59 Baqra-116-117 - Shaikh Julilu Issah

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Shaikh Jalilu Issah

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful


[002.116. Wa Qālū Attakhadha Allāhu Waladāan Subĥānahu Bal Lahu Mā Fī As-

Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Kullun Lahu Qānitūna.
002.117 Badī`u As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi Wa 'Idhā Qađaá 'Amrāan Fa'innamā Yaqūlu
Lahu Kun Fayakūnu]

[116. They say: "(Allah) hath begotten a son”: Glory be to Him. -Nay, to Him belongs all
that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders worship to Him.
117. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a
matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is]

The holy Quran in this verse tells about the belief that people have about Almighty Allah.
They believe that He is just a Lord. They believe that He is just a creator. But at the
same time they also think that Allah has a child (Na'uozho billah). But in other verse
Allah has mentioned their names. And that is mentioned in Surah Tauba;
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

[Wa Qālat Al-Yahūdu `Uzayrun Abnu Allāhi]

[Waqalati alyahoodu AAuzayrun ibnu Allahi] - And the

Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; [Wa Qālat

An-Naşāraá Al-Masīĥu Abnu Allāhi] [waqalati alnnasara almaseehu ibnu Allah] - and
the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah;

[thalika qawluhum bi-afwahihim yudahi-oona qawla allatheena kafaroo min qablu

qatalahumu Allahu anna yu/fakoona] - these are the words of their mouths; they imitate
the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned
away! Did you notice that Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala rejected their sayings and views.
That Na'uozho billah Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala has no child. He does not need to have
a child like the human beings need to have. So Allah for in general has mentioned their
names in the holy Quran. Allah says 3;15 they said Allah is escorting them
that the people of the book has said that Allah has taken for insult to have a
son. Here Allah’s son means Jesus (Na'uozho billah Allah). And Jews say that Uzair is
the son of God (Na'uozho billah Allah). On it Allah answered He is too glorious.
Allah said [bal lahu ma fee alssamawati waal-
ardi] to Him belongs all what in the heaven or the earth. There are two answers in this
verse. The first answer is that Allah is too glorious to have a son. And Allah rejected it

vehemently. And then He said that [kullun lahu qanitoona] and

in other verse Allah says [ bal lahu ma fee
alssamawati waal-ardi]that anything that does exist in the heaven or in the earth and also
all those things what do exist between them – all belong to Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
Because all these things belong to Allah that’s why He owns these all things either

gigantic or diminutive. Therefore Allah said [ kullun lahu

qanitoona]. All prays and obedience is for Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. He tells the
purpose of the creation that why was it created by Him. What is found in the nook and
the corner of the universe, which is unlimited, has been created with a stark purpose.
Nothing is purposeless. It is against the grandeur of Allah to create anything without its
useful purpose. And the first and foremost purpose of this creation is to worship Allah.
That’s why Allah did not have any child or need to have any child. In point of fact this is
the false and raw notion of human mind. We are thinking and we think on the level of
human approach. But the level and approach of Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala is divine and
beyond the ken of human intellect to understand. This is the miracle of the holy Quran
which came and let the human wisdom understand the nature and the purpose of the

nature surrounding him. Allah said [ BadeeAAu

Shaikh Jalilu Issah

alssamawati waal-ardi]. The word in Arabic comes from the word the word
it is to find something or to bring something into existence from nothing. Because
this universe was created from the state of nothingness. Physical matter or the
metaphysical matter it all came into existence from nothing. And it was all done in an

instant moment. Allah said [ BadeeAAu

alssamawati waal-ardi]. Allah is the one who brought all these things on the planet to
this life. And He says whatever He decides to do anything
says [ fa-innama yaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu]. Allah
is to command to do and it does.
Now the question arises that what is the proof that Allah does not want to have a
child? We can learn two things from these two verses in order to prove that Allah really
does not need a child. Only the man of Adam needs to have a child for certain reasons.
Human life is limited and uncertain. Also this is the demand of human life to have as
assistance in the form of his children. Whereas Allah’s life is unlimited, He was not
born, and He will not die. This is also a human approach to just have a diminutive
understanding. Otherwise what is the life of Allah and divine circumstances are
understandable only by Allah. The humans want to have their lineage continue. Allah is
far from this concept of life.
One more factor that homo sapience is a social animal. He needs to be socialized.
He needs society. A man can not live alone. He needs to have others with him in his
company. A man can not do all works. Human works are to be shared. Human sorrows
and happy blissful times are to be shared. Whereas Allah is divinely independent. He
needs nothing like human.
A man or animal wants to have a female with them to have children. A man
needs to have a woman beside him to have children. And to have some other works for
him to help and serve him. Allah needs no female or likewise human life. He is the
creator. In Surah Tariq Allah mentioned that the system for to have a child is between
two persons. Some characteristics come from male or some come from female. The

characteristics come from a man Allah says; [

Yakhruju min bayni alssulbi waalttara-ibi]

some parts come from a man from his waist come other parts come
from a woman these come from underneath breasts. The same conceive and birth process
is found in animals.
The holy Quran tells that why people took Issa/Jesus as a son of God. Because
when the prophet asked them to have a debate that why did they curse the Issa? At the
end they said why did they curse him because the prophet Issa was created from a mother
and not a God. He had no father but had a mother. That’s why they took him as a son of
God. Because every creation has its father and mother except prophet Issa. So they
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

thought that naturally (according to their own false mentality) that God must be his
father. Then the prophet Issa used logic. He spoke that if you say that because he has
mother without a father that qualifies him to be son of God. Then we have someone who
has no father and no mother. What do you think about him? And that is the prophet
Adam. Our mother, our father these two creatures are important. They have no father
and no mother. So if you say that the prophet Issa qualifies to be a Lord because he has
no father just mother, and I have someone who has no father and no mother. So if
prophet qualifies to be a son of God then these person Adam and Eve they deserve to be
the lord of prophet Issa not to be the son of God. Allah says:

[ fabuhita allathee kafara] and that’s why they surrendered.

Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala does not possess the material as we possess for the
survival of us. So Allah does not want to have a child like us. These are the demands of
the human flesh and bone. It has to be accountable for the worldly acts. This is all
human. Whereas Allah is far from this life. And that is all divine.

Allah says; [ Law kana feehima

alihatun illa Allahu lafasadata] that if there would have been two lords entire world
would have destroyed. Had there been two lords, one would say that sun should come
from the west today and other would have said that the sun should come from the east. In
this condition there would bee disagreement. One lord would have said that today should
be a rain day. And the other lord would have said no today should a sun day. They both
have quarreled to have the different timings and days of the Day of Judgment. And the
human efforts could never have produced its fruits of labour and efforts. The oneness of
Allah is only for the sake of the survival of the human life.
Allay says: . This verse has come in the holy Quran at so
many places. In Surah Al-Imran, in Sura Al-Inaam, In Surah Nahal, in Surah Marry, in
Surrah Yaseen,. But the meanings are very evident that what Allah wants to have
something to come into existence it comes and it happens. But it does not mean that
Allah wants to have something. What Allah wishes to happen it happens in the period
what He describes, in the way what He delegates, in the weather in what He wants.
Time, moment, weather, place, planets, time & space, is no problem for Allah’s
phenomenon of Kun. This is the grace of Allah.

All depends upon the wish of Allah to create what He wishes.

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