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converted to fat and stored, to be mobilized

Nutrition? for energy supply when needed.


⮚Fats are concentrated sources of energy,

The study of food and how the body makes
use of it.

carriers of fat soluble vitamins and a source
It deals not only with the quantity and of essential fatty acids.

⮚If excess fats are taken in the diet, these are

quality of food consumed but also with the
process of receiving and utilizing it for the
growth and renewal of the body and for the stored as fat reserves in the body. Energy
maintenance of the different body taken in excess of body needs, is stored as
functions. fat in the body.

Functions of Nutrition Proteins

• The basic function of nutrition is to

⮚ The main function of protein is the building
of new tissues and maintaining and repair
maintain life by allowing an individual to of those already built.
grow and be in a state of optimum good
health. ⮚ Synthesis of regulatory and protective
substances such as enzymes, hormones and
Reasons why nutrition is applied to nursing care antibodies.
⮚ Supplies 10 percent of the body total
• Anything eaten or drunk, which meets the energy.
needs for energy, building, regulation and
protection of the body.
⮚ Protein, when taken in excess of the body’s
need, is converted to carbohydrates and

• Intake of the right kinds and amounts of

food can ensure good nutrition and health,
fats and is stored in the body.


which may be evident in our appearance,
efficiency and emotional well-being. Minerals are necessary for body-building,
for building of bones, teeth and structural
 Nutrients? parts of soft tissues.
• Are chemical substances found in food?
They perform diverse role in the body such ⮚ They also play a role in regulation of
processes in the body, e.g., muscle
as to provide heat and energy, to build and
repair body tissues and to regulate body contraction, clotting of blood, nerve stimuli.
processes. Functions of Nutrients

• Vitamins
⮚The chief function of carbohydrates is to ⮚Found in foods. These are needed for
growth, normal function of the body and
provide energy needed by our body.
normal body processes.
⮚Those not used immediately for this Functions of Nutrients
purpose are stored as glycogen or • Water
⮚ Water is an essential part of our body
structure and it accounts for about 60 per
cent of our body weight.
⮚ Water is essential for the utilization of food
material in the body and also for
elimination of food waste.
⮚ It is a regulator of body processes such as
maintenance of body temperature.

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