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Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb.

1. Lara was feeling stressed at work and decided she needed to switch off from it all for a
2. I never get around to traveling, and I don’t want to look back on my life when I’m older
and regret anything.
3. We‘ve decided to plan a big trip. We asked a couple of friends to come with us, but they
would be up for it so we’re going by ourselves.
4. Tom’s done some research to find out about everything he needs to know before his ski
5. This week, I feel prepared for any problems I may come up aganist with work.
6. They just need to brush up on their Spanish before they move to Madrid.

Complete the sentences with vocabulary about journeys and adventures.

1. Do you admire _____Globetrotters_______ or do you think they’re irresponsible? Would

you like to be one, or are you happier at home?
2. Are there any more environmentally friendly ways to travel the world than long haul
flights? Have you tried any of them? If not, would you?
3. Are any parts of your country impenetrable_ ? Why is it so difficult to go there?
4. What provisions would you always take with you on a long journey?
5. What little known place in your country would you recommend for someone who likes to
go off the beaten path _ ?
6. Do you like to stay at the heart of a city, or do you prefer somewhere quieter?
7. Are you comfortable going into uncharted or do you prefer more familiar places or
8. Do you think you will embark on a new project or career in the near future?

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