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News phone trafficking

What do you know about news of the world?

News of the world was once Britain's most popular Sunday newspaper. It was owned by
former number 10 director of communications Andy Coulson. It was also a 168 year old
business that was gone in a day due to illegal unethical actions.

What were the unethical issues in the case?

  The bribing of government officials

 The hacking of voicemails
 Prying into peoples privacy 
 Tampering with police evidence
 Hacking to to get top news
 Conning an employee  

Why were they unethical?

 Their actions were unethical because the invaded people privacy without their consent. 
 They bribed to get information
 They impersonated people
 They put peoples life in danger and misleading the police 
Did anyone suffer harm?

 Mark Oaten the former Liberian Democrat MP whose relationship with a male
prostitute was exposed to the world he was a victim and he was hurt by this
unethical behaviour
 Milly Dowler a 13 year old girl that went missing, her family was hurt by this
unethical behaviour also because the mislead the police investigation 
 The Staffs working for the newspaper company was hurt they were innocent but
they were affected  

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