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LT 3000

Instruction manual

Version 1.1 | Article No.: 31625

detectomat GmbH Headquarter: Phone: +49 (0) 4102-2114-60
An der Strusbek 5 Fax: +49 (0) 4102-2114-670
D – 22926 Ahrensburg
Hotline: Phone: +49 (0) 1805-2114-60*
Fax: +49 (0) 4102-2114-9670
*0,14ct/Min. German network
Mobil fee can vary
Manual- No.: 53212 Version 1.1 - 08.01.2008

Version 1.1 2

1 Instruction manual purpose and structure ..........................................4
1.1 Purpose of the instruction manual ....................................................................................4
1.2 Structure of the instruction manual...................................................................................4

2 Safety Instructions................................................................................5
2.1 Intended application .........................................................................................................5

3 Start-up .................................................................................................5
4 Installing the „I-Check“ software ........................................................6
5 Loop test by automatic addressing......................................................6
6 Test by scanning procedure (man Adr.).............................................11
7 Connection overview...........................................................................16

Version 1.1 3
1 Instruction manual purpose and structure
1.1 Purpose of the instruction manual
This instruction manual applies to technically qualified users who are skilled for installation,
service and maintenance of the Loop-Tester 3000. As an operator you are obliged to read and
understand the instruction manual especially the section “Safety”. This instruction manual
contains all relevant informations for operation. It should help you to work with the Loop-Tester
3000 safely and efficiently.

1.2 Structure of the instruction manual

The following conventions are used in this instruction manual:
• Listings contain information (i.e. no work steps).
• Numbered listings contain a sequence of work steps or ordered information.
• Text inside quotation marks indicate a menu selection.
• Key commands are shown in square brackets, i.e. [ OK ]

The following icons are used in this instruction manual. They mark important details, risks, and
warnings. It is absolutely necessary to follow the icon information.

Attention, Danger of electric shock.

Detach the power supply before working on any clamps or connections.
This icon contains important information concerning danger of the life and
limb of user or a third party or the LT 3000.

Please pay attention to these important information.

The user receives information that help him to understand this manual
easier and to work with the LT 3000 more efficiently.

Version 1.1 4
Instruction manual LT 3000

2 Safety Instructions
The LT 3000 has been manufactured to comply with current safety standards.
However, operation error or incorrect use can cause danger for:
• the life and limb of user or a third party,
• the LT 3000 and other material assets of the operator,
• the efficient usage of the LT 3000.

2.1 Intended application

The Loop-tester is applied for testing of a readily installed Loop or line.
With its help an automatic addressing of the Loop components can be carried out thus assessing
possible mistakes in the wiring (open and/or short circuits etc.).
To read-out the manually assigned component addresses, it can additionally start a scanning
procedure. Thereby also possible faults in the wiring can be investigated.

From Loop-Tester V1.2 onwards the loop will stay turned on after being
scanned until a short circuit occurs. The yellow LED of the last detector with
build in short-circuit isolator in front of the short-circuit will then flash.

Following the safety instructions belongs as well to the intended applications.

detectomat GmbH is not liable for defects which occur due to incorrect usage of the LT 3000.

3 Start-up
Several resistor measurements should be done before connecting the loop.
The measured values must accord to the terms shown in the brackets

Like this a possible earth fault on +ML can be detected..

The computer is not allowed to be connect to the Loop-Tester
because these are usually earthed!

1 Wire connections +ML. +ML1 against +ML2

(109 Ohm at a cable length of 3000 m and a cross-section of 8 mmØ)
2 +ML1 against PE (> 10 Meg.-Ohm)
3 Drain wire against PE (> 10 Meg.-Ohm)
4 Drain wire against +ML (> 10 Meg.-Ohm)

Now connect the Loop and your computer to the Loop-Tester 3000

First of all please connect the outgoing loop cable to the terminal +ML1 and -ML 1.
Then plug the incoming loop cable to the Terminal +ML 2 and -ML 2.
Connect your computer via RS 232 cable (1:1) to the LT 3000 D-Sub jack.

Version 1.1 5
Next connect the provided power supply to the LT 3000 and then insert the plug into
a standard power socket (230 V) to start operation.

Read out the loop with help of the „I-Check“-Software.

5 As soon as the loop has been read out (addressed), a voltage metering during stand by
operation of the FCP must take place. To be done with a multimeter.
Like this a possible earth fault on -ML1 can be detected.

The computer must be disconnected from the Loop-Tester before measuring.

a. + ML1 against PE (explicit < 5 Volt)

b. + ML1 against drain wire (explicit < 5 Volt)

If an earth fault exists and a (earthed) computer is connected then there is
the possibility of not finding a detector during the addressing.

4 Installing the „I-Check“ software

Insert the provided CD into your CD-ROM drive.
Double-click the installation file:

ICheck vers x.y.EXE

Follow the instructions of the installation program and complete the installation.

5 Loop test by automatic addressing

After setting up the required connections as described in point 3 and after starting the operation of
the Loop tester (green operation LED lights), the Loop can now be tested by an automatic

Press the reset button at the Loop tester before each start of the automatic
addressing and do never press the reset button during the ongoing automatic

Version 1.1 6
Instruction manual LT 3000

Start the already installed „I-check“ software.

ICheck x.y.exe

Subsequently the following window opens up:

Click onto the Icon-button „LT“

A window appears in which you can choose, if an auto addressing or a scan procedure
should be started.

Version 1.1 7
Please select the
[ autoaddressing ] button.

After that, a message appears asking whether the auto addressing should be started or not.
For confirming, press push button [ yes ]

Now the automatic addressing starts.

This is indicated by the flashing of the following display

Version 1.1 8
Instruction manual LT 3000

The completion of the addressing is indicated as follows:

The Loop structure is now automatically read-out and the status of the Loop is displayed.
The following window appears.

Version 1.1 9
Here it can already be read-out if the status is „normal“, i.e. whether everything is okay or if any
installation faults exist.
In the shown example, a fault is indicated as follows:
„Short circuit behind Isolator - Loop Adr. 5“

After confirming the message with [ OK ], the graphic structure of the Loop will be displayed.
In case of an open/ or short circuit, the window „Loop status“ is additionally opened giving further
information about the fault.

When the Loop status window is closed, the graphical and tubular structure can be seen.

Now the possible fault can be localised and corrected in the installation.
After that, the whole procedure has to be repeated as described in point 5 until finally all
components have been recognised and the Loop status displays „normal“, i.e. is faultless.

Version 1.1 10
Instruction manual LT 3000

Signification of the different colours in the graphic display:

Loop component displayed in grey: Loop component operates normal, „status ok“
Loop component displayed in red: Loop component is in alarm mode, „Alarm status“
Loop component displayed in yellow: Loop component is in fault mode, „Fault status“
Loop component displayed in blue: Fault in addressing, detector and Loop are out of order
(in case of a short circuit, max. amount of auto
addressing tests, more than 126 participants on Loop)

6 Test by scanning procedure (man Adr.)

After setting up the required connections as described in point 3 and after starting the operation of
the Loop tester (green operation LED lights), the Loop can now be tested by a scan procedure.

Press the reset button at the Loop tester before each start of scanning and do
never press the reset button during the running scan procedure.

Start the already installed „I-check“ software.

ICheck x.y.exe

Subsequently the following window opens up:

Version 1.1 11
Now click the icon button [ LT ]

A window appears in which you can choose, if an auto addressing or a scan procedure
should be started.

Please select the

[ Scan ] button.

After that, a message appears asking whether the scan procedure should be started or not.
For confirming, press push button [ yes ].

Version 1.1 12
Instruction manual LT 3000

Now the scanning procedure starts.

This is indicated by the flashing of the following display.

The ending of the scanning procedure is indicated as follows:

Version 1.1 13
The Loop structure is now automatically read-out and the status of the Loop is displayed.
The following window appears.

Here it can already be read-out if the status is „normal“, i.e. whether everything is okay or if any
installation faults exist.

In the shown example, a fault is indicated as follows:

„Short circuit behind Isolator - Loop Adr. 5“

After confirming the message with [ OK ], the graphic structure of the Loop will be displayed.
In case of an open/ or short circuit, the window „Loop status“ is additionally opened giving further
information about the fault

Version 1.1 14
Instruction manual LT 3000

When the Loop status window is closed, the graphical and tabular structure can be seen.

Now the possible fault can be localised and corrected in the installation.
After that, the whole procedure has to be repeated as described in point 5 until finally all
components have been recognised and the Loop status displays „normal“, i.e. is faultless.

Signification of the different colours in the graphic display:

Loop component displayed in grey: Loop component operates normal, „Status ok“
Loop component displayed in red: Loop component is in alarm mode, „Alarm status“
Loop component displayed in yellow: Loop component is in fault mode, „Fault status“
Loop component displayed in blue: Fault in addressing, detector and Loop are out of order
(in case of a short circuit, max. amount of auto
addressing tests, more than 126 participants on Loop)

Version 1.1 15
7 Connection overview

1 = ML 1 Outgoing loop line 4 = Operation light

2 = ML 2 Incoming loop line 5 = Power supply

3 = Reset button 6 = D-Sub socket to PC

Version 1.1 16

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