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Topic of our presentation will be about depression.

In which we will talk about what

depression is, the symptoms, the causes and the known types and treatments.

What is depression?
Depression is a mental illness that negatively affects how people think, feel and act and
causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.
Depression makes it more difficult to manage from day to day and interferes with study, work
and relationships. Women are more likely than men to experience depression.

Symptoms of depression
Depression commonly affects your thoughts, your emotions, your behaviours and your overall
physical health.
The most common symptoms that a person with depression will experience:
 Feeling worthless
 Change in appetite
 Avoiding contact with other people
 Not looking forward to anything
 More aches and pains lately
 Feelings of guilt
 Loss of interest in hobbies and things
 Feeling hopeless, sad and empty
 Sleeping too much or too little
 Dwelling on thoughts of Suicide and death

What causes depression?

While the exact cause of depression isn’t known, a number of things can be associated with its
development. Depression does not result from a single event, but from a combination of
biological, psychological, social and lifestyle factors.

Different Types of Depression

The currently known types of depression are:
 Major Depressive Disorder
This is a mood disorder in in which a person experiences symptoms such as
Lack of interest, Weight loss or weight gain, Changes in sleep, Fatigue and Suicidal
 Dysthymia
This is mild, long-lasting type of depression has the same symptoms as MDD (Major
Depressive Disorder) but less severe and can be experienced for much longer: two
years or more.
 Bipolar Disorder
This form of depression causes changes in a person's mood, energy, and ability to
 Psychotic Depression
When a person suffers from Psychotic depression they lose touch with reality.
Some of the symptoms are: Hallucinations, Confusion, Paranoia, Delusions and shares
many of the same symptoms as MDD
 Postpartum depression
Affects some mothers after childbirth, and it involves a persistent low mood such as
mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue,
In this section of our presentation ill will talk about the effects that depression has on the
different genders, in teen and children. And the known treatments so far.

In females
Depression is more common among women than men.
Some symptoms of depression that tend to appear more often in females such as:
• Irritability (easily irritated)
• Anxiety
• Mood swings
• Fatigue
• Ruminating (dwelling on negative thoughts)

Also, some types of depression are unique to females, such as:

• postpartum depression: occurs after giving birth, and it involves a persistent low
• premenstrual dysphoric disorder:disorder is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome
a few of the Symptoms are mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue,
irritability and depression

In males
Males with depression are more likely than females to drink alcohol in excess (in overly
large amounts), display anger, and engage in risk-taking.
Symptoms of depression in males may include:
• Avoiding families and social situations
• Working without a break
• Having difficulty keeping up with work and family responsibilities
• Displaying abusive or controlling behavior in relationships

In teens
Physical changes, peer pressure, and other factors can contribute to depression in teenagers.
They may experience some of the following symptoms:
 withdrawing from friends and family
 difficulty concentrating on schoolwork
 feeling guilty, helpless, or worthless
 restlessness, such as an inability to sit still

In children
In children, the symptoms can make schoolwork and social activities challenging.
They may experience symptoms such as:
 crying
 low energy
 clinginess
 defiant behavior
 vocal outbursts

Younger children may have difficulty expressing how they feel in words. This can make it
harder for them to explain their feelings of sadness.
Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders.

In general, treatments for depression include:

• Medications called antidepressants
Antidepressants are a type of medication used to treat clinical depression.

 psychotherapy
Talk to a therapist: talk about your feelings and thoughts, and help you learn how to
deal with them. Psychotherapy can help you understand the issues that may be behind
your thoughts and feelings.

• Support:
This can range from discussing practical solutions and possible causes to educating
family members.

And concludes our presentation and appreciate your interest and attention today.

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