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NSTP 1 Modules 1 5 Notes

National Service Training Program (Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The
Catholic University of the Philippines)
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NSTP 1 borders and are infra-state which offends

National Service Training Program Notes fundamental values of the international
community (e.g. Human Trafficking, Organ
MODULE 1 Trafficking, Cybercrime, Piracy, Smuggling,
R.A No. 9163 Money Laundering, Gun Smuggling, Drug
Section 4, Article II, 1987 Constitution Trafficking).

The prime duty of the Government is to serve and Internal Threats

protect the people. o Insurgency o Rape
The Government may call upon the people to defend o Drug-rape o Robbery or Theft o Murder
the Senate. o Illegal Gambling

In fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, R.A. No. 9163 or the National Service Training
under conditions provided by law, to render Program (NSTP) Act of 2001
personal, military or civil service.
o Aims to enhance civic consciousness and
Section 2, Commonwealth Act No. 1 defense preparedness in youth by developing
the ethics of service and patriotism while
The preservation of the State is the obligation of undergoing training in any of its
every citizen. threeprogram components namely: a.)
Armed Forces of the Philippines Regular Reserved Office Training Corps (ROTC),
Forces: Training Service (LTS) and c.) Civic
Welfare Training Service (CWTS) o LTS
o Philippine Army o
is designed to train students to become
Philippine Air Force o teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to
Philippine Navy Reserve Forces: school children, out of school youth and
other segments of society in need of their
o The Army Reserve service.
Component o The Air Force o CWTS is designed to promote contributory
Reserve Component o The activities to the general welfare and the
Navy Reserve Component o betterment of life for the members of the
The AFP-Wide Technical community or the enhancement of its
Reserve facilities, especially those devoted to
Component o The improving health, education, environment,
Affiliated Reserve entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and
morals of the citizenry and other social
Section 7, R.A. No. 7077 welfare services.
To provide the base for the expansion of the Armed o Male and Female freshmen students
Forces of the Philippines in the event of war, enrolled in any baccalaureate degree and in
invasion or rebellion; to assist in relief and rescue at least 2 years of tech-voc or associate
during disaster or calamities; to assist in courses are required to complete one NSTP
socioeconomic development; and to assist in the component of their choice as a graduation
operation and maintenance of essential government requirement. o Three units are credited per
or private utilities in the furtherance of the overall semester for 54
mission. to 90 training hours per semester.
o CWTS and LTS can be taken at
Philippine National CDU. ROTC can be taken by cross
Security Situation enrolling with Cebu Technological
External Threats
o Territorial Aggressions – West Philippine
Sea, Spratlys Islands, Sabah) o Global MODULE 2
Terrorism – violent acts which are intended to CITIZENSHIP TRAINING
create fear and is driven by religious, political
or ideological goal that targets civilians and are Citizenship
committed by nongovernment agencies. o
o Is the state of being a member of a
Transnational Crimes – crimes that have
particular, social, political, or
actual or potential effect across national
national community.

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o Citizenship status carries with it both o Naturalization if they are naturalized

rights and responsibilities. in accordance with law.
Active Citizenship o Election if they were born before
January 17, 1973 of Filipino
o The philosophy that citizens should mothers, who elect Philippine
work towards the betterment of their Citizenship upon reaching the age of
community through economic majority.
participation, volunteer work, and
other such efforts to improve life for Duties of a Citizen
all citizens.
o An active citizen is a volunteer, o Duty refers to a work that an
consulted citizen/view-giver, good individual is obliged to perform for
neighbor, community group moral or legal reasons.
member, community activist and a o A citizen should obey the laws, pay
citizen governor. taxes, render military or civil
o Active citizens help make the service.
community a good place to work and Responsibilities of
live and help make the life of people Citizens
around them lighter.
o Responsibilities are expected
Citizenship Test conduct or behavior.
a) The national colors are red, white and blue. o A citizen should be always informed
b) The constitution is the fundamental law regarding current issues, respect
ofthe land. others’ rights, register and vote and
c) Always trust your public officials. participate in political and social
d) Public officials are public servants. process.
e) August 25 is the National Heroes Day. Human Rights
f) The Mayor may be removed by
impeachment. o Are rights and freedoms to which all
g) Congress is the final arbiter of the law. humans are entitled.
h) Independence Day is on the 4th of July. o Are universal and inalienable,
i) Policies should be based on public opinion. indivisible, interdependent and
j) The military is supreme over civilians. interrelated.
k) I listen to the news every morning.
l) The President is the only executive of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights
government. All human beings are born free and equal in
m) We have the right to know what’s going on dignity and rights.
in government.
n) To pay taxes is a supreme duty. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
o) I always get good grades. of person.
p) Aguinaldo is the Father of the Katipunan.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
q) Twenty one (21) is the legal age in the
Philippines. No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel,
r) Voting is both a right and a privilege. inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
s) Higher Education is a privilege.
t) Election is every first Monday of May. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere
as a person before the law.
Answer Key:
All are equal before the law and are entitle without
A, B, C, D, E, K, L, M, N, O – TRUE any discrimination to equal protection of the law.

F, G, H, I, J, P, Q, R, S, T – FALSE No one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest,

detention or exile.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right
Filipino Citizenship to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
Someone becomes a Filipino Citizen by: according to law in a public trial at which he has
had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.
o Birth if they are born of Filipino
mothers or fathers.

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No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference right to know what’s going on in

with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, government.
nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. o Any corrupt practices or graft should be
reported to the Office of the Ombudsman.
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
and residence within the borders of each state.
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other
countries asylum from persecution. Symbolism of the
Philippine Flag
Everyone has the right to a nationality.
Everyone has the right to own property alone as
well as in association with others.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful
assembly and association. o White stands for peace and purity. o White
triangle stands for equality and the
Everyone has the right of equal access to public Katpinunan organization.
service in their country. o Three stars represent Luzon, Visayas, and
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of Mindanao.
employment, to just and favorable conditions of o The sun represents independence and its
work and to protection against unemployment. eight rays represent the eight provinces who
led the uprising against Spanish rule. o
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure. Blue stands for patriotism and justice. o
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special Red stands for valor and the blood split
care and assistance. freedom and independence.
o The period from May 28 to June 12 of each
Everyone has the right to education. year is declared as Flag Days.
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the MODULE 3
cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and DRUG EDUCATION
to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Everyone has duties to the community in which
alone the free and full development of his o Most of the drug users in the Philippines are
personality is possible. Pledge to the Flag young people.
o Adolescence is the critical time when most
Ako ay Pilipino
young people begin experimenting with
Buong katapatang nanunumpa drugs.
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas o Lack of power pushes young people to seek
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag
“freedom” in drugs.
Na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan
o Lack of power may be seen as boredom,
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang Maka-Diyos
neglect, abuse, starvation, lack of
opportunities to earn.
Makakalikasan at Makabansa
o Since power is something that is never given
Public Office freely, young people need to learn how to
become more powerful.
o Public office is a public trust.
o Public officers and employees, at all times, Drugs
must be accountable, serve with utmost o A psychoactive substance people take to
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and change the way they feel, think, or behave.
efficiency, act with patriotism and justice,
o Common illegal drugs include:
and lead modest lives. o The Principle of
marijuana/cannabis and shabu.
Transparency states that the people have the
o Street names of marijuana include: boom,
mary, pot, swag, grass, bud, jane, reefer,

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torch, ganja, hooch, indo, catnip, bhang, unusual laziness

drag, locok, doobee, chira and o Red and watery eyes, pupils larger or smaller
whackatabacky. than usual, blank stare
o Symptoms of person using marijuana o Cold and sweaty palms, shaking hands o
include: bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, dry Puffy face, blushing or paleness o Smell of
mouth, sweating, distraction, confusion substance on breath, body or
and talkativeness, impaired motor skill. o clothes
Other effects: hallucination, fantasies, o Extreme hyperactivity, excessive
paranoia. talkativeness
o Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or o Runny nose and hacking cough o Needle
ecstacy is a hallucinogen that produces marks on arm, leg or bottom of feet
stimulant effects like amphetamine (shabu). o Nausea, vomiting or excessive sweating
It is marketed as a “feel good” drug because o Tremors
of the positive feelings of wellbeing and
o Irregular heartbeat
empathy toward other people, elimination of
Behavioral Signs
anxiety and extreme relaxation. o Street
names of ecstasy include: adam, o Lack of motivation, energy, self-esteem o
batman, bibs, charity, clarity, cristal, E, Sudden oversensitivity, temper tantrums,
ecstacy, eve, essense, happy hill, hug drug, resentful behavior
kitty, Kleenex, rolling, lover’s speed, o Moodiness, irritability, nervousness o
scooby snacks, sextacy, wafers and xtc. Silliness or giddiness o Paranoia, excessive
o Symptoms of person using ecstacy include: need for privacy o Secretive and suspicious
rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, behavior o Car accidents o Chronic
faintness, muscle cramping, panic attacks,
dishonesty o Unexplained need for money,
nausea, chill, sweating, tremors and
blurred vision. theft o Change in personal grooming habits
o Other effects: anxiety, hallucinations, o Possession of drug paraphernalia
paranoia, depression.
Social Stress Assesment
o Methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu
Risk Factors
is the most common drug of abuse. o
Symptoms of person using shabu include: o Personal – lack or absence of skills which
dilated pupils, sweating, flush skins, dry help expose the person to drug abuse. o
mouth, tremors, hyperactivity, clouded Environmental – place, people and
mental functioning, decrease appetite, circumstances influencing one’s exposure to
aggression, irritability, skin abscesses. o drug abuse
Street names of shabu include: ice, crystals,
glass, yaaba. Protective Factors
o Heroin is also an illegal drug used by o Personal – strong skills that protect an
injecting, snorting, smoking and inhaling. o individual against drug abuse.
Street names of heroin include: hammer, o Environmental – good personal connections
horse, H, junk, nod, smack, white stuff, joy
to people, places against drug use.
power boy, joy powder.
o Inhalants and solvents are chemicals placed Drugs
in the bottom of a cup or container then
placed over the nose and mouth in order to o They cannot solve your problems.
inhale the vapors they emit. o Give your chance to be all you can be by not
o Cough syrups are also drugs ingested by taking them. o They will surely ruin your
drinking them directly without prescription life. o Will totally destroy your mental and
from a licensed physician. physical well-being.
o Will adversely affect your family.
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use
Physical Signs: Drug Crimes and
o Loss or increase of appetite, changes in
eating habits, unexplained weight loss or o Drug Trafficking – penalty of life
gain imprisonment to death and a fine of
o Slowed or staggering walk, poor physical P500,000 to P10,000,000.
coordination o Trafficking of Controlled Precursors and
o Inability to sleep, awake at unusual times, Essential Chemicals – penalty of 12 years

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and 1 day to 20 years in prison and a fine of PNRC Disaster Cycle

P100,000 to P500,000.
o Response – Disaster, Emergency
o Maintenance of a Drug Den, Dive, or
Response o Recovery –
Resort – penalty of life imprisonment to
death and a fine of P500,000 to P10,000,000.
Reconstruction, Development o
o Employee and Visitor of a Den, Dive, or
Planning – Disaster Prevention,
Resort – penalty of 12 years and 1 day to 20
Disaster Mitigation o
years in prison and a fine of P100,000 to
P500,000. Preparedness – Disaster
o Possession of Dangerous Drugs – penalty Preparedness, Warning
of life imprisonment to death and a fine of Strategies in Prevention
P500,000 to P10,000,000. and Mitigation
o Possession of Equipment, Instrument,
Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for o Planning o Regulations o Strategic
Dangerous Drugs – penalty of 6 months Development o Insurance o
and 1 day to 4 years in prison and a fine of Environmental Management o
P10,000 to P50,000 o Use of Dangerous Public Information and Education
Drugs – 1st offense: minimum of six (6) Hazards and Risk Management
months rehabilitation, 2nd offense: 6 years and 1
day to 12 years in prison and a fine ranging 1.) Look into the general hazard situations of
from P50,000 to P200,000. the area.
2.) Determine how ready or how unprepared the
MODULE 4 area is for the effects of a particular hazard.
Hazard and Risk
o Attempts to specify that there is a certain
probability of an event of a given proportion
occurring in a certain area.
o It cannot predict with certainty when these
events will happen or what its effect would
Capacity Analysis
o Understanding the community’s actual or
potential ability to withstand disaster
through the presence of material and human
resources that aid in the prevention and
effective response to disasters.
o Includes the resources and skills people
possess, can develop, mobilize or have
access to, which allows them to have more
control over shaping their future. It is the
Emergency ability of the community to deal with
o A sudden and usually unforeseen event that hazards and their attendant impact.
calls for immediate measures to minimize its Vulnerability Analysis
adverse consequences.
o An analytical tool by which disaster
Disaster potential areas that may be difficult to
o An event, human-induced or naturally recognize because of the usual
combination of population density,
triggered, sudden or progressive, which has
literacy or building construction areas
an impact that affects the whole community
and etc. are identified.
and must be responded through exceptional
measures. o People live in conditions of vulnerability
because of ignorance of vulnerabilities or
Hazard + Vulnerability = Disaster limited perception of risk, limited interest
and will to change it, poor and ineffectual
leadership to improve conditions, few to

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none options Capacity and Vulnerability Seven Environmental

Analysis Aims to: Principles
o Identify the nature, extent and risk of threat o Nature knows best. o All forms of life are
o Determine the existence and degree of important. o Everything is connected to
vulnerabilities everything else. o Everything changes.
o Identify the capacities and resources o Everything must go somewhere. o Ours is
available a finite earth.
o Identify the gaps and actual needs o Identify o Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of
capacities, resources and partners o Identify God’s creation.
the resources to be mobilized Why Man’s excessive and destructive ways springs
prepare? from his consumerist attitude.

o Preparedness reduces fear, anxiety, losses Humans are destructive by nature.

that can come with disasters
People always bite more than they could
o If disasters occur in your community, local
government and disaster-relief organizations
will try to help you, but you have to be ready Environmental protection is an indispensable
as well for possibility of delay of help o obligation.
Supplies must suffice for at least three days,
which means you need to provide your own Human decisions and actions have
shelter, first aid, food, water and sanitation environmental consequences.
o Every citizen is part of the national Environmental
emergency management system that is all Protection, Conservation
about protecting people and property from and Development
all types of hazards
o You have a responsibility to protect yourself o Awareness and Consciousness
and your family by knowing what to do o Protect biodiversity
before, during, and after a disaster. o The o Ecosystem Management o
national emergency management system is Environmental Technology o
built on shared responsibilities. o The Waste Management o Consumer
system begins with you and your ability to Moderation o Preservation and
follow good emergency management Rehabilitation
practices at home, work and other locations.
o Emergency Plan must contain I. Early Facts and Figures
Warning System,
o 500 grams on average of waste is generated
II. Emergency
Response, III. by one person daily.
Evacuation o 450 – 500 tons of trash is disposed daily by
Procedure or Flow Cebu City on average.
o The DPS is the office tasked to collect
MODULE 5 garbage from the barangays.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION o Its annual operation costs the City P50 to
P70 million, not including the expenses
Environmental Protection
incurred by barangays who assist in the
Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution colletion.
o November is Environmental Awareness
The state shall protect and advance the right of the Month
people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. Waste Segregation (Trash
Bin Color)
o Global warming and climate change is
already here. o Black – recyclable or reusable items such as
tin cans, bottles and papers.
o Green – biodegradable wastes that can easily
decompose such as left-over foods, fruits,
vegetables, peelings, dried leaves and

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o Yellow – bio-hazardous or infectious waste

which could really be harmful to the
community such as syringes, cotton, gauze
disposable cups, forks, spoons, plastic food
bags and human wastes
o Yellow with black band – industrial
materials such as glasses, fabrics, heavy
metals and chemicals
o Orange – radioactive materials o Red –
sharps and needles o At home, green, black
and yellow are only
needed to segregate waste generated.
School Waste
o Disposable cups, spoon and fork o
Empty plastic bottles o Styro plate or
containers o Candy and biscuit
wrappers o Tetra packs o Vegetable
and fruit peels o Straws o Metals o
Ceramics o Glasses o Sponge
o Discarded medicines and medicine
bottles o Paint tins
o Wood
o Disposable syringes o Used swabs,
bandages, surgical gloves o Napkins,
tissue papers, scratch papers,
o Used ballpens o Old batteries

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