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Orbital Syndromes

M. Tariq Bhatti, M.D.1


The orbit is a complex anatomical structure with unique properties not observed
in other regions of the body. Composed of seven bones, the orbit is filled by the eye, optic
nerve, lacrimal gland, extraocular muscles, peripheral motor and sensory nerves, fat,
arteries, and veins. All these structures are intimately related to one another within an
intricate framework of connective tissue. A variety of traumatic, vascular, inflammatory,
infectious, and neoplastic processes can affect the orbit and its structures. Aside from the
many primary orbital diseases, systemic disorders and pathological processes from neigh-

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boring structures (eye, ocular adnexa, oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, and intracranial cavity)
can involve the orbit. A careful history and complete physical examination, with special
attention to the orbit and ocular adnexa, are required to identify subtle orbital abnormal-
ities that otherwise could be overlooked or mistakenly contributed to a nonorbital process.
This article reviews the pertinent orbital anatomy, discusses the clinical evaluation and
manifestations of orbital syndromes, and highlights several important orbital syndromes
germane to the neurologist, including thyroid-associated orbitopathy, nonspecific orbital
inflammation (also known as inflammatory orbital pseudotumor), perineural orbital
invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis,
and carotid-cavernous sinus fistula.

KEYWORDS: orbit, proptosis, thyroid-associated orbitopathy, Graves’ disease,

perineural tumor spread, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, mucormycosis,
carotid-cavernous sinus fistula

O rbital disease is not frequently referred to or of diseases documented in these series provide a general
encountered in a general neurology practice, but that is overview of orbital syndromes, but specific conclusions
not to say that orbital syndromes are not seen in such a on the precise epidemiology of orbital lesions cannot be
setting. A variety of disease processes can affect the orbit. made from these observations for several reasons. First,
Although it is beyond the scope of this review article to some of the series do not include major categories of
discuss each category of disease in detail, it is the orbital disease (for example, trauma is not included in
intention of this introductory section to familiarize the the Shields et al series). Second, the method and
reader with the frequency, distribution, and spectrum of materials of the collected data vary amongst the different
orbital syndromes. Several articles have been published series (only orbital syndromes with pathological speci-
from centers devoted to the treatment of orbital diseases, mens were reviewed in the series by Shields et al and
which have documented the enormous spectrum of Wilson and Grossniklaus). Third, the time period in
orbital syndromes that can be encountered in clinical which each series was published differs. Therefore, the
practice (Table 1).1 The age, distribution, and frequency frequency of lesions detected in a particular series may

Departments of Ophthalmology and Medicine, Division of Neurol- 3802, Durham, NC 27710-3802 (e-mail:
ogy, Duke University Eye Center, Duke University Medical Center, Neuro-Ophthalmology; Guest Editor, Valérie Biousse, M.D.
Durham, North Carolina. Semin Neurol 2007;27:269–287. Copyright # 2007 by Thieme
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: M. Tariq Bhatti, Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
M.D., Departments of Ophthalmology and Medicine, Division of USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Neurology, Duke University Eye Center, 2351 Erwin Road, DUMC DOI 10.1055/s-2007-979685. ISSN 0271-8235.

Table 1 Summary of Frequency of Orbital Lesions from Five Published Retrospective Series
Shields* (%) Kennedyy (%) Hendersonz (%) Rootman§ (%) Wilsonk (%) Total (%)

Systemic — 54 (6.6) 52 (3.8) 682 (49.0) 10 (3.2) 798 (17.5)

Inflammatory 132 (20.5) 142 (17.3) 61 (4.4) 129 (9.2) 45 (14.5) 509 (11.1)
Trauma — 107 (3.0) — 76 (5.4) 13 (4.2) 196 (4.3)
Congenital 194 (30.1) 69 (8.4) 39 (2.8) 101 (7.2) 23 (7.4) 426 (9.3)
Primary neoplasia
Epithelial 21 (3.3) 18 (2.2) 68 (4.9) 15 (1.1) 5 (1.2) 127 (2.8)
Fibrous 11 (1.7) 2 (0.24) 20 (1.5) 13 (0.92) 2 (0.64) 48 (1.1)
Fibro-osseous 8 (1.2) 28 (3.4) 31 (2.3) 21 (1.5) 3 (0.96) 91 (2.0)
Cartilaginous 2 (0.31) 1 (0.12) 7 (5.1) 2 (0.14) — 12 (0.26)
Adipose 2 (0.31) — 7 (5.1) — 3 (0.96) 12 (0.26)
Vascular 38 (5.9) 51 (6.2) 125 (9.1) 56 (4.0) 16 (5.1) 286 (6.3)
Neural 23 (3.6) 67 (8.2) 225 (16.4) 71 (5.0) 16 (5.1) 402 (8.8)
Striated muscle 8 (1.2) 8 (0.97) 38 (2.8) 5 (0.35) 12 (3.8) 71 (1.6)
Lymphocytic/leukemic 73 (11.3) 107 (13.0) 126 (9.2) 55 (3.9) 16 (5.1) 377 (8.3)
Langerhans cell 1 (0.16) 3 (0.37) 11 (8.0) 4 (0.28) 3 (0.96) 22 (0.48)
Other 2 (0.31) — 4 (2.9) 2 (0.14) — 8 (0.18)
Secondary neoplasia 70 (10.9) 51 (6.2) 269 (19.5) 44 (3.1) 90 (28.8) 524 (11.5)

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Metastases 16 (2.5) 27 (3.3) 111 (8.1) 38 (2.7) 15 (4.8) 207 (4.5)
Vascular 4 (0.62) 26 (2.2) 65 (4.7) 40 (1.8) 7 (0.32) 142 (3.1)
Other 22 (3.4) 56 (6.8) 119 (8.6) 57 (4.0) 34 (10.9) 288 (6.3)
Total 645 821 1376 1409 312 4563
*Shields JA, Bakewell B, Augsburger JJ, et al. Classification and incidence of space-occupying lesions of the orbit: a survey of 645 biopsies.
Arch Ophthalmol 1984;102:1606–1611.
Kennedy RE. An evaluation of 820 orbital cases. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1984;82:134–157.
Henderson J. Orbital Tumors. 3rd ed. New York: Brian C. Decker; 1994:43–51.
Rootman J. Diseases of the Orbit. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1988:119–139.
Wilson MW, Buggage RR, Grossniklaus HE. Orbital lesions in the Southeastern United States. Orbit 1996;15:17–24.
Reprinted from Wilson MW, Grossniklaus HE. Orbital disease in North America. Ophthalmol Clin North Am 1996;9:539–547, with permission
from Elsevier.

reflect a bias based on the ability of orbital lesions to be REGIONAL ORBITAL ANATOMY
identified by the neuroimaging technology of that era. As is true in many other areas of the body that are
Lastly, each series was compiled from a tertiary care or afflicted by abnormal pathology, to appreciate the clin-
academic center, which carries with it the inherent bias ical signs and symptoms of an orbital syndrome requires
of the referral pattern in that geographic location. a fundamental knowledge of the regional anatomy as
Despite these limitations, several general obser- well as an understanding of the underlying disease
vations or trends can be inferred from the collective data pathophysiology. This section is intended to introduce
sets, as was done by Wilson and Grossniklaus,1 who the reader to the subject of orbital anatomy. Interested
divided the various orbital syndromes into three broad readers are encouraged to refer to more comprehensive
categories: neoplastic (50%), inflammatory (25%), and anatomy textbooks or articles on the subject.3–6
others (25%). The frequency of a particular orbital The paired bony orbits are composed of seven
syndrome is more prevalent in a certain age group. bones joined together to form four walls (Fig. 1A).
Rootman2 found that neoplastic lesions (capillary he- Shaped like a pyramid, the base of the orbit is the
mangioma) and structural lesions (congenital cysts) were anterior opening of the face and is defined by the orbital
very common in infants and children younger than rim or margin. The medial walls of the orbit run parallel
2 years. In older children and adolescents, 2 to 16 years to one another, in contrast to the lateral orbital walls,
of age, structural lesions (orbital trauma, dermoid and which form right angles to one another. The total
epidermoid cysts), neoplastic lesions, inflammations volume of the orbit is 30 cm3 with the eye filling only
(mainly due to infection), and vascular lesions were the 7 cm3. The bony orbit is covered by the periorbita, or
most common diseases. In young and older adults, 17 to periosteum, which is continuous with the dura of the
64 years of age, thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) optic nerve posteriorly and the periosteum of the orbital
was by far the most common cause of an orbital syn- margin anteriorly. In part, the orbit is surrounded by the
drome. In those older than 65 years, TAO and neoplastic paranasal sinuses and the intracranial cavity (Fig. 1B).
lesions were the most frequent causes of an orbital There are several fossae, notches, foramens, and
syndrome. fissures of the orbit that transmit or contain important

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Figure 1 Orbital anatomy. (A) The seven bones of the orbit. (B) Relationship of the bony orbit and orbital contents to the paranasal
sinuses. (C) Orbital apex. (D) Extraocular muscles. (E) Arterial (top) and venous (bottom) supply of the orbit. (Courtesy of David Peace,
medical illustrator.)

anatomical and neurovascular structures. Located within rim and represents the attachment area of the lateral
the supraorbital rim, the supraorbital notch contains the canthal tendon and suspensory ligament of the eyeball
supraorbital nerve and artery. Medial to the supraorbital (Lockwood’s ligament).
notch is the supratrochlear notch, which contains a The tip of the orbit ‘‘pyramid’’ is known as the
cartilaginous ring known as the trochlea that supports orbital apex and contains three openings—inferior orbi-
the tendon of the superior oblique muscle. Within the tal fissure, superior orbital fissure, and optic foramen—
medial orbital wall, along the frontoethmoidal suture that allow the transmission of major neurovascular
line, are the anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina structures into and out of the orbit (Fig. 1C). The floor
that allow the passage of the anterior and posterior of the orbit contains the inferior orbital fissure, which is
ethmoidal arteries, respectively, from the orbit to the bordered by the greater wing of the sphenoid, maxillary,
nasal cavity. These two foramina also serve as a reference and palatine bones. The inferior orbital fissure commu-
point for the location of the cribriform plate. Along nicates with the pterygopalatine and infratemporal fos-
the floor of the orbit is the infraorbital groove that carries sae and contains the infraorbital nerve, intraorbital
the intraorbital artery, vein, and a branch of the second artery, infraorbital vein, zygomatic nerve, branch of the
division of the trigeminal nerve from the inferior orbital inferior ophthalmic vein, and parasympathetic nerves to
fissure to the infraorbital foramen. Along the antero- the lacrimal gland. The superior orbital fissure is
lateral portion of the orbital roof is the lacrimal fossa, the bounded by the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid
resting place of the lacrimal gland. Whitnall’s tubercle bone and separates the posterior lateral orbital wall
or lateral orbital tubercle is located at the lateral orbital from the orbital roof. Within the superior orbital fissure

lie the three ocular motor cranial nerves (oculomotor The venous system of the orbit is highly variable
nerve, trochlear nerve, and abducens nerve), three sen- amongst individuals and does not run in parallel with the
sory nerves (lacrimal nerve, frontal nerve, nasociliary arterial system. The main draining vein of the orbit is the
nerve), two arteries (orbital branch of middle meningeal superior ophthalmic vein, which is formed in most cases
artery and recurrent branch of lacrimal artery), and two by the supraorbital and angular veins. The inferior
veins (superior orbital vein and superior ophthalmic orbital venous system has been difficult to anatomically
vein). The optic foramen opens to the optic canal. It is define and has been described by some as a venous plexus
enclosed within the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and or network.7
transmits the optic nerve, the ophthalmic artery, and The sensory innervation of the eye, orbit, ocular
sympathetic nerves to the pupil. The optic canal is 5 to adnexa, forehead, side of the nose, and ethmoid sinuses
6 mm in diameter and 10 to 12 mm in length and is from the first division of the trigeminal nerve (oph-
connects the middle cranial fossa to the orbit. The thalmic nerve). The ophthalmic nerve has three main
frontal lobe sits on top of the roof of the optic canal, branches: lacrimal nerve, frontal nerve, and nasociliary
and the medial portion of the canal is in contact with the nerve (Fig. 2).
posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. The optic nerve enters the orbit from the middle
Within the orbit is a complex and intricate con- cranial fossa through the optic canal. The intraorbital
nective tissue framework that is critical to the functions length of the optic nerve is 30 mm compared with the
of the eye. The orbital fat, extraocular muscles, and 20 mm distance between the optic foramen and the eye.
periorbita are separated, and in many ways compartmen- This discrepancy of distances allows for the normal
talized, by numerous fibrovascular septa. This compart- tortuous course of the optic nerve within the orbit and

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mentalization is much more apparent in the anterior some redundancy of the optic nerve, which accommo-
orbit. The eye is covered by Tenon’s capsule, a thin dates pathological lengthening between the eye and the
fascial layer that inserts just posterior to the cornea and is orbital apex, as can be seen with proptosis, without
continuous with the dura of the optic nerve. Clinically resultant visual dysfunction. The orbital portion of the
and radiologically, disease processes within the orbit can optic nerve is covered by pia, arachnoid, and dura mater
be divided as intraconal or extraconal; however, based on (optic nerve sheath).
anatomical studies, such a division does not truly exist The paired cavernous sinuses are located on the
(discussed in the following paragraph). lateral aspects of the sphenoid bone, bordered anteriorly
Five of the six extraocular muscles (superior by the superior orbital fissure and posteriorly by the
rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, and petrous apex (Fig. 3). It serves as the main draining point
superior oblique) originate from the orbital apex of the cerebral venous system. The main veins that drain
(Fig. 1D). The inferior oblique muscle originates from into the cavernous sinuses are anteriorly the superior
the maxillary process of the orbital floor. The four recti and inferior ophthalmic veins, posterosuperiorly the
muscles originate from a tendinous ring at the orbital superior petrosal sinus, posteroinferiorly the inferior
apex known as the annulus of Zinn. The annulus of Zinn petrosal sinus, and posteriorly the basilar plexus. Each
surrounds the superior orbital fissure and optic foramen.
Each recti muscle, as it approaches and inserts onto the
eye, is covered by a muscular sheath that extends to the
periorbita. However, a common muscle sheath does not
exist between the four recti muscles; therefore, a true
anatomical division within the orbit dividing it into an
intraconal and extraconal space does not exist.
The arterial vascular supply of the orbit and the
eye is primarily from the ophthalmic artery, the first
intracranial branch of the internal carotid artery
(Fig. 1E). The ophthalmic artery enters the orbit
through the optic canal inferolateral to the optic nerve.
In 85% of cases, the artery courses above the optic nerve,
headed toward the medial orbital wall. The major
arterial branches of the ophthalmic artery in the orbit
are: central retinal artery, lacrimal artery, muscular artery
branches, ciliary arteries, supraorbital artery, posterior
ethmoidal artery, anterior ethmoidal artery, nasofrontal
artery, supratrochlear artery, and dorsonasal artery.
There is a well-established anastomoses system between Figure 2 Drawing of the anatomy of trigeminal nerve. (Cour-
the internal and external carotid arteries. tesy of David Peace, medical illustrator.)

Figure 3 Drawing of the anatomy of the cavernous sinus, lateral view. (Courtesy of David Peace, medical illustrator.)

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cavernous sinus communicates with the other through Clinical Evaluation
an intercavernous plexus. Within the cavernous sinus is A detailed ocular and orbital examination is best per-
the carotid siphon of the internal carotid artery. The formed by an ophthalmologist or a neurologist familiar
lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, which is composed of with the specialized equipment and specific examina-
a fold of dura, contains the oculomotor nerve, trochlear tion techniques. However, general neurologists can
nerve, and the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the perform many of the basic components of the exami-
trigeminal nerve. The abducent nerve is found within the nation with a few simple tools (penlight, red-colored
cavernous sinus. object, near visual acuity card, and direct ophthalmo-
scope). Assessment of the anterior and posterior visual
pathways is performed by measuring central visual
CLINICAL EVALUATION AND acuity; examining the peripheral visual field by con-
MANIFESTATIONS OF ORBITAL frontation, kinetic, or static perimetry; and assessing
SYNDROMES color vision. A swinging flashlight test will determine
the presence of a relative afferent pupillary defect, a
History strong indication that an optic neuropathy is present.
The recognition and accurate interpretation of the Ocular motility is evaluated by determining the extent
clinical manifestations of an orbital syndrome requires and velocity of the extraocular movements. Limitation
a certain level of clinical suspicion and awareness of the of eye movements can occur from either a paretic or
various orbital pathologies. The clinical assessment of a restrictive process, which can be clinically discerned by
patient suspected of harboring an orbital syndrome performing a forced duction test (manual movement of
begins by performing a detailed and thorough medical the eye with forceps in the direction of the gaze
history. Specific questions should be addressed to limitation). Misalignment of the eyes can be quantified
determine the time course, progression, and overall by the prism alternating cover test in various positions
nature of the disease process. A prior history of ocu- of gaze. In this test, the ocular deviation is measured by
lar/orbital surgery or trauma should be documented. It prisms, which neutralize the horizontal and vertical
is helpful in some situations to review old photographs shifts of the eyes. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy is necessary
to determine if the abnormality noted by the patient is a to detect abnormalities of the eye’s anterior structures
newly recognized chronic process or of a truly acute and internal chambers. Intraocular pressure is measured
onset. Inquiring about the presence of a palpable or in primary and up gazes. Intraocular pressure may be
visible structural abnormality, change in external ap- elevated in some cases of orbital syndromes, and a rise in
pearance, pain, discharge, visual loss, and double vision intraocular pressure on attempted upgaze is an indica-
can provide valuable information on the possible cause tion of TAO. The function of the trigeminal nerve is
and anatomical site of the lesion. The subjective com- examined based on its three divisions (ophthalmic,
plaint of transient visual loss in a particular gaze (gaze- maxillary, and mandibular). Visual inspection, palpa-
evoked amaurosis) may be a symptom of an orbital tion, and auscultation are three important steps of the
mass.8 ocular adnexal and orbital examination. The position of

Figure 4 Clinical manifestations of orbital syndromes. (A) Proptosis. (B) Enophthalmos. (C) Orbital bone destruction with globe
dystopia. (D) Optic neuropathy. (E) Ocular motor cranial neuropathy. (F) Vascular congestion. (Courtesy of John Richardson, medical

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the eyelids can be assessed by simple visual observation Clinical Manifestations
and more precisely by measuring the distance between the A variety of clinical manifestations are associated with
upper and lower palpebral fissures or the upper eyelid orbital syndromes (Fig. 4). The hallmark sign of many of
margin to the pupillary light reflex. The general nature, the orbital syndromes, especially in the context of orbital
location, and extent of an orbital lesion can be determined tumors, is proptosis (Fig. 5). Depending on the location
by digital palpation. Any horizontal, vertical, or axial and nature of the orbital lesion, the globe can be
displacement of the globe should be noted. Axial displaced horizontally, vertically, axially, or in any com-
proptosis is quantified by a Hertel exophthalmometer bination thereof. A large retrobulbar mass cannot only
(Richmond Products, Inc., Albuquerque, NM). A vol- displace the eye anteriorly but may distort the wall of the
untary Valsalva maneuver may cause forward displace- eye posteriorly, resulting in a hyperopic refractive error
ment of the globe, indicating a vascular orbital lesion (i.e., shift or retinal-choroidal folds (Fig. 6). Enophthalmos
orbital varix). Resistance to digital pressure applied or posterior displacement of the eye can occur in the
against the globe with the eyelids closed is an indication setting of increased orbital cavity volume, decreased
of orbital congestion or a retrobulbar mass. Complete orbital tissue volume, or orbital cicatricial changes (i.e.,
funduscopic examination with pharmacological dilation traction from metastatic breast cancer).9,10 Spontaneous
of the pupil and indirect ophthalmoscopy allows visual- eye pulsations suggest several entities including congen-
ization of the posterior pole, optic nerve, peripheral ital, traumatic, or iatrogenic absence of an orbital
retina, and retinal vasculature. bone; carotid-cavernous sinus fistula; or a cranio-orbital

Figure 5 A 78-year-old woman with sudden onset proptosis of the left eye associated with eye pain. Final diagnosis—vascular
(cavernous) malformation. (A) External photographs show left eye proptosis. (B) T1-weighted magnetic resonance image, axial and
coronal views, shows large vascular mass in the left orbit.

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Figure 6 A 47-year-old woman with 10-day history of headaches and swelling of the right upper eyelid. Final diagnosis—adenoid
cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland. (A) External photograph shows fullness of the right upper eyelid. (B) Fundus photograph shows
retinal-choroidal folds of the posterior pole from the orbital mass. (C) Computed tomography scan shows a large mass with calcification.
(D) T1-weighted, postcontrast, fat-saturation magnetic resonance image, coronal view, shows a mass within the right lacrimal fossa
with mixed-signal characteristics.

arteriovenous malformation. The presence of an orbital the syndrome, can be due to compression, infiltration,
bruit is a sign of orbital congestion either due to or ischemia. Clinically, the optic nerve may be swol-
increased arterial inflow or decreased venous outflow of len or initially appear normal if the pathology is in
the orbit, as is frequently encountered from a carotid- the posterior orbit with subsequent development of
cavernous sinus fistula. An orbital bruit has also been optic nerve pallor in 4 to 6 weeks. The presence of
reported to be heard in the setting of atherosclerosis of optociliary shunt vessels, which are collateral vessels
the carotid artery siphon, congenital agenesis of the between the choroidal and retinal circulations, has
sphenoid wing, and TAO.11,12 been traditionally associated with an optic nerve
Orbital syndromes may be accompanied by sheath meningioma but can be seen from any intrin-
malposition of the eyelids. Upper eyelid retraction is sic optic nerve lesion as well as from chronic papil-
classically associated with TAO, but may occur in the ledema, end-stage glaucoma, and central retinal vein
presence of proptosis from an orbital mass, chronic occlusion.
contact lens wear, myasthenia gravis, Parinaud’s syn- Ocular dysmotility in the setting of an orbital
drome (dorsal midbrain syndrome), globe prominence, syndrome can be due to either a restrictive or paretic
previous eyelid or extraocular muscle surgery, and process. Mechanical compression or infiltration of the
midbrain lesions affecting the oculomotor nuclear extraocular muscles will result in a restrictive ocular
complex.13,14 Orbital syndromes causing ptosis may motility problem. In contrast, compression or infiltra-
be the result of mechanical interference or infiltration tion of an ocular motor cranial nerve will cause a palsy
of the levator palpebrae muscle, dysfunction of the (Fig. 7). These two different pathological processes
oculomotor cranial nerve, or concomitant myasthenia can be differentiated by the forced duction test. (A
gravis. It should be kept in mind that ipsilateral positive forced duction test is defined as resistance to
enophthalmos or contralateral proptosis and/or lid manual movement of the eye due to a restrictive
retraction could be incorrectly interpreted as ptosis in ocular motility disorder.) The pattern of ocular mo-
some patients. tility dysfunction and the ‘‘company with which it
Visual loss from an orbital syndrome can occur keeps’’ can be very helpful in localizing the site of the
from abnormalities at different anatomical ocular lesion. For example, an optic neuropathy associated
sites. Exposure keratitis, retinal dysfunction, and optic with external ophthalmoplegia suggests a lesion in the
neuropathy can all result in decreased vision. The orbital apex (orbital apex syndrome), whereas multiple
mechanism of the optic neuropathy, depending on ocular motor cranial neuropathies without visual loss

Figure 7 A 61-year-old man with 1-year history of slowly progressive visual loss in the right eye followed by ptosis and external
ophthalmoplegia. Final diagnosis—orbital meningioma. (A) External photograph shows complete external ophthalmoplegia due to
multiple ocular motor cranial neuropathies. The right eyelid is manually elevated in the presence of ptosis. Pupils are pharmacologically

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dilated. (B) Computed tomography scan, axial view, shows large right orbital mass.

and trigeminal dysfunction suggest a lesion of the therefore, the appropriate neuroimaging is required
superior orbital fissure or cavernous sinus (Fig. 8).15 It to confirm the precise location and extent of the
should be kept in mind that suspected orbital syn- pathological process (discussed in the following sec-
dromes can be mimicked by intracranial lesions; tion).

Figure 8 A 57-year-old man with several-month history of left upper eyelid ptosis, external ophthalmoplegia, visual loss, and
numbness in the left V1 distribution. Final diagnosis—orbital apex syndrome due to poorly differentiated carcinoma. (A) Nine positions of
gaze show complete external ophthalmoplegia with a dilated and fixed left pupil. (B) T1-weighted, postcontrast magnetic resonance
image, coronal view, shows abnormal enhancement within the left orbital apex. (C) Histopathological specimen of orbital apex lesion
shows undifferentiated carcinoma.

Radiological Evaluation autoimmune disorder associated with Graves’ disease

Technological advancements and refinements in the and, in a small percentage of cases, with Hashimoto’s
radiological evaluation of the orbit has been a major thyroiditis (2%). Twenty-five to 50% of patients with
contributor in not only improving the ability to detect Graves’ disease will manifest ophthalmic findings, usu-
orbital lesions, but in understanding the pathological ally within 18 months from the onset of the hyper-
processes of many of the orbital syndromes.16 Radio- thyroidism.24 The eye findings can proceed or follow the
logically, orbital lesions can be categorized as subper- thyroid dysfunction, but most often they occur after the
iosteal, intraconal, or extraconal.17 diagnosis of Graves’ disease has been established.25 The
Physicians evaluating a patient suspected of har- majority of patients are hyperthyroid, but hypothyroid-
boring an orbital syndrome can choose from a variety of ism and euthyroidism (10% of cases) can also be asso-
imaging techniques: computed tomography (CT), mag- ciated with TAO. A variety of classification schemes
netic resonance imaging (MRI), orbital ultrasonography, have been developed to categorize the spectrum of
and conventional catheter angiography. It is beyond the clinical manifestations associated with TAO. In general,
scope of this article to discuss in detail the indications, the severity of TAO can be divided into mild, moderate,
advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of these imag- or severe depending on the degree of proptosis, the
ing modalities.18,19 In general, CT is best suited for cases presence of an optic neuropathy, and the extent of
that require quick image acquisitioning and detailed extraocular muscle dysfunction.26 Fortunately, only 5%
study of the bony anatomy. In contrast, MRI is an of patients develop severe TAO and in most cases the
excellent option for evaluating soft tissue abnormalities duration of the active phase of disease is 1 to 5 years.12,27
with multiplanar views. The use of orbital fat suppression The pathological basis for the clinical manifestations of

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techniques has substantially improved the sensitivity of TAO is an increase in orbital tissue volume from the
detecting abnormalities within the orbit that would accumulation of glycosaminoglycans, inflammatory cells,
otherwise be obscured by the high signal of the orbital and edema within the orbital fat and connective tissue of
fat.20,21 Orbital ultrasonography is an in-office, relatively the extraocular muscles. Impaired venous outflow and
inexpensive, fast, dynamic, and noninvasive method of optic nerve compression from the expansion of orbital
evaluating orbital lesions that are predominately anterior tissues results in orbital congestion and visual loss.28
in the orbit, and cystic or inflammatory in nature.2 The Clinically, TAO is manifested by many eye signs
addition of color Doppler flow imaging with orbital and symptoms.2,12 In some cases there may not be
ultrasonography is helpful in determining the blood clinically apparent eye involvement, and only with radio-
flow and velocity of vascular structures and lesions within logical testing (orbital ultrasonography, CT, or MRI)
the orbit.22 In most cases, CT angiography (CTA) and will there be evidence of occult disease.26,29 Upper eyelid
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) have been re- retraction, or Dalrymple’s sign, is the most common sign
placed by conventional catheter angiography in the initial associated with TAO and can be seen in isolation or in
evaluation of patients suspected of harboring an intra- the presence of proptosis (Fig. 9). Another common
cranial vascular lesion. However, catheter angiography is eyelid finding associated with TAO is upper eyelid lag
still an important diagnostic tool in the management of during downgaze (von Graefe’s sign). Patients with
patients with carotid-cavernous sinus fistula and in pa- TAO may complain of tearing, foreign body sensation,
tients with an orbital arteriovenous malformation.2,23 photophobia, orbital discomfort or pressure, and peri-
orbital fullness or edema. Most of these symptoms can be
attributed to corneal exposure from lid retraction, poor
ORBITAL SYNDROMES eyelid closure (lagophthalmos), or proptosis. Periorbital
This section discusses five important orbital syndromes fullness may be caused by edema, increased orbital fat or
that neurologists may encounter in clinical practice. prolapsed orbital fat. Proptosis is present in 60% of
Generally speaking, in some cases the diagnosis of an patients with Graves’ disease.30 The proptosis is often
orbital syndrome is relatively straightforward based on bilateral and symmetric, a result of increased tissue
the clinical findings, requiring few paraclinical tests. volume of the orbital fat and extraocular muscles.31
However, in other more complex and unique cases an Conjunctival edema (chemosis) and injection overlying
extensive investigation may be required, including an the insertion of the horizontal extraocular muscles may
orbital tissue biopsy. The necessary and appropriate be present. Elevated intraocular pressure, particularly on
ancillary testing should be determined on a case-by- attempted upgaze, is a common finding in patients with
case basis and guided by the differential diagnosis. TAO. Transient or constant diplopia occurs from orbital
congestion and infiltration of the extraocular muscles.
The inferior rectus and medial rectus muscles are most
Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy (TAO) frequently involved, leading to a limitation of elevation
TAO is the most common cause of unilateral or bilateral and abduction, respectively. A devastating complication
proptosis in adults.12 TAO is an inflammatory-mediated of TAO is visual loss due to optic neuropathy from

Figure 9 A 49-year-old woman with Graves’ disease with several-month history of double vision and bilateral periorbital swelling and
proptosis. Final diagnosis—thyroid-associated orbitopathy. (A) External photograph shows significant restriction of abduction of both
eyes on attempted lateral gazes. Note the bilateral lid retraction and proptosis. (B) Computed tomography, axial and coronal views,
shows enlargement of all the extraocular muscles with crowding within the orbital apex. The tendons of the extraocular muscles are

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orbital congestion and tissue crowding at the orbital orbital syndrome encountered in clinical practice, behind
apex.2 only TAO and orbital lymphoproliferative disease.35
The diagnosis of TAO is established by recogniz- Nonspecific orbital inflammatory syndrome does not
ing the clinical manifestations and obtaining the appro- appear to have a sex predilection and is often seen in
priate endocrine evaluation if the patient has not already middle-age patients, with 6 to 16% of cases presenting
been diagnosed with Graves’ disease. In subtle cases of in the pediatric age group.34 Frequently unilateral on
TAO, orbital ultrasonography, CT, or MRI can be presentation, it can be bilateral, especially in the NSOI
helpful in detecting enlargement of the extraocular subtype known as myositis.33 Nonspecific orbital inflam-
muscles with sparing of the tendons.29 matory syndrome is usually confined to the orbit, but in
The medical or surgical treatment of the endocrine some cases the disease process can extend into the cranial
dysfunction in Graves’ disease has not been shown to affect cavity or paranasal sinuses.36 Considered a self-limiting
the disease course of TAO.12 The treatment of TAO is disease, some patients with NSOI may be resistant to
based on the severity and progression of disease. Mild cases traditional treatment with systemic corticosteroids or
can be treated with supportive care using artificial tears and demonstrate recurrent disease during tapering or dis-
elevating the head of the bed during sleep to decrease continuation of corticosteroid therapy.33,37
periorbital edema. Eyelid retraction and ocular motility NSOI can be classified according to the time
dysfunction can be treated by a variety of surgical proce- course of presentation, the anatomical structures in-
dures. In cases of diplopia it is advisable that surgery volved, or the histopathological subtype.2 It can present
be performed only after the patient has demonstrated a as an acute (hours-days), subacute (weeks), or chronic
6-month period of stability. Patients with more severe (months) condition. Clinically and radiologically NSOI
disease, particularly those with significant orbital conges- can be seen as a localized (anterior or posterior) or diffuse
tion, ocular motility dysfunction, and optic neuropathy, process. Depending on the anatomical structure in-
may require treatment with systemic corticosteroids, volved, NSOI can be classified as periscleritis (sclera/
orbital radiation, or orbital decompression.32 Tenon’s space), myositis (extraocular muscle), trochleitis
(trochlea of the superior oblique tendon), dacryoadenitis
(lacrimal gland), perioptic neuritis (optic nerve), or
Nonspecific Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (cavernous sinus, superior orbi-
(Inflammatory Orbital Pseudotumor) tal fissure, or orbital apex).34,38,39 According to the
First introduced as a distinct histopathological entity in pattern of clinical involvement and radiological findings
1930 by Birch-Hirschfeld, nonspecific orbital inflamma- of 17 patients presenting with acute NSOI, Rootman
tion (NSOI), or inflammatory orbital pseudotumor, is an and Nugent40 divided their patients into five categories:
idiopathic, noninfectious, inflammatory orbital syn- anterior, diffuse, posterior, lacrimal, and myositic.
drome associated with a wide variety of clinical and A variety of histopathological features have been
pathological features.33,34 It is the third most common described with NSOI based on the inflammatory cell

profile, degree of inflammation, and fibrovascular re- choroidal detachment, exudative retinal detachment,
sponse.33,34 The inflammatory cellular components of and macular edema.34 Angle closure glaucoma may
NSOI include mature T lymphocytes, plasma cells, develop in rare cases because of anterior displacement
neutrophils, eosinophil granulocytes, histiocytes, and of the lens-iris diaphragm due to anterior choroidal
macrophages. Edema, fibrosis, sclerosis, and hyaliniza- detachment.42 Diplopia from ocular dysmotility can
tion changes can be seen in the orbital connective tissue. result from involvement of one or more of the extra-
The fibrosis or sclerosis present in some cases of NSOI ocular muscles. Visual loss due to optic nerve dysfunction
may be the late stage sequelae of chronic, recurrent, or is evidence of optic nerve sheath involvement (perioptic
severe inflammation or represent a distinct subtype of neuritis).43
NSOI, termed sclerosing orbital pseudotumor.33,41 Magnetic resonance imaging and CT are the two
The clinical manifestations of NSOI are variable most commonly used radiological modalities in the
and based on the anatomical structure(s) involved and evaluation and management of patients with NSOI.35
the extent and type of histopathological features of the As is the case with the clinical manifestations, the
inflammatory infiltrate (Fig. 10). Pain is a frequent radiological findings associated with NSOI are diverse
symptom of NSOI, is often localized to the eye or orbit, and correlate with the anatomic structures involved and
and has been described as a constant ‘‘gnawing’’ or histopathological features of the disease. On MRI,
‘‘boring’’ pain.38 The eyelids are frequently edematous NSOI will appear dark (low signal intensity) on the
and erythematous. Lacrimal gland involvement will T1- and T2-weighted sequences with significant en-
result in fullness of the superotemporal quadrant of the hancement after the administration of contrast. Com-
orbit with an S-shaped upper eyelid abnormality. There puted tomography will show an ill-defined, isointense

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may be conjunctival injection with chemosis. Intraocular (to the extraocular muscles), infiltrative lesion with a
inflammation (uveitis) may be seen in patients with acute variable enhancement pattern. Lacrimal gland and ex-
anterior NSOI. Posterior eye involvement can demon- traocular muscle involvement is indicated by diffuse
strate abnormalities on funduscopic examination, such as enlargement and enhancement on CT and MRI. The

Figure 10 A 77-year-old woman with a 5-day history of swelling, erythema and pain of the right orbit. Final diagnosis—nonspecific
orbital inflammation. (A) External photograph shows significant erythema, edema, and chemosis involving the right orbit. There is global
limitation of movement of the right eye. The right pupil is pharmacologically dilated. (B) After 3 days of intravenous corticosteroid
treatment, substantial clinical improvement of the right orbit occurred, with only mild injection of the conjunctiva. (C) T1-weighted,
postcontrast magnetic resonance image, axial and coronal views, shows diffuse and nonspecific enhancement of the right orbit and
enlargement of all the extraocular muscles.

cases of NSOI.39 Patients who have a contraindication

to, are resistant to, or develop a recurrence of symptoms
during tapering or discontinuation of corticosteroid
therapy can be offered the option of immunosuppressive
drugs such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, cyclophospha-
mide, infliximab, or orbital radiation (total dose of 0.1 to
0.3 Gy).34,37,47–49

Perineural Orbital Invasion of Cutaneous

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Skin cancer can spread by direct extension, hematoge-
nous metastasis or lymphatic dissemination.50,51 A less
frequent mode of cutaneous neoplastic extension is by
perineural spread (PNS) or neurotropism, which was
first described by Cruveilhier in 1842.52 Perineural
tumor spread is defined as invasion of neoplastic cells
within the spaces of the perineurium or endoneu-
rium.51,53,54 Although a variety of neoplasms can dem-
onstrate PNS, the most common are head and neck

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squamous cell carcinomas and major and minor salivary
gland adenoid cystic carcinomas.50,55–57 PNS most com-
monly travels in a centripetal direction (toward the
central nervous system), but in some cases it can be
centrifugal at branching points of nerves.57 Cutaneous
squamous cell carcinoma has a relatively low rate of
PNS, ranging from 2.5 to 14%.56,58
Figure 11 Algorithm for decision pathways in the diagnosis Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is the second
and treatment of idiopathic orbital inflammation. CBC, complete
most common form of nonmelanoma skin cancer.50,59 A
blood count; CT, computed tomography; ACE, angiotensin-con-
verting enzyme; ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; variety of risk factors have been associated with cutaneous
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti- squamous cell carcinoma, but the most relevant appears
inflammatory drugs. (Reproduced with permission from Yuen SJ, to be solar radiation (ultraviolet B light).50,59 Immuno-
Rubin PA. Idiopathic orbital inflammation: distribution, clinical
suppressed patients, in particular organ transplantation
features, and treatment outcome. Arch Ophthalmol 2003;121:
491–499. Copyright # 2003, American Medical Association. All patients, are 65 times more likely to develop cutaneous
rights reserved.) squamous cell carcinoma.50,59 Most cases of cutaneous
squamous cell carcinoma are cured with surgical excision.
The recurrence rate and metastatic rate of squamous cell
enlargement of the extraocular muscle(s) will involve the carcinoma are 3 to 18% and 2 to 3%, respectively.60
tendon, unlike TAO in which the tendon is spared. Several factors have been associated with higher risks of
NSOI is a diagnosis of exclusion, requiring para- recurrent or metastatic disease. The presence of PNS
clinical testing and a diagnostic trial of systemic cortico- carries a 5 times greater risk of recurrent or metastatic
steroids (Fig. 11).39 Other primary and systemic orbital disease and is associated with poor survival.59
syndromes must be considered in the diagnostic possi- The signs and symptoms of PNS can be attributed
bilities of NSOI such as sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granu- to the spread of tumor cells along branches of the motor
lomatosis, giant cell arteritis, Erdheim-Chester disease, and sensory nerves of the face, head, and neck.55,57
lymphoproliferative diseases, and metastatic neo- Spreading of the head and neck cancers occurs most
plasms.39,44–46 In particular, TAO and infectious orbital often through the maxillary and mandibular divisions of
cellulitis can be initially confused with NSOI.34 Orbital the trigeminal nerve and the peripheral branches of the
biopsy should be reserved for patients that have chronic seventh nerve. When branches of the ophthalmic divi-
disease, do not respond to corticosteroid therapy, or have sion of the trigeminal nerve are involved, the orbit,
a mass with extraorbital or bony involvement.34 orbital apex, superior orbital fissure, and cavernous sinus
Although the exact dose and route of adminis- may become affected (the inferior orbit and cavernous
tration is not known, the initial treatment of patients sinus can also become involved via the maxillary division
suspected of having NSOI is systemic corticosteroids. of the trigeminal nerve).57 The most common primary
Some experts advocate the initial use of nonsteroidal skin site associated with perineural orbital invasion of
anti-inflammatory medications, particularly in mild cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is the forehead.61–63

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Figure 12 A 41-year-old-woman with history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the forehead removed by Mohs’ surgery
1 year before presentation. She complained of anesthesia and paresthesia in the right forehead region, double vision, and a mass above
the right eye. Final diagnosis—perineural orbital invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. (A) Nine positions of gaze show the
superior orbital mass causing inferior displacement of the eye (central panel). Note limited elevation of the right eye (top, center panel).
(B) Computed tomography scan shows large right superior orbital mass with destruction of bone. (C) Histopathology of biopsy specimen
demonstrates an infiltrating, moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.

The clinical manifestations of PNS are the result presentation of the skin lesion and clinical manifesta-
of the tumor cells causing neural tissue ischemia or tions.55,57,67,68 The radiological findings can be initially
axonal or myelin degeneration.64 As many as 40% of negative in nearly 50% of patients.69 MRI is the techni-
patients with PNS may be asymptomatic.65 The two que of choice in the evaluation of patients suspected of
most frequent ophthalmic manifestations of PNS are having PNS.70 A wide range of neuroimaging features
facial or ocular pain and sensory symptoms (numbness, have been described in patients with PNS57,65,70 includ-
tingling, burning or formication) in the distribution of ing enlargement or destruction of the nerve foramen,
the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.61 Facial enlargement or abnormal enhancement of the nerve, and
weakness may also be present. In some cases, single or loss of the normal fat planes around the nerve.
multiple ocular motor cranial nerve dysfunctions may The diagnosis of perineural orbital invasion of
develop from superior orbital fissure or cavernous sinus cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma can be empirically
involvement.66 An orbital mass may develop because of made in patients with a history, physical examination,
tumor cell breakthrough from the perineurium of an and radiological findings consistent with the diagnosis.
orbital peripheral nerve (Fig. 12).56 Central nervous In most cases, tissue biopsy of either the orbital mass or
system involvement can result in hemiparesis and neo- supraorbital nerve will establish the diagnosis.71 The
plastic meningitis.56 prognosis of patients with perineural orbital invasion of
Establishing the diagnosis of perineural orbital cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is dismal, with a
invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma requires 5-year survival rate of 30%.54 Orbital exenteration,
maintaining a high clinical suspicion of the disease in the radiation therapy, and chemotherapy can be offered to
appropriate clinical setting and correctly interpreting the patients.62
radiological findings. Reasons for a delay in diagnosis
include vague symptomatology, similarity to other more
recognized diagnostic entities, an incomplete medical Rhino-orbital-cerebral Mucormycosis
history of a previous skin lesion, the absence of a primary Mucormycosis refers to a life-threatening fungus infec-
skin lesion, and the long time interval between the initial tion caused by the order of fungi known as Mucorales

(Fig. 13).72 Modifications in fungi taxonomy have led to during the initial evaluation of a patient because often it
a more general and accepted term for infections within may not be present.78
the class of Zygomycetes called zygomycosis.73 This The findings on CT and MRI are nonspecific for
article maintains the term mucormycosis, but the reader mucormycosis but are helpful in determining the extent
should be aware that fungal infections of this clinical of disease and response of disease to treatment (Fig. 14).
type can be caused by several species within the orders of In some cases the CT results can be normal on the initial
Mucorales and Entomophthorales. presentation.81 There is often paranasal sinus mucosa
Mucormycosis can be caused by a variety of thickening, and late in the disease there will be bone
species, but the most common organism is Rhizopusor- destruction. Infiltration of orbital tissue with enlargement
yzae (also called Rhizopusarrhizus).72 It is a relatively rare of the extraocular muscles will be seen on MRI.74,80
infection with 500 new cases developing every year.72 The ophthalmological findings of mucormycosis
Patients with metabolic and immunological disturbances are the result of direct fungal infiltration and ischemic
are at high risk of developing mucormycosis. Diabetic infarction, and in many cases may be the initial presen-
ketoacidosis, renal disease (renal failure or renal trans- tation of the disease.74,77,78,82 Complete or partial ex-
plantation), deferoxamine therapy, and leukemia are ternal ophthalmoplegia, visual loss, proptosis, and
some of the common underlying disorders.74 Mucormy- periorbital edema are frequent ocular manifestations of
cosis can be divided into six clinical presentations: rhino- mucormycosis. The external ophthalmoplegia may be in
orbital-cerebral (ROCM), pulmonary, cutaneous, gas- a pattern consistent with an ocular motor cranial neuro-
trointestinal, disseminated, and miscellaneous.72 Of pathy. Visual loss can occur from either a central retinal
these six, ROCM is the most common presentation artery occlusion or an optic neuropathy. Mucormycosis

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with nearly 70% of patients having diabetes mellitus. can result in an orbital apex or cavernous sinus syndrome.
Susceptible patients are inoculated by inhaling spores Central nervous system involvement can result in inter-
onto the oral and nasal mucosa. The disease process then nal carotid artery occlusion, cavernous sinus thrombosis,
spreads to the paranasal sinuses extending into the orbit hemiparesis, meningitis, or brain abscess.74
through the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. The infec- Histopathological demonstration of large,
tion can continue to travel into the cranial cavity by way branching, aseptate hyphae in tissue specimens obtained
of the cribriform plate, orbital apex, orbital vessels (peri- by biopsy are critical in confirming the diagnosis of
or intravascular) or orbital nerves (perineural).72–74 In mucormycosis.78 In a substantial number of cases, cul-
other cases, the inoculation can occur through the skin.73 tures may be negative and therefore should not be relied
The diagnosis of ROCM requires maintaining a on for establishing the diagnosis.80 The mortality rate of
high degree of suspicion in the appropriate clinical patients with mucormycosis has ranged from 6 to 73%.83
situation and appreciating the signs and symptoms of A multitude of factors have been associated with poor
the disease. The clinical manifestations are most often survival in patients with mucormycosis, including im-
unilateral and begin in one of the paranasal cavities. munosuppressive therapy, orbital involvement, diabetes
Commonly, the presentation is acute in onset, but a mellitus with ketoacidosis, delay in diagnosis (> 6 days),
slowly progressive process has been described.75 Several mental status changes, hemiplegia, cavernous sinus
case series have identified sinusitis, perinasal anesthesia, thrombosis, and periorbital necrosis.74,80,83
perinasal cellulitis, rhinorrhea, facial swelling, and fever The treatment of mucormycosis requires a multi-
as important initial presenting signs and symptoms of disciplinary team approach. Antifungal therapy with
mucormycosis.74,76–80 The presence of black eschar is a amphotericin B, surgical débridement of diseased tissue,
helpful sign of mucormycosis, but it cannot be relied on and hyperbaric oxygen therapy have all been shown to

Figure 13 Taxonomy of Zygomycetes.


Figure 14 A 24-year-old man suffered head, face, and neck burn injuries. After being in the intensive care burn unit for several days he
developed explosive bilateral proptosis. Final diagnosis—mucormycosis (Rhizopus species). (A) T1-weighted, postcontrast magnetic
resonance image, axial view, shows diffuse enhancement of both orbits with tenting of the eyes. Note the paranasal sinus disease. (B)
Orbital biopsy reveals large aseptate hyphae (arrows).

benefit and improve the survival rate of patients with carotid artery system (Fig. 15). A CCSF can be cate-

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mucormycosis.74,83 There appears to be a role for orbital gorized based on its etiopathogenesis, hemodynamic
exenteration in patients with mucormycosis, but the properties, or angiographic anatomy. Based on the
precise indication and timing of surgery is not known.84 angiographic findings, Barrow et al. classified CCSFs
into four types: type A (direct fistulas), type B (arterial
supply via the meningeal branch of internal carotid
Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistula artery), type C (arterial supply via the meningeal branch
Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula (CCSF) is an abnormal of external carotid artery), and type D (arterial supply
communication between the cavernous sinus and the via the meningeal branches of internal and external

Figure 15 Artist’s drawing of a direct carotid-cavernous sinus fistula resulting in vascular orbital congestion. (Courtesy of David
Peace, medical illustrator.)

Figure 16 A 67-year-old man with left eye conjunctival injection, chemosis, ptosis, and glaucoma. Final diagnosis—dural carotid-
cavernous sinus fistula. (A) External photograph shows ‘‘arterialization’’ of the conjunctival vessels. (B) Cerebral angiogram shows left
internal carotid injection, early phase. Arrowhead is pointing to internal carotid artery. Arrow indicates filling of the cavernous sinus. (C)
Cerebral angiogram shows left internal carotid injection, late phase. Arrows indicate dilated superior ophthalmic vein.

carotid arteries).85 Types B, C, and D are also known as CCSF. Dural CCSFs can spontaneously close in 20 to
indirect, low-flow, or dural CCSFs. Type A, or direct 50% of patients.88 Most CCSFs can be closed by
CCSF, is the most common type, occurring in nearly endovascular embolization therapy.90
90% of cases.86
The clinical manifestations of CCSF depend on
the type, flow, duration, and venous drainage pattern of CONCLUSION

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the fistula. Direct (type A) CCSFs often present within The orbital syndromes are composed of a diverse group
several days of the initial injury. In contrast, indirect and of diseases that can be both diagnostic and therapeutic
dural CCSFs present with progressive symptoms that challenges. Familiarity with the orbital anatomy and the
may begin with a red eye and subtle orbital congestion spectrum of orbital diseases is important in the clinical
findings that, if not specifically examined for, may be recognition of orbital syndromes. Thyroid-associated
overlooked. Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula is an impor- orbitopathy is the most common orbital syndrome.
tant diagnostic entity to consider when evaluating a NSOI is a diagnosis of exclusion that requires a trial of
patient with a chronic red eye that does not respond to systemic corticosteroids. Perineural orbital invasion of
topical antibacterial or antiallergic medications.87 cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma should be considered
Ophthalmic signs and symptoms are the most in all patients with a history of cutaneous squamous cell
frequent clinical manifestations of CCSF and are the carcinoma of the head and face with sensory and motor
result of vascular congestion. The clinical manifestations findings. Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis is a life-
are more severe in direct CCSFs than indirect CCSFs.88 threatening infection often seen in patients with diabetes
Clinical findings include pulsatile proptosis; head, ocu- mellitus in ketoacidosis. A chronic red eye can be the
lar, or facial pain; chemosis; periorbital edema; and manifestation of a carotid-cavernous sinus fistula.
conjunctival injection. Detailed inspection of the red
eye in a patient with CCSF will reveal ‘‘arterialization’’ of
the conjunctival blood vessels (Fig. 16). The presence of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
an orbital bruit, to either the examiner or the patient, is This article is greatly enhanced by the work of two of the
very often present in type A CCSFs. Double vision is most talented medical illustrators in the business: Dave
very common in patients with CCSFs, and can occur Peace, M.S., University of Florida Brain Institute,
from either an ocular motor cranial neuropathy (often a Gainesville, FL; and John Richardson, Malcolm Randall
sixth nerve palsy) or extraocular muscle restriction from Veterans Administration Medical Center, Gainesville,
orbital congestion.88 Glaucoma can occur in up to 50% FL; and by the excellent editorial support of Mabel
of patients, often due to raised episcleral venous pres- Wilson. The author would also like to thank all his
sure.86 Visual loss can occur because of retinal or optic patients who so graciously consented to allow their
nerve dysfunction. Sudden worsening of the eye findings images to be published.
in some patients is the result of thrombosis of the
superior ophthalmic vein.89 Nonocular manifestations
of CCSF include epistaxis, intracerebral hemorrhage, REFERENCES
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