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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 10/26/2022

ACTIVITY TITLE: Term-End Assessment: Essay on One’s Existence


Part-1: Give your thoughts on how the course can help you in achieving your potential as a person and your
goals. (week-1 submission)
Student’s Answer:
I can benefit from the course by getting advice and guidance on a wide range of
activities that I can do to help myself and my loved ones. It can also aid in my realization of
several things, both physically and spiritually. I'm confident that this will help me think and
see the world from a wider perspective for the rest of my life and will enable me to treat
people with kindness and respect and become a better person overall.

I will be able to help those in need and better care for those around me when I learn the
lessons taught in NSTP. This will enable me to better serve my community and assist those
in need.

I hope that this will reignite and strengthen my morals and who I am as a person overall.
I hope I can improve my positive characteristics, this way I can love and see the world more

I hope by the end of the module I can be more of a service to the people around me and
be more aware of the things that are happening. I also hope to find ways to better protect
the environment and help it to flourish.

Part-2: Give your thoughts on the learnings you gained through this course and its relation to your life.
(week-9 submission)
Student’s Answer:
This course gave me an insight into what I can do for myself and my community. The
NSTP course shows me how to become a more active and helpful person in our society,
from helping, protecting, and preserving our environment, preventing and educating others
on what drugs can do, and remembering and applying our values as Filipino and showing
us a brief preview of the activities of the NSTP course. This course has helped me improve
my self-awareness and learn new skills that will be useful in the future.

The NSTP lessons contain different lessons and skills; the one I had the most fun with
and thought was interesting was the bandaging techniques. The bandaging techniques
were a fun activity, some hard and some easy. This skill will be beneficial in the future
when administering first aid to other people and myself. The other lessons remind us of
who we are and our values, increasing our self-awareness about ourselves and others
around us. Preparedness is seen throughout some studies, from being prepared for natural
disasters to being informed about a future lesson on NSTP to getting a clear view of what
to expect.
Document No.:
Effective Date:

Overall, the course educated and improved me altogether. I will implement these
lessons into my life, benefitting me and those around me and teaching others what I have
learned so they will spread the word and educate others. The course has been beneficial in
increasing a person's awareness and helping them prepare for the challenges to come in
the future, both physically and mentally.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Darimbang, Elijah Yvann D.


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