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Home News Publications Statistics Blogs Events Contact us


About us Our work Commissioning Get involved Coronavirus

We lead the NHS in England to deliver high quality services for all
If you are looking for information about health conditions and NHS services, and to book your COVID-19 vaccination, please visit

My Planned Care gives you advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery.

Potential NHS strikes

A number of NHS trade unions in England have voted to take industrial action, with strikes
currently scheduled for January.

Our industrial action briefing explains what the NHS is doing to ensure that patients are kept
as safe as possible and that services are maintained as effectively as possible.

Preparing for winter challenges

In anticipation of a challenging winter for the NHS and social care services, we have
announced additional measures to boost capacity, support staff and better care for patients
at home.

Our winter resilience plans include introducing extra hospital beds, more 111 and 999 call
handlers, rapid response teams for home falls and 24/7 “healthcare traffic control centres” to
oversee services across each area.

Coronavirus guidance for NHS colleagues

Find our latest guidance for NHS colleagues about COVID-19 and the NHS COVID-19
vaccination programme.

NHS Long Term Plan Health inequalities Elective recovery

Find out about the NHS Long Term Plan
improvement Taking the opportunity to capitalise on
and what it means for patients and the Tackling health inequalities and advancing current success and embed new ideas
public equality and diversity across the NHS

Workforce Mental health Integrated care

Making the NHS an employer of Improving outcomes and experiences of Giving people the support they need and
excellence by investing in our people people with mental health problems removing disjointed care

Urgent and emergency care Primary care Cancer

Ensuring patients get the right care Offering patients a wider choice of Making sure everyone with cancer receives
whenever they need it personalised health services care, support and treatment

Digital transformation My Planned Care NHS @home

Helping health and care professionals Advice for patients before a hospital Providing better connected, more
communicate better consultation, treatment, or surgery personalised care in homes and care

News and blogs

Patients encourage public to get flu jabs as Flu cases up almost half in a week as NHS answers near record
111 calls
hospital cases soar
6 January 2023
9 January 2023
Coronavirus Patient care Urgent and emergency care
Coronavirus Patient care Urgent and emergency care
Winter news and guidance
Winter news and guidance

NHS patients from around England have joined health chiefs in NHS England appoints leading clinicians to board
pleading with the public to get their flu vaccines after being
4 January 2023
hospitalised with the virus. It comes as the latest data shows there
were 5,500 patients in hospital with flu last week and more than About us Board meetings

9,000 patients with COVID. A woman from Buckinghamshire has

said […]

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