Odyssey Part II Study Guide

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The Odyssey by Homer

Part Two

Twenty Years Gone and Back Again (p. 525)

1.Read the introduction carefully. List the four most important details given to the
1. Phaeacian noblemen conduct him home by ship.

2. He arrives in Ithaca after an absence of twenty years.

3. Numerous suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead, have been continually seeking

to marry his wife.

4. Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar

2. According to your notes, who is Athena? Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom,
purposeful battle, and the womanly arts. Athena assists Odysseus and Telemachus with
divine powers throughout the epic

3. Based on Athena’s intercession in Odysseus’ life, make an inference about how the
ancient Greeks viewed the relationship between the gods and men. Its complex because
Gods can drive human actions, but humans have free will and are responsible for their

4. What revelation occurs in lines 1016-1021? The goddess Athena brought

back the looks of odysseus.

5. How does Telemachus react? his son was thunderstruck. Fear in his eyes, he looked
down and away as though it were a god

6. How many suitors are at the house? There were 108 suitors.

“Argus” (p.530)

7. The description of Argus would evoke what feelings from a reader? It would evoke a
feeling of sadness.

8. What difference does this scene reveal about the people of Ithaca compared to Argus?
That there were once swift and strong when Odysseus was there but now they're down

9. What does the author mean when he writes that “in that instant closed the eyes of
A. Argos would move to find a new family.
B. Argos finally was able to pass away since he knew his master was safe.
C. Odysseus could finally forget about his dog.
D. Odysseus forced Argos to sleep as to not give himself away

10. What is the author’s purpose in relating the story of Argus? It represents Odysseus
himself, it is a symbol of loyalty, indicates the conditions in Ithaca, and shows how men are
manipulated by gods and a symbol of peace on its death.
11. After reading the scene with Argus and reading the summary, how would you
characterize the state of life in Odysseus’ homeland? They’re not as swift and strong
as they used to be.

“The suitors & Penelope” (p. 533)

12. What character traits does Antinous show in greeting Odysseus?

He shows to be very ignorant and black-hearted.
13. How had Penelope held off the suitors?
She has told them she will choose a husband when she done weaving a burial cloth for her
father-in-law, and each night unravels her work so she will make no progress and never
have to marry.

14. Describe the test of the great bow.

whoever can her husband's bow and shoot an arrow through the twelve axe heads will
marry her. But the only one who can do that is Odysseus.
15. What does the author compare the bow to as Odysseus strings it? What does he call
Odysseus? Like a musician or a harper when they are playing. He calls him a musician

16. Lines 1386-1392 represent which part of the plot structure?

I would say the turning point.

“Odysseus’ Revenge” (p. 539)

17. What epithet is used to describe Odysseus in line 1406?

fighter of the islands
18. How does the metaphor in lines 1408-1409 add to Odysseus’ description throughout
the poem as a warrior? (also quote the metaphor) " He poured out at his feet a rain of
arrows from the quiver..." This makes Odysseus seem more powerful.

19. Why do you think Odysseus kills Antinous first and so violently?
Because he was the worst of all the suitors.
20. How do lines 1428-1431 once again demonstrate Odysseus’ cleverness?

21. What reason does Odysseus give for killing the suitors? They have wasted a lot of his
wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. More importantly, by taking advantage of
his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation.
22. What is Eurymachus’ motivation for his
speech in lines 1449-1463? Eurymachus
motivation for his speech lines in 1449-1463 was
his own belief that Antinous was responsible for

23. Why do you think Odysseus rejects Eurymachus’ explanation? Odysseus rejects
Eurymachus’ explanation because he and the rest of the suitors decided to follow
Antiniuo’s path, therefore he can’t blame all of it on Antinous.

“Penelope’s Test” (p. 543)

31. What does Penelope fear at this point?

Her fear is that the powerful man isn’t Odysseus
32. How does Penelope test this man who claims to be her husband?
Penelope test Odysseus by asking her servant to move the bed, to see if a kind of reaction
happens or he would remember why she cant move it
33. What is Odysseus’ reaction to her test?
He gets angry and tells why they can’t move it and he is the one who made it.


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