Research Questionnaire

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Name: Daisy Jane D.


Course/Year/Section: BSTM-3A

Semi-final Long Quiz

The Effects of Rising Infrastructures in Northern Poblacion, San Francisco, Cebu

(Research Questionnaire)

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondent

Direction: Please mark Check (✓) on the box that corresponds to your answer. (Rest assured
that your answers will be held confidential and will be used for research purpose only.)

Name: (Optional)



 Male
 Female

Civil Status:

 Single
 Married
 Divorced
 Widowed

 Small Businesses
 Farmer
 LGU workers
 Others: ________

II. Effects to different aspects

Directions: Answer base on what you see. There's no such mistake in this part.

1. How does the rising of infrastructures affect the environment?

 Positive
 Negative

2. What are the economic benefits that has been contributed to its society by the rising of

3. How does the rising of infrastructures affect the social aspect of local people in Northern
Poblacion, San Francisco, Cebu?

4. What are the effects of the rising infrastructures in terms of livelihood and how does it affect

• Small Businesses

5. Is there any health benefits that can be gained out of rising infrastructures? If yes, what are
those? If no, why?

6. What is your perspective to the rising infrastructures in Northern Poblacion?

7. Overall, how effective the rising infrastructures in assisting and providing the needs of

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