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Supervisor : Fajar Wirawan M, Pd

By :

Tri Rahayu Ningsih




CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
DEFINITION OF VOCABULARY ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 SIGNIFICANT OF STUDY ........................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II .................................................................................................................................................... 5
THEORICAL DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 DEFINITION OF VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 VOCABULARY TEACHING TECHNIQUE (VOCABULARY) ........................................................................... 5
2.3 TEACHING VOCABULARY......................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 DEFINITION OF NOVEL ............................................................................................................................ 7
a. characteristic of novel ............................................................................................................................... 8
b. Types of Novels ......................................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................................. 11
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 11




English as an international language is used in countries throughout the world, including
Indonesia. Last few years, English has been taught at elementary school. It has been accepted
in Indonesia in line with the government’s plan on the nine-year compulsory study. Based on
the 1994 curriculum, English at elementary school level is taught as local content to serve the
need of the local community. At this level students learn English for the first time, so they
just learn the simple English patterns including vocabulary, grammar, etc. The program
begins from the fourth grade till the sixth grade. The aim is to equip students with the ability
to listen, speak, read, and write simple materials in English by emphasizing on the
communicative skills in a number of topics which are relevant to the need of local
community, such as, industry, tourism, and arts in Central Java (GBPP Mulok SD, 1995:2).
Dowdowski (1982: 1454) The meaning of vocabulary is all the words contained in a
language. Vocabulary is all available words, both active vocabulary used by readers and
writers and passive vocabulary used by readers and listeners.
The term vocabulary (vocabulary) is a collection of several words that are combined, so
that it has meaning or significance. Vocabulary cannot be separated from the four skills in
language, reading, writing, listening and speaking (Hornby: 1984: 959).
Learning English as a foreign language requires a sufficient vocabulary to play in the
four language skills. Based on its use in language skills, vocabulary in English is divided
into active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary are words that the speaker
can understand and pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing
skills, while passive vocabulary are words that the speaker recognizes and understands in
context, but the speaker cannot produce them correctly in speaking skills. and writing
(Haycraft, 1978:44).
The four language skills which include listening, reading, writing and speaking must be
supported by language forms. The form of language includes four aspects, namely
phonology (phonology), vocabulary (vocabulary), grammar (grammar), and series or series

of sentences (discourse). Phonology deals with pronunciation. Vocabulary is related to
meaning (lexis) and word arrangement. Grammar is related to word changes (morphology)
and sentences (syntax), and a series of sentences (discourse) which are related to long
sentences that are viewed contextually or social aspects (Cunningsworth, 1984:17).
There are 5 important steps in learning vocabulary, namely: 1) having sources to find
new words, 2) obtaining clear images that can be seen (visual) or audible (auditory), or both,
3) learn the meaning the word, 4) make a strong construction between the form and meaning
of the word, 5) use the vocabulary (Brown & Payne, 1994 in Hatch & Brown, 1995:373).
This means that vocabulary learning is a process of discovering new words through listening
and reading and using or applying these new words in writing and reading.


1. Does Is the Effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using novel at SMP N 2



Reading is a conscious and purposeful act. before reading, a proficient reader usually defines

what the goal is read it. According to Wiryodijoyo (1989:5 7-58) the purpose of reading


1. capture the important points and the overall organization of a piece of writing;

2. know the contents of the reading material quickly;

3. strengthen comprehension and mind reading by increasing speed read;

4. understand clearly to remember information and use it;

5. develop the ability to concentrate and deeper meaning;

6. Seek judgment and deeper engagement with sound analysis; and

7. Expand awareness and enjoyment of literature.




Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all level of schools in
Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to master English well. It 9 is impossible to
be successful in study language without mastering the vocabulary. Vocabulary is a central
of language and of critical importance of typical language. Without sufficient vocabulary,
people can not communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written
form. To support the speaker’s interaction in communication, vocabulary becomes
important because it can be used as basic foundation to construct a word into a good
sequence of sentence. Therefore, the students should have to obtain vocabulary mastery.
Hocket (in Celce-Murcia and Mc Intosh, 1978: 129) states that vocabulary is the easiest
aspect at a second language to learn and it hardly requires formal attention in the
classroom. Hornby (1995: 1331) defines “vocabulary as a list of words used in book, etc.
usually with definition and translation”
Based on the definition above, I conclude that the more vocabulary the learners have,
the easier for them to develop their four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking)
and learn English as the foreign language generally.


Many vocabulary teaching techniques by many experts. Among the many kinds of
teaching techniques, vocabulary teaching techniques can be divided into 4, namely 1)
visual aids, 2) verbal explanations, 3) audio presentations, 4) contextual (running
context). Media that can be seen includes: a) real things (real things), namely how to
teach vocabulary by showing or bringing real objects as objects to be studied in class, b)
media pictures, and c) demonstrations using facial or facial expressions, gestures,
gestures, and actions.
Oral explanation (verbal explanation) is a way of teaching that uses the teacher's
words. Vocabulary teaching techniques that use verbal explanations include: a) word sets
(word sets), namely introducing words that are interconnected in a group, for example:

child, boy, girl, infant, youngster which are human groups, b) similarities words
(synonyms), for example: fierce = savage, shore = beach, residence = home, and so on, c)
opposites (antonyms/converse) are words that have opposite meanings, for example: hot ,
cold, full, empty, improve, reduce, and so on, d) words that are the same or similar to the
learner's language (cognates), for example: book = book, action = action, hotel = hotel,
and so on, e) illustrated sentences (illustrative sentences), namely arrange sentences to get
the meaning of new words, for example: hate: My father hates potatoes, but he loves rice.
He likes carrots, beans, and most other vegetables, but he refuses to eat potatoes. He hates
them., f) scale or level (scale/grade), for example: never-seldom-sometimes-often-
usually/generally-always., g) definition in English, h) translation, h) explanation in the
language of yours learners/students themselves, i) collocation (collocation), namely
grouping examples: to appeal (to my friend for help, him to learn from this, obey their
parents, and so on). j) dictionaries, k) word games, l) enumeration, namely one word in
general into several words in particular, for example: clothes = shirt, pants, dress, skirt,
blouse, and so on. m) wall maps (wall charts), namely maps that contain image objects in
the vocabulary being studied.

The technique of teaching presentations is through sound (audio), namely marking a

new word meaning through sound on tape, and finally contextually (running context),

namely how to teach vocabulary by associating new words with familiar or known

surrounding words, then infer or guess the meaning of the new word. This technique is

considered the most appropriate to be applied in SMP and SMA/SMK because most of

the material in the syllabus is reading, so that most teachers use this technique until now.


Wallace (1982:207) explains that teaching vocabulary should consider these following
factors: 11 1) Aims The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to
formulate the materials, which will be taught to the students. 2) Quantity The teacher has
to decide the number of vocabulary items to be learned. The learners will get confuse or
discouraged if they get many new words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words,

which can easy to understand by the learners. 3) Need In teaching vocabulary, the teacher
has to choose the words really needed by the students in communication. 4) Frequent
exposure and repetition Frequent exposure and repetition here means that the teacher
should give much practice on repetition so that the students master the target words well.
They also give opportunity to the students to use words in writing or speaking. 5)
Meaningful presentation In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present target words
in such a way that the meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and unambiguous.
6) Situation and presentation The teachers tell the students that they have to use the words
appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation in which they are used and
depends on the person to whom they are speaking. 12 From the explanation above I
conclude that the teachers must know the different kinds of vocabulary. In addition,
understanding the above factors is very important for the teacher before teaching
vocabulary to elementary school.


According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a novel is a long prose essay
containing a series of stories about the life of a person and those around him by
emphasizing the characters and characteristics of the actors.
According to Nurgiyantoro (2012: 4), a novel is a work of fiction that offers a world, a
world that contains an idealized model of life, an imaginative world, which is constructed
through various intrinsic elements such as events, plots, characters (and
characterizations), setting, point of view. , and others.

a. According to Nurhadi, Dawud, Yuni Pratiwi, Abdul Roni, "a novel is form of literary
work in which there are social cultural values, morals, and education”.
b. According to Rostamaji and Agus Priantoro, "Novels are works of literature which has
two elements, namely: intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements the second is
interconnected because it is very influential in presence of a literary work.
c. Paulus Tukam, defines "Novel is a literary work in form prose that has intrinsic

From some of these meanings it can be concluded that the novel is a long prose essay
telling about life people and the surrounding community with figures and highlights the
character of the characters.

a. characteristic of novel
According to E. Kosasih in his book, the characteristics or distinguishes the novel
from other literary works, namely:
a. The plot is more complicated and longer. Marked by changes in fate on the character.
b. The character is more in a variety of characters.
c. The setting covers a wide geographic area and in time longer.
d. The theme is more complex, marked by the presence of themes subordinates.

Based on an article written by Said Hidayat, the characteristics of the novel among
a. Written in a narrative style, which is sometimes mixed with descriptions to describe the
b. Is realistic, meaning it is the author's response to the environmental situation.
c. The form is longer, usually over 10,000 words, and
d. The storyline is quite complex.

From several opinions stating the characteristics of the novel, it can be concluded as
a. Has a complex plot or storyline.
b. The theme in the novel is not just one, but themes emerge side.
c. There can be many characters or characters in the novel.

b. Types of Novels
The types of novels are divided into several parts. That is :
a. Based on whether or not a story is real.

. Fiction Novels
As the name implies, the novel tells about things that are fictitious and never
happened, the characters, plot and background only author's fiction only.
. Non fiction novels
This novel is the opposite of fiction novels, namely novels that tell stories about real
things that have happened, usually
This type of novel is based on someone's experience, true story or based on history.

b. Novels by genre.
1. Romance Novels
A novel that tells about love and affection. Usually accompanied by intrigues that lead
to conflict.
2. Horror Novels
It has a story that is tense, scary, and makes the reader is thrilled. Associated with
supernatural beings and smells supernatural.
3. Mystery Novels
This type of novel is more complicated and filled with riddles that must solved.
Usually liked by readers because it makes sense curious from start to finish.
4. Comedy Novels
Judging from the name of this novel has elements of humor and humor. So that it can
make the reader entertained and up to date laugh out loud.
5. Inspirational Novels
The type of novel that can inspire many people. Lots contains moral values and
wisdom that can be taken in this novel.

c. Types of novels based on content, characters and market share

1. Teenlit

Derived from the word teen which means youth and lit from the word Literature

means writing or writing. This type of novel tells about the problems of teenagers in

general, about love or friendship.

2. Chicklit

Chick is a slang word from America which means woman young, so this type of novel

tells about life or problems faced by a woman young in general.

3. Songlit

This novel was written based on a song, for example, Ruang Rindu




1. The method of research
The method of the research was experimental quantitative research by using quasi
experimental design with one group pretest-posttest model.
2. Sample
The sample of the research was English department students. It consisted of 25 students.
They took randomly.
3. The method or collecting data
The technique of collecting data was done through test. The data source was gotten from
students’ utterances when they did oral communication.

In this research, I am interested in using novels. the novel has a connection with objects

or themes in the English material to be introduced to student. I showed the novel in front of

the class. In this study the authors use One type of novel is Harry Potter.

a. Test

The author uses the test in his research as an instrument to collect data. The tests carried

out were pre-test and post-test. The purpose of giving a pre-test is to find out students' ability

to master English vocabulary before doing this study. There are 40 multiple choice questions

to be tested. there are fruits, animals, body parts, objects in the classroom, and road signs. If

the students pre-test results lower than criteria confirmed by Ministry of Education and

Culture, researchers started a cycle of action research using the same forty words. The

researcher must change the word if 30 pre-test results equal or higher than the criteria. he

started treat students by using the novel as a vocabulary instrument.

b. Result Description

To assess student achievement, the authors use evaluation. According to the evaluation

of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Depdikbud). can be defined as follows:

….. is a series of activities to repeat, analyze, and explain data about a

the process of teaching and learning is carried out systematically and continuously

that becomes significant to make a decision. (Depdikbud, 1994: 2)

From the statement above, it means that evaluation is used to determine achieving the

teaching and learning process. To assess student achievement, the authors use the criteria

evaluation issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Depdikbud 1994: 34) that a

student can be said to be successful if he achieves a score of 65%. As mentioned above, the

authors used pre-test, post-test, field notes, and questionnaire to collect data. Next, the

following is a description of each activity.

Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that:

1) Students are very interested in the novel given by teacher.

2) the novel has several advantages. They can help students in master vocabulary and can

use it to improve their skills motivation.

3) There are differences in the results of vocabulary mastery before and after given novels.

4) The relationship between the vocabulary of nouns in the topics offered in these actions

and vocabulary nouns that students frequently use and we need in everyday life they are

very relevant.

5) Students think that the program is necessary and they must do it given continuously.


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