Tugas Tutorial Bahasa Inggris 1 Azzahra Ainul Ibrohim

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(Pertemuan Ke: 3)

Kode/Mata Kuliah : PDGK 4304/ Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru SD

Semester : 1/2021.2
Hari/Tanggal : Minggu, 31 Oktober 2021
Nama : Azzahra Ainul Ibrohim
NIM : 857208956
Kelas : B
Tanda Tangan :

Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda) b. An astronaut

c. A pilot
Choose the answer by crossing A,B,C, or
d. A farmer
6. Martin’s father works in a
1. Maria : Hello, Jane….. hospital. He examines the
Jane : Good afternoon patient’s teeth; he is….
a. How are you? a. A doctor
b. Good afternoon b. A dentist
c. Fine, thank you c. A nurse
d. What is your name? d. A veterinarian
2. Jack : May I have your name, 7. Mr. Robert works in an
please? international school, he teaches
a. My name is Jellina English every day, he is….
b. I’m fine, thanks a. a welder
c. I’m a teacher b. a lawyer
d. On Jalan Dahlia c. a teacher
3. Mr. Tom : Where were you born? d. a professor
a. I was born in Tangerang 8. Jean……. In the swimming pool
b. In April in Jakarta every Sunday
c. On June 23, 1980 a. is swimming
d. Jalan Mawar, Jakarta b. swim
4. My name is David,………..and I’m c. swims
British d. will swim
a. Where are you from? 9. I….. to Singapore everyyear
b. What’s your name? a. am going d. was going
c. I’m from England b. went
d. I’m England c. go
5. Tina’s father works in the rice 10. Maria …….. in the office now
field, he plants the rice, he is….. a. Work d. works
a. A teacher b. worked
c. is working

Change the following sentence into with positive, negative and interrogative

1. Saya selalu membaca koran setiap pagi

2. Dewi membeli mobil baru tahun lalu
3. Pak Rudy sedang berbicara dengan teman nya di sebuah cafe
4. Mereka sedang berbicara tentang liburan sekarang
5. Saya pergi ke Jepang setiap tahun


1. (+) I always reading a newspaper every morning

(-) I don’t always read newspaper every morning

(?) are you reading a newpaper every morning?

2. (+) Dewi bought a new car last year

(-) Dewi did not buy a new car last year

(?) Did she buy a new car last year?

3 .(+) Mr.Rudy is talking with his friend at cafe

(-) Mr.Rudy isn’t talking with his friend at cafe

(?) is Mr.Rudy talking with his friend at cafe?

4. (+) They’re talking about holidays

(-) They are’nt talking about holidays

(?) Are they talking about holidays?

5. (+) I go to japan every year

(-) I do not go to japan every year

(?) Do you go to japan every year?

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