A Sound of Thunder Alt. End

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Alex Van Donsel 2nd hour September 26, 2009 In my story, instead of Eckels getting killed, he goes back

in time to try and replace the butterfly and right his wrongs. Instead there were some details that someone forgot to mention and in the end, Eckels creates a rift in the space-time continuum.

Eckels moaned. He dropped to his knees. He scrabbled at the golden butterfly with shaking fingers. Cant we, he pleaded to the world, to himself, to the officials, to the Machine, cant we take it back, cant we make it alive again? Cant we start over? Travis mood shifted as he replied Put it back! Put it back Hold on a minute Eckels I think youre on to something here.

Travis hastily said, Quick! Everyone back into the time machine! As everyone piled into the machine, Lesperance paused for a quick second with a troubling look on his face, but soon followed. The machine roared as they arrived at the point where they shot the dinosaur. Lesperance squeaked, Travis, maybe this isnt such a good idea; theres something I forgot to tell you At that moment Travis looked onward to see Eckels face in a horrified stupor. It was at that moment, when Travis saw what Eckels was staring at, that he to, was equally horrified.

Standing on the path in front of them was themselves covered in blood due to the hunting of the dinosaur. Travis screamed, How is this possible! Lesperance! What is going on here, what did you forget to tell me?! Thats the thing sir; I did run into our past selves when I followed the dinosaur, Lesperance said. So that means, Travis squeaked in a voice totally new to everyone. Yes, we have just created a paradox in the space-time continuum, Lesperance frantically finished.

Just as Lesperance finished his sentence a rift appeared and sucked the time machine out of existence, along with Lesperance, and the past versions of themselves. The rift itself was black and lifeless; its presence brought this oppressive feeling of dread to the atmosphere around them.

Hastily, Travis and Eckels retreated to the other time machine. Even that time machine was starting to lose its structural integrity and shape. Travis screamed over the deafening noise of the imploding machine, Eckels, Im going to kill you!

Eckels dropped to his knees and started to cry, Why god! Why is this happening to me?! Just then Eckels felt a shift in the atmosphere of the room; even though there was a deafening noise, it almost seemed quiet. Travis then raised his rifle, released the safety catch, and muttered softly, Eckels Im going to kill you

There was a sound of thunder.

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