Building A Health Informatics Workforce

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By William Hersh, Alvaro Margolis, Fernán Quirós, and Paula Otero

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0883

Building A Health Informatics

NO. 2 (2010): 275–278
©2010 Project HOPE—
The People-to-People Health

Workforce In Developing Countries Foundation, Inc.

William Hersh (hersh@ohsu

ABSTRACT Information and communication technology can be used to .edu) is professor and chair of
improve the quality and safety of health care and to lower costs. But in medical informatics and
clinical epidemiology at the
both developed and developing countries, there is an inadequate supply Oregon Health and Science
of skilled individuals who have the technical skills to use this technology University in Portland.

to improve health care. Some studies project workforce needs of tens of Alvaro Margolis is health
thousands in English-speaking developed countries, but it is not known informatics coordinator at
Federación Médica del Interior
what size workforce will be required in the developing world. It is (FEMI) Cufré in Montevideo,
important to identify and develop the skills, training, and competencies—
consistent with local cultures, languages, and health systems—that will be Fernán Quirós is professor
needed to realize the full benefits of these technologies. We present a and chair of human physiology
and vice director of strategic
framework for answering these questions and for developing estimates of planning at the School of
Medicine, Hospital Italiano de
the size and scope of the workforce that may be needed.
Buenos Aires (HIBA), in
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Paula Otero is associate

professor of medical
Workforce Needs

ne way to bring about improve- informatics and a faculty
member in the Department of
ments in health, health care, bio- One of the challenges to implementing health
Health Informatics, School of
medical research, and public information and communication technology is Medicine, at Hospital Italiano
health across the world is to make the need for a skilled workforce that understands de Buenos Aires.
use of knowledge and skills in the health care, information and communication
implementation and use of information and technology, and the people and organizational
communication technology. The reach of these challenges involved. The intersection of these
technologies in the developing world, via both areas is commonly known as the discipline of
Internet access and mobile phones, is increasing biomedical and health informatics (or health in-
exponentially.1 However, the size and skills of formatics for short).12 There is also growing evi-
the workforce have not kept pace.When informa- dence for the value that a well-trained health
tion and communication technology is used for informatics workforce can offer.13 Educational
health applications, it is called e-health.2 Its ap- programs are emerging around the world to
plication limited to mobile phone technology is meet the need to train such individuals, from
called m-health.3 graduate education to shorter courses. One ex-
ample is the American Medical Informatics As-
sociation’s (AMIA’s) 10×10 initiative, a program
Improving Care With Technology that aims to train 10,000 health care and other
In developed economies, there is increasing evi- professionals in health informatics by 2010.14,15
dence, documented by systematic reviews, that Additional solutions in developing countries,
information and communication technology can however, will involve improving education for
improve the quality and safety of health care workers16 and building workforce capacity.17 In
while reducing its cost.4,5 In developing econo- this paper we highlight some initiatives that are
mies, the evidence is less robust, but there are already occurring and that have been described
successful applications—for example, from Afri- or summarized in the literature.18–21 These in-
ca,6,7 Latin America,8–10 and the Philippines.11 clude partnerships with academic centers in de-

F E B R UARY 2 0 1 0 2 9 :2 H E ALT H AF FAI RS 2 75


veloped countries.22 We also pose key questions, technology and evaluate its accomplishments
and we present a framework for how further in improving health care and public health?
assessments should be made as to the site, scope, What will local leaders and policy makers need
and training levels of the workforce that will to make the best decisions about using and in-
ultimately be required in developing countries. vesting in information technology?
The process of answering these questions
must be data-driven, using existing research cap-
Existing Initiatives abilities. Needs are likely to differ among coun-
Among initiatives to expand the informatics tries, cultures, and political and economic fac-
workforce is the Informatics Training for Glob- tors, and so will solutions. Planning must
al Health Program (ITGH, http://www.fic include local stakeholders in reviewing the ex- of isting research on workforce and proposing a
the Fogarty International Center, U.S. National framework to identify the workforce needs in
Institutes of Health. It funds eight partnerships specific developing countries.
of U.S.-based and international academic pro-
grams to expand informatics training in Africa,
Latin America, and India. Lack Of Research
Another initiative that is defining workforce Despite the acknowledged importance of a well-
and capacity needs, with a focus on local partner- trained workforce,23,24 there is a paucity of actual
ships, is the AMIA’s Global Partnership Program research to guide needs and development. All
(, funded by the Bill of the national-level data come from English-
& Melinda Gates Foundation. The program’s im- speaking developed countries.25–27 Some U.S.
mediate goal is to develop project-centric ap- studies have focused on specific segments of
proaches to training in the developing world. the workforce, such as information technology
A longer-term goal is to move on to provide professionals28,29 and health information man-
advanced-degree training to develop local capa- agers.30 It has been estimated that 50,000 addi-
city to continue programs in the future. Partner- tional professionals will be required in the Uni-
ing with local universities and other institutions ted States to achieve the electronic health record
is recognized as essential for emerging educa- (EHR) adoption goals of the American Recovery
tional programs and implementing systems in and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) legislation.
ways that are compatible with local customs, There are no estimates yet for the total number
culture, and health care needs. of health informatics professionals the United
States will require over the longer term. More
concerted research is needed to better character-
Unanswered Questions ize the workforce required, along with workers’
Despite these important starts, there are still specific roles, competencies, and optimal educa-
many unanswered questions about how best to tion levels. Similar research is required in the
implement and use informatics in health: What developing world to understand the unique
are the profiles (that is, job roles, competencies, needs in local settings.
and required training) for the workforce needed Understanding workforce needs in any setting
to lead e-health projects? What are the valid is a challenging task. The first step is to catalog
methods for quantifying workforce needs in de- the types of e-health and m-health applications
veloping countries? How can we account for and used in specific countries. This includes, for ex-
be respectful of variations among developing ample, basic EHR systems. These may be used to
countries in culture, language, the nature of capture data for better clinical documentation
health care systems, and the supply of existing that facilitate health care of individuals as well
resources while still advancing information and as to aggregate the data for research or public
communication technology solutions? health purposes. Likewise, telehealth applica-
Varied health care system needs must also be tions that provide health care over telecommu-
considered as the system is developed and the nications networks have the potential to extend
required workforce is recruited and trained. the reach of both basic and specialized care.
What are the basic health literacy skills of citi- There is also increasing interest in m-health
zens and patients? How will people use technol- applications that take advantage of emerging
ogy to improve health and interact with health mobile telephone networks.
care and public health systems? How will health
care and public health professionals use infor-
matics to improve care, interact with citizens or Approach To Gathering Data
patients, and obtain education? How will infor- To understand the workforce currently used as
matics professionals develop and implement well as that ideally required, it would be neces-

276 HE A LT H A FFA IRS F E B R UARY 2 0 10 2 9 :2

sary to visit representative locations where the efficient approach and would facilitate coopera-
applications are or will be in use. The first type of tive exchanges not only between developed and
data will be purely quantitative, such as the size developing economies, but also among develop-
of each organization, its “product” (health care, ing economies.
public health, commercial software), and its cus- An example of the former is the recent transla-
tomer base (patients, the public, purchasers of tion of an in-depth, online introductory course
software). In the case of hospitals, we would also in biomedical informatics from English into
need to assess the number of patients, number of Spanish and its delivery to several hundred peo-
beds, and other health care measures. Also, be- ple across Latin America. An instance of the
cause many health care institutions are tied into latter, collaboration between two developing
public health functions and governments, we economies, is the participation in 2008 of
will need to understand the specific organization around forty professionals from Uruguay in site
studied in the context of its role in a country’s visits to Argentinean implementations of clinical
larger health care system. information systems, and in courses delivered
The next step would be to gather data on the online by Argentinean experts, as one element
sites’ information and communications technol- of the training strategy for a countrywide imple-
ogy organizations. This would include not just mentation of clinical information systems in
the formal organization, but all who play any sort Uruguay.31
of role in the provision or support of information Broader approaches to training are needed.
or its systems. For example, we would include One promising example is the emergence of a
health information managers and librarians as network for the development of OpenMRS,
well as any clinicians involved in technology sup- an open-source EHR that is used widely across
port. We also need to understand the local and Africa.32 An Implementers Network not only co-
national information and communication tech- ordinates software development but also pro-
nology infrastructure to determine the context of vides communication, training, and profes-
the local applications. sional development. Larger networks whose
The data collection would need to include interests transcend software development and
counts of people and descriptions of their roles; focus on larger health issues are essential. Other
organizational charts; individual job responsi- emerging networks, such as the Fogarty Infor-
bilities, level of education, perceived short- matics Training for Global Health and the
comings of their education, and career path- AMIA’s Global Partnership Program described
ways; anticipated future needs for information above, will also build capacity.
technology applications; and types of workers
needed and their desired qualifications.
Concluding Comments
E-health and m-health applications hold vast
Plan Of Action promise to improve global health. As these proj-
With a good picture of the types of e-health ap- ects develop, leaders need to be cognizant of the
plications used and workforce required, we can need for a well-trained workforce to lead their
develop a plan of action. How can we operation- implementation. An ideal approach will include
alize this? Standardizing learning objectives and needs assessment as well as education and train-
competencies, curricula, and job roles across ing opportunities for that workforce. Successful
multiple countries or regions will allow achieve- local examples can be expanded into larger net-
ment of economies of scale as well as sharing of works whose scale can be leveraged to more
resources and expertise. Certification of profes- rapidly and effectively disseminate them. Such
sionals and accreditation of educational pro- an approach should also foster the establish-
grams is usually carried out on a national level. ment of academic partnerships and centers of
However, partnerships under the aegis of inter- excellence in education and research in develop-
national organizations, such as the Interna- ing countries for sustainable capacity building
tional Medical Informatics Association and its while still being responsive to local needs. ▪
Working Group on Education, could be the most

This paper is based on an earlier version 1D43TW008439 from the National A version of this paper was presented
of a manuscript commissioned by the Institutes of Health (NIH) Fogarty at Making the eHealth Connection:
American Medical Informatics International Center. The authors thank Global Partnerships, Local Solutions, a
Association (AMIA) as part of a project Don Detmer and Meryl Bloomrosen of conference sponsored by the Rockefeller
support grant (Grant no. 2008SRC 117) AMIA as well as the editors and Foundation at its Bellagio Conference
awarded to AMIA from the Rockefeller anonymous peer reviewers of this Center in Bellagio, Italy, 13 July–
Foundation. Subsequent support for the journal for their comments and 8 August 2008.
authors was provided via Grant no. suggestions on the paper’s development.

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