Administrative Office Procedure ACCOUNTING Practice Exam

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I. ESSAY (20 pts.)

Explain each question, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and plan what you will say. Your
essay should be as well as organized and as carefully written as you can make it.

1. What role do values play in making ethical decision? Provide examples. (5pts.)

Values play an important role in making ethical decisions. It makes choices among alternative courses of
action - which may also include inaction. For example, let’s say you started browsing cars online before you
generated your decision criteria. You may come across a car that you feel reflects your sense of style and you
develop an emotional bond with the car. Then, because of your love for the particular car, you may say to
yourself that the fuel economy of the car and the innovative braking system are the most important criteria.
After purchasing it, you may realize that the car is too small for your friends to ride in the back seat, which was
something you should have thought about. Setting criteria before you search for alternatives may prevent you
from making such mistakes. You may have noticed that this decision-making model involves a number of
unrealistic assumptions as well. It assumes that people completely understand the decision to be made, that they
know all their available choices, that they have no perceptual biases, and that they want to make optimal
decisions. People rely on their personal values when making ethical decisions. While each person has his or her
own core values, some values are widely shared. Knowing your values first – before making a decision will
help you focus on what is most important to you so that you can choose a career that will help you feel fulfilled
and satisfied.

2. What are the characteristics of ethical organization? (5pts.)

The characteristics of ethical organization are being environmentally responsible, promoting diversity
within the organization, socially responsible, making ethical decisions and character, providing a safe
environment for workers, offering fair and equitable pay, being socially responsible, and respecting the law.

3. What are some qualities of an effective team member? Briefly discuss. (5pts.)

Some qualities of an effective team member are that being able to work on, support, and eventually lead a
team. Respect and trust one another, and the ability to integrate diversity. Having a clear and realistic goals a
proper mix of skills and discipline. Regardless of how they participate, they will have unique challenges and
opportunities as they seek to assist the team in accomplishing its goal.

4. Describe three strategic plans you can use to develop customer focus. (5pts.)

The three strategic plans that we can use to develop customer focus is that taking responsibility – everyone
can make an error or mistake and we have to willingly takes responsibility for our mistakes and learn from them
to prevent the same mistake in the future. Next is showing respect to our customers and seeking their inputs.
Customers are people, and people are not always right. If a customer comes to us with a concern, we should
give it serious attention. Take the time to ask questions. Give customers the opportunity to express their
opinions (both positive and negative) about the quality of products and services that the business provides. After
asking questions, take the time to listen to the information we receive and resolve it.

Write a reflection about the topics which you have learned this Midterm using the Study Guide below:

Common elements in a reflective writing introduction include:
 Identify the focus of your reflection (e.g., your experience, a specific situation or story, an overview of a
collection of experiences)
 Identify theories or course material that will help you to explore your experience more deeply
 Share the main lessons you learned from your experience
 Introduce the main themes that you will address in the body of the paper
 Offer suggestions as to what you have learned from the experience and how you may move forward
from this point
The body of a reflective piece of writing can be quite varied. That said, you should relate the body to the points
and topics you identified in your introduction. Each theme or topic may account for one or more paragraphs in
your body. For each theme, you should:
 Identify the theme or topic
 Share a personal experience (or several) that support the theme
 Connect your experience clearly to course material, research, or other experiences in order to support the
As you end your reflective writing, you may:
 Review the importance of your experiences within the context of learning
 Restate how you will move forward from this specific experience
 Suggest additional opportunities for future growth or engagement


In our modern society, all kinds, or business are carried on by a group of people, who have enough
knowledge in their respective fields. Accountants, marketing managers, systems analysts, human resource
directors, as well as secretaries, records clerks, administrative assistants, and many others work in offices.
Although each of these employees has varying responsibilities, all of them must be knowledgeable about many
office practices.

In all kinds of business the function of administration is the same. Office function is carried on by a group of
people for a common result, by giving services to the organization. The process of planning, organizing and
controlling - all the information related activities of an organization as well as the function of leading or
directing people to attain the objectives of that organization. They must have technical skills, interpersonal
skills, communication skills, teamwork and collaboration skills, customer focus, problem-solving and critical-
thinking skills, professionalism, productivity and a strong work ethic. Every organization has its own culture,
which reflects the key values, beliefs, and attitudes that drive the organization and define its style of doing
business. The employer’s or managers responsibilities include providing a safe and healthy work environment
and the tools and equipment needed to perform the job. Self-discipline is essential to ensure productivity and
accountability in the workplace. Understanding business ethics is especially important for administrative
professionals because of the nature of this trusted
position. Achieving your aims in life requires setting clear, attainable goals, staying motivated, measuring
progress, reinforcing success through incentives, resisting interference, and taking advantage of opportunities.
The success of any company is dependent on both management and employees, Administrative office
management once effectively applied and can lead to the success of any organization but must note that all these
functions must work together to insure the success of any firm.

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