Common Coping Mechanisms of Senior High School Students

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This chapter presents the summary and description of the conducted interview

regarding the common coping mechanisms of senior high school students induced by

stress. The data included in this chapter are thematically arranged based on the treated

problem that this study aims to resolve.

The top three coping strategies, as determined by the data the researchers have

collected on Senior High School students at Ateneo de Naga University are namely; (1)

napping, (2) hanging around with friends, and (3) enjoying music. The researchers

have data on 144 people. In the study, 72 people admitted to using socializing with

friends as a coping strategy, while 71 59 people have used music as a coping strategy

while participating in the study. resorted to using sleep as a coping strategy.

 The data collected shows that 2.1% of pupils have low levels of stress. The

quantity of 81.25% of students report moderate levels of stress, and 16.66%

report high levels of stress.


The researchers gathered many coping strategies that students frequently

employ, and the students’ cast votes for the coping strategy they preferred. With 72

votes, it is clear that the majority of respondents chose socializing with friends as their

coping strategy. 59 votes and 71 students who are both sleeping and listening to music.

56 people voted for eating, 45 voted for viewing, 36 voted for playing video or mobile

games, 21 voted for reading, and 20 voted for positive self-talk. Moreover, Spending

time with family get 17 votes, followed by going for a walk gets 13 votes, biking gets 11

votes, drinking gets 10 votes, smoking gets 9 votes, journaling gets 5 votes, partying

gets 4 votes, and consoling gets 1 vote.

As argued by McBeth (2016) Coping mechanisms are the techniques people

frequently employ to help them manage uncomfortable or challenging emotions when

under stress or after tragedy. People can use coping strategies to cope with difficult

situations and keep their emotional health.

In another study conducted by Solio (2018) he said that the two main types of

coping methods are active and avoidant. Active coping strategies typically involve being

aware of the stressor and making deliberate efforts to de-stress. On the other hand,

avoidant coping strategies involve ignoring or otherwise avoiding the issue.


According to the statistics gathered, the proportion of students who consistently

use their coping mechanisms 66.6% of mechanisms are. The percentage of pupils who

frequently use coping mechanisms is 31.89% and 1.45% of the kids seldom ever use

their coping skills.

In the study conducted by Marillo (2017) he claimed that while some coping

mechanisms are useful temporarily, they are not sustainable over the long run. Adaptive

coping mechanisms are those widely seen as healthy and effective means of managing

stressful situations. Maladaptive coping strategies are those that are frequently

unsuccessful, counterproductive, or have unanticipated negative repercussions.

Effective coping techniques can frequently aid in enhancing mental and

emotional health. People may be less prone to experience anxiety, sadness, and other

mental health issues as a result of difficult or trying experiences if they are able to

handle stressful or traumatic situations (and the potential long-term effects these

episodes may have).

Margo (2011) stated that people who frequently turn to unhealthy coping

mechanisms and/or have trouble using them may eventually face a detrimental

influence on their mental and emotional health. People who struggle to manage their

anxiety, tension, or rage could develop the habit of turning to an unsuitable coping

technique. Drinking alcohol can frequently make individuals feel less anxious in the
present, but if someone starts to depend on alcohol or any other substance in the face

of difficult circumstances, they might eventually develop a dependence on it over time


According to data that Ateneo de Naga University researchers have gathered on

seniors in high school, taking naps, hanging out with friends, and listening to music are

the top three coping mechanisms. On 144 persons, the researchers had data. In the

study, 72 participants acknowledged to using socializing with friends as a coping

mechanism. In addition, 71 59 participants reported using music as a coping

mechanism, while the other participants resorted to using sleep as a coping


According to the statistics gathered, 2.1% of students experience little stress.

81.25% of students say they experience moderate levels of stress, and 16.66% say

they experience severe levels of stress.

In this study, students' most common methods for managing stress included

talking to friends, listening to music, getting support from family, taking regular walks,

going out with friends, or using social support systems. The implementation of

preventive measures in this area, based on stress assessment and stress coping

mechanisms, is crucial because stressors during study can negatively impact quality of

life and life satisfaction, as well as exam results and later reduced efficiency in their

future helping profession.

Numerous coping mechanisms used by students often were gathered by the

researchers, and the students voted for their favorite coping mechanism. It is evident
from the 72 votes that the majority of respondents choose to cope by hanging out with

friends. 71 students are sleeping and listening to music, and there are 59 votes. 56

participants chose to eat, 45 chose to watch, 36 chose to play video or mobile games,

21 chose to read, and 20 chose to use encouraging words to themselves. Additionally,

having family time received 17 votes, followed by taking a walk received 13 votes,

biking received 11 votes, drinking received 10 votes, smoking received 9 votes, keeping

a journal received 5 votes, partying received 4 votes, and comforting received 1 vote.

Furthermore, enhancing mental and emotional wellness can frequently be

facilitated by effective coping mechanisms. If people can cope with stressful or

traumatic situations, they may be less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and

other mental health problems as a result of difficult or unpleasant experiences (and the

potential long-term effects these episodes may have).

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