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Bureau of Animal Industry


User’s Manual for Electronic LTO Registration

For Client

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Table of Contents
Section 1 - Introduction………………………………………..………………………………….……………………….2
System Requirements…………………………………………………………………………..……….…2

Section 2 - Getting Started…………………………………………………………………………………….………....3

Step 1: Account Info ……………...………………...……………………………………………....….…4
Step 2: Company Info …………………………………………………………….……………………....4
Step 3: Attachment .................................................................................................................5
Step 4: Email Notification for the Activated Account ..................................................5

Section 3 - Preparing for the LTO Registration Online ………………………………………………… ...6

Step1: Select the Application Type……………...………………...……………………………..…7
Step 2: Information ………………………………………………………………………………………...8
Step 3: Attachment ........................................................................................................... .....9
Step 4: Schedule of Fees .........................................................................................................9
Step 5: Receipt of the Information ......................................................................................9
Step 6: Checking the status once the application has been submitted.................10

Section 4 - Monitoring of the Status…………………………………………………………………….……….…11

Status 1: Submitted ...............................................................................................................11
Status 2: Scheduled ...............................................................................................................11
Status 3: Scheduled (For Compliance) ............................................................................12
Status 4: Inspected.................................................................................................................13
Status 5: Endorsed ………………………………………………………………………………………...13
Status 6: Approved ................................................................................................................13
Status 7: Rejected ………………………………………………………………….………………….......14
Status 8: Change in Circumstances ………………………………………………………….….....14
Amend/Change the Details ................................................................................................15
Status in Change in Circumstances...................................................................................15

Section 5 - Printing of LTO Registration.............................................................................................16

LTO Registration Print Out................................................................................................17

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Section 1 – Introduction
InterCommerce developed an electronic application of License to Operate (LTO), Certificate of
Product Registration (CPR) and Certificate of Feed Product Registration (CFPR), and will be part
of the addendum to the Deed of Donation of the software license to the DA Trade System for the
electronic application and processing of the SPS Import Clearance (SPS IC) and e-Request for
Inspection (eRFI) for approval by the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), the Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI); the Veterinary
Quarantine and Meat Inspection Laboratory Certificate (VQMILC) issued by the Bureau of
Animal Industry and the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), and the Minimum Access
Volume (MAV) Allocation and MAV Import Certificate (MAVIC) to qualified importers as issued
by the DA MAV Secretariat, and the pilot implementation of the receipt of the electronic SPS

The BAI Registration Trade System is designed as a new system interfaced with DA Trade
System, to enable the importer to apply for the registration of License to Operate, review and
inspection of BAI Animal Feeds Veterinary Drugs and Biologics Control (AFVDBC) Officer at the
Warehouse, approval and issuance of License to Operate Certificate. The BAI Registration Trade
System will also provide an application for the registration of products by the importer

System Requirement
- Computer with stable internet access (1024x768 recommended screen resolution)
- Microsoft edge; Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher; Google Chrome; Safari
- Microsoft Excel (For reports)
- Microsoft compatible printer / PDF compatible printer

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Section 2: Getting Started

Online Registration

a. To register an account, go to

b. Click the Sign Up button

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Step 1: Account Info - Indicate the desired Username, Password and Confirm Password then
click the Next Button

Step 2: Company Info – Indicate the Company information the click Next Button

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Step 3: Attachment - attach the following documents. Maximum of 5mb, either JPEG or PDF
 INS Enrollment Form
 Information Services Agreement
 BIR 2303

Click Finish Button once done attachment of documents

Success in Creating the Account. Kindly wait for the activation of the account.

Step 4: Email Notification for the Activated Account- You will receive an email notification
once the account has been activated.

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Section 3: Preparing for the LTO Registration Online
Login your account to

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Step 1: You may choose in which of below division you will apply for the License to
 Feeds
 Biological

These are the conditions of this page

1. You CAN’T apply if there is an already existing application, however if the said application has
been tagged with any of the following status, then you may apply for new/renewal.
 Rejected
 Expired

2. You cannot print unless it is “Approved”

3. If it’s rejected/expired you can re-apply by “create from existing application (copying the
Rejected or expired application in a new form)

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Step 2: Information – Fill up the necessary Information the click the Next button

New – If you are a new Client

Renewal – If you are applying for a renewal then indicate the LTO Number previously issued
by BAI.

Change in Circumstances – If the application has an approved status and there has an
amendment in the details. Indicate the LTO Number and attached the current LTO certificate

Save the application

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Step 3: Attachment – Attach the necessary documents then click Next button

Step 4: Schedule of Fees –Viewing of the schedule of fees then click the “Finish” button

Step 5: Receipt Information - Fill up the official receipt information then attached the copy of
your official receipt the click Next Button.

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Step 6: Checking the status once the application has been submitted – the status of your
application should be “Submitted”. It means that the application is with the BAI Officers for

You can click the view button to check the details of you application.

This will be the preview of the application once you click the View

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Section 4: Monitoring of status
Every status of your application has an email notification. You can monitor the status of your
application through email or through your account.

Status 1: Submitted - if the application is sent for processing.

Status 2: Scheduled – if your application has an assigned Inspector for site inspection

Aside from the monitoring of the status in your account, you will be receiving an email
notification indicating the date of Inspection and the assigned inspector .

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Status 3: Scheduled (For Compliance) – if you have incomplete document requirements. You
can click the View button to attach the required documents by the BAI. Please indicate the
Remarks the click the Submit Button.

You will be receiving email notification if your LTO registration application has a “Request for
Compliance” or incomplete information in your application.

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Status 4: Inspected – If your application has been reviewed and Inspected by the BAI Inspector

Status 5: Endorsed – Once the BAI Chief has conducted the review of your application and submit
for the approval of the BAI Director.

Status 6: Approved – Once the BAI Director has conducted the final review and approve of the

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You will be receiving an email notification indicating that your LTO Registration has been

Status 7: Rejected – If your application does not comply with the procedure set by BAI.

Status 8: Change in Circumstances – If there is an amendment in your approved application

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Amend/Change the Details – Attached the current LTO Certificate and change the details that

Status in Change in Circumstances– Monitor if the Change in Circumstances application has

been approve by the BAI.

The Change in Circumstances application generates the new Application Number. You can
monitor your application until the status is “Approve”

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You will be receiving another email notification if the status of “Change in Circumstances”
application has been approved.

Section 5: Printing of LTO Registration Certificate

Click the Print Button to view and Print the LTO Registration Certificate. Please take note that
the LTO Registration certificate will be limited to one time printing only.

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LTO Registration Print Out

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