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Critical Journal Review Subject Public Speaking

NIM / Name 212108063/ Lynes Andika Harefa Lecturer Elwin P. Zebua, S.Pd.,M.Pd
Reviewed Class / Semester B / III
by Study Program / English Education Program / FKIP – Approval
Faculty Universitas Nias

Enhancing Public Speaking Ability Through Focus Group Discussion

(Yulianti,Tien&Sulistyawati,Ari.2021.Enhancing Public Speaking Ability Through Focus Group
The purpose of this research is to develop a focus group discussion (FGD) model in learning personality
development as an effort to improve students' public speaking skills. With this learning model, students can
What is the think critically, creatively, and innovatively in preparing group presentations. The expected result in the
application of this learning model is that students can improve their public speaking.The development of FGD
focus/s or
learning model consisting of presentations and discussions was conducted online and gathering data about
purpose/s? audience’s opinion was carried out based on the specified themes. The object of this research was the students
who took Personal Development and public speaking courses. The results of data analysis obtained an average
score = 8.1 from a maximum score = 10 and a standard deviation = 1.8 which was derived based on 10
components of public speaking skills assessment.

There are several supporting theories in this research, namely:

 (Yee:2014) that the basis for developing the FGD model is through learning to speak in public.
How does the  (Chalkiadaki, 2018; Rose and Malcolm, 2014;Helmawati, 2019) explained that the indicators of
thesuccess of 21st century education are not only measured by the achievement index and grades, but
theory/s support
also from the readiness and success of students to face the real world and explain the role of teachers
the content? to foster students to become potential and competent.
 (Fryet al:2003) which explains that in carrying out Public Speaking learning, effective learning
And strategies are needed and there are many more supporting theories and research.

The research method or model used is the ASSURE research model. The ASSURE model is one model that
can guide students systematically to plan the learning process effectively. This model in its implementation
What is the combines the use of technology and media in the classroom. The subjects in this study were students by
research method, analyzing and identifying student characteristics that were adapted to learning outcomes and also knowing the
development of students’ personalities, namely students’ abilities in communication, poses, and organizing
online discussion. The data collection instrument used is media presentation in the form of videos that are
instrument of data presented online through LMS facilities, zoom applications to display Public Speaking skills and also prepare
collection and teaching materials for Public Speaking.The development of FGD learning model consisting of presentations
subject? and discussions was conducted online and gathering data about audience’s opinion was carried out based on
the specified themes.The results of data analysis obtained an average score = 8.1 from a maximum score = 10
and a standard deviation = 1.8 which was derived based on 10 components of public speaking skills

Analysis is research conducted by examining research components, such as notes, documents, test results and
so on. Meanwhile, interpretation is the process of reviewing data and arriving at relevant conclusions. And the
analysis and interpretation in this article are in accordance with the process of reviewing the data to a
conclusion. Because researchers have found out the data related to the title of the research, determined the
topic, announced the research objective, namely to develop a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) model in
How does the learning student personality in public. And the stages carried out by the researcher were providing teaching
analysis and materials to be presented and discussed online and collecting audience opinion data according to a
interpretation of predetermined theme. And the object is students who take Personal Development and Public Speaking
the article? courses. Arrive at the research results and provide relevant conclusions in this study. And there are results
obtained and student scores have been determined, namely grades maximum = 10 based on 10 components of
public speaking skills assessment, average score = 8.1, and standard deviation = 1.8. Score divided into A
(Excellence), B (Good), and E (Fail). This research also analyzes students during the Covid-19 pandemic with
an important consideration whether students have communication tools in learning: gadgets, cellphones,
laptops, and desktop computers online. The teaching materials provided are in the form of presentation media
and learning videos.

Your conclusion In this study it can be concluded that by using the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) model, researchers can
carry out Public Speaking learning targets for students. That way you will get data or information and results
in this study. And the results, namely 42% of students showed very good public speaking skills, 43% of
on students showed good skills, and 21% were stated to be unable to demonstrate their abilities. That means that
many students have excellent Public Speaking. And in my opinion, this journal is very complete by explaining
in detail the contents of the research.
Critical Journal Review Subject Public Speaking
NIM / Name 212108063/ Lynes Andika Harefa Lecturer Elwin P. Zebua, S.Pd.,M.Pd
Reviewed Class / Semester B / III
by Study Program / English Education Program / FKIP – Approval
Faculty Universitas Nias

The Implementation of the Effective Strategy for Practicing Extemporaneous Speech Style in Public
Speaking (Yulanda,Novia.2021. The Implementation of the Effective Strategy for Practicing
Extemporaneous Speech Style in Public Speaking.63-70)
The focus of this research is the Public Speaking class, especially extemporaneous speech. The purpose of the
research was to find out how was the effective strategy for practicing an impromptu speech in public speaking.
What is the So, this study aims to find out effective strategies to be able to make impromptu speeches in public. Maybe
focus/s or one day, the teacher or someone else will appoint us to give a speech, and it will be impromptu. With this
purpose/s? research, we can find strategies that we can use to be able to give a good speech. From the results of this study,
there are effective strategies for making impromptu speeches such as starting to greet the audience, attracting
the attention and interest of the audience, telling personal stories to illustrate speech points, and revealing
topics. Until the last one is to give a conclusion by using positive words.

This research is supported by several theories according to experts which we know that it was made not based
on the opinion of the author. There are several supporting theories in this research, namely:
How does the  Speaking skill is one of the important skills that must be mastered by the learners in learning English.
Through speaking, speaker learns how to speak English easier because there are friends who can be their
theory/s support pairs to practice speaking English (Maxom, 2010).
the content?  The data source intended in this research is the goal from which data can be obtained. If the researcher
uses documentation, then the documentation or notes are the source of data. While the contents are notes
of research subjects or research variables (Suharsimi, 2006).
And strategies are needed and there are many more supporting theories and research.

The research method used is a qualitative method. The technique of data collection was note-taking by
collected data on books and journals. The data were analyzed using data reduction, data display, and drawing
the conclusion. And from this method there are strategies that can be used during impromptu speeches in
public. The subject in this study is the student who will be seen how student carries out the strategy of making
an impromptu speech. The data instrument in this study was that students prepared small notes in the form of
What is the important points, then conveyed these points.
research method, So, the method used is a qualitative method, where researchers collect data and several journals that support
subject, their research. Data analysis using data reduction. Data reduction is simplification, classifying, and removing
instrument of data unnecessary data in such a way that the data can produce meaningful information and facilitate drawing
collection and conclusions. After that drawing conclusions. In this method, there are only results, what strategies can be used
subject? when making impromptu speeches in public. The subject in this study is the student who will be seen how
student carries out the strategy of making an impromptu speech. And the last is the data instrument in this
study was that students prepared small notes in the form of important points, then conveyed these points. For
making an impromptu speech, it is necessary to bring small notes in the form of important points that will be
discussed to the audience. That way, it makes it easier for the person giving the speech to remember what he is
going to convey.

Analysis is research conducted by examining research components, such as notes, documents, test results and
so on. Meanwhile, interpretation is the process of reviewing data and arriving at relevant conclusions. And the
analysis and interpretation in this article are slightly in accordance with the process of analyzing the data to
come to a conclusion. Researchers have found data related to research titles, determine topics, announce
research objectives, namely to find out how was the effective strategy for practicing an impromptu speech in
How does the public speaking. And the stages carried out by researchers are collecting data taken from data sources, such as
analysis and documentation or notes. Although the object is still not clearly visible. Based on the findings of this research,
interpretation of the research also aimed to present research questions that have been answered due to the result of this research.
the article? To answer the research question, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research to analyse the
phenomena to found detailed information. The data source of this research was from books and journal.
According to the research question how was the effective strategy for practicing extemporaneous speech in
public speaking, it can be concluded from the three elements of speech (introduction, explaining, and
concluding). Based on the data from the book strategy to introduction the speech was to need an index card,
get attention and interest the audience with a familiar quote, introduced controversial issues, don’t talk too
soon, establish a connection with the particular audience.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that there are strategies that can be used in making public
Your conclusion speeches. Of course, giving a speech is not as easy as talking to friends, but you have to use a strategy to make
andrecommendati it look better.
on In my opinion, in the article, there is no valid evidence that a researcher conducts research. For example,
telling who the research subject is and how many people. He only presented results that can also be easily
searched from internet sources.

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