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Heaven Krysthel Bless Sacsac Grade 12 - ABM

Zhainia Aguila October 3, 2022

Irene Lagundino EAPP
Frank Ezekiel Dela Cruz

1. Give the background of the author.

-Robert Lee Frost, a Poet Laureate (1958-1959) was born on March 26, 1874, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.
Frost’s family moved to New England early in his life. After stints at Dartmouth College and Harvard
University and a difficult period as a teacher and farmer, he moved to England and published his first
collections, A Boy’s Will (1913) and North of Boston (1914). At the outbreak of war he returned to New
England. He closely observed rural life and in his poetry endowed it with universal, even metaphysical,
meaning, using colloquial language, familiar rhythms, and common symbols to express both its pastoral
ideals and its dark complexities. His collections include New Hampshire (1923, Pulitzer Prize), Collected
Poems (1930, Pulitzer Prize), A Further Range (1936, Pulitzer Prize), and A Witness Tree (1942, Pulitzer
Prize). He was unique among American poets of the 20th century in simultaneously achieving wide
popularity and deep critical admiration. Many of his poems, including “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening,” “Birches,” “The Death of the Hired Man,” “Dust of Snow,” “Fire and Ice,” and “Home Burial,” are
widely anthologized. Frost died shortly on January 29, 1963 at Boston, Massachusetts after complaining of severe
chest pains and a shortness of breath. The cause of death was listed as "probably a pulmonary embolism," or blood
clot in the lungs.

2. Background of the poem.

-"The Road Not Taken" was written by Robert Frost as a joke for a friend, poet Edward Thomas. When they
went strolling together, Thomas was constantly unsure about which way they should take and frequently
complained that they should have picked the other.

3. Give the style, language and form of the poem.

- This poem uses a set rhyme scheme. The rhyming scheme used in each quintain is ABAAB. It indicates
the existence of two sets of rhymes. Frost employs a number of metaphors in this poem to convey his
unique thoughts. The title of the poem, 'The Road Not Taken,' for example, incorporates a metaphor. The
"road" is a metaphor for the decision we make in it. Similarly, another metaphor may be found in the final
verse. The "least traveled by" route is a metaphor for the options that people dislike. It refers to unusual
behaviors that practical society does not tolerate. So, in the speaker's instance, he did not select the rarest

4. Give the summary or analysis of the poem

- The Road Not Taken Summary is a poem that illustrates the dilemma of a person standing at a point
where the road splits. This distraction represents real-life circumstances. There are moments in life when
we must make difficult judgments. We couldn't agree on what was good or wrong for us.

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