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In a world where sharing your

emotions is not permitted and are

limited by personal therapy
screens, Ashley Blue, along with her
friends Kiara and Charlie must
find the way to show everyone that
expressing yourself is nothing to be
ashamed of.
Ashley Blue lives in “Feeland”, a planet
where people are born with a main
emotion, to regulate the extreme
burst of emotions, everyone has a
“therapy” screen.

For some unknown reason, Ashley’s

therapy screen is glitched and doesn’t
do the work it’s supposed to do and
encourages Ashley to express herself
however she wants.
What is Feeland?

Feeland is a planet in a galaxy far,

far away.
Feeland is very similar to Earth,
however it’s people are very different,
since Feelers are born with a main
emotion, which is represented with the
color of their skin, because of this,
everyone has what is called a
“therapy” screen.
What are Therapy screens?

Therapy Screens are floating computer screens who are connected to a

Feeler when they’re born to regulate and limit the amount of emotion
one can express.
They come in 7 main version for each main emotion, these being:
Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Shyness, Love, Disgust and Fear.
Brand new Mobile Therapy screens!

Mobile Therapy screens are an

alternative for the regular ones, these
are smaller and can be turned off like a
These are only given to Feelers who can
prove they can control their emotions.
Ashley Blue
& Bit

Ashley Blue (as her name suggest) is a BLUE

person, meaning her main emotion is SADNESS.
However, her therapy screen is glitched, and
instead of punishing and limiting her emotion
outbursts, it encourages it and that allows Ashley
to express herself however she wants and in so
makes her really happy.

After It glitched, Ashley started to call her little

glitched screen “Bit”.
It adopted the name and now announces it’s
name to every new person it meets.
Kiara Red
Kiara Red (as her name also suggests) is a RED person,
meaning her main emotion is ANGER.
Since her main emotion is Anger, she has big anger
issues and often gets in trouble for getting into fights.

She met Ashley after her screen was glitched and the
way she expressed herself inspired Kiara to follow
Ashley and be her most trusted friend.

Because of the way Ashley is, Kiara’s screen makes fun

of Ashley all the time and that makes Kiara hate her
own screen and screens In general, constantly
ignoring it.
Charlie Purple

Charlie purple (you get the joke) is a PURPLE

person, meaning his main emotion is SHYNESS.

Charlie is an artist, but is also very shy and

prefers not to talk in public places or bring
attention to himself.

Charlie first met Kiara when they were little

when he was getting made fun of for not being
able to speak up, Kiara stood up for him and from
that moment forward they became really close
Art Samples
Feeler Homes
Episode List

1 The Happy way

Ashley and Kiara go around trying to get yellow happy people to

express anything other than happiness…
By all means necessary.

2 Hurry with the Fury

Kiara starts having temper issues and with time, realizes that its
not just anger that she is feeling, its something else her therapy
screen wont allow her to discover.
3 The shy flies high

Ashley and Kiara try to encourage Charlie to make a public

presentation of his most recent piece of art, however, he is dead
scared just thinking about it.

4 Lets define “love”

Its Love season in Feeland and Kiara starts to feel something new
and tries to keep it a secret from Ashley and Charlie, since she
thinks she may have a crush on Charlie.
5 As gross as it goes

Charlie stands up to Kiara when a Green Girl starts publicly

humiliating her because of her fashion sense.

6 Glad to be sad

Kiara and Charlie notice that Ashley has disappeared and that no
one has seen her in days, and after a while of searching they find
her being sad, for the very first time since they’ve met.
Animation Technique 2D animation

Target demographic

Genre Comedy / Science Fiction

No.# of episodes 10 episodes per Season.

Duration for each Ep. 12 – 20 Minutes

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