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10 Music Narrator: Welcome to Class 9.7 show. Spoiled Princess and The Hidden
Seconds 00:04-00:14 opening Prince. Let the show begin…
120 Music : Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom of Vensyn. There lived
Seconds 00:14-00:34(narrator) The king and queen who were very happy, because their beautiful princess
(1 King and Queen Come to the stage while has been born, they named her 'Princess Sofia'.
minutes) narrator speaking
King : My darling…my dear…Thank God …we have a very beautiful
daughter. Then we will pamper her into a princess who will never lack of
King and Queen out anything, because our kingdom is so big and rich. WE HAVE
EVERYTHING here, ha…ha..ha

Queen : I agree with you, my lovely husband, Let’s make our daughter the
01:05 music pause most beautiful princess in the world.

2-3 Little Princess Sofia comes to the stage Narrator : The Princess grow with love from everybody. But sadly,
minutes while narrator speaking because she is the only child, the king and queen always spoil her, and
that makes Princess Sofia greedy, arrogant, and spoiled.

Queen : Sofia, me and your dad need to go visit Niesiven Kingdom. You
Music start will stay here with nanny and Edward ok sweetie?
Little Princess : ok mama i will stay here with nanny and edward, but
where is nanny?
King : You can call them anytime honey. We will go now, bye bye sweetie
King and queen out
Little Princess : Nanny…Nanny…
Nanny : Oh dear, My Little Princess, What do you need your highness?
Little Princess : Where is my doll, nanny. And give me a drink, I am very
Nanny : Here it is, your majesty.
Edward and nanny out after giving props Little Princess : Edwaaaaard……edwaaaaaard! Come heeeeere…..
Edward (run) : Your majesty Princess, What should I do for you?
Little Princess : Edward, where is my mirror and my pink umbrella?
Edward : here it is, your majesty.(Little princess walking around the

Music : Narrator :
02:23 pause Princess Sofia come to the 10 years later,Princess Sofia Has become a beautiful Princess, but she is
stage while narrator speaking too arrogant and spoiled
Princess : Edward….Edwaard…….Edwaaaaaaaard….
Music start after narrator finish Edward (run quickly) : yes yes yes, your majesty, Anything you need!
Princess : Edward, give me my beautiful dress, I wanna go around the
Edward pegang kain tutupin princess Edward : here it is, my Princess.
Nanny pakein gaun princess Princess : Nanny…..Nanny…………Nannyyyyyyyyyy…..
Nanny : Yes, Princess Sofia……Anything you need ?
(Princess do anything with the props) Princess : Nanny, give me a mirror, and sun glasses, and my parfume
Nanny : Here it is, Princess.
Princess out (Princess does anything with the equipment)
3-4 Prince Andrew come to the stage. Narrator :
minutes Narrator speaking Mean while, in the village, there lived young handsome man, who was
Music : very kind, have good manners, and he work as a blacksmith.
03:37 pause (Seventeen HOT playing)
Start music on “very kind” (Prince swept his hair back)
(Seventeen HOT) for prince posing Narrator :
When Princess Sofia strolling around the village, she saw him.

Princess sofia: Oh MY GOD EDWARD look at him he is the most

handsome man i’ve ever met! I’m gonna flirt to him.

Princess sofia fell in love at the first sight

Princess Sofia and andrew going around the Princess sofia : Hey you, young handsome blacksmith!, Come here
village and sitting together P. Andrew: your majesty (bow down respectfully)
Music: Princess : I haven’t known your name yet, handsome gorgeous man!
04:36-05:13 Prince Andrew : My name is Andrew, your majesty
Princess: Do you mind seeing the village with me?
Prince: No of course not your majesty
(Princess Sofia and Prince Andrew go around to the village)
Narrator : Princess Sofia and Prince Andrew strolling around to the
village, working together, they getting closer and closer everyday. And on
one day…
Princess Sofia : Andrew we have known each other and i want to spend
my life with you forever. Will you marry me?
Narrator speaking music pause 05:23 start P. Andrew : your majesty, I will accept it but if you will do me a favor.
after narrator finish Princess: what is it, honey?
P. Andrew : Your majesty, you have to be active in social activities and
Princess do activities with people and good have good attitude towards others, then we can get married.
behaviour Princess : Ok, I will try to do it, darling. Have the good manner and do all
Music: the sosial activities.
05:24-05:47 (Princess giving chocolate coins)
4-5 Narrator speaking Narrator :
minutes Music: A view weeks later. Everyone is ready for the wedding ceremony.
06:45-06:59 Princess Sofia is looking like a goddes in her wedding dress. And Andrew
looks very handsome too.

Wedding ceremony The chief: Princess Sofia of Vensyn, will you take Prince Andrew of
Music: Niesiven to be your Husband?
07:00-07:18 Princess Sofia: I do
The chief: Prince Andrew of Niesiven, will you take Princess Sofia of
Vensyn as your wife?
Prince andrew revealing Prince: I do
Music : 07:24 Princess: Wait…PRINCE ANDREW?! YOU ARE A PRINCE?! OH MY GOD!
Prince: Yes Princess Sofia, i AM a prince. I’m Prince Andrew of Niesiven.
(maid putting the robes and crown on Your parents ask me to help change your behavior.
prince andrew) Princess sofia: Oh Andrew thank you so much, now i realize we need to
be nice to others.
And they live happily ever after
4 minutes Narrator speaking Narrator:
Music: To celebrate their wedding, the school children presented a choir.
07:46-07:56 Presenting class 9.7
1,5 Music: Nathan:
minutes 10:20-10:33 Kepada bapak dan ibu guru, ini adalah persembahan dari kami kelas 9.7.
Terakhir teriak SELAMAT HARI GURU Selamat hari guru kepada semua guru di Indonesia. Selamat ulang tahun
bapak ibu guru.
Time 10 minutes-15 minutes max Jangan lupa bagian transisi butuh waktu

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