Admin Memo No. 2020-005 - Enhanced COA MSP

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: Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT ADMINISTRATION SECTOR ‘Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR : ALL OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES This Commission SUBJECT : Enhanced COA Merit Selection Plan (MSP) In line with the implementation of the 2018 Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions and to facilitate the processing of recruitment and promotion in the Commission, we are disseminating a copy of COA Resolution No. 2018-023 dated April 19, 2018 on the Enhanced COA Merit Selection Plan (MSP) as approved by the Civil Service Commission on December 16, 2019. Please be informed that the Implementing Guidelines on Recruitment and Promotion in line with the approved COA MSP will be issued once approved by the COA Chairperson. Thank you. ADELINA CONCEPCION L. ANCAJAS Assistant Commissioner Republico the Philppines Civil Service Commission National Capital Region December 18, 2019 CHAIRPERSON MICHAEL G. AGUINALDO Commission on Audit Commonwealth, Quezon City Dear Chairperson Aguinaldo: This refers to the proposed Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of the Commission on Udit (COA), which was resubmitied to this Office, for appropriate action Evaluation of the proposed COA MSP shows its compliance with CSC Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2017 and CSC Resolution No. 1800692" dated July 3, 2018 (circularized through CSC MC No. 14, s. 2018). Thus, the same is hereby APPROVED, We look forward to the successful implementation of the COA MSP. Very truly yours, 4 JUDITH IGALLO-CHICANO Director es: _Diractor Dick N. Eehavez (SC Field Offce-COA cescnorpsedamp Bawat Kaweri, Lingkod Bayani ‘Pe 5 KaiayeSC BG) Bote is Gian iy WaT) 7B To Ta -TEGTSECRGOOR Saamracao ee Republic cf the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commonwealth Avenue, Queson City, Philippines RESOLUTION No. Date Subject: Enhanced Commission on Audit (COA) Merit Selection Pian (MSP) WHEREAS, the Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292) dated July 25, 1987 and the Philippine Civil Service Law (Presidential Decree No. 807) dated October 6, 1975 provide for the establishment of a Merit Promotion Plan (MPP) in all government agencies; WHEREAS, COA adopted the MPP under COA Resolution No. 1996-303 dated April 16, 1996, which was subsequently amended and renamed as the COA Merit Selection Plan (MSP) under COA Resolution No. 2004-009 dated December 28, 2004, to ensure that selection for the recruitment and promotion of employees and officials is based on merit and fitness; WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission (CSC), being the government's central personnel agency, promulgated CSC Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 24, series of 2017 on August 24, 2017, adopting the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointment and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA), prescribing the revised policies on appointments and other human resource actions; WHEREAS, Section 143, Rule XIV (Transitory Provisions) of CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 requires all agencies to submit to CSC, for approval, their revised agency MSP in accordance with the 2017 ORAOHRA within six months from its effectivity; WHEREAS, Section 12, Rule VI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 and CSC MC No. 3, s. 2001 on the Revised Policies on MPP, provide the inclusion of a System of Ranking of Positions (SRP) in the development of the MPP; WHEREAS, the SRP which shall be submitted to the CSC Regional/Field Offices, shall be used as one of the bases in determining the observance of the policy on the three-salary grade limitation on promotion as provided under Section 101, Rule IX (Agency Merit Selection Plan and Human Resource and Merit Promotion and Selection Board) of the 2017 ORAOHRA; AAC orseneas, there is a need also to update the existing COA SRP in view of the conVersion of positions performing non-technical functions to administrative position titles pursuant to Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Budget Circular No. 2004-3 dated March 6, 2004, and newly-created positions under the proposed Revised Plantilla of Positions of COA. N NOW, THEREFORE, this Commission RESOLVES, AS IT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, to adopt an Enhanced COA MSP in accordance with the 2017 ORAOHRA, which aims to: . 1, Establish a recruitment and promotion system based on merit and fitness; 2. Maintain objectivity and consistency in the application of policies relative to the selection of candidates for promotion and recruitment, regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation; 3. Create equal opportunities for human resource development and career mobility to all employees in the Commission; and 4, Provide bases in the preparation, submission, and actions to be taken on appointments. RESOLVED FURTHER, THAT a revised SRP shall be part of the Enhanced COA Msp; RESOLVED FINALLY, THAT the COA Chairperson is hereby authorized to issue the necessary implementing guidelines upon approval of this Resolution. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Approved this_I9th day of April __, 2018 at Quezon City, Philippines. img “852 ‘CommYsioner _ Republic of the Philippines i COMMISSION ON AUDIT Conmonivealth Agenue, Quezon City, Philippines ENHANCED COMMISSION ON AUDIT (COA) MERIT SELECTION PLAN (MSP) 1. LEGAL BASIS/AUTHORITY ‘The ‘erut'ment and promotion processes shall be guided by and shall strictly comply with the applicable provisions of the following 1. The Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292 ) dated July 25, 1987 which was made effective Noveinier 2+, 1989 by Proclamation No. 495 of the Office Of the President of even date to ensure and promote the Constitutional mandate that appointments in the Civil Service shail be made according to merit and fitness; Provisions of Section 32, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 which directs all government agencies to establish Merit Promotion Plans (MPP); Section 23 (Professionalization of audit service) of Presidential Decree No. 1445 (Ordaining and Instituting a Govemmment Auclting Code of the Philippines) approved or June 11, 1978, providing that the Cor:mnission shall develop and adopt for its officials and employees a comprehensive and continuing manpower and development program; The Special Provisions of the General Appropriations Act for FY 2018 authorizing COA to formulate and implement its organizational structure and make adjustments in the personnel services itemization, including the creation of new positions; Republic Act (RA) No, 7041 (Publication Law; An Act Requiring Regular Publication of Existing Vacant Positions in Goverament Offices, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes), approved on June 5, 1991, to Promote efficiency in the allocation of personnel in the civ'l service, as well as transparency and equal Opportunities in the recruitment ane hiving of new personnel; Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 1701009 dated June 16, 2017, sircularized by CSC Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 24, series of 2017 on August 24, 2017, adopting and promulgating the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA) to govern the preparation, submis: and actions to be taken on appointments and other human resource actions. all COA Resolution No. 2004-009 dated December 28, 2004, revising the COA MPP and renaming it COA MSP. ‘The following are also considered in this enhanced COA MSP: 1 Section 14, Article II of the 1987 Constitution, declaring the State policy that recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and ensuring the fundamental ‘equality before the law of women and men; Page | of 17 (a Sustainable Development Goals ‘SDG3) adopted by the United Nations Development Programme: >. SDG No. 8: Promote Sustained, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employmeni, and Desent Won for All ~ Achieving full and productive employment and decsat work for all women and men, including for Young People and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for wee of equal valuc. IL, BASIC POLICIES 1 The COA MSP shall serve as the basis for the objective, efficient, responsive and expeditious selection of candidates for recruitment, promotion, and other human resource actions in the Commission, It setves as the primary policy tool for the assessment of qualifications of candidates Ill. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE 1 2i ‘The COA MSP aims to: % Establish a system that is characterized by strict observance of merit, competence, fitness, and equitable principles in the selection of employees for #ppointment to positions in the career service: and be Ereate equal employment opporsnitics 10 all who are qualified to enter government service and provide career advancement regardless of age, sex, semua Orientation, gender identi, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or Political affiliation, The Enhanced COA MSP shall cover all Positions classified under the First and Second Levels, including non-career positions, as may be applicable. Page2 0f17 IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1 appointments, Board refers to the Selection’ and Promotions Board (SPB)/Regional Selection and Promotions Board (RSPB), Executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level cover all positions with Salary Grades 26 and above. These include State Auditor V, Attomey VI, Director I, Director IL, Director IV, Assistant Commissioners, and other positions of equivalent rank. First Level Positions include clerical, trades and crafts, and custodial service positions which involve non-professional or sub-professional work tee non-supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less than four years of collegiate studies, Human Resource Action refers to eay action denoting the movement or progress of human resource in the civil service. sch as eriginal appointment, promotion, transfer, reemployment, reappointment, remsiatement, renewal, change of status, demotion, Sperading/reclassification, reassignment, detail, secondment, jot rotation, and separation requirements for promotion. Merit Selection refers to the systematic method of determining the merit and fitness of respontbih eee gs of Gualifications and ability to perforin the duces and ‘esponsibilites of the positions. (CSC MC No. 3, s. 2001), Next-in-Rank Position refers to a position which by reason of the hierarchical higher position Bastions is determined to be in the nearest degree of relationshiy ws 4 higher position taking into account the following: a. Approved organizational structure/s; b. Salary Grade allocation; Classification and/or functional relationship of Positions, Functional relationship refers to the cor:elation between the position to be filled and the Position to be considered ncxt-in-rank, taking into consideration the duties and responsibilities of both positiors; and Page 3 oF 17 C, re acin-rank positions in the First and Second Levels, first priority shall be given ipahe Particular Office where the positins ne If there is no such next-in-rank at the Office concerned, cctey: ‘nination of the ‘Next-in-rank Positions shall be done at the Sector. 10. Non-Career Service pertains io penee us SxPressly declared by law to be in the non- Career service; or those whose =nt-ance in the service is characterized by (a) entrance on bases other than those of sie ys, eal examinations of merit and fitness utiles for the career Service; and (b) tenure which is limited to a Period specified by law, or which is coterminous with that of tk appointing authority or subject to his/her pleasure, critich is limited tothe duration ofa rents Project for which purpose recruitmen, was made. 11. Non-Supervisory Positions in the Second Level include professional, technical, and scientific positions performing work a1 puting the practice of profession or applinaans of knowledge acquired through formal training in a pattcular field or the exercise of pot Creative, and artistic ability or talons in arts and letters. Also included are Positions involved in research and applicaticn ot professional knowledge and methods (0 avarlety of technological, economic, industrial, and governmental functions 12. Plantilla of Positions refers to the Staffing pattern and list of positions of COA Offices based primarily on the workload requirements, increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase in salary, 4. Psycho-Social Attributes refer to the haracteristcs or traits ofa person which involve Poth psychological and social aspects; these include the way he/she perceives things, iceas, beliefS and understanding. ané how helene ‘acts and relates these things to others and in social situations 15. Qualification Standards is a Statement of the minimum qualifications for a position which shall include education, experience, ‘raining, and civil service eligibility required in the performance of the job. 16, Qualified Next-in-Rank refers to an employee appointed to a posi 17, '8. Scholarship refers to any study or nom study grants, fellowship or trainings, availed of by the employee on official time, sponsoset by COA solely or in cooperation or coordination with other agencies, such as the following: Faas tory, CSC Local Scholarship Program (J,SP); Scholarship for Bar/CPA review and examination; Master in National Security Adn: aistration (MNSA); and, Foreign Scholarship contracted through the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), eoop 19. Second Level Positions include professional, technical, and scientific positions which involve professional, technical, and scientific work ina hon-supervisory or supervisory apecity, requiring atleast four years of college studies up to Division Chief level or its equivalent. 20. Short List isa ranking list of candisates for promotion consisting of employees whose ranks correspond to the number of vacancies plus five, technical, and scientific Positions which have the of an organizational unit charged with a major and specialized activity. For this Purpose, a supervisor shall be one who plans, uta sagelegates tasks, and evaluates performance of employees, monitors rave ensues! maintains morale and discipline among employees; develops coopersvon ong crpansatons coordinated workforce; and coordinates and cooperates with other organizational units within the Commission Superior Qualifications refer to outstanding relevant work experience, specialized cademic preparation, ot training appropriate for the position te be filled I shall and comitment in terms of quality and time, echnical knowledge and skill ingenuity, , The facts constituting the grounds for the protest; and ©. The data on comparative qualifications of both the protestant and the protestee showing: education, training, experience, outstanding accomplishments, civil service eligibility, latest p-rfovraance rating, and updated personal data sheets. 3. A timeline shall be observed in the resolution of the appeal and/or protest. Final disposition of appeals and protest shall be upon the discretion of the appointing authority. Page 160617 py XL XU. XI. REPEALING CLAUSE. COA Resolution No, 2004-009 aie Dice amber 28, 2004 and all previous issuances of this Commission or part thereof that are inconsistent herewith are hereby deemed repealed or modified accordingly. EFFECTIVITY ch anhanced COA MSP shall ake effect upon its approval by the CSC, Any subsequent changes in, or amendments to this MSP shall be subject to the CSC approval and shall take effect on the date of the approval COMMITMENT The Chainperson/Head of Agency hereby commits to implement and abide by the Pete pn ofthis Enhanced COA MSP. It is understood that this Enhanced COA MSE shell be the basis for expeditious approval of appointments, G. AGUINALDO. Chairperson J a an In A Page 17 oF 17 ‘SYSTEM OF RANKING OF POSITIONS (HIERARCHICAL ARRANGEMENT) POSITION TO BE FILLED. POSITION NEXT AN RANK POSITION THTLE 56 (OFFICE/SECTOR/REGION POSITION 5 Assistant Commissioner 29_|ausectors lowectoriv_ 2 Director 20 |cHo loirector¥ 20 Director 28 | sxecutive ofces: L6s OAC lorector a a lal Offices under the Sectors except OAC [COA Regional Offices Director 27 |sxecuuve offices; Operating Sectors suave Auditor V 26 (OAC); Support Sectors except for JAttorney vt 26 Joacand comsec Director 1 26 [COA Regional Offices Director 26 |ASPEMS, PIDs, sTSS, sss Boord Secretary Vi 2s ICOA Regional Offices chief Adm. Officer 4 Training Specialise ¥ 2 lchir Accountant a Information Technology offer i! | 24 state autor 2% |aoard Secretary V 2 2 state Aualtor V 26 [Executive omces; Operating Sectors; state auditor 2 JGas; CPASSSS except OAC and CAO CAs; lAtorney ¥ 25 LSS except OAC; SSS except FAO: Board Secretory VI 2s PIDS (QAO), STSS (SCO) hier Administrative Officer ao ICO Regional Oces Board Secretary V 2 Information Technology Offer! — | 24 chief Accountant 2 attorney Vi 26 Executive Ofces:LGS (OAC); $85 (FAO) [attorney V 25 IEPASSSS except OAC and COMSEC;, Board Secretary VI 25 LSS except OAC: [sate auditor 17 a COA Regional tices [Chie Aaministrasive fer 2 toard Seerecary V 2 |Special Investigator V 26 laworney V 25 executive orces LSS; CPASSSS except [atcrney 1¥ 2 |COMSEC; CoS except OAC and C5; [sate auditor 4 NGS except OAC; S55 excopt PAO; Chie Administroive Officer m 'STSS (150) [special Investigator V * |COA Regional Offices Board Secretary V 2 oard Secretary VI 25 |cPassss (comsec) Board Secrecary V Pa erie Administrative Officer ea Special Investigator V 2 Director 2s |cHo Board secretary ¥ a hier Administracve officer a |Special Investigator V Pr [tate Auditor It 2 [Attorney 1V 2B ccouncanc 1 2 state Auditor Iv 24 |Bxecutive Omces; Operating Sectors; SS; [sete Auditor 1 2 |GAs except OAC; PIDS (QAO); STSS (TTAO lActaney IV 2 lana sc30) [supervising Administrative Officer | 22 ICOA Regional oces [special investgator 1 2 {accountane iV 2 2 Page Lf Board Secretary W 5 POSTION TO BE FILLED POSITION NEXTAN RANK PosmmiONTIME ——|_SG (OFFICE/SECTOR/REGION POSITION 56 chit Accountant 24 | Pas (Accounting Ofics) lAccouncane1¥ 2 [state autor tt 22 Supervising Adm. Officer 22 (Chir Administrative oficer | 24 [Executive Offices; AS; PFMS; GAS (OAC); edteal Officer a Pubs (OACand PRIDO); 58S (S40); supervising Administrative officer | 22 TSS (OAC and ITAO) Training Speciast1V 2 (COA Regional offices Board Secretary 17 2 information Technology Officer It 2 {special Investigator WV 2 Information Technology Officer} 24. |STSS except OAC AND TSO information Technology 1 2 [COA Regional Oces [supervising Administrative Officer | 22 Special Investigator V 24 |cwto; cPassss (CAO L6S and CAO cas); special nvestgator IV 2 [COA Regional Office No. XIt supervising Administrative officer | 22 seats Auditor Ht 2 Board Secretory IV 2 Training Specialise V 24 [pips exceptoac Training Specialise V 2 [Supervising Administrative officer | 22 [Board Secretary V 24 |cpassss (conse) \Board Secretary 1V 2 |Special Investigator 1V 2 ervising Administrative officer | 22 |chier Technica Audit Specialist | 24 {sts crs0) |supug. Tech Audit pec. 2 [Al COA Regional Offices [Engineer IV 2 Information Technology HL 2. [attorney 1 23, |Bxecutive Offices; CPASSSS; LS; lent postion for Lawyers/ [ccs and Ns except OAC; SSS except lemployees who pasted the BAR, pao. regardless of salary grade COA Rogional offices Exempted from threesalary grade {imitation per Item (6) of CSCMCI4 = 2016) [Medica officer 1v 23 |as gino) |Entry position for Doctor of Medicine Dense 23_|as gino) ents ih 2 state Auditor It 22 | xecutive Ofices: CGS: NGS; S85; {see Avatar tt 1» GAS except OAC; LGS (OAC) PIDS (QAO), board Secretary i 20 TSS (FTAO and SCSO) |Special investigator tt 8 ICOA Regional Ofces laccounane i! 9 sministracive Officer V 13. Specia Investigator 22, |cHo; CPASSS except COMSEC and OAC; special Investigator Hit 1 ISS excopt OAC; SSS (FAO) stave Autor I ~ COA Regional Offices except COA CAR [Adimmisracive optoer ¥ 8 land COA ROL Accountant 1V 22 as (aRMoy; PFMS (Accounting Office) [Accountant 1. [COA Regional Offices stare Auditor th 2 lAdminieraive Offer ¥ we Information Technology It 22 | cH (internal Audit offen); SSS (PAD) information Technology I 1 ISTSS except OAC and TSO information Systoms Analyst I » [COA Regional Offices ‘Training Specialise 22 |PIDSexcept onc Troining Specialist it 1 | [ca nepional orice except COA ROS. Adminitrative Officer V 16 Page 2of 6 Tae POSITION TO BE FILLED POSITION NEXT AN-RANIC POSITION TFTLE 56 (OFFICE/SECTOR/REGION POSITION, 86 Supervising Administrative 22, {Executive Offices; ADM; GAS; PFMS; PDS; |Adminiseraive Officer ¥ 18 cer ICGS; NGS except OACand CL 3: LGS and HPraning Specialist 18 JCPASSSS except OAC and CAO LS; LSS [sete ucitor tt 19 [LA0}; S85 (SAO and PAO); STSS except TS0 |Special nvestigator it 8 ICOA Regional Offices Board Secretary 1V 22 |cPassss (comsec) Boord Secretory Ih 20 state Autor 1 B |Adminisrative Officer ¥ 8 cal Investigator ti 18 Engineer 22 |as oso) Engineer it 19 Supervising Technical aude — | 22 comm.ran sr: Tech ue Specialise wb Specialise Istss (rso) JEngineer it » [COA Regional offices Jarchitece » information Technology | 13 Dense UL 20_|as pummoy Denese wv Boar Secretary I 20 |crassss(comsec) Board Secretary It ” |seae Auditor it 9 [Adminisracive ofcer 8 cial Investigator I 1s state Auditor 19 Jotio; ccs; nas; 585; Los and cas seate auditor 1 16 except OAc; PIDS (QAO); ITAO and [Board Secretary If v scso (stss) |Adminiseratve Officer 8 [COA Regional Ofices {sccountane 8 information Technology 19 |aAs except onc; STss except OAC [Administrative Offer V 18 [COA Regional otices [Computer Maintenance Tech It v information Systems Analyse 16 information System Analyst in | 19 [stss (rr0) information Sytem Analyst 16 [Adminiserative Officer V 18 [Computer Maintenance Tech II a Senior Technica Audit 19 |stss crso) TechaudieSpecatise it 16 specialist, JAIICOA Regional Omices Engineer 1 16 Larchitece it 16 Engineer I 18 |as(asoy lengincer It 6 |Advniseracive Officer V 18 lArehitec 19 |as (630) larchitece 16 \dminiseratve Officer V 12 Special Investigator 18 [cPASsss and LSS except OAC; FAO (S55) |Special Investigator it 1s (COA Regional Offices except COACAR [state auditor 16 land.coa Rot [Administrative Ofcer V 1s (Board Secretary It v [Accountant lt 19 |prmts (Accounting omnce) {Accountant i 16 [as (HRMO-PvvAa) |seae auditor 1 16 [COA Regional Ofices [Training Specialise 10 |i0s except oac Training Specialise 18 [COA Regional Ofices Ldminiserotve Officer IV 15 Pagesct6. [COA Regional Ofices \dministratve Officer I ae POSITION TO BE FILLED POSITION NERT-IN-RANK POSIMIONTILE | sa (OFFICE /SECTOR/REGION POSITION 56 Administrative oficer V 18 |ctio; as; Pras; ceassss and LSS (OAC); [Administrative Officer WY 1s PIDs (OAC and PRIDO}: SSS except PAO; ISoard Secretary It 7 ISTSS (OACand TS0) \Compueer Maintenance Tech I v ICOA Regional offices tnformarion sytem Analyse 11 16 Engineer 1 16 lArehitece 11 16 special Investigator 1 6 Training Specialise 1 15 Medical Technologist 1 18 [as (Hemoy | Medco! Technologist 1s lAdministrative Officer WV 15 [Computer Maintenance Tech.tIt| 17. |cHO; GAS (ASDOSO); STSS except Computer Maincenonce Tech 11 1s loacand Tso Information System Analyse I 16 [Administrative Officer W 15 Dentist 17 Jas iRMo) Denese 4 [Administrative Officer 17 15 Board secretary 17 |cpassss (conse) [Administrative Opicer 15 [special Investigator It 15 Nurse mt 17 Jas HRMo) nurse st 1s {Adminisrarve Opicerv 1s. state auditor 16 cto; cas; cas; Nes; PIDs (aR0); [state Auating Examiner 13 58s except OAC; STSS (ITAO and SSO) [Administrative Officer 1Y 15 [COA Regional Oitices Special Investigator 1 1s Information System Analyst | 16. Gas (ASDOSO ) STSS(ITAO and 1T0) information system Analyst a [Computer Maintenance Tach It 15 Administrative Officer 15 JAccountant it 16 | Prms (Accounting ofice) |Accouncane 2 [COA Region I [Administrative Opicer 1 1s stare Auditing Examiner 13 Engineer I 16 [As (650) lEngincer1 2 Technical uate Specotse re idministrative Officer 1V 18 Architect 16 [as (cso) larehitece 1 B [Administrative Ofcer WY is [Technical Audtpeciattt) | 16 frs0 under stss Heck. uae Speciale 1 B [ALCOA Regional Offices Special Investigator t 15_|cOa Repional ofces except COA CAR, Specia!Investigator 1 a RO Land ROS echnical Audie Speciatiee 1 B [state uaiing Examiner ib 2B inistratve Office I! a Computer Maintenance 15 |As a0}: STSS except OAC and 70 |compueer Maineenance Tech u rec. ICOA Regional Ofices information system Analyse 7 LAdminisratve Officer I i [Training Specialist 1 15 |rips except oac raining Specialise "1 Pagea ots POSITION TO BEFILLED POSITION NEXT-IN-RANK POSITION TFTLE SG (OFFICE /SECTOR/REGION POSITION $6 administrative Officer TV 15. | Executive ees; CGS; NGS; STSS; AS, [Adminiscratve officer a cas, Lss.PrMs, Pips except OAC; lnformation System Analyst 1 B [ceassss (CAO Nes and CCS); larehitece R S88 (OACand PAO) Engineer 2 ICOA Regional Offices raining Speciatiser u |Special Investigator 1 u [Computer Maintenance Tech i Medical Technologist 15 [ascHRMo) | Medical Technologist 1 n Ldminiseratve Ofcer rn Nurse 15 {as cHRMo) entry pasion (COA Regional Offices except COA ROS Pharmaciet I 15_|As(HRM0) entry position Dentist 14_[AS(HRMO) Ener position State Auditing Examiner 13 |ctio; cas; cas, Nes and s55 except ener posiion ‘OAC; STSS (ITAO and ScS0) Accountant 1 (for promo} 2 [COA Regional Otices Engineer t 13_|as (650) Entry position (Technical Aut Specialist! 13 [30 understss Engineer! 2 COA Regional Offices Larchitece 2 laccountant 12_|prMs (Accounting ffce) nr» position tnformation System Analyst | 12 |stss 1TAOand1T0) lene position [computer Frogrammer (or promo) | 17 Administrative Ofcer I (for promo) | 11 [Administrative Asst. (forpromo) | 9 larchitect 12_]cs0 under apm ney position Spectat nvestigator 1 11 |cOA Regional offices except COA CAR [Administrative Asst ° and COA ROI |computer Programmer 11_|stss pro) |cministrotve Asst.) 9 |Computer Maintenance 11 |casand sTSs except OAC and TS0 [Adminisrative Asse. 11 ° Technologist [COA Regional Oces Training Specialist 11 {pos exceproac |Administrative ass. ° [COA Regional Officos Medical Technologist a1_|as HRM) ney position Administrative Officer IL 11. [Executive Offices; AS, GAS; LSS; PEMS; [Administrative Asst. 5 |CPASSSS except COMSEC: NGS (OAC, 3 & 7); PIDS (PRIDO); SSS (AC and SAO; STSS (OAC) (COA Regional Offices Administrative Asst. I 9 |cHo; ab, cas, PEMS except OAC; |Adminisracve Aide VI 6 |crAssss (OAC and COMSEC); LSS (OAC), INGS except NGS 3; PIDS except QAO; S85 (OAC); STSS except T50 [COA Regional ortices Pagesof z POSITION TO BEFILLED ‘POSITION NEXT:IN-RANK POSITION TITLE 5 OFFICE /SECTOR/REGION POSITION, 36 [Administrative Asst. 8 |ctio; as cso) [Administrative Aide VI 6 [COA Regional Ofice No. & [Administrative Aide Vt 6 |Bxocutive Ofces; AS; CPASSSS; LSS; ney position PEMs, PIDs, ST35; SSS except PAD; [Administrative Aide V (for promo} 5 JoGs (OAC. l.3 and 5); GAS excopt [Administrative Aide 1V(forproma) — | |GA0; NGS except OAC and CL7 ICOA Regional Offices Day Care Worker 6 con anne |Adminisrative aide V 5 idministratve Aide 1 ‘ Adminisrative Aide V 5 |cHo; cso (as); comsec (crass); lAdministraive Aide 4 [COA ARMM, Administrative Ade IV |All ontces/Sectors except GAO (GAS); INGS CL 3nd 7; $85 (0A); STSS(OAC) lene positon Page Got

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