Chapter Four Food Hygiene

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Food hygiene

By: Jemal.A
 Food is a potential source of infection and is liable
to contamination by microorganisms, at any point
during its journey from the producer to the
 Food hygiene, in its widest sense, implies hygiene
in the production, handling, distribution and
serving of all types of food.
Application of sanitation, water supply and Food
Hygiene in public health
Water supply

Fluids Hygiene


Faeces Future


Introduction cont…
The primary aim of food hygiene is
to prevent food poisoning and
other food-borne illnesses, which
can be grouped under the following
Classification of Food – borne Illnesses
Typoid fever, paratyphoid
Bacterial diseases fever, Salmonellosis,
Staphyloccal intoxication,
(infections & Cl. perfringens illness
intoxications) Botulism
b. ereus Food Poisoning
e. coli diarrhoea
non-cholera vibrio illness
infection, streptococcal
infection, Shigellosis, and
Classification of Food – borne Illnesses
Viral diseases Viral hepatitis,

Parasites Taeniasis, Hydatidosis,

Trichinosis, Ascariasis,
Amoebiasis, etc
Classification of Food – borne Illnesses cont…
Chemical poisons Pesticides, heavy metals
(arsenic, lead, cadmium, etc.)

Food toxins Lathyrism(grass pea),

Epidemic dropsy,
Milk hygiene
❖Milk is an important parts of daily mill all over the
❖Indispensable food for special population group
newborn, infants, children and women
❖Raw material for food industries
❖Perfect media for microbial population
Then a main vehicle for communicable disease
Milk Hygiene
 Milk is an efficient vehicle for a great variety of disease
The sources of infection or contamination of milk may
(1) The dairy animal
(2) Human handler or
(3) The environment, e.g., contaminated vessels,
polluted water, flies, dust, etc.
Milkborne Diseases
❑milk -born diseases
1.Infections of animals that can be transmitted to man:
❖ Tuberculosis(bovine tuberculosis)
❖ Brucellosis(undulant fever in human)
❖ Streptococcal infections
❖ Staphylococcal enterotoxin(protein exotoxin) poisoning
❖ Salmonellosis (cause acute gastro enteritis)
Milk born diseases cont…
2. Infections primary to man tat can be transmitted through

❖Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers



❖Entero-pathogenic Escherichi coli

❖Non-diarrhoeal diseases
Clean and Safe Milk
▪ The safety and keeping quality of milk are related
to its microbial content.
▪ The first essential in the production of clean and
safe milk, therefore, is
➢A healthy and clean animal.
➢The premises where the animal is housed and
milked should be sanitary.
➢The milk vessels must be sterile and kept covered.
➢ The water supply must be bacteriologicaly safe.
Clean and Safe Milk cont…
 Milk handler must be
➢ Free from communicable diseases, and

➢ Before milking they must wash their hands and arms.

➢ Where possible, milking machines must be used.

➢ Milk should be cooled immediately to below 10°C after

it is drawn to retard bacterial growth
Pasteurization of milk
 Pasteurization may be defined as the heating of
milk to such temperatures and for such periods of
time as are required to destroy any pathogens that
may be present while causing minimal changes in
the composition, flavor and nutritive value of
milk (WHO).
Pasteurization of milk cont…
 There are several methods of
1. Low temperature and long time

 Milk is kept at 63-66°C for at least 30 minutes,

and then quickly cooled to 5°C.
Pasteurization of milk cont…
2. High Temperature and Short Time Method
 Milk is rapidly heated to a temperature of nearly
 Then held at that temperature for not less than 15
seconds and
 Is then rapidly cooled to 4°C. This is now the most
widely used method.
Very large quantities of milk per hour can be
pasteurized by this method.
Pasteurization of milk cont…
3. UHT Method:
• Also known as Utra High Temperature Method

• Milk is rapidly heated usually in 2 stages (the second

stage usually being under pressure) to between 125°C,
for a few seconds only.
• It is then rapidly cooled and bottled as quickly as
Meat hygiene
❖It an ordinary animal based food parts
❖More or less perishable perfect media for micro
❖More dependable food in higher income social groups
❖Controversial health status determinant under
international scientific research and religious focus
❖Efficient source for protein and energy
❖Have link with cultural norm and identity of human
❑The term “meat” includes various tissues of
animal origin.
❑The diseases which may be transmitted by
eating unwholesome meat are:
➢Tape Worm Infestations: like Tinea Solium,
And T. Saginata,
➢Trichinella Spiralis from nematode parasite
➢Anthrax, Actinomycosis, Tuberculosis And
Food Poisoning all from bacteria
Fish hygiene
Significance for fish hygiene
 Best nutritious and healthy food proven over time
 Fisheries are highly targeted food cultivation and
production industries
 The most perishable media and favorable growth
media for pathogenic micro organisms
 Mostly canned food
❑Fish deteriorates or loses its freshness because of
autolysis which sets in after death and because of the
bacteria with which they become infected.
❑ Stale fish should be condemned.
❑The signs of fresh fish includes:
1) it is in a state of stiffness or rigor mortis,
2) the gills are a bright red and

3) the eyes are clear and prominent

 Although the majority of freshly laid eggs are
sterile inside, the shells become contaminated
by fecal matter from the hen.
 Microorganisms including pathogenic
Salmonella can penetrate a cracked shell and
enter the egg.
 So, the first measure toward egg hygiene is
prevent its shell from moisture or wetness.
❑Adulteration of foods consists of a large number of
practices –
➢canceling the quality
➢putting up decomposed foods for sale
➢misbranding or giving labels and addition of

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