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Reading Chapter 2

Gkresia Nikolaidi
16th September, 2022

1) What is a visual convention?

It essentially constitutes an art form, incorporating the compositional principles and methods used
in the arrangement and organization of the components of a piece.

2) What constitutes an artwork's form?

Everything that makes up an art form, from the materials used to make it to the methods in
which the different basic elements are employed to produce the composition's form and
content, produces the actual work of art.

3) What is iconography?
It is the investigation or interpretation of images and symbols. Cultural norms, that stand
for ideas or views held by a particular group, are frequently transmitted from one
generation to the next. It is a group of symbolism and visual pictures that stand for anything
other than their literal meaning.

4) How does subject matter differ from content?

A work of art's subject matter is a representation of what it actually represents, this can be
all the way from the connotative all the way to its symbolics. An artwork's overall structure
can indeed be deceptive and usually contrasts with its subject matter. The form of non-
objective art is its central focus, yet each form could also be related to another, have a
different color from it, be compared to another form, or even be related to its background.

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