘abi ronge 8) In which the human retina has more “pues tan 2 consumer dal cers (©) that increases our knowledge of the Srictre of atoms ) because scents have aches a fetecor abe to sec avo! photon fa revolution photon detection i row under way" - — 105: 3 the increase in EU Aid for Trade Is specially targeted toward the ‘Atiean, Caribbean and Pace ‘countries (ACP), — » ® 8 unless the European Commission set up bis program to promote Investment fd tetnology fw i here counties although the £U has used rade to Bavance te development operation jective nthe ACP nations for decodes with which the EUs nepoiting Fealonl Eesnome Partnership ‘Rgresments csignes to remove a {anand quota bamers te the EU market ‘ahich ould have enabledne lesst- ‘veloped counties to use trade more tectvly to achieve thot evelopment goal because the European Coniston Stocate bilons of collars ‘aoperstin wth non Ae> countries =~, where they are often seen ‘eating Inthe water ike log, with only their nostrils, eyes, and ears Sbove the surface, » 5 o ° 5 “The Misisspp albgator, the Armrean {tocol ana the Chinese aligaor are {the only Sher species ‘rotoies are found near swam Toke, and rivers in Al, ac, Sustain and Cental Aenea [As recently as several deces a90, rocodies were pletflnmuch ofthe {Wop and subtropes “This would nave helped crcods to {apt to diferent envronments Crocodies ean grow up to 7 meters In length, and have long, poveral ae {hat propel them when Swamming ydsenglish.tv siagbapiacperces: |. ataatlaeant mane ee a oem ais ae areas fecpamentectratacet te |) suena aromas tegall ee sntagons and hexagons that mest 1816 and believes they belong in es fo pantagons are agjacert © serees, matnematicly, the “ombinatry of fulerenes san '8) ater they were acquire from the Desoman autores of te time 8) since ey are alco cae the Parthenon ‘Sppleation 6 euler formals Marbles 1) athough eter fulerens, such as C80, © s0 they are very famous indeed fave been mage inthe Iborstory 1) whieh are kept in the Bcssh Museum in) whe everyfaerene contains exact}y Tonaen 52 peeagas tn no mt te £5) asf they were soto the Bish umber of hexagons ata ration 36. when It was conquered By Scipio s2.me most prominentancent | arian fortress of kedifekale, ==" & ” Steakestartottne Roman npiren 1) so suecesive reconstructions were dose ode by te Romans, Byzmtnes ond 18) From the 12th tothe 150 century, Seaman Turks fragon and Cate were te oly 2) and all that survives are the = Spann wats, forufeatons on Kedetale Eo on sie est coast te © butthe foundations ang a fw of he eaierrnesn re the Galerie sends lower courses were bulk aroun 295, 1) 19711 the Muslims underTarg entered Be Spain from sca ) whereas the run tat one sees there Today Spain cceupes 85% ofthe today re the remain ofthe cael © Toate Benin’ wich shores wth whch was orginal the acropolis of Portugal the Helene cy utch was widely known in Europe in he a7" century == 1A) sine English hes had much infuence fon Outen since the Second Wor War 8) as thas had an influence in Sei Lanka ©) when Dutr-derve artistic terms such 35 Toncseape” and "sketct mere ‘opted ito Els Dut tre was a Lon Garman infuence fn engish tang with te lator Mice es ©) ntl scholars use the word ‘Netherland asa stores term for the various alec spoken inne Neteronde ——106. RELATIVE CLAUSE SENTENCE COMPLETION-5 4. where bones that span sixmilion 4. ‘Years of human evolution have been {dog up over the last 25 years. 2) New archaeclogial evidence Deis us {o understand the swoon oF primitive ‘Vanous fosss have recenty been found ian Btvopin valey ©) Tae history of human evasion can est be raced trough the study of >) ‘Te new discoveries in top Slgniearty expand our knowledge of pamtive nomene 5) In ethiopia, a wide range of fsa, Inetuaing tet sal, Jaw and hand bones, ave been discovered tnvisted mountains and polar regions wi aid the search for water, === A) since the rst crewed mission wl be Planned forte far ste othe Moon 18) hereby test landings are scheced to besinin 2040) (©) which s wal to any ttre lunar base fo be setup by NASA 1) even ithe mieson aims to fn SStonauts on the surface ofthe Moon by2018 even though danse outs of Interstelar cust conceal the heart of our galny -ydsenglish.ev 8 3. The concept of Emotional Intelligence bias hed an enormous Impact on te workplace = |) which gves you a chance to reconsider 8) ho matter the most ou (©) because people seem euctat to ‘omit the ea real tension ©) a ong 8 we fea contempt and Siagust fr ousever ©) ere employers have realized the Importance of bang consicerate - 107 Usually, acute perleardtis causes fever and chest palny = 2) so that in mest cases, tray be ©) which tplealy extends tothe lent ‘Shoulder and fometimes coun eft Just ae tends to be made worse by ‘ying down, coughing, or even deep resting ) hile thas many causes ranging fom Sie inresions to ife-tmreseenng ©) butt may resut asa sceettet of rtm rugs, such as anticoagulants snd penciin ‘Swedish researchers have ‘ound that ‘most white horses, which ere actually born colored, carry 2 mutation called “araving with sgey"=-r- A) despite the fact that their endency to age more quetly is absenable 18) as the graying of hess ermal were Smart the graying of aman hal ©) in case they ae more sone to skin and this makes them rani tum grey Sia then completely whiewithi ght years 0 that the changes n caer do not ways incest poor heath ° 5 Weather patterns are notoriously complex, 1) sine there are current ove 150, ‘nesther meacation projec 8) in pace of which a broad ange of Ineruments ic used whe studying ae why they are so hard to preset 1) so that new methods of pidicing ‘den changes can be developed ‘wing tothe tecnoloical advances thachave helped slentststo Understng tem aus — ydsenglish.tv 7. Lethal injection replaced execution by _10.——~- that ether depend on those chomber; and the hormones or are inhibited by them. |) Hormone therapies ralseo- ower levels 2) so some researchers have challenged bf eon Rormones to ime the growth the eecy ofthe drug protocols, of eaneers Unaerving the proc ') Inthe opinion of mos physicians, 18) in which thee plsonous chemicals are Surgery radiason therapy, an ‘baminstered to tne condermed chemotherapy play defini roles in (© thus making ths method far from treating turers foolproof ©) Unfortunately, some tunes, such as 1) each of which had at some point been tose inthe stomach, pancreas, or » edged tobe nmumane and excesivey ley, respond only partly to viotnt ‘acta therapy Feats eae wae a 1) Progress in cancer therapy has come Bite tay wien beter combinations of arugs, [tered dosages, and beter pordinaton mith osationUnerapy that Is often associated with 1) Almost everyone who receives ‘Scireme tiredness. 2 ore cee pc inmiicinaiy ME cei, ieee ¢ eee ee 9) Rocaorwogasaefoehy= # 4yeateg tered sept => (©) Most disorders requiring surgery during =“) which he stetched and documented or secerenemtmenmmar™ iB” ral oar B) since he claimed that the craters of the 0) Cea ty eis exe Ss ede at eet by tne US government have rested in eee bab sh if, wit ot of the Medici © tuna etalon ampinct | mtu na spar ead ‘adtacese ‘on astronomy ‘. . Ser ence ans Nee ae 3 Sgeeminnshatabees (© that hep distinguish one typeof atom ) because physicists have spit the atom Into many subatomic parties 1) we the eletrons in an tom ae very ‘och smoller thn the protons and reuters

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