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Activity in class

Who invented powder, compass, astrolabe and sextant and what are they for?

– Historians think China may have been the first civilization to develop a magnetic compass
that could be used for navigation. Chinese scientists may have developed navigational
compasses as early as the 11th or 12th century. Western Europeans soon followed at the
end of the 12th century. A compass is a device that indicates direction. It is one of the
most important instruments for navigation.
– Gunpowder was invented in China sometime during the first millennium AD. And were used
for fireworks.
– Around 1730, an English mathematician, John Hadley (1682–1744), and an American
inventor, Thomas Godfrey (1704–1749), independently invented the sextant. The sextant
provided mariners with a more accurate means of determining the angle between the
horizon and the Sun, moon, or stars in order to calculate latitude.
– Astrolabes were primarily invented by the ancient Greeks in 225 BCE by Apollonius based
on the theories and the findings of Hipparchus. Astrolabes were used to calculate
distances between celestial bodies.

Constantinople with the trade between Europe and Asia? What importance did Constantinople
have with the trade etr Europe and Asia?
The importance of Constantinople was its strategic positions between Europe and Asia, since it
controlled the route between these two continents and the passage to the Black Sea.

How is related gun powder invention with the conquest of Contanstinople?

It is related to the conquest itself, since gunpowder was used for the weapons that worked with it
and the conquest of constantinople.

How did the fall of Constantinople in 1453 affect trade between Europe and Asia? How did the
fall of Constantinople in 1453 affect trade between Europe and Asia?
Loss of trade routes linking East and West. This fact promoted the need to find new routes by
sea, which indirectly promoted the discovery of America, and in Europe affected the Ottoman
presence in Europe that allowed its advance on the European southeast.

How is related the fall of Constantinople with the age of explorations, including the discovery of
América and how the different invents (compass, astrolabe and sextant) were used in these
As Constantinople Is Taken, The Trade And Cultural Link Between Asia And Europe Is Severed,
Starting A Shortage Of Many Necessary Goods. With this, it gives rise to the search for new
trade routes, thus causing the discovery of America and beginning the modern age. During the
discovery, instruments such as the compass were used, which consisted of a magnetized needle
that always pointed north and the same astrolabe that allowed the calculation of the height of the
stars, an important thing to be able to determine the geographic latitude.

What new economic policy was adopted with the age of explorations and What did this new
economic policy hold?
Congress in March 1921 introduced the measures of the New Economic Policy. These measures
included the return of most agriculture, Retail trade, and small-scale light industry to private
ownership and management while the state retained control of heavy industry, transport,
banking, and foreign trade.

What did the different explorations look for like the exploration of América and how is it related
with mercantilism
These sought to commodify in each exploration, such as the exploration of America, what they
sought was to colonize the land, make the Indians become Christians and commodify resources
as well as precious metals and monopolize trade between continents.

Integrants: Valentina Medina, Manuel Aspiazu, Mia Moncada, Paulo Nicola.

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