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Remedial PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Name :
Class :

1. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is ...

a. Mine b. Theirs c. Hers d. Yours

2. The boots belong to Roy. They are …

a. Mine b. His c. Yours d. Hers

3. Are those cables the mechanics’?

No, they aren’t …
a. Theirs b. Yours c. Ours d. His

4. You have final exams tomorrow. You ………. Study to get a good mark.
a. Has to b. Must c. Have to d. Will

5. Your daughter ………. stop eating sweets. It’s not good for her health
a. May b. Should c. Will d. Can

Text for no 6 – 8
It’s nice Sunday morning. Hasan’s family are doing separate activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan are on their
bicycles. They are going to the market groceries. Rama the oldest son is playing guitar in the backyard.
The twin daughters, Ami and Irma are reading a book together in the backyard at the same place the
youngest daughter Mona. Is drinking a glass of milk.

6. What is Mr. and Mrs. hasan doing?

a. They are on their bike c. They are doing anything
b. They are going to the market d. They are keeping their child’s

7. What is the twin doing?

a. they are going to the market c. they are reading a book together
b. they are playing guitar d. they are drinking a glass of milk

8. Who is playing a guitar?

a. Hasan’s family c. Mona’s Sister

b. Mona’s Brother d. Mona’s Parent
Susan : Where …… you at 10.00? I came to your class but you . . . . . . there.
Desi : When you came to my class, I was helping my teacher carrying students book to
the teacher at 10.00.

Text for no 9


a. Were, Wasn’t b. Were, Weren’t c. Were, Were d. Was, Wasn’t

10. The girls . . . . . . about the new library in the school at the moment.

a. talk b. talking c. is talking d. are talking

11. Fourteen years ago, I . . . . . . only a baby

a. is b. am c. was d. were

12. Dimas . . . . . . studies in the evening. He does it after dinner everyday.

a. sometimes b. rarely c. always d. never

13. My father and my brother don’t . . . . . coffee every morning

a. to drink b. drinks c. drink d. drinking

Text for no 14 -15


14. What does this notice mean? It means that . . . . .

a. It is dangerous to swim in this area c. The beach safe for children

b. The visitors can swim in this area d. The children forbidden to swim

15. Where do you probably find this notice??

a. At the swimming pool c. At the lake

b. On the river bank d. On the beach
Read the text to answer question number 16 to 18
Adam’s Diary
May, 2021

23rd Sunday. When I got up, I felt ill, I went back to bed. Mum called the doctor. But he couldn’t come,
because he was ill too.

24th Monday. The doctor came at 11 O’clock. He wrote a prescription for some medicine.
Mum bought it in the drugstore. It was horrible. Yuck!

25th Tuesday. Dad bought me a model aeroplane. I read the instructions, but I couldn’t make it, because
the dog ate the glue.

16. What happened on 23rd May to Adam?

a. He couldn’t come c. He felt ill
b. He wrote a prescription d. He was sleeping

17. Who called the doctor?

a. Father did b. Adam did c. Mother did d. Doctor did

18. What did the doctor write on 24th?

a. Instructions c. Address of drugstore
b. Model aeroplane d. A prescription

Read the text then find the suitable word to complete the sentences as an answer of
question number 19
Last week I . . . . . my grandmother’s house. I took public transportation to reach the
house. On the trip, I saw so many beautiful scenery there.

19. The suitable word is...

a. go to b. goes to c. went to d. gone to

Read the text then find the suitable word to complete the sentences as an answer of
question number 20
A week ago, My grandmother greeted me, when I . . . . . . her house. She looked so glad, She
gave me her delicious food, then we ate together.

20. The suitable word is...

a. Came b. Come c. Comes d. Coming
Complete the suitable word in the blank sentence in a short dialog!!

Rina: . . . . . , Toni!
Toni: Oh Hi! Rina, how are you?
Rina: Fine, how about you?
Toni: I’m fine, too
Rina: Where do you live now Toni?
Toni: I live here, at that house.
Rina: Oh, I see.

a. Hello b. Good bye c. By the way d. Please

Complete the suitable word in the blank sentence in a short dialog!!

Toni: . . . . . . why are you here?

Rina: I’m going to my friend’s house near from here.
Toni: Really? So can you come to my house first?
Rina: Oh, sorry Toni I can’t, she is waiting me. And I have to go now.
Toni: It’s ok! Come to my house when you have a time.
Rina: Yes I will. Good ByeToni.
Toni: Bye Rina!

a. Hi b. Good bye c. By the way d. Hello

Complete the suitable word in the blank sentence in a short dialog!!

A: . . . . . . . . cars does your father have?
B: My Father has only one car.
A: Thanks for your information.
B: You’re welcome.

a. How much b. How many c. When d. Where are

Read the text to answer question number 24

When I was in elementary school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon, I practiced in the school field
with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. The coach was couching very discipline. He
would grounded anyone who came late and not obey the team rules.

24. When did the writer really love football?

a. When he was in elementary school c. When he was in junior high school
b. When he came late and not obey the team rules d. Every Saturday afternoon

Read the text to answer question number 25

When I was in elementary school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon, I
practiced in the school field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players.
The coach was couching very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not
obey the team rules.

25. Where the writer used to play football

a. In stadium c. In his own field
b. In the sport hall d. In a school field

This dialogue is for question No. 26

Vuji: Inka, your mother is English teacher, right?
Inka: That’s right. How do you know it vuji?
Vuji: Ahmad, my cousin, told me it. You know Ahmad, don’t you? He was your friend when you was
at VII A.
Inka: o, yeah. That’s right.

26. Why does inka know Ahmad?

a. Ahmad is inka’s classmate c. Vuji introduces Ahmad to Inka
b. Ahmad is inka’s neighbour d. Ahmad is Inka’s cousin

Read the text to answer questions 27

Dear fernando,
I will arrive at home about seven p.m and your father will arive about six p.m. Take care at home and
don’t forget to turn on the lamp.
Love, Mom

27. Who write the message?

a. Fernando c. Fernando’s father
b. Fernando’s mother d. Fernando’s sister

Read the text to answer questions 28

Dear fernando,
I will arrive at home about seven p.m and your father will arive about six p.m. Take care at home and
don’t forget to turn on the lamp.
Love, Mom

28. Who will arrive earlier at home?

a. Fernando c. Fernando’s father
b. Fernando’s mother d. Fernando’s sister
29. Fadil and Rajata often. . . . . . their holiday together?
a. spend b. spents c. are spending d. spent

30. My friends and I . . . . . in library. We are reading some books now.

a. am b. is c. have d. are

31. He . . . . . not work because he has flu.

a. is b. does c. do d. be

32. Jisoo . . . . . a song every night.

a. sings b. sing c. is d. does

33. My father always . . . . . coffee every morning.

a. rink b. drinks c. drinking d. is

34. Teacher : "Attention please.Are you ready to learn English now?

Students : Yes,Sir

What is expression of underline word above?

a. Attention b. giving opinion c. ability d. asking opinion

35. My mother doesn’t like to eat_____ sugar

a. much b. many c. do d. did


You . . . . . stop here

What does the notice mean?

a. must b. must not c. may d. may not


This notice means . . . . .

a. don't take a bath c. throw your rubbish here
b. bring your own rubbish d. don’t throw rubbish in here


The correct arrangement is . . . . .

a. 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 6 c. 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 6
b. 4 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 2 –1 d. 5 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1

39. Siska : Don't open the door!

Agung : Okay

The underlined word types sentence above express...

a. Command b. prohibition c. apology d. permission

40. Mother : It's 11pm now. Why are you still awake?

Laila : I have to finish this assignment tonight.

Mother : OK, but . . . . . , Going to bed late is not good for your health.

Laila : OK, Mum.

a. you must go to bed late c. you should not go to bed

b. you must go to bed soon d. you should go to bed late

Read The text carefully!!

Giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big
brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with
thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree. “Its tail is long with thick hair...” The
antonym of the underlined word is . . . . .


a. beauty b. strong c. short d. thin

Complete the blank sentence with suitable existence below!!

42. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. _____ some tall buildings around the city.
a. There is b. There are c. There isn’t d. There aren’t

Complete the blank sentence with suitable existence below!!

43. . . . . . . any milk left after you drink it.

a. There isn’t b. There is c. There are d. There aren’t

44. Dani often comes late to school. His teacher tells him, “. . . .”

a. Don’t be late c. Please, come late

b. Don’t go to school d. Don’t come back here

Complete the sentence with appropriate word based on the picture given!!!


Mother : Nothing left on the plate

Daughter : Yes, Someone must eat all the meal.

Mother : It must be your father

Daughter : I don’t think so, He . . . . . . . right now

a. is slept b. is sleeping c. sleeps d. sleep

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