Handouts 1791

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Mocule 1t
o Order of operations or precedence rule used to unambiguously clarify which

procedure should be performed first in a given mathematical expression ✔


✔ E___________

✔ M___________

✔ D___________

✔ A___________

✔ S___________
o Solve
i. [(3.5 + 3 X 4)2 + 12÷250] X 0.08250 = ___________

B. Basic Algebra Review

o Find/Isolate X
i. A= bx + c

ii. 2x + 5 = 29

iii. x + 3 = 8

iv. x – 5 = 2

v. 2x + 5 = 35 – 4x
vi. 1/4x + 2/3=1

C. Proportional Calculations
o Solve
i. A suspension is 250mg/5mL. Calculate the amount needed to give a
dose of 400mg.

D. Dimensional Analysis
o Solve
i. A 36-lb child is to be given amoxicillin suspension. The dose is
13mg/kg and the strength of the suspension is 250mg/5mL. How
many mL should be given the child?

A. Introduction
o International Bureau of Weights and Measures
o SI (Systeme International) units
o Standard Measurement
i. Mass: ____________
ii. Length: __________
iii. Volume: _________
B. Metric System Prefixes

o Additional
i. 1m = _______ inch
ii. 1 inch = ______ cm
C. Apothecaries – Solid Measures

o Solve:

i. 8lb 🡪 ______ scruples

ii. 3500 gr 🡪 _____ounce

D. Apothecaries – Fluid Measures (Volume)

o Solve:

i. 12 quarts 🡪 ______ fluidram

ii. 8000 minims🡪 _____gallon

E. Avoirdupois System

F. Intersystem Conversion
o 1 grain (avoir) = ______ grain (apoth)
o 1 grain = _____ mg
o 1 g = _____ gr
o 1 kg = _____ lb (avoir)
o ______ mL = 1 pint
o ______ mL = 1 gallon

G. Common Household Units

o 1 teaspoonful = _____ mL

o 1 dessertspoonful = _____ mL
o 1 tablespoonsful = _____ mL
o 1 winesglassful = _____ mL
o 1 teacupful = _____ mL
o 1 tumblerful = _____ mL
o 1 glassful = _____ mL

H. Temperature Conversion
o Solve:
i. 35°F to °C

ii. 37°C to °F

iii. 60 °C to K


o Solve the following:

A. Parts of Prescription

B. Common Medical and Prescription Abbreviations

a. Frequency
b. Administration

C. Exercise
a. Interpret the following:
i. Disp. gr xi sulfur. m. et. ft. ung

ii. Tab. ss prn pain


b. Provide the abbreviations of the following:

i. Nothing by mouth - ___________
ii. Of each - ___________
iii. Left ear - ___________
iv. Every hour - ___________
v. When required/ as needed - ___________
c. Provide the meaning of the following:
i. ATC - ___________
ii. BID - ___________
iii. ac - ___________
iv. qs ad - ___________
v. DC - ___________

a. Interpret the following:
i. 1 tsp qid pc et hs

ii. 2 Amoxicillin 500 mg. cap STAT then 1 cap q8h x 7d

iii. M. et ft. ung. Disp. 10 g.

iv. 1 Cotrimoxazole (Bactrim) tab q6h ATC for UTI

v. Atenolol 50 mg. tab po tid ac et hs

vi. KCl 25 mEq. po 1-0-1 pc

vii. D5W + 15 mEq NaCl/L at 84 mL/h

viii. Apply ung. os ad lib.

A. Ratio and Proportion
a. Number of Doses in a Specified Amount of Medicine
i. If the dose of a drug is 150mg, how many doses are contained in 6g?

b. Quantity of ingredient in each specified dose, given quantity in total amount

i. If 0.05 g of a substance is used in preparing 200 tablets, how many
micrograms does one tablet contain?

c. Quantity of ingredient in each specified dose, given quantity in total amount

i. 1.8 g of fluconazole was used in compounding a 60mL suspension. If one
dose is one teaspoonful, how many mg are contained in one dose?

B. IV Fluids and Rate of Flow

i. A medication order for a patient weighing 154 lb calls for 0.25mg of
amphotericin B per kg body weight to be added to 500mL of 5% dextrose
injection. If the amphotericin B is to be obtained from a constituted
injection that contains 50mg/10mL, how many mL should be added to the
dextrose injection?

ii. A medication order for 100mL of D5W to be administered over an

8-hour period. Using an IV administration set that delivers 10
drops/mL, how many drops per minute should be delivered to the

i. A physician orders enalaprilat 2 mg IV push for a hypertensive
patient with a BP of 200/108. A pharmacist delivers several 1 mL
injections, each containing 1.25 mg of enalaprilat. How may
milliliters of the injection should be administered?

ii. Ten (10) milliliters of 10% calcium gluconate injection and 10 mL of

multivitamin infusion are mixed with 500 mL of a 5% dextrose
injection. The infusion is to be administered over 5 hours. If the
dropper in the venoclysis set calibrates 15 drops/mL, at what rate,
in drops per minute, should the flow be adjusted to administer the
infusion over the desired time interval?

A. Population (Pediatric)
o Neonates: ________________
o Infants: ________________
o Toddlers: ________________
o Preschoolers: ________________
o School-age________________
o Adolescence: ________________
B. Calculation Based on Age
o Young’s Rule

o Cowling’s Rule

o Fried’s Rule for Infants

C. Calculation Based on Weight
o Clark’s Rule

D. Calculation Based on Body Surface Area

o DuBois Formula (BSA Formula)


o Mosteller Formula (BSA Formula)

o Child Dose Formula
E. Calculation Body Mass Index (BMI)

o Formula:
o Weight Classification
F. Final Quiz:
o The 5 year-old patient weighs 35kg the height is 1.2m and the normal

adult dose is 350mg

i. Youngs

ii. Frieds

iii. Cowling

iv. Clarks v.


vi. BSA


A. Definition of Terms
a. ___________: mass per unit volume of substance (g/mL)
b. ___________: Ratio of a weight of a substance to a weight of equal
volume of standard
B. Sample Problems:
i. If 250 mL of alcohol weighs 203 g, what is its density?

ii. A pycnometer weighs 21.62 g. Filled with water, it weighs 46.71 g;

filled with another liquid, it weighs 43.28 g. Calculate the specific
gravity of the liquid.


A. Percentage Strength

o Percent weight-in-volume (%w/v)

i. How many g of dextrose are required to prepare 4000mL of a 5%

ii. What is the percentage strength (w/v) of a solution of urea, if

80mL contain 12 g?
o Percent volume-in-volume (%v/v)
i. How many mL of liquefied phenol should be used in compounding the
following prescription?
1. Rx Liquefied Phenol 2.5% (v/v)
a. Calamine Lotion ad 240.0 mL
b. Sig. for external use

ii. In preparing 250mL of a certain lotion, a pharmacist used 4mL of

liquefied phenol. What was the % v/v of liquefied phenol in the lotion?

o Percent weight-in-weight (%w/w)

o True percentage or percentage by weight
o For mixtures of solids and semi-solids; also for liquid preparation i. How
many g of a drug substance should be dissolved in 240mL of water to
make a 4% (w/w) solution?


ii. If 1500g of a solution contain 75g of a drug substance, what is

the %w/w of the solution?
B. Ratio
o Relationship of a part to the whole
o Relate a quantity of liquid to a quantity of solution
o Used to calculate dosages of dry medication such as tablets
i. Convert 2:3 to a percent.

ii. Convert 25% to a ratio.

iii. Express 0.02% as a ratio.

iv. Express 1:4000 as a percentage strength.

C. Parts Per Million (PPM)

o Parts per one million parts
o Used to express concentrations of dilute solutions
o Used to designate test limit

✔ Limit of arsenic in zinc oxide is 6ppm or 0.0006%

i. Express 5ppm of iron in water in % strength and ratio strength.

ii. The concentration of a drug additive in an animal feed is 12.5 ppm. How
many mg of the drug should be used in preparing 5.2 kg of feed?

D. Parts Per Billion (PPB)

o Parts per one billion parts
o Used to express concentrations of dilute solutions

E. Proof Strength
o Expressed by taking 50% alcohol or proof spirit as 100 proof o
Always numerically twice as great as percentage strength (v/v) 1. 100%
or absolute alcohol is 200 proof
2. 25% alcohol is 50% proof
o Proof Gallon
1. Used to measure or evaluate alcohol of given quantities and strengths for
purposed of taxation
2. 1 wine gallon of 100 proof or 50% v/v
o Formula for Proof Gallon

i. How many proof gallons are contained in 5 wine gallons of 75%

(v/v) alcohol?


F. Unit of Potency
o Measure of potency for some antibiotics, endocrine products, vitamins
o Examples:
1. Insulin Solution or Suspension

▪ Most commonly used drug in units

▪ U-40, U-100, U-500 means 40, 100, 500 USP insulin per mL
2. Ampicillin Sodium

▪ 845-988 microgram per milligram

o Solve
i. If neomycin sulfate has potency of 60mcg of neomycin per mg,
how many mg of neomycin sulfate would be equivalent in potency
to 1mg of neomycin?


A. Mole
i. What is the mole and millimole of a 50g of NaCl? (MW of NaCl =

B. Mole Fraction (n)

o Ratio of the number of moles of one component to the number of moles
of all components present
o Determine the number of moles, n, of all components
o Divide n of the desired component with the total n of all component,
multiply by 100%

i. What is the mole fraction of sodium chloride (MW of NaCl =
58.5g/mol) in a normal saline solution (NSS)? (MW H2O = 18g/mol)

C. Molarity and Molality

i. What is the molarity and molality of sodium chloride (MW of NaCl =

58.5g/mol) in a normal saline solution (NSS)? (MW H2O = 18g/mol)

D. Normality
o Factor
▪ With respect to acid: the equivalent weight (EW) is the amount of acid
that can furnish 1.008g of hydrogen ion i.e. 1 H+

▪ With respect to bases: the EW is the amount of base that can furnish 17.008g
of hydroxide ion, i.e. 1 OH-

▪ With respect to salts: total positive ionic charge

o Solve:
i. Diluted Sulfuric Acid, NF X contains 10% (w/v) of sulfuric acid
(MW=98g/mol). What is the normality of this solution?


E. Milliequivalent
i. A prescription order calls for Potassium Chloride 20 mEq. Calculate
the number of milligrams of Potassium Chloride, which will give this
amount. The molecular weight of (MW) of KCl = 74.5 g/mol.

ii. How many mEq of KCl are there in 50 ml of a 3% KCl solution? (MW =
74.5 g/mol)
F. Osmolarity
o Osmotic pressure is proportional to the total number of particles in solution
o The unit used to measure osmotic concentration is the milliosmol (mOsmol)
i. How many mOsmols are represented in a L of 0.9% NaCl solution?
(MW = 58.5 g/mol)

G. Final Quiz
i. 34g sulfuric acid dissolved in water resulting to 500mL of solution (Given:
H=1g/mol; O=16g/mol; S=32g/mol)
a. Molarity

b. Molality

c. Normality

d. mEq/L

e. mOsm/L

f. mole fraction of solute and solvent

A. Introduction
o These formulas list the amount of each ingredient needed to make a certain
amount of the preparation.
o At times, it is necessary to reduce or enlarge a formula to satisfy the needs of
your pharmacy.
B. Methods of Reducing and Enlarging
a. By Ration and Proportion
o Official formulas and most other formulas are based on the
preparation of 1000mL or 1000g of product.

b. By Conversion Factor
o Conversion factor method is the easiest and therefore the most
widely used method for reducing or enlarging formulas.

c. Example:
oSolve: Use both Ratio and Proportion and Conversion Factor Method
1. Use the official formula below to calculate how much of each
ingredient would be needed to make 120mL Cocoa Syrup.
a. Cocoa Syrup Cocoa …………….. 180g
b. Sucrose ………………………………. 600g
c. Liquid glucose …………………….. 180mL
d. Glycerin ………………………………. 50mL
e. Pure Water qs …………………….. 1000mL

C. Stock Solution

o Solutions of known concentration that are frequently prepared by the pharmacist
for convenience in dispensing usually strong solutions from which weaker ones
(dilute) may be made
o Example: 80mL of a 1ppm NaCl stock solution is used to prepare 10mL of 1ppb
o General Formula:
o C V= C1V1
▪ V - volume of stock preparation

▪ C - concentration of stock preparation

▪ V1 - volume of desired preparation

▪ C1 - concentration of desired preparation

o W C = W1C1
▪ W - weight of stock preparation

▪ C - concentration of stock preparation

▪ W1 - weight of desired preparation

▪ C1 - concentration of desired preparation

o Solve the following:
1. How many milliliters of a 2% stock solution of potassium
permanganate would be needed to compound the following

2. How many grams of 14% zinc oxide ointment can be made from 454.55
g of 20% zinc oxide ointment?

3. If 500mL of a 15% v/v solution are diluted to 1500mL, what will be
the percentage strength (v/v)?

4. How much water should be added to 500mL of 15% v/v solution to

be diluted to 6.5%?

5. Dilute HCl (MW = 36.5 g/mol) contains approximately 10%(w/v) HCl.

How many mL of dilute HCl is needed to prepare 1000 mL of 0.5N

A. Introduction:
o Method used to solve problems that involve mixing two products of different strengths
to form a product having a desired intermediate strength. o Arithmetical method of solving
problems that involve the mixing of solutions or mixtures of solids possessing different
percentage strengths.
B. Methods:
a. Alligation Medial
i. What is the percentage of zinc oxide in an ointment prepared by mixing 200g
of 10% ointment, 50g of 20% ointment and 100g of 5% ointment?

b. Alligation Alternate
i. A pharmacist has 70% alcoholic elixir and a 20% alcoholic elixir. He needs
a 30% alcoholic elixir to use as a vehicle for medications. In what
proportion must the 70% elixir and 20% elixir be combined to make
250mL 30% elixir?


ii. A hospital pharmacist wants to use three lots of zinc oxide ointment
containing, respectively, 100%, 50% and 0% zinc oxide. In what
proportion and volume should they be mixed to prepare a 500mL of
70% zinc oxide ointment?

iii. In what proportions may a manufacturing pharmacist mix 20%, 15%,

5% and 3% zinc oxide ointment to produce a 10% ointment?

A. Introduction
a. Osmosis
o 2 solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable
membrane (only permeable to the solvent) the solvent will move from the
solution of lower concentration to that of higher concentration.
b. Hypertonic Solutions
o A solution with more solute compared to cell concentrations
o Solutions that freeze lower that -0.52 °C
o Results: crenation of the cell (shrinkage)
c. Hypotonic Solution
o A solution with less solutes compared to cell concentrations
o Solutions that freeze higher than - 0.52 °C
o Result: swelling and lysis of the cell
d. Isotonic Solution
o Solutions for which a living cell does not gain or lose water
o Solutions with similar osmotic pressure as that of body fluids
o Similar concentration as 0.9% (w/v) NaCl solution
B. Methods of Adjusting Isotonicity
a. Class I: Addition of a tonicity adjusting agent
o Freezing Point Depression Method/ Cryoscopic Method

▪ Isotonic freezing point depression: 0.52 °C

▪ Isotonic NaCl concentration: 0.9% (w/v) NaCl

▪ Solve:
1. What is the amount of NaCl (in grams) needed to make the
following solution isotonic? 1% Ephedrine HCl and 1% NaCl
has freezing point depressions of 0.169 and 0.58,
Rx Ephedrine HCl 0.35 g
Sodium Chloride q.s.


Purified Water q.s. ad 70 mL

o Sodium Chloride Equivalent Method/ E Value Method

▪ E value: gram of NaCl equivalent to 1 gram of substance

▪ Isotonic NaCl concentration: 0.9% (w/v) NaCl

▪ Step by Step Procedure:

1. Calculate the amount of NaCl represented by the ingredients
in the prescription.
2. Calculate the amount of NaCl that would make the volume of
solution specified in the prescription.
3. Subtract the amount of NaCl represented by the ingredients
in prescription from the amount of NaCl that would make the
specific volume in the prescription isotonic.
4. if the tonicity agent is not NaCl, follow step 1-3 and the
amount of NaCl is divided with the E value of that chemical.

▪ Solve:
1. How many grams of NaCl should be used in compounding
the following prescription?
Rx Pilocarpine nitrate (E = 0.22) 0.3g
NaCl qs
Purified Water qs 30mL
Make isotonic solution
Sig for the eye


2. How many grams of NaCl should be used in compounding

the following prescription to obtain an isotonic solution?
Rx Cocaine HCl (E = 0.16) 2%
NaCl qs
Purified Water qs 30Ml
3. How many grams of boric acid should be used in
compounding the following prescription to obtain an isotonic
Rx Atropine sulfate (E = 0.13) 1%
Boric Acid (E = 0.52) q.s
Purified Water qs 30mL


b. Class II. Addition of water and dilution with buffered isotonic solution
o White Vincent Method

v= " $ %&'()* $ 111.1
o Sprowl’s Method


0.3/ $ %&'()* $ 111.1

A. Discount
o Provided by supplier may be based on the quantity of buying and/or
payment of invoice within a specific period.
o Maybe a means of increasing gross profit.
o Solve:
1.The list of price of an antihistamine elixir is P65, less 40%. What is the
net cost per pint of the elixir?

B. Series Discount
o A technique used in promotional deals.
o Chain of deduction that can be converted to a single discount equivalent. o
1.The list price of 12 bottles (100 caps) of analgesic tablet is P360, less trade
discount of 33.33%. If purchased in quantity of per dozen an additional
discount of 10% is allowed by the trader, plus a 2% cash discount for
payment within 10 days. Calculate the net cost of 144 bottles when
purchased under the terms of the offer.

C. Discounting (PWD and SC)

o Discount privilege is available only to Filipino citizens upon submission of any of the
following as proof of his/her entitlement:
1. Identification card (ID) issued by the city or municipal mayor or the
barangay captain of the place where the senior citizen/person with
disability resides
2. Passport of the SC/PWD concerned
3.Authorization Letter and Prescription

o Formula:
o Solve:

1. The patient would like to avail the discount for senior citizens. One piece
of the tablet costs Php 4.00, and she would like to buy 30
pieces. What are the requirements that the patient should present to the
pharmacy to avail of the discount? How much would her


medications cost after discounting? Patient pays 100 pesos, how much
would be the change?

D. Mark Up
o Sometimes used interchangeably with margin of profit or gross profit
o Refers to the difference between the cost of merchandise and its selling price
o Mark Up Percentage

▪ Aka percentage gross profit.

▪ Refers to the mark up divided by the selling price.

o Solve:
1.The cost of 100 antacid tablets is P21. What should be the selling
price per 100 tablets to yield a 66% gross profit on the cost?
E. Pharmacoeconomic Aspect of Proof Strength
o Purchase of alcohol for pharmaceutical use can receive a refund on the
alcoholic tax.
o Solve:
1.If the tax on alcohol is quoted at P135 per proof gallon. How much
tax would be collected on 10 wine gallons of alcohol marked at 190


A. Reconstitution
o Powders or crystals occupy a greater volume that after reconstitution. o Once the
powder or crystals are dissolves in the solvent, the volume may be more than the
amount of solvent added.
o Solve:
1. Label instruction for an ampicillin product calls for the addition of 78mL of
water to make 100mL of constituted suspension such that each 5mL
contains 125mg of ampicillin. Calculate the volume of dry powder in the
product and the total content of ampicillin? Using the previous problem, if
the physician desires an ampicillin concentration of 100mg/5mL, how many
milliliters should be added to the dry

2. The label of a dry powder for oral suspension states that when
112mL of water are added to the powder, 150mL of a suspension
containing 125mg of ampicillin per 5mL are prepared. How many
milliliters of purified water should be used to prepare, in each 5mL of
product, the correct dose of ampicillin for a 70lbs child based on
6mg/kg dosing.


1. What is the basic SI unit for Mass, Length and Volume? A.

Kilograms, Meters and Liters
B. Grams, Meters, Milliliters
C. Grams, Kilometers, Liters
D. Grams, Meters, Liters
2. How many mL does 1 teaspoon has?
A. 5 mL
B. 10 mL
C. 15 mL
D. 20 mL
3. How many lb does 1 kg has?
A. 2.1 lb
B. 2.2 lb
C. 2.3 lb
D. 2.4 lb
4. What is the abbreviation for the prefix Giga?
A. G
B. Gi
C. Ga
D. Gg
5. Which of the following operations must be performed first? A.
B. Addition
C. Subtraction
D. Division

1. What does ATC mean?
A. Alabang Town Center
B. Around The Corner
C. Around the Clock
D. None of the above
2. What is the abbreviation for Right Eye?

3. This is the principal part of the prescription. It contains the name or names of
medications and quantities prescribed.
A. Superscription
B. Inscription
C. Subscription
D. Signatura

4. This is the directions to the Pharmacist.

A. Superscription
B. Inscription
C. Subscription
D. Signatura

5. This is the direction to the Patient

A. Superscription
B. Inscription
C. Subscription
D. Signatura

1. How many drops would be prescribed in each dose of a liquid medicine if 20 mL
contained 60 doses? The dispensing dropper calibrates 35 gtts per mL.
A. 12
B. 15
C. 8
D. 23
2. If the dose of the drug is 100 mg how many doses are there in 100 g?
A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. 10,000
3. A physician orders meprobamate 0.2 g. How much is to be administered if the
dose on hand is 400 mg in each tablet?
A. Do not dispense
B. Give 1 tablet
C. Give 2 tablets
D. Give half tablet

4. If one tablespoonful is prescribed as the dose, approximately how many doses will be
contained in one pint of the medicine?
A. 30
B. 32
C. 34
D. 36
5. If 250 units of an antibiotic weigh 1 mg, how many units are in 25 mg? A.
B. 6200
C. 6300
D. 6350


1. What is the dose of a drug for a 6-year old child if the average adult dose is 1.5 grains?
Use Young's rule.

A. 1 gr
B. 1.5 gr
C. 0.5 gr
D. 2 gr

2. The average body surface area of an adult is:

A. 1.73m2
B. 1.74m2
C. 1.75m2
D. 1.76m2

3. If the adult dose of a drug is 90 mg, what should be the dose for a child with a body
surface area of 0.60 sq. m.?

A. 32.21 mg
B. 31.21 mg
C. 33.21 mg
D. 34.21 mg

4. If the BMI of a person is 16.5, he is considered:


A. Underweight
B. Overweight
C. Obese
D. Severely obese

5. Age group classification of toddlers.

A. 18 years old and above

B. 0 days to 28 days
C. 1-3 years old
D. 28 days to 1 year old

1. Mass per unit volume of a substance
A. Density
B. Specific Gravity
C. Strength
D. Parts per Million

2. Ratio of the weight of the substance to the weight of equal volume of

A. Density
B. Specific Gravity
C. Strength
D. Parts per Million
3. Relationship of a part to the whole
A. Density
B. Specific gravity
C. Ratio
D. Proportion
4. A vaginal foam contains 0.01% (w/v) of dienestrol. Express this concentration
as ratio strength.
A. 1: 100
B. 1:1000
C. 1: 10,000
D. 1: 10
5. What is weight of 60 mL of oil whose density is 0.9624 g/mL?

A. 57.7 g
B. 55.7 g
C. 54.7 g
D. 53.7 g


1. Defined as the ratio of the number of moles of one component to the number of moles of all
components present
A. Molarity
B. Normality
C. Mole Fraction
D. Molality
2. How is the Factor for acids determined?
A. the equivalent weight (EW) is the amount of acid that can furnish 1.008g of
hydrogen ion i.e. 1 H+
B. the EW is the amount of base that can furnish 17.008g of hydroxide ion, i.e. 1 OH
C. total positive ionic charge
D. None of the above
3. How is the Factor for bases determined?
A. the equivalent weight (EW) is the amount of acid that can furnish 1.008g of
hydrogen ion i.e. 1 H+
B. the EW is the amount of base that can furnish 17.008g of hydroxide ion, i.e. 1 OH
C. total positive ionic charge
D. None of the above
4. How is the Factor for salts determined?
A. the equivalent weight (EW) is the amount of acid that can furnish 1.008g of
hydrogen ion i.e. 1 H+
B. the EW is the amount of base that can furnish 17.008g of hydroxide ion, i.e. 1 OH
C. total positive ionic charge
D. None of the above
5. What is the symbol for moles?
A. M
B. m
C. n
D. l


1. Use the official formula below to calculate how much cocoa syrup cocoa
ingredient would be needed to make 100mL Cocoa Syrup.
Cocoa Syrup Cocoa ................. 180g
Sucrose ..................................... 600g
Liquid glucose .......................... 180mL
Glycerin ..................................... 50mL
Pure Water qs .......................... 1000mL

A. 18g
B. 60g
C. 18mL
D. 5mL

2. Use the official formula below to calculate how much sucrose ingredient would
be needed to make 100mL Cocoa Syrup.
Cocoa Syrup Cocoa ................. 180g
Sucrose ..................................... 600g
Liquid glucose .......................... 180mL
Glycerin ..................................... 50mL
Pure Water qs .......................... 1000mL

A. 18g
B. 60g
C. 18mL
D. 5mL

3. Use the official formula below to calculate how much liquid glucose ingredient
would be needed to make 100mL Cocoa Syrup.
Cocoa Syrup Cocoa ................. 180g
Sucrose ..................................... 600g
Liquid glucose .......................... 180mL
Glycerin ..................................... 50mL
Pure Water qs .......................... 1000mL

A. 18g
B. 60g
C. 18mL

D. 5mL

4. Use the official formula below to calculate how much glycerin ingredient would be
needed to make 100mL Cocoa Syrup.
Cocoa Syrup Cocoa ................. 180g
Sucrose ..................................... 600g
Liquid glucose .......................... 180mL
Glycerin ..................................... 50mL
Pure Water qs .......................... 1000mL

A. 18g
B. 60g
C. 18mL
D. 5mL

5. The formulas list the amount of each ingredient needed to make a certain amount
of the preparation. At times, it is necessary to reduce or enlarge a formula to
satisfy the needs of your patients.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Not sure


1. A method used to solve problems that involve mixing two products of different strengths
to form a product having a desired intermediate strength.

A. Reconstitution
B. Recalibration
C. Alligation
D. Reduction

2. What are the two types of alligation methods?

A. Alligation Internal and Alligation External

B. Alligation Medial and Alligation Remedial
C. Alligation Medial and Alligation External


D. Alligation Medial and Alligation Alternate

3. What method is used to find the amount of each ingredient needed to make a
mixture of a given quantity?
A. Alligation alternate
B. Alligation medial
C. Alligation external
D. Alligation internal

4. What method is used to calculate the total percentage strength when two or
more solutions are mixed?

A. Alligation alternate
B. Alligation medial
C. Alligation external
D. Alligation internal

5. In what proportion should alcohols of 90% and 50% strengths should be mixed
to make 70% alcohol?
A. 1 part: 2 parts
B. 1 part: 1 part
C. 1 part: 3 parts
D. 2 parts: 1 part

1. When 2 solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable
membrane, the solvent will move from the solution of lower concentration to that of
higher concentration.
A. Osmosis
B. Diffusion
C. Pinocytosis
D. Phagocytosis

2. A solution with more solutes compared to cell concentrations

A. Hypertonic

B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. None of the above
3. A solution with less solutes compared to cell concentrations A.
B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. None of the above
4. A solution with similar osmotic pressure as that of body fluids A.
B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. None of the above
5. Referred to as gram of NaCl equivalent to 1 gram of substance
A. E value
B. Na value
C. Cl value
D. I value


1. Chain of deduction that can be converted to a single discount equivalent

A. Discount
B. Series Discount
C. PWD Discount
D. Senior Discount
2. Refers to the difference between the cost of merchandise and its selling price

A. Mark up
B. Discount
C. Series Discount
D. Mark up percentage

3. Refers to the mark up divided by the selling price

A. Mark up


B. Discount
C. Series Discount
D. Mark up percentage

4. Minimum age to qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount in the Philippines.

A. 61
B. 65
C. 70
D. 60

5. Other name of Mark up

A. Margin of profit
B. Gross profit
C. A and B
D. None of the above


1. If a physician prescribed Keflex, 250 mg q.i.d. x 10 days, how many milliliters of

Keflex suspension containing 250 mg per 5 mL should be dispensed?

A. 200 mL
B. 250 mL
C. 300 mL
D. 400 mL

2. How many milliliters of resorcinol monoacetate should be used to prepare 1 pint

of a 15% (v/v) lotion?
A. 65 mL
B. 77 mL
C. 71 mL
D. 76 mL

3. A prescription calls for 0.3 g of phosphoric acid with a sp gr of 1.71. How many
mL should be used in compounding the prescription?

A. 0.18 mL

B. 0.22 mL
C. 0.24 mL
D. 0.26 mL

4. A written order signed by a licensed medical practitioner for medicine to be

compounded by a pharmacist to meet the needs of a certain person at a particular

A. Letter
B. Prescription
C. Message
D. Notification

5. Acetazolamide sodium is available in 500-mg vials to be reconstituted to 5 mL with

sterile water for injection prior to use. The dose of the drug for children is 5mg/ kg of
body weight. How many mL of the injection should be administered to a child weighing
25 lbs?

A. 0.80 mL
B. 0.76 mL
C. 0.57 mL
D. 0.15 mL

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