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William Mobley

Leadership Handbook

1. Strategic vision must be clear

2. Develop a winning strategy
3. Adhere to the mission
4. Values should be aligned with the mission
5. Values need to be entrenched top to bottom
6. Leaders set examples
7. Leaders care more about others than themselves
8. Surround yourself with people smarter than you
9. Leaders allow risk taking
10. Michael Porter’s Five Forces is instrumental in business
11. Understand your internal and external environment
12. It’s about the stakeholders
13. Competitive advantage is a continuous process
14. Value creation is key
15. Alignment is mandatory
16. Search for uncontested waters
17. Take advantage of opportunities
18. Do not be slow to act
19. Speed is key in making decisions
20. Four action frameworks. Raise, create, reduce, and eliminate
21. The Value Chain
22. Balanced Scorecard augments traditional analysis
23. Your job should turn your crank
24. Always give 100%
25. Set goals beyond your resources and capabilities
26. Know your competition
27. What’s the winning move?
28. What are we up to?
29. What’s around the corner?
30. Change is good
31. Strategies need to be short term and long term
32. Understand the finances
33. Give to charity
34. Humility is good
35. Understand your customers
36. Leadership and management are very different
37. Creativity
38. Allow all voices to be heard
39. All employees are not treated equally
40. Celebrate victory
41. The buck stops with you
42. Learn to be a great listener
43. Communication is a must
44. Be candid
45. Let people know exactly where they stand
46. Give employees a chance to improve weaknesses
47. Create the right culture
48. Profit is not everything
49. Is the totality of core competencies strong?
50. Provide superior value

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