Dodong Gala X LCIF Recipe-1

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A collection of easy to prepare

recipe, meat, egg, seafoods. For
full meal. Desserts and salads
and drinks as well.
Enjoy cooking,enjoy eating and
enjoy on your journey.
Table of Contents:
Introduction - Page 3
Egg Recipe - Page 4-14
Egg Recipe Photo Collection - Page
Chicken Recipe - Page 19-28
Chicken Recipe Photo Collection -
Page 29-31
Meat Recipe - Page 32-33
Meat Recipe Photo Collection -
Page 34
Seafood Recipe - Page 35-37
Seafood Recipe Photo Collection -
Page 38
Meal Samples photo - Page 39-45
How did LCIF change me?
Shirt Size: L to XL
Waist: 32-34inches
Shirt Size: S to XS
Waist: 28-30incehs

Who is Dodong Gala?

Dodong Gala is just an ordinary guy. I am used to be chubby
and feels not good about my health/ myself either. This was
my turning point , how I can improve my health, how I can do
successful weight loss despite of the many ways and attempt I
did. LCIF crossed my life, and without any hesitation he tried it.
It was 31 months since I ditch and lower my carb and sugar
intake. It felt good, even better seeing a new version of myself.
This simple recipe book are just portion of the many meals I
did within the period I do LCIF. My food gallery is growing daily.
I used to love cooking for my family even before LCIF and I am
just continuing my passion. Putting some of the recipes in the
printable PDF file, i believe can also help you with your weight
loss and fitness journey.
What are the basics of LCIF? Eat only meat, egg and seafoods
until full. Drink only water, tea or black coffee no sugar.
On the next pages are samples of easy to prepare food to
help you.
Hard boiled egg
In a pan, pour 2-3 glasses of
Put 5-6 pcs of egg.
Bring to boil for 7 minutes.
When done, transfer to a bowl
with cold water.

Soft boiled egg

In a pan, pour 2-3 glasses of
Put 5-6 pcs of egg.
Bring to boil for 3 minutes.
When done, transfer to a bowl
with cold water.

Scrambled egg with spring
onion and bell pepper
3-4 eggs beaten seasoned with salt n
2-3 stalks spring onion chopped.
1 small red bell pepper finely chopped.
A teaspoon of butter.
Mix beaten egg, spring onion and chopped
bell pepper.
Heat pan, Add butter. Wait to melt. Pour in
egg mixture and stir continuesly until cook.

Scrambled egg
3-4 eggs beaten seasoned with salt
n pepper.
A teaspoon of butter.
Heat pan, Add butter. Wait to
melt. Pour in egg mixture and
stir continuesly until cook.

Sunny side eggs
3-4 large eggs
salt and pepper to taste
butter or coconut oil

Heat pan, Add butter. Wait to melt.
Crack egg into pan. Sprinkle some salt
and pepper. Wait to cook and remove
from pan

Steamed egg with cheese

2-3 whole eggs beaten
a table spoon of all purpose cream
half cup grated cheese
Combine beaten eggs, all
purpose cream and grated
cheese. Pour on desire molder.
Steam for 15 minutes. Let cool
or chill and enjoy

Steamed egg with ham and cheese
3-4 large eggs beaten
a table spoon of all purpose cream
half cup grated cheese
1/4 cup finely chopped ham
1 small red bell pepper chopped

Combine beaten eggss , all purpose cream, chopped
ham and chopped red bell pepper. Pour into your
desired molder. Steam for 15 minutes. Let cool or
chilled and enjoy

Steamed egg with spring onion

2-3 whole eggs beaten
a table spoon of all purpose cream
2-3 stalks spring onion chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Combine beaten eggs, all purpose cream
and chopped spring onion.. Pour on desire
molder. Steam for 15 minutes. Let cool or
chill and enjoy

Steamed egg for
EGG Tofu
5-6 large eggs
a pinch of salt to taste

Beat eggs, add pinch of salt. Pour into
rectangular molder. Steam for 10
mins. Let cool or chill over night
before using as EGG TOFU

Fried egg Tofu

Egg Tofu chopped into cubes
A teaspoon of coconut flour
Coconut oil for frying
In a bowl pour in chopped egg tofu.
Sprinkle coconut flour. This will prevent
tofu from getting burnt and sticking to pan.
Heat pan. Add enough amount of coconut
oil, when heated drop in choppedegg tofu.
Fry until, light brown. Serve with your
prefered low carb sauce.

EGG Tofu Sisig
Fried egg tofu
a table spoon of kewpie mayo
a table spoon of coco aminos
chopped green chilis, chopped white onion,
chopped red chili. butter to saute. 1 whole egg
Heat pan. Melt butter. Saute white onion,
and green chili. Add coco aminos and
kewpie mayo. Mix well to combine. Add
fried Egg Tofu. Mix to coat sauce. Season
with salt n pepper
Crack one egg, set fire to very low. Stir to cook egg. Garnish
with chopped red chili. Serve and enjoy

EGG TOFU in Tomato Paste

Fried Egg Tofu,,A teaspoon of butter, chopped garlic
and onion. A table spoon of tomato paste.
Salt nd pepper to taste. Chopped red bell pepper
for garnish
Heat pan, Add butter. When melted, saute
onion and garlic. Add a table spoon of
tomato paste , delute to half cup water.
Mix well. Drop in fried Egg Tofu. Mix well to
cover sauce evenly. Season with salt and
pepper. Then garnish with cjhopped red
bell pepper.

Simple EGG Drop Soup
2 eggs beaten seasoned with salt and pepper, 1
chicken cubes, 500ml water, half a teaspoon xantan
gum, chopped spring onion and red bell pepper for
additional color

In a clean sauce pot, pour 500ml water. Add 1
chicken cube and half a teaspoon xantan gum. Stir
to dissolve. Put to low fire while continously stirring
until boil. Add chopped spring onion and red bell
Pour in 2 eggs beaten while continously stirring to avoid lumps. Season
to taste. Transfer to a serving bowl and enjoy.

Buttered Garlic Quails Egg

24 pcs quails egg, boiled and peeled. 3
gloves garlic mince, 2 stalks spring onion
chopped. A table spoon butter, salt and
pepper to taste, half a teaspoon crispy
Heat pan, Add butter. When melted, saute
garlic. Drop peeled boiled quails egg. Mix
to coat buttter. Season with salt and
pepper. Add in chopped spring onion.
Transfer to serving bowl and top with
crispy garlic bits

Tiger Skinned EGG
6-8 pcs egg - hard boiled and peeled, a teaspoon of
coconut flour mix with pinch of salt. 500ml coconut
oil for deep frying

Pat dry peeled boiled egg with paper towel. Create
shallow slits to the egg white. Sprinkle egg with
coconut flour seasoned with salt. This will help the
egg not to stick to the pan.
Heat pan, Add coconut oil. When heated drop egg
one by one.

Deep fry egg until golden brown. Remove from pan and drain with
paper towel. Let cool and enjoy as is or with your favorite sauce.

Tiger Skinned Egg in Tomato Paste

6-8pcs Tiger skinned egg, 3 gloves garlic
minced, small onion minced, small red
bell pepper finely chopped. a tablespoon
of tomato paste, a tablespoon of butter,
salt and pepper to taste
Heat pan. Add butter, let melt. Saute onion and
garlic until translucent. Add tomato paste.
Dilute to 1/4 cup water. Season with salt and
pepper. Add tiger skinned egg. Stir well to coat
sauce. Sprinkle chopped red bell pepper as
final garnish. TRansfer to serving plate.

Tiger Skinned EGG Curry
6-8 pcs tiger skinned egg, 1/2 kilo chicken breast
fillet, ginger ,onion and garlic minced. a teaspoon of
curry powder or turmeric powder. half cup coconut
milk, halfcup coconut cream. salt and pepper to
taste. green chili for garnish. a table spoon butter
Heat pan, Add butter. Saute ginger, onion and
garlic. Add chicken breast. Saute.Add turmeric
powder or curry powder and salt .Add coconut milk.
Simmer to cook. Add tiger skinned egg one by
one.Add coconut crream . Simmer to boil.
Season with salt and pepper as needed. Garnish with green chili
and transfer to serving bowl

Penoy/Balut in Tomato Paste

6-8pcs penoy balut cooked boiled. A tablespoon
of butter. A table sponn of tomato paste. minced
garlic and onion. Finely chopped spring onion
and redbell pepper. Salt and pepper to taste. a
teaspoon of cconut flour and coconut oil for
Peel balut/Penoy and sprinkle with coconut flour.
deep fry in coconut oil.
Heat pan. Add butter, let melt. Saute onion and
garlic until translucent. Add tomato paste. Dilute to
1/4 cup water. Season with salt and pepper. Add
fried balut/penoy. Stir well to coat sauce. Sprinkle
chopped red bell pepper as final garnish. TRansfer
to serving plate.

Cabbage rice
3-4 eggs beaten seasoned with salt and
1/2 head cabbage finely chopped. A
tablespoon of butter

Heat pan, Add butter. Saute chopped
cabbage for 30 seconds. Add beaten egg and
continueosly stirring until cook. Transfer to
serving cup or molder to form cup rice. Serve
with your favorite meat or seafood dish..

Cabbage Rice with Ham Bits

3-4 large eggs beaten seasoned with salt
and pepper. A table spoon of butter.1/2
head cabbage finely chopped. 3-4 slices
ham finely chopped.
Heat pan. Add butter. Drop in chopped ham
and saute to cook. Drop in finely chopped
cabbage. Saute for 30 seconds. Add beaten
eggs while continueosly mixing to cook.
Season with salt and pepper as desire.
Transfer to serving plate

Scrambled Egg with Spring Onion
3-4 eggs beaten seasoned with salt and
2-3 stalks spring onion finely chopped, A
teaspoon of butter

Combine egg and spring onion.Heat pan, Add
butter. Add beaten egg and continueosly
stirring until cook. Transfer to serving plate
and pair with your favorite meat or seafood

Scrambled Egg with Tomato

3-4 large eggs beaten seasoned with salt
and pepper. A table spoon of butter. 1
small tomato finely diced.

Combine egg and diced tomato.Heat pan.
Add butter. Add beaten egg mixture while
continueosly mixing to cook. Season with salt
and pepper as desire. Transfer to serving

Pan-seared Chicken Breast Fillet
3-4 pcs chicken breast fillet sliced thin.
5 spice marinade (garlic powder, paprika, onion
powder, black pepper and turmeric powder)
A tablespoon of butter

Marinate chicken breast into 5 spices. Rub
each chicken to make sure it is well covered.
Set aside for at least 15-20 mins.
Heat pan. Add butter, When melted, start pan
searing your chicken until golden brown each

Chicken Breast fillet tenders in coconut

flour batter
3-4 chicken breast, filleted and cut into finger
size. Marinated in 5 spices. A table spoon of
coconut flour. A teaspoon of xantan gum. 1
egg beaten. Salt to taste. Coconut oil for frying

In a clean bowl, put marinated chicken

breast, pour coconut flour and xantan gum.
Add beaten egg. Mix to coat well.
Heat pan. Add coconut oil for frying. When
heated, drop chicken one by one so that they
dont stick to each other, Fry until golden
brown. Remove from oil and drain. Enjoy

Chicken tenders in Tomato Paste
Deep fried chicken breast tenders (see previous
recipe) a table spoon butter, a table spoon
tomato paste, onion and garlic minced, finely
chopped red bell pepper and spring onion as
Heat pan. Add butter. Saute onion and garlic.
Add tomato paste. Dilute to 1/2 cup water.
Stir to completely dilute. Season with sal n
pepper. Add chicken tenders, Mix well to
cover sauce. Sprinkle with finely chopped red
bell pepper and spring onion. Transfer to a
serving plate and enjoy

Chicken tenders in all purpose cream and

mushroom sauce
Deep fried chicken tenders ( see previous recipe) A table
spoon of butter, 2 table spoon all purpose cream dilute in
1/2 cup water. onion and garlic minced, chopped spring
onions, grated cheese, a can of sliced mushrooms, salt and
pepper to taste.

Heat pan, Add butter, Saute onion and garlic.

Add mushroom and diluted all purpose
cream . Season with salt and pepper. Simmer
and let boil. Add chicken. Mix well to cover
sauce. Transfer to a serving plate topped with
grated cheese and spring onion. Enjoy

Chicken Feet Adobo sa Coke Zero
1/2 kilo chicken feet, washed and cleaned well,
minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper
korn.Salt and pepper to taste. 500ml COKE
Zero. 500ml water, A table spoon of butter
In a saucepot. Put chicken feet, 350 ml coke
and 5000ml water, whole pepper korn and
some salt. Bring to boil until chicken feet is
tender. Drain and set aside.
In a pan, melt butter, Saute ginger, onion and garlic. Drop pre boiled chicken feet,
Saute well, Add remaining sauce from the preboiling, 2 table spoon vinegar and
150ml of Coke zero. Simmer and bring to boil until sauce has thicken. Season with
salt and pepper as desired. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with chopped
spring onion.

Chicken Feet in tomato paste

1/2 kilo chicken feet (washed and cleaned) salt n pepper,
ginger, onion and garlic. 1 liter water. a table spoon butter,
a table spoon tomato paste. a teaspoon of crispy garllic
bits for garnish, i green chili thinly sliced. a bowl of water
with ice. enough amount of coconut oil for deep frying

In a sauce pot. Put cleaned chicken feet, half amount of garlic,
ginger and onion, them salt and pepper. Add 1 litter of water. Bring
to a boil until chicken feet is tender. When done. Drain and set

In a deep pan, pour coconut oil. Wait to be heated. Drop drained

chicken feet one at time. Deep fry until golden brown. When done
soak in a bowl of water with ice. Set aside,
In a pan, saute ginger, onion and garlic. Add tomato paste, diilute in
half cup water. Mix well until dissolve. Season with salt and pepper
according to desire. Drain chicken feet from bowl of water with ice
and drop into your sauce. Mix well to coat sauce. Add sliced green
chili for a color. Transfer to serving plate and top witth crispy garlic.

Crispy Chicken feet
1/2 kilo chicken feet, washed and cleaned well,
minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn.
Salt and pepper to taste.. 1liter water, A cup of
coconut oil, a teaspoon of coconut flour, 1 egg
beaten season with salt and pepper
In a saucepot. Put chicken feet,1liter water,
whole pepper korn and some salt. Bring to
boil until chicken feet is tender. Drain and set
In a clean bowl, put drained pre boiled chicken feet. sprinkle with coconut flour, then
pour 1 egg beaten. In a pan, pour coconnut oil and wait to be heated. Drop chicken
feet one at a time. Fry until golden brown. Remove from frying and drain into paper
paper towel

Chicken Feet Adobo in Coco Aminos

1/2 kilo chicken feet (washed and cleaned) salt n pepper,
ginger, onion and garlic. 1 liter water. a table spoon
butter, 2 table spoon coco aminos.1/4 cup vinegar, 2
sachet equal gold, green chili thinly sliced. a

In a sauce pot. Put cleaned chicken feet, half amount of
garlic, ginger and onion, them salt and pepper. Add 1
litter of water. Bring to a boil until chicken feet is tender.
When done. Drain and set aside.

In a pan, melt butter. When heated, saute ginger, onion and garlic.
Put in pre- boiled chicken feet. Add coco aminos and vinegar. Add
equal gold. Season to taste. Simmer until sauce thicken or reduced.
Stirring from time to time,
Tarnsfer to a serviing bowl and garnish with sliced green chili on top.

Buttered Chicken Heart
1/2 kilo chicken heart, washed and cleaned well,
minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn.
Salt and pepper to taste.. 500ml water, A tablespoon
of butter. chopped spring onion for garnish

In a saucepot. Put chicken heart, 500ml water,
whole pepper korn and some salt. Bring to boil
for at least 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.

In a pan, melt butter. Saute ginger, onion and garlic . Add

pre boiled chicken heart.
Stir fry over butter. Mix well to coat sauce. Sprinkle
spring onion and season to taste. Serve and enjoy

Buttered Chicken Liver

1/2 kilo chicken liver, washed and cleaned well,
minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn.
Salt and pepper to taste.. 500ml water, A tablespoon
of butter. green chili and chopped spring onion for
In a saucepot. Put chicken liver, 500ml water,
whole pepper korn and some salt. Bring to boil
for at least 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
In a pan, melt butter. Saute ginger, onion and garlic . Add
pre boiled chicken liver.
Stir fry over butter. Mix well to coat sauce. Sprinkle
spring onion and season to taste. Transfer to a serving
plate and top with green chili for extra garnish. Serve and

Crispy Chicken Isaw
1/2 kilo chicken isaw, washed and cleaned well, minced
ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn. Salt and
pepper to taste.. 500ml water, enough coconut oil for
deep frying. A tablespoon of coconut flour seasoned
with salt and pepper
In a saucepot. Put chicken isaw,500ml water,
whole pepper korn, minced ginger, onion and
garlic. and some salt. Bring to boil for at least 5
minutes. Drain, cut into 2 inch long and set aside.
In a clean bowl, put drained and cut preboiled chicken isaw. Sprinkle with coconut flour
seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss well to properly cover isaw with flour. In a pan, Heat
enough amount of oil for frying. When heated drop isaw and fry until golden brown.
Remove from oil and drain to cooldown. Serve and enjoy.

Sisig Chicken Heart

1/2 kilo chicken heart, washed and cleaned well, minced
ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn. Salt and
pepper to taste.. 500ml water, A tablespoon of butter. 2
table spoon kewpie mayo, A tablespoon coco aminos, 1
egg., half cup crush chicharon, red and green chili
In a saucepot. Put chicken heart, 500ml water, whole
pepper korn and some salt. Bring to boil for at least 5
minutes. Drain, slice into smaller pieces and set aside.

In a pan, melt butter. Saute ginger, onion and garlic . Add

pre boiled chicken heart. Stir fry over butter, add coco
aminos and kewpie mayo. Mix well. Add chopped red and
green chili. Add crush chicharon, Mix well. Seson to taste.
Turn off fire, Then crack 1 egg over cooked sisig. Mix to cook
egg with sisig heat and make it creamier. Serve and enjoy.

Chicken Adobo sa Gata and Achuete
1 kilo chicken adobo cut., washed and cleaned well,
minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole pepper korn.
Salt and pepper to taste.. 1 cut coconut milk, 1 cup
coconut cream, A teaspoon of achuete seeds soak in
1/4 cup hot water. Spring onion for garnish. A table
spoon butter to saute.
In a saucepot. Melt butter, saute ginger, onion and
garlic. Put chicken adobo cuts and saute. Add salt and
pepper and pepper korn. Add 1 cup of coconut milk.
Bring to a boil until chicken is tender.
Add achuete extract. and simmer again. Let sauce reduce. Add coconut cream. Mix well
and let simmer. Season to taste and bring to simmer again to reduced coconut cream.
Transfer to a serving dish and enjoy.

Fried Chicken and liver in coconut flour breading

1/2 kilo chicken cuts 1/2 kilo chicken liver, washed and
cleaned well, minced ginger, garlic and onion. Whole
pepper korn. Salt and pepper to taste.. 500ml water, A
tablespoon of coconut flour seasoned with salt and
pepper. enough coconut oil for frying.
In a saucepot. Put chicken cut and liver, 500ml water,
whole pepper korn and some salt. Bring to boil for at
least 10 minutes. Drain, and set aside.

In a clean bowl, put pre boiled chicken and liver. Sprinkle

coconut flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss well. In a
deep pan, Pour enough amount of coconut oil. Wait to be
heated. Drop chicken and liver on at a time and fry until
golden brown. Remove from frying and drain excess oil to a
plate with paper towel. Serve and enjoy.

Fried Chicken in Tomato paste
1 kilo chicken adobo cut, fried according to
procedure from previous recipe. A table spoon of
tomato paste diluted in half cup water. a
tablespoon butter, minced garlic and onion.
Chopped spring onion for garnish. Salt and
pepper to taste.
In a pan, melt butter. Saute onion and garlic. Add
diluted tomato paste. Put fried chicken and toss
over sauce. Season to taste. Transfer to a serving
bowl and garnish with chopped spring onion. Serve
and enjoy.

Fried Chicken Neck in Tomato Paste

1 kilo chicken neck, fried according to procedure
from previous recipe. A table spoon of tomato
paste diluted in half cup water. a tablespoon
butter, minced garlic and onion. Chopped spring
onion for garnish. Salt and pepper to taste.

In a pan, melt butter. Saute onion and garlic. Add
diluted tomato paste. Add chopped red bell
pepper. Put fried chicken neck and toss over
sauce. Season to taste. Transfer to a serving bowl.
Serve and enjoy.

Chicken Adobo sa Patis
1 kilo chicken adobo cut, washed and cleaned
well. Minced ginger, garlic and onion. A cup of
water. A table spoon of butter. 2 table spoon fish
sauce (patis), salt and pepper to taste as needed.
Chopped spring onion for garnish.
In a pan, melt butter. Saute onion and garlic. Add
diluted tomato paste. Put chicken cuts and saute
until light brown. Add a cup of water and fish
sauce, Simmer until boil or chicken is tender.
Season to taste. Continue cooking until sauce in
reduced and chicken releases it own oil. Transfer
to a serving dish and garnish with chopped spring
onion. Enjoy

Chicken Heart and Liver Tinola

1/2 kilo chicken liver and heart, washed and
cleaned. A table spoon butter, minced ginger ,
onion and garlic, 1 medium sized tomato diced. 1
small sayote peeled and chopped. 1 Bundle of
Chili leaves. 1 pc green chile chopped. Salt and
pepper to taste
In a pan, melt butter. Saute ginger,onion and garlic.
Add diced tomato. Saute until tomato is soft. Put
chicken heart and liver. Saute until lightly cooked.
Add 2 cups water. Bring to boil. Add chopped
sayote and simmer until soft. Season with salt and
pepper. Add chili leaves and green chili as garnish.
Transfer to serving bowl and enjoy.

Noodle-LESS Chicken Mami
1/2 kilo chicken breast, 1/4 kilo chicken
liver. 3 boiled egg sliced, 1 egg beaten,
minced ginger, onion and garlic, chopped
spring onion, 1/2 head cabbage thinly
sliced (this will serve as noodles) 1small
pack chicharon crushed, 1 small pack
chicharon for garnish, chopped spring
onion. a table spoon of coco aminos, a
table spoon of fish sauce, salt and pepper
to taste. a table spoon of butter

In a saucepot, Put chicken breast, and
chicken liver. Add salt and pepper. Add a
liter of water. Bring to a boil until cooked.
Drain chicken, reserve stock.

In the same saucepot. Melt butter, saute ginger, onion and garlic. Add
half of chicken liver and half of chicken breast shredded. Add chicken
stock and another 500ml water. Bring to a boil. Add crushed chicharon
to thicken sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Add beaten egg while
continueosly stirring. Remove pot from fire.

Assemble bowl; put thinly shredded cabbage half of bowl, add topping
like sliced boiled egg, shredded chicken and sliced chicken liver and few
pieces of chicharon. Pour in prepared soup. Sprinkle chopped spring
onion and crispy garlic bits. Serve and enjoy

Deep Fried Pork Belly
1 kilo pork belly cut into 3-4 inches. Chopped
ginger, onion and garlic. Salt and pepper. A
teaspoon of salt. Enough amount of coconut oil
for frying.
In a sauce pot. Put pork belly cuts, ginger , onion
and garlic , salt and pepper and a liter of water.
Bring to boil for 10 mins only. Drain pork and pat
dry with paper towel. Massage each slabs with salt
before frying.

in a pan, pour enough coconut oil for frying. When heated, drop pork belly slab one at a
time. Fry pork belly until golden brown. Remove from frying and drain on plate with paper
towel. Serve and enjoy.

Inihaw na Liempo
1 kilo pork liempo, washed and cleaned well. half
cup coco aminos, half cup vinegar, 2-3 sachet
equal gold. salt and pepper powder.

In a big bowl, combine coco aminos, vinegar , equal
gold, salt and pepper. Stir to mix well. Marinate
pork liempo on the mixture. Better to prepare
ahead, at least overnight marinate.
Prepare griller, when ready , grill pork liempo one
at a time until cooked. Slice, serve and enjoy.

Pork Belly Adobo sa Coco Aminos
1 kilo Pork belly cut 2 inches each, washed and
cleaned well. Minced ginger, garlic and onion. A cup
of water. A table spoon of butter. 2 table coco
aminos, 2 table spoon vinegar, salt and pepper to
taste as needed. .

Heat pan, melt butter. Saute ginger,onion and
garlic. Add pork belly cuts. Saute until lightly brown.
Add coco aminos, vinegar and a cup of water.
Simmer to boil until pork is tender. Add more
water if needed. When tender, season to taste.
Continue simmering until sauce reduced and pork
starts to release oil. Transfer to a serving dish and

No oil Pork Pinatisan

1kilo pork liempo cut into smaller pieces, 2
tablespoon fish sauce, salt and pepper

In a bowl put meat, then add fish sauce salt and
pepper, mix well and massage pork.
Heat a deep pan, pour in meat and stir from time
to time. Cover pan at a time to avoid pork fat
spilling. Repeat stirring time to time until meat is
golden brown and has produced it own oil.
Remove from pan and transfer to serving dish.
Serve and enjoy

Deep Fried Boneless Bangus
2 pcs medium size Boneless Bangus sliced into
serving cuts of your choice. Half cup of vinegar, a
teaspoon of salt, minced garlic and pepper powder.
Enough amount of coconut oil for frying

Marinate bangus in vinegar, salt and pepper and
minced garlic at an hour or over night before frying.
In a pan, pour enough amount of coconut oil for
deep frying. When heated, drop bangus cuts one at
a time and fry until golden brown.
Drain on plate with paper towel. Serve with your
prefer sawsawan

Paksiw na Dilis
1/2 kilo dilis, washed and cleaned well, 2 table
spoon vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, minced
ginger, onion and garlic, a table spoon of coconut
oil and chopped green chili for garnish.

In a pan put cleaned dilis, put minced ginger, nion
and garlic. Pour vinegar add salt an

Tortang Dilis
1/2 kilo dilis (pre cooked as paksiw, see previous
recipe) 1 tablespoon coconut flour, half a teaspoon
xantan gum (optional) 2-3 eggs beaten seasoned
with salt n pepper, chopped red bell pepper and
spring onion, minced garlic and onion. coconut oil
for frying
Combine all ingredients except for the oil.
In a pan, pour coconut oil. When heated, scope a
tablespoon of mixture and put on the pan, flatten
to form patty, fry until one side is cooked then flip.
Repeat procedure to remaining mixture, Drain on
plate with paper towel, Transfer to serving dish and
serve with your choice of sawsawan.

Adobong Pusit with Pechay

1/2 kilo small sized squids, wash end cleaned.
minced ginger, onion and garlic, a table spoon
butter, Salt and pepper to taste. One bundle
pechay finely chopped. half a cup of water.
In a pan, melt butter, saute ginger, onion and
garlic, Add cleaned squids. Stir to mix. Add half cup
water, Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a
simmer to let the water reduce for a while. when
reduced, add chopped pechay and simmer for
another minute. Transfer to a serving bowl and

Fried Dried Daing
3-4 pcs dried daing from the market.
Coconut oil for frying

Heat pan, Add coconut oil. Wait to be heated. Fry
daing one at a time. Drain excess oil with paper
Serve with vinegar and garlic as sawsawan

Fried Tilapia
3 pcs fresh tilapia, cleaned and wash. A cup of
vinegar, a teaspoon of salt, half teaspoon pepper,
3 gloves garlic minced.
Enough amount of coconut coconut flour for
deep frying.
Marinate tilapia in vinegar, salt and pepper and
minced garlic.
Heat pan, Add enough amount of coconut oil.
When heated, Fry tilapia one at a time until golden
brown. Drain into paper towel to remove excess
oil. Serve with vinegar and coco aminos.


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