Service Management GP

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Service quality

At the Honda company there are many services such as service interval, service
appointment, service convenience and others. From the research I have done about the Honda
service companies that are there to make it easier for customers to use their services, customers
only need to click on a link to make a reservation to get their services. In addition, from the
data I obtained Honda has established a Customer First Operation to realize optimal service in
the world market. Not only that, this department has set the main objective to make customer
satisfaction number 1 in all aspects based on the policy of "putting the customer first".
Customer satisfaction in all aspects refers to the creation of an environment where customers
feel satisfied with the service provided. In addition, in order to meet customer expectations
built on past experience and information, this section states that to achieve customer
satisfaction is to provide an interesting experience that exceeds expectations. To achieve this
goal, the First Operation that will be implemented is threefold, which is to realize stress-free
time for customers, create new services and expand the business that supports this platform.
Furthermore, the Honda company also implements basic activities to protect customers so that
regional distributors can establish relationships with Honda and customer satisfaction can be
increased to be more effective and efficient.
In addition, in my research about the quality of service available in the Honda company,
every service staff at Honda is highly skilled and knowledgeable about Honda vehicles. not
only that they also provide high quality after sales service at Honda Cars and Honda Auto
Terrace. In addition, Honda car dealers also use proprietary tools developed by Honda which
are electronic diagnostic devices and other systems along with more sophisticated systems.
Therefore it will give confidence to customers about the quality of service provided by the
Honda company itself. The oil, vehicle quality information has been collected by the Honda
company collected from dealers in Japan. Based on data up to March 2014, approximately 1.8
million customers have used the service provided by Honda including a regular overall vehicle
inspection and oil change, and more than half of all new vehicle purchases include the extended
warranty provided by Honda. It brings a positive impact to the company which can help the
company achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. The Honda company also emphasizes
the employees to improve the quality of service that allows customers to enjoy their Honda
vehicles with confidence and peace in the best conditions. by offering a variety of services to
provide a pleasant experience to the vehicle owner himself including by increasing the menu
of Honda car maintenance services as well as reasonable prices. Honda also provides
opportunities for staff to improve their service and service quality. With this in mind, Honda
has held the Honda Automobile Service Skills Competition to provide service skills to
employees as well as increase knowledge and knowledge to serve customers. as such, they
have a testing ground designed to encourage Honda employees to master their skills as well as
build the development of the next generation of service professionals.
In addition, there are three quality initiatives in the Honda company. The first is
assuring parts quality through Supplier Audits. This is said to be so because ensuring the quality
of the parts obtained is a very important element in delivering high quality product. This is said
to be so because Honda constantly monitors its supplier preparation facilities to conduct quality
based audits "The Principle of Three Realities," which emphasizes "going to the real place,"
"knowing"real situation" and "being realistic." Not only that this audit activity is also carried
out for both the stage of production preparation and mass production of supplier operations. In
addition, development and production. Individual divisions have specialists who will
constantly monitor manufacturing facilities and conduct quality audits for suppliers system and
its implementation. In addition, Honda also strives to improve the quality of parts through
activities that emphasize communication with suppliers. an example that can be given is Honda
sharing audit results and working together to ensure opportunities in quality improvement.
Next, the second quality initiative is assuring Long-Term Reliability through Rigorous
Durability Testing. This is said to be so because Honda is showing the new model and redesign
to customers by tightening durability test before starting mass production to confirm that there
are no quality issues. In addition, by collecting data on issues found through tests that have
been conducted and detailed inspection as well as actions taken by the Company ensuring the
level of service quality and vehicle quality has high reliability from customers.
With this it can be stated that this Honda company has good service quality even though
there are also problems or issues that arise from this Honda company. But solutions and
improvement steps can be carried out to overcome the problems and issues that arise and can
even improve the quality of service that can be provided by the Honda company. This allows
customers to trust or prefer to buy products or use services produced by the Honda company.
As a result of the increased use of service by customers in the Honda company, it can further
increase the income in the company. Next, in order to further improve the quality of service in
this Honda company, the employer needs to provide training to employees in order to further
improve the quality of service they can provide to customers and in turn to increase trust in
customers to use the service.

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