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FAITH is the strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual

apprehension rather than proof. As Christians, we have our strong belief within God and all His grace
that He had given to us. But other times, there are still people who can’t understand what faith really

The first video entitled, “Father Ian Kenneth Mamauag Ordination”. The video features the
ordination of Fr. Kenneth Mamauag which happens to be a Filipino. It featured the sacred ceremony
wherein a seminarian or what do we call a “brother” finally becomes a priest. It is indeed a wonderful
event for he went to his calling as a priest. He gave his all to serve the Lord God, now he is in the
epitome of priesthood and ready to serve the Lord and His people.
The second video entitled, “I Will Follow – Two Catholic Priests Vocation Stories”. The video is
all about two priests who shared their testimonies about their life before they became priests and
realized what true faith to God means. Both priests had a lot of sufferings before they reach
priesthood. The first priest didn’t have faith at first, he didn’t believe anything. He had no interest on
the church at all, but there came a time when he suffered from emptiness and depression, at that time
he went on a retreat and it opened his eyes, his mind and his faith. On the other hand, the second
priest didn’t have enough faith at first, he hated the church, and he made fun of the priest during
homily. He was full of hatred back then but when he became a full-time missionary, he didn’t know
that his life will change. Even if they had many sufferings, in the end both of them went to God’s
calling and serve Him with all their might. Now they are both priests, wandering around, proclaiming
the good news and all the words of the Lord.

As humans, we suffer a lot especially when it comes to emotions within the problems we are
facing. As catastrophe arises, sometimes our faith within ourselves and within living life decreases.
But even so, there are still people out there who helps us change the way we think and helps us gain
our faith again within God and ourselves. Faith is always within us, it is our duty to make it strong but
sometimes we just end up destroying our faith because frustration and depression within oneself.
Let’s all keep in mind that whatever the struggle may be, God is always here with us to guide
and strengthen us. Even if there are a lot of problems and catastrophes, bear in mind the faith that we
have for God. Just pray to Him, He will listen to you just never give up on your faith, He will guide you
to your rightful calling just like the priests on the videos. Have faith to live life, because God is always
with you.

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