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Title: My Autobiography

Name: AGUILAR, KARL JUSTIN C. Grade & Section: Grade 12 – STEM


My name is Karl Justin Caronongan Aguilar. I was born on August 01, 2003 in Lingayen
Pangasinan, where I live until now. I’m the first born and the only boy in my family. My Father,
Anthony Jr. R. Aguilar is currently working in Italy but he doesn’t have a specific job there. My
mother, Kathrina Joy Caronongan Aguilar is a Bachelor Graduate in Industrial Technology. She is a
government employee.

I went to school in Lingayen 1 Central School and Pangasinan National High School, where I
completed my elementary and Junior high school education. But still I’m currently enrolled in
Pangasinan National High School to finish my Senior High.

Growing up as the only man in the family was not easy. I need to have a strong will power
and mind set because I’m the only one that my mom expects to do all the manly chores in the house
while I study. I believed that I adopted my father’s strong mind set in sports and my mother’s bravery
and academic mind. I excel in sports and though sometimes I don’t excel in my study I’m still
keeping up with my classmates.

When I was in my elementary days, I was a volleyball varsity. I already played in Milo
Olympics and in local sports events. I also tried cheer dancing but that thing was not for me. I want to
continue my journey as a volleyball athlete in my junior high school but I prioritized studying because
I was in STEM strand and they expect us to excel in our academic grades. I’m still playing volleyball
as a hobby.

I’m in STEM strand this school year and I want this year to be my best year ever in my entire
high school career. I want to have a high honor this year to be able to study in a better college
university. I want to become a chemical engineer someday but if can’t pursue that dream. I guess
having a “General” in my name is not bad. I also want to become a military soldier. I still don’t have
specific plans for my future, but I know my future will be a successful one.

-This is me in Baguio for the marching event for the Milo

Olympic Volleyball Boys.

- This is when I was

celebrating my 10th
birthday with my

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