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Shaikh Jalilu Issah

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

English Transliteration

[002.033 Qala ya adamu anbi/hum bi-asma-ihim falamma anbaahum bi-asma-ihim qala

alam aqul lakum innee aAAlamu ghayba alssamawati waal-ardi waaAAlamu ma
tubdoona wama kuntum taktumoona]

[002.034. Wa-ith qulna lilmala-ikati osjudoo li-adama fasajadoo illa ibleesa aba
waistakbara wakana mina alkafireena]


[002.033 He said: "O Adam! Tell them their natures." When he had told them, Allah said:
"Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal
and what ye conceal?"]
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

[002.034 And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed
down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith.]

Qala (He said) ya adamu (Oh Adam) anbi/hum (inform them) bi-asma-ihim (of their
names) falamma (and when) anbaahum (he informed them) bi-asma-ihim (of their
names) qala (He said) alam (did not) aqul (I tell) lakum (to you) innee (that I) aAAlamu
(know) ghayba (unseen secrets/hidden facts) alssamawati (of the heavens) waal-ardi (and
the earth) waaAAlamu (and I know) ma (what) tubdoona (you reveal) wama (and what)
kuntum (you have been) aktumoona (concealing)

I would like shed light on the verses mentioned above. These are great verses in which
we have got a very practical lesson regarding the life and human affairs and regarding the
power of the intellect of the human brain. That Allah told the angels that a new kind of
human life is going to be created on the earth. This idea was extremely new to the angels
and other powers of the universe who did not know that what really Allah wanted in
doing this. And it was also very strange to them that Allah was going to appoint
vicegerent on the earth. And this vicegerent was the representative of Allah on the earth.
This idea was new to the powers of the universe. They raised their objections and
presented their reservations on it. But Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala told them that what He
knows that what is hidden in the earth and in the skies they are ignorant of that gigantic
fact. After all Allah is the creator and all other things in the time and space are the
creatures of Allah. So Allah only could know the realities of the life and the entities
running it.
In point of fact, they had some kind of idea that the human life in its daily affairs of life
they may shed blood and they may commit every kind of possible sin. Whereas on the
contrary, the powers of the universe were only subject to the ibadat and they were not
able to divert from the course what was given and assigned to them. Human life was
going to be equipped by the will and discretion and liberty and every possible freedom.
And the powers of the universe may not become corrupt. So what was the planning of
Allah it was not known to them. Because they were limited in their perception and
intellectual senses.
In proof of it and in order to let the powers of the universe understand the matter
Allah told them that Adam was taught the names of the things found in the time and
space, which He did not tell the angels. Allah said that He created Adam to teach the
powers of the universe, which are called angels. He also asked Adam to demonstrate the
skills of his intellects before the angles. It means that Adam was given faculty to learn
and liberty to turn the affairs. On the contrary the angels and other universe governing
powers are devoid of such kind super faculty. They were not bestowed with. They were
given their orbits to turn and circle till the last sign of life in them before destroying in
their own flames.
Well, dear readers, apart form what has been written supra mentioned, the
followers of Ahlul Bayt say that the names what Adam told to the angels were the names
of the holy family of the prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his household.
When Adam told the holy names of the holiest family to the angles, Allah said didn’t I
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

tell you (angles) secretes of the heavens? Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala knows the Ghaib
(unseen) in the heavens and the earth. Further Allah said that He knows what you reveal
and what you have been concealing. Subhan Allah (all glory to Allah).
Now we would see that what was in the hearts of the angels that Allah knew. In
point of fact, they were thinking that they were better than human, who was going to be
created. They did not let their feelings come out but Allah knew. That’s why Allah told
them He knows what is hidden in their hearts. Nothing is hidden from the universe
governing powers of Allah. It was in their minds that they are unable to commit sins and
corruption, the new vicegerent may do it. The ingredients of the body of them were
superior to the ingredients of the human body. That’s why they were thinking that if they
were to be said to bow down before Adam to accept Adam’s superiority, they would not
do it. It also came into the knowledge of Allah.
Eventually, angels were said to bow down before Adam. But before it they were
convinced and the purpose of the creation of the human life was made clear to them to
the extent of their senses. When they acknowledged the fact then they bowed down with
respect, it means they really declared the superiority of the human brain. But, there was
one power, obstinate and blind to the divine logic, whose senses of the faculty to
understand the right and wrong were covered, did not accept the superiority of the human
being and refused to bow down before Adam. It was Iblis.
Now we come to Iblis. According to the holy Quran what Ahlul Bayt understand,
Iblis was a jinn. And he was given power to obey the commands of Allah or to refuse to
do it. One question important to answer – Iblis is not angel. He is jinn. Then why Allah
would punish him? We must give our attention to the fact that Allah did not command
Iblis to bow down before Adam, angels were said to do it. Also we should not forget one
more big fact that Imam Ali (AS) said that Iblis did not leave an inch of the earth where
he did not do sajjdaa to Allah. And Iblis the jinn worshiped Allah for six thousand years.
The divine measurement of the days is different from the account of human
measurement. One day of Allah consists of one thousand years according to the human
calendar. Iblis knew that he was included in the command of Allah to bow down
together with angles before Adam. When Iblis did not bow down then Allah asked him
what stopped you not for bowing down

before Adam? He replied to Allah You

created me from fire and You created man from clay. That’s why Allah said to him

get out of these angels. No other being has

been created better than human being. Other beings possess only brain to sense. Human
brain possesses mind to think. We are thinking beings. We have been entrusted with the
care and feeding of the most extraordinary and complex creation in the universe. When
universe running powers bowed down before Adam, it was not only an acceptance of the
superiority of the human brain, actually it was also an acceptance to the greatness of
Allah - the architect of this time and space and the life creator, found in the cosmos.
All powers bowed down except Iblis. Inshallah a separate discussion on the
nature and formation of Iblis would be held later. But one phenomenon with the
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

reference of Iblis we should not forget; an ounce of error may throw you at the centuries
long distance.
Allah is very kind, very beneficent, human brain can not think how kind is He!
He gives us ten times more of our one move.

Further would be discussed in next session Inshallah!

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