Complaint Health Service

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MANAGER: Hello, City Hospital, __________ manager. How can I

________ you?
KEN: It’s Ken Jensen here. I want to make a complaint about one of the
staff in the _______________.
MANAGER: OK, Mr. Jensen, tell me what _________, please?
KEN: I went to the __________ because I had a serious __________
infection, you see.
KEN: So I told one of the doctors I was in severe ______, and all he did was tell
me to take a seat and wait for my turn.
MANAGER: Oh… KEN: On one hand that was______, and on the other it was
negligent, too!
MANAGER: I agree. That’s not good.
KEN: Furthermore, I had to wait for almost _______ hours before I was attended
MANAGER: Do you know the doctor’s _________?
KEN: It’s Thompson. I think he’s totally incompetent. I mean doctors should listen to their patients, right?
MANAGER: Of course, and I’m very sorry about this, Mr. Jensen. We’ll look into your complaint, and if we
need any more information, we’ll get back in touch.
KEN: Whatever. That’s the last time I’ll ever be coming to your hospital.
MANAGER: That’s understandable, sir, but I can assure you not all our staff are like that.
KEN: OK, then. Thank you for your listening, at least. Good-bye.
MANAGER: Good-bye, Mr. Jensen.
He has a ………. She has a ……… He has a …………. He has a …………
……………… He ……….. ……………… She ……… ……………… He ……….… ……………… He ………….
drink lemon and carry heavy things. see a doctor. eat chocolate and
mint tea. candies.

You should……

He has a …………. He has a ………….

……………… He ……….. ……………… He ………..
use tissues use clusters.

He has a ………….
He has a ………….
……………… He ………..
……………… He ………..
take cough syrup.
see a dentist.

He has a ………….
He has a …………. ……………… He ………..
……………… He ……….. have a warm
play volleyball. shower .

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