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Performance Task: Risk Management Plan

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this module, you should be able to accomplish the following learning objectives:
• Create a risk management plan for a hospitality/tourism organization; and
• Present a risk management plan.
1. Working with your group, you will create a risk management plan for a mock hospitality/tourism
company (e.g., hotel, resort, restaurant, bakery, airline, cruise, and event).
2. Use the risk management methods you learned throughout the term in creating your risk management
3. The risk management plan should contain the following, as applicable:
▪ Company background
▪ Food Safety Program
▪ Occupational Health and Safety Standards
▪ Emergency Response Plan
4. Your learnings from the seminar must be incorporated into your risk management plan.
5. Create a PowerPoint presentation and a booklet of your risk management plan. Follow the guidelines
▪ For the PowerPoint presentation:
o Use minimal text with a font size between 24-32 pt. (maximum of seven [7] lines per
slide is ideal).
o Use clear and appropriate images to support content.
o Cite all references/sources of pictures and texts used.
▪ For the booklet:
o The first page must have the company name and group members.
o Letter-size paper with a 1-inch margin on all sides
o Calibri, Arial, or similar fonts, with 1.5-spacing
o Cite all images and text used, if any. Use APA referencing style.
6. To ensure collaboration and equal roles and responsibilities among you, accomplish the group journal
on page 2 of this file.
7. The presentation and submission of your output will be on week 17. You will be given 10 minutes to
8. You will be graded based on the following rubric:
The group demonstrated their understanding of the course’s concepts through their risk
management plan. 20
The group recommended feasible control measures to prevent/mitigate workplace
injury/illness and emergency risks.
Purpose and The booklet was creatively done, neat, easy to understand, and achieved its intended
Creativity purpose.
Delivery The group made good use of visual aid and assigned time and presented clearly and logically. 20
Teamwork Participation and collaboration among the members are evident in the output. 20

09 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI

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Group Journal
Each member will write their name and their contributions to the output. Use additional sheets of paper as
My contributions to our output:

My contributions to our output:

My contributions to our output:

My contributions to our output:

My contributions to our output:

09 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI

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