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Albert Einstein Birthday

Years ago, Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He is
one of the most important scientists that ever existed until today. He grew on a middle-
class Jewish family. When he was a kid he liked the classical music and he played the
violin. At the age of 12 he found a book of geometry which he read over and over.

When he was 10 years old, he starts to study mathematics and philosophy. In

1894, his family has to move to Milan, Italy. And he decides to enter to Swiss Federal
Polytechnic School in Switzerland. He failed the entrance exam but he got exceptional
marks in mathematics and physics, that’s how he was admitted, and he graduate in
1896 when he was 17 years old.

He married with Maric in 1903, his first son, Hans, born on 1904, and the second
son, Eduard, born in 1910. Einstein’s marriage fell apart because he has to travel every
time, so his wife Maric felt sad about it and they divorced in 1919. With the time Einstein
began a affair with his cousin Elsa, and they get married.

He deducted the equation E=mc, suggesting that tiny particles of matter could be
converted into huge amounts of energy. In 1915, Einstein completed the general theory
of relativity. In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics of an investigation about
photoelectric effect.

In December, 1932. Einstein decided to leave Germany forever, because of the

world war II and all the Germans was killing Jews, so he decide to move to the United
States, to the university in New Jersey. In 1939, with another scientist, write a letter to
the President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the possibility of a Nazi bomb. But the USA
wanted to attack first with the creation of the atomic bomb.

In conclusion Albert Einstein was a very intelligent person, over time he became a
scientist, and I think he is one of the most successful people in life, and that does why
will commemorate forever.

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