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During the pandemic I evaluated my life.

The isolation had become a time for reflection on

different aspects; my job between them. Working 7 years as accountant in the same company
puts you in a comfort zone. Maybe you are tired of some negative things, the routine becomes
exhausting, or the ones who where your closest co-workers had already gone. However,
change it’s scary.

Long time I had hesitated, but I took courage and started searching for a new job. It was more
difficult than I imagined. I’d achieved to get a lot of interviews but no one hired me, even
though I was a profile with years of experience and a with a good position. The problem, I
think, was that all of it was in the same place. It seems if your good background is only in one
company, people have doubts about you. Colleagues with less experience, but a more diverse
one, seemed to have better results so, after a while, all turned out depressing. If a was a more
confident person, I may have started the search years ago and never put myself in that

When I least expected it I received a call from an HR employee. Interviews went great and they
hired me! I’ve been working there for a year new and got to know awesome people, I like my
tasks and I even manage to learn new things that help me to grow professionally. As soon as I
adapted here, I could only think in one thing: were I to travel in time, I would tell my younger
self to get out of his comfort zone sooner.

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